Description: |
Artists inspired by nature and its processes - evolution, birth, growth, aging, decay, change. Nature is constantly in a state of change and the artists’ acute awareness and sensitivity to this change is crucial to the creation of their work that can be site-specific, monumental or ephemeral. Working in a diverse range of media and sometimes with a wide range of natural materials, they are continually searching and synthesizing creative, new ways to redefine our relationship with nature. Their work can be evocative, provocative or sublime, and might also communicate an urgent environmental message. Some of the participating artists collaborated with natural materials ranging from the raw, the found, to the discarded rather than making works ‘about’ nature. Others make work that is conceptual, so that the ideas behind the work are more important than the materials. Movement, change, light, growth and decay are fundamental to nature, the energies that artists strive to capture in their work. The artist’s observation and understanding of nature has as its goal the understanding of human nature, and of the human condition within nature. |
Other Contributors: |
Role | Name |
Artist | Ambrosio, Maddalena | Other | Anderson, Alice | Other | Brulat, Ruben | Other | Chivers, Mat | Other | de Bousies, Felix | Other | de Monseignat,, Adeline | Other | Fouts, Nancy | Other | Derges, Susan | Other | Goldsworthy, Andy | Other | Graham, James P | Other | Hudson, Richard WM | Other | Joon, Kang Hee | Other | Karasick, Mark | Other | Khoo, Iyvone | Other | Koseogullari, Ayca | Other | Laitinen, Antii | Other | Laurence, Janet | Other | Long, Richard | Other | Mackie, Alastair | Other | MccGwire, Kate | Other | Nash, David | Other | Penone, Giuseppe | Other | Randall-Page, Peter | Other | Robbins, Cameron | Other | Shaw, Tim | Other | Teruya, Yuken | Other | Van Mechelen, Koen | Other | White, Douglas |
Additional Information (Publicly available): |
Participating Artists -Galerie Valerie Bach, Brussels, March-May 2016 Maddalena Ambrosio, Mat Chivers, Susan Derges, Andy Goldsworthy, Alexandre Joly, Antti Laitinen, Richard Long, Alastair Mackie, Kate MccGwire, Lucy+Jorge Orta, Seungmo Park, Peter Randall-Page, Yuken Teruya, Koen Vanmechelen, Emily Westman Hertz, Douglas White -Mile End Art Pavilion, London - March-April 2017 Maddalena Ambrosio, Alice Anderson, Ruben Brulat, Mat Chivers, Felix de Bousies, Adeline de Monseignat, Nancy Fouts, Susan Derges, Andy Goldsworthy, James P Graham, Richard WM Hudson, Kang Hee Joon. Mark Karasick, Iyvone Khoo, Ayca Koseogullari, Antii Laitinen, Janet Laurence, Richard Long, Alastair Mackie, Kate MccGwire, David Nash, Lucy & Jorge Orta, Giuseppe Penone, Peter Randall-Page, Cameron Robbins, Tim Shaw, Yuken Teruya, Koen Van Mechelen, Douglas White |