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UAL Research Online

Online Social Capital and Political Engagement: facilitating and blocking aspects

Passera, Mark and Grillo, Alessandro (2016) Online Social Capital and Political Engagement: facilitating and blocking aspects. In: 66th Annual Political Studies Association (PSA) Conference, 21- 23 March 2016, Brighton, UK.

Type of Research: Conference, Symposium or Workshop Item
Creators: Passera, Mark and Grillo, Alessandro

We are presenting preliminary (Delphic study and / or exploratory research) into the intersection between:

Political Engagement and the younger demographic
Social capital, online capital, offline capital and trust
Media framing and media habits

This research will seek to add to the body of literature in three interrelated fields. First the nature of political engagement and participation will be evaluated in today’s context. The second theme will be looking at millennials but this time in relation to media systems and media ecologies. Finally the themes / strands will be brought together in order to ascertain when and how politically relevant social capital is created and whether this exists online.

Official Website: https://www.psa.ac.uk/conference/2016-conference
Keywords/subjects not otherwise listed: Social capital
Your affiliations with UAL: Colleges > London College of Communication
Date: 23 March 2016
Event Location: Brighton, UK
Date Deposited: 05 Jul 2016 08:58
Last Modified: 05 Jul 2016 09:15
Item ID: 9976
URI: https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/9976

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