Cummings, Neil and Bradfield, Marsha and Szreder, Kuba and Wilder, Ken and Michaela, Ross and Warner, Ewelina and Metod, Blejec and Schwager, Scott and Robin, Bhattacharya and White, Neal and Cremona, Cinzia and Steierhoffer, Eszter and Hasegawa, Takako (2010) Parade: public modes of assembly and forms of address. [Show/Exhibition]
Williams, Dilys and Young, Lola (2013) Design for Sustainability Educators Network: House of Lords Dinner Debate. In: House of Lords Dinner Debate, 19 March 2013, House of Lords.
Mendelson, Zoë (2013) This Mess is a Place: A Collapsible Anthology of Collections and Clutter. And Publishing, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-908452-40-5
Priest, Colin (2014) The Dance of the Neptune Plant. [Art/Design Item]
Voegelin, Salomé (2015) Inaudible Disaster Warnings. In: Aural Lighthouses, 17-22 May 2015, Santorini.
Orta, Lucy and Orta, Jorge (2015) Antarctica World Passport Delivery Bureau - COP21 Paris. [Art/Design Item]
Orta, Lucy and Orta, Jorge (2015) Antarctica World Passport Delivery Bureau - Nansen Initiative Global Consultation, Geneva. [Art/Design Item]
Salmon, Maureen (2016) Building bridges: what more can be done to facilitate expertise sharing between the Caribbean and the diaspora in the UK? In: Caribbean 2030 - new thinking for a new generation III: Caribbean sustainability, green, growth and good governance, 12-14 October 2016, Wiston House, Wilton Park, West Sussex, UK.
Ball, Steven and Conomos, John (2016) Deep Water Web. [Show/Exhibition]
Ball, Steven (2016) Public Water. [Art/Design Item]
Hassani, H. and Silva, E.S. and Al Kaabi, A.M. (2017) The role of innovation and technology in sustaining the petroleum and petrochemical industry. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. ISSN 0040-1625
Radclyffe-Thomas, Natascha (2018) Profit and purpose: The case for sustainable luxury fashion. IFFTI 2018 Shanghai Fashion Future Conference Proceedings. pp. 263-270. ISSN 978-7-5669-1385-2
Palestra, Camilla (2018) Art for the Environment. [Show/Exhibition]
Palestra, Camilla (2018) Art for the Environment. University of the Arts London, London. ISBN 978-1-906908-51-5
Melvin, Jo and Bonifati, Vittoria (2018) Archeologi, The Metadata of Villa Lontana. Villa Lontana, Rome.
Cairns, Jon (2018) Critical Closeness, Intimate Distance: Encounters in the Love Art Laboratory. In: Technologies of Romance, 28 November 2018, Science Museum - Dana Studio, Wellcome Wolfson Building, 165 Queen's Gate, SW7 5HD London, United Kingdom.
Wyeld, Mike (2019) Listening Ethically: Environmental Crisis, Artist Income and Streaming. In: The (Un)Sound Barrier, 19 June 2019, Royal College of Art.
Palestra, Camilla (2019) Art for the Environment: An Overview. In: Art for the Environment: Creative Practice in the Amazon, 5 March 2019, London College of Fashion.
Cairns, Jon (2019) Down and Dirty: Ecosex intimacies and the appeal of the ‘personal’. In: What’s love got to do with it? Performance, Affectivity, Intimacy, February 18 - 19, 2019, Culturgest, Lisbon, Portugal.
Cairns, Jon (2019) Wet Words and Dirty Talk: speaking through ecosex intimacies in the work of Annie Sprinkle and Elizabeth Stephens. In: London Conference in Critical Thought, 5 - 6 July 2019, Centre for Invention and Social Process at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Loscialpo, Flavia (2021) The racial capitalocene and the 'not yet': a discourse for the politics of the possible. In: LCF Cultural & Historical Studies Digital Symposium, 11-12 June 2021, London College of Fashion.
Locke, Lana (2021) Journeys of Laundry Mountain. [Art/Design Item]
Carlyle, Angus and Wright, Mark Peter (2021) Dissonant Doppelgangers: Performing the Post-Natural Through Modulated Foley Techniques. Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia, 10 (1). pp. 37-47. ISSN 2238-0361
Barokka, Khairani (2021) Ultimatum Orangutan. Nine Arches Press. ISBN 978-1-913437-09-1
Baird, Nicola (2021) Widening the horizon of journalism students reporting the climate crisis. Journal for the Association for Journalism Education, 10 (3). pp. 31-36. ISSN 2050-3903
Albano, Caterina (2022) Out of Breath: Vulnerability of Air in Contemporary Art. Forerunners: Ideas First . Minnesota University Press, Minneapolis. ISBN 978-1-5179-1355-7
Simson, Henrietta (2023) Landscape Trajectories (picturing the world otherwise). In: Mapping the World Otherwise, 29 May - 1 June 2023, Hypatia Trust, Penzance, Cornwall.
Thompson, Gareth (2025) Letters as organizational rhetoric on environmental social and governance (ESG): the case of Larry Fink and BlackRock from 2018 to 2023. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 30 (2). pp. 224-240. ISSN 1356-3289