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UAL Research Online

Weaving Migrations

Alarcon, Ximena and Diaz Daza, Patricia (2016) Weaving Migrations. [Art/Design Item]

Type of Research: Art/Design Item
Creators: Alarcon, Ximena and Diaz Daza, Patricia

This audiovisual installation portrays members of both the London College of Communication (LCC) community and people from the Latin American community who work and run businesses in the Elephant and Castle shopping centre. It interweaves their everyday life perceptions of their working space, as well as their expectations of the forthcoming changes to the area: in future LCC will be located where the Shopping Centre is now.

This work acts as a metaphorical and virtual link that is strengthened by the permanent closure of the pedestrian subway, that physically used to link the two spaces, and stimulates a multicultural dialogue between the two communities.

Esta instalación muestra el retrato de miembros de la comunidad del London College of Communication (LCC), y trabajadores Latinoamericanos del centro comercial Elephant and Castle. Aquí se entretejen las percepciones de sus lugares de trabajo, y sus expectativas sobre los cambios que están sucediendo en el área. En el futuro LCC será transladado donde hoy está el Centro Comercial.
Este trabajo es un vínculo metafórico entre los dos espacios que se unían por el túnel subterráneo que se cerró. Queremos estimular una reflexión multicultural entre las dos comunidades.

Other Contributors:
EditorRubio, Mónica
Other (Camera Assistant)Spencer, Katie
Other (Camera Assistant)Taylor, Leo
Other (Interviewee)Castro, Ana Patricia
Other (Interviewee)Di Giorgio, Fabiana
Other (Interviewee)King, Maxine
Other (Interviewee)Méndez, Andrés
Other (Interviewee)Ortíz Méndez, Alejandro
Other (Interviewee)Osborne, Peter
Additional Information (Publicly available):

Format: Film and Binaural Sound [please use headphones/ favor usar audífonos]
Running time: 12'54''

Keywords/subjects not otherwise listed: Sound, history and memory
Your affiliations with UAL: Colleges > London College of Communication
Research Centres/Networks > Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP)
Date: 4 February 2016
Funders: LCC (London College of Communication) Public Programme
Related Websites: https://vimeo.com/162946040
Related Websites:
Locations / Venues:
From Date
To Date
LCC Upper Gallery
4 February 2016
13 April 2016
La Bodeguita Cafe Restaurant, Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre
4 February 2016
13 April 2016
Date Deposited: 17 Oct 2016 09:49
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2024 15:07
Item ID: 10264
URI: https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/10264

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