UAL Research Online is the online showcase of the research produced at University of the Arts London. We hold, manage, share and preserve the research material produced by the University's researchers, and ensure that it reaches the widest possible audience. Items in the collection are globally available and free to view and download by anyone connected to the Internet.
Built by the JISC-funded Kultur project, and launched in February 2010, UAL Research Online is the first repository specifically designed for research in creative arts design and media. It contains research publications that are publicly available, created by UAL researchers and authors.
To find information on uploading your research to UAL Research Online; Open Access; copyright, and any other related topics, visit our Open Research Guide, or email us at
UAL Research Online accepts any publicly available research output material, including, and not limited to:
Deposited text items, such as journal articles, books and conference papers, may be the author accepted version of the manuscript (AAM), or the version of record (VoR) provide the author has the required permissions. Ensure your record is rich and full of context by including a description of the output or creative practice, and add images, videos or other documentation that expresses the nature of the work.
For more information on uploading your work, visit: Open Research Guide.
Before you upload your research to the repository, please read the below statement. This will also appear upon deposit:
If this is your own work: I am depositing my own collection of files and associated bibliographic data. I grant UAL Research Online the right to store them and make them permanently available online, publicly, for free. This collection is my own intellectual property, and I understand that University of the Arts London does not have any responsibility if there is any breach of copyright in distributing these files and bibliographic data online to the public.
If you are depositing this on behalf of another author or creator: I am depositing a collection of files and associated bibliographic data that is free of any copyright restriction that would prohibit them being stored and made permanently available online, publicly, for free. If this is not the case, I accept full responsibility for any breach of copyright that distributing these files or bibliographic data may cause.
For further information about copyright, visit: Copyright and Licensing
If you believe you have legitimate grounds to complain about any item in UAL Research Online, please notify us by email at Legitimate grounds of complaint include a belief that inclusion of the item infringes your copyright (e.g. because it has been copied and included in UAL Research Online without your permission) or your moral rights (e.g. your right to be identified as an author) or is defamatory or is otherwise unlawful.
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