Warren, Max (2014) A Brush With Soane. [Show/Exhibition]
Clifton, Darryl and Gannon, Rachel (2016) Teh Nw. Varoom: The Journal of the Association of Illustrators (32). pp. 44-48. ISSN 1750-483X
Deddens, Bernadette and Mukai, Tetsuo, Study O Portable (2018) Before & After (Sedia 1). [Art/Design Item]
Coupland, Geoffrey and Saunders, Aidan (2019) Gold In The Green. [Show/Exhibition]
Bagley, Kim (2022) Crafting Futures Armenia, Making and Learning Now: Craft Research. Technical Report. British Council, Plymouth.
Bagley, Kim (2022) Crafting Futures Azerbaijan Craft Research Report. Technical Report. British Council, Plymouth.
Bagley, Kim (2022) Crafting Futures Georgia Craft Research Report. Technical Report. British Council, Plymouth.