UAL Research Online is an online collection of research outputs created by academic and professional staff at University of the Arts London, sometimes in collaboration with colleagues from other institutions. We are committed to providing a resource that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of background, technology, or ability.
We acknowledge that at this time that the content displayed on the site may not be accessible to everyone. Changes are being made to address this issue.
The system providing access to our collection was built in 2009 using the Eprints open source software package. UALRO is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, and we are working towards achieving full compliance.
Most records of outputs in the collection provide downloadable, open access content, in various file formats. Files are made and uploaded to the collection by their creators, and responsibility for the level of accessibility of these files thus rests with the creators.
Researchers or users wishing to request accessible versions of resources may email with an enquiry. Please provide details of the item you would like to access, including the repository record link for the specific item. We will attempt to provide accessible versions if we can, but as the files are created by and owned by third parties this may not always be legally or technically possible.