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UAL Research Online

Why deposit to UAL Research Online?

University of the Arts London - Research Online

UAL Research Online is the online showcase of the research produced by University of the Arts London researchers. We hold, manage, share and preserve the research material deposited by the University's researchers, and ensure that it reaches the widest possible audience. Items in the collection are globally available and free to view and download by anyone connected to the Internet.

Why place your research material in UAL Research Online?

Why place your research material in UAL Research Online?
  • to reach a wider audience via the Internet and to increase the impact of your work through search engines such as Google Scholar.
    • to promote your work within your subject community at the University of the Arts London
  • to provide a workspace for collaborative projects
  • to meet funder requirements (many research funders for example the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) require that published research is made openly available)
    • A comprehensive list of funder mandates can be found here
  • to use it as a secure store and preservation for your research outputs
  • to provide long term URLs for your works, an example http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/2432/
  • to link to your publications from your UAL research profile and personal web site as well as RSS feeds to automatically update them an example is here
  • to export or import your research as text using bibliographic databases such as BibTeX, EndNote or even from an external services such as PubMed, CrossRef, Reference Manager which is useful for grant proposals and CVs.

UAL Research Online and other initiatives

Your research with UAL Research Online will also:

  • contribute to national and global initiatives which will ensure an international audience for your latest research (other universities have developed their own research archives online and a comprehensive list is available here)
  • contribute towards research planning in the university, such as research profiling, staff planning review appraisals and the university's submission to the upcoming REF (Research Excellence Framework) which is a national framework that measures and rewards excellence in research

A brochure outlining UAL Research Online can be downloaded here

Background and Further Information

Worried about putting your research online?

UAL Research Online's origins

A list of UK universities with Open Access Repositories - provided by the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDoar)