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UAL Research Online

During the Night the Crops will Still Grow (unless the player sleeps)

Mollin, David and Voegelin, Salomé (2016) During the Night the Crops will Still Grow (unless the player sleeps). Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies, 1 (1). pp. 85-93. ISSN 2057-0341

Type of Research: Article
Creators: Mollin, David and Voegelin, Salomé

The text represents a transcript made from a section of the sound work During the Night Crops will Still Grow (unless the player sleeps), which started with a recording made by one of the artists looking at Ed Ruscha’s Los Angeles Apartments shown at the Basel Kunstmuseum in Switzerland in 2013. On the recording, the artist can be heard moving slowly from photograph to photograph. At the same time we hear the voices of the artist and his blind mother discussing the catalogue of the exhibition at her house in Barry, South Wales. The transcript of this conversation translates the rhythms of their voices into text, and thereby returns the work back to its original source in architecture and procedure; grammar and light. For a recent exhibition entitled Nietzsche Cyclists and Mushrooms curated by Heidi Brunnschweiler at the Kunst Raum Riehen, Switzerland, the artists sent each day an image/text via Twitter for display, made with the installation in mind, thereby completing the mental loop that began with the audio recording of Ed Ruscha’s photographs, via the artist’s mother’s mind’s eye and back. The images accompanying this text are examples of such daily interventions. @mollin+voegelin.

Official Website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1386/jivs.1.1.85_7
Keywords/subjects not otherwise listed: Basel Kunstmuseum, Ed Ruscha, architectural, atmos, blindness, procedural, voice, visual arts, text
Publisher/Broadcaster/Company: Intellect
Your affiliations with UAL: Colleges > London College of Communication
Research Centres/Networks > Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP)
Date: 1 January 2016
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1386/jivs.1.1.85_7
Date Deposited: 03 Aug 2016 09:30
Last Modified: 27 Apr 2017 16:30
Item ID: 10237
URI: https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/10237

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