Forster, Ewan and Heighes, Christopher and Kear, Adrian (2020) Speculation in Unimagined Spaces (2 episodes with Adrian Kear).
Livergant, Elyssa (2005) Wapping: Audio. [Art/Design Item]
Thornett, Lucy (2016) Dramaturgy as a Strategy for Spatial Design Practice. In: IFTR: Presenting the Theatrical Past: Interplays of Artefacts, Discourses and Practices, 13-17 June 2016, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Thomas, Jennet (2016) Animal Condensed>Animal Expanded #1. [Art/Design Item]
Thomas, Jennet (2011) Echo versus gown. In: This is not a Performance or a Lecture!, 17-18th June 2011, Loughborough University. (Unpublished)
Thomas, Jennet (2013) I AM YOUR ERROR MESSAGE. [Performance]
Thomas, Jennet (2012) SCHOOL OF CHANGE. [Show/Exhibition]