Tomaney, Mo and Kelleher, Fatimah (2008) Threads of Change. [Show/Exhibition]
Araujo, Ana and Herval, Silvia and Vaz, Ana (2011) Aqui fazemos nuvens. In: Aqui Fazemos Nuvens, 2 - 7th May 2011, Aglomerado da Serra, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. (Unpublished)
Glavey, Paul (2012) Untitled protest banner (after Daumier). [Art/Design Item]
Glavey, Paul (2016) Untitled banner (after Goya). [Art/Design Item]
Orta, Lucy, HMP Downview Prison (2018) Procession Banners. [Art/Design Item]
Deddens, Bernadette and Mukai, Tetsuo, Study O Portable (2018) Before & After (Sedia 1). [Art/Design Item]
Orta, Lucy, HMP Downview, Sutton, UK (2019) Procession Banners. [Show/Exhibition]
Jones, Denise (2020) Embroidering and the Body Under Threat: Suffragette Embroidered Cloths Worked in Holloway Prison, 1911-1912. PhD thesis, University of the Creative Arts.
Storey, Helen and El Nayal, Nabil and Fisher, Karen (2021) Seeking the Syrian Stitch. In: Seeking the Syrian Stitch, 19 November - 4 December 2021, Zaatari Refugee Camp, Jordan.
Storey, Helen and Patel, Deepa (2023) Vital Signs - Part 2 Maratane Refugee Settlement, Mozambique.
Storey, Helen (2023) "Bells", in 'Motive/Motif: Artists Commemorate the Suffragettes'. [Art/Design Item]
Storey, Helen, Refugee participants from Dzaleka Refugee Camp, Malawi (2023) Vital Signs - Part 1.
McHugh Stevenson, Kathleen (2023) Knitting with ecosophy: Toward a resilient and regenerative fiber praxis. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Good, Jennifer (2024) A Joining of Self by Suella Holland. Source: Thinking Through Photography (115). ISSN 1369-3334