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UAL Research Online

Fashion, Decolonisation, and Living Labour

Delice, Serkan (2023) Fashion, Decolonisation, and Living Labour. In: LOOMS AND LABOR, 24 November 2023, Berlin.

Type of Research: Conference, Symposium or Workshop Item
Creators: Delice, Serkan

Public keynote lecture titled ‘Fashion, Decolonization, and Living Labour’ as part of the LOOMS AND LABOUR programme organised by Berlin-based art collective Slavs and Tatars.

Serkan Delice in his lecture exposes the ways in which capitalism’s increasingly predatory, planet-wide accumulation processes appropriate the living labor that creates and sustains fashion and cultures of craft. The lecture dwells into how under contemporary transnational capitalism the fashion industry continues to capitalize on the fashion of communities, labeled by the economically leading countries as a Third World”, and exacerbate the precarity of a globally dispersed surplus population of informal workers. It will touch upon how the decolonization within the realm of fashion needs a global approach to challenge the systemic racial inequities perpetuated by capitalism and the continual displacement of creative communities within settler colonialism. Serkan Delice will talk about possible practices of reclaiming fashion's transformative radicalism as a tool for shaping and altering the conditions of our existence and overcoming inequalities.

Official Website: https://picklebar.berlin/LOOMS-AND-LABOR-Serkan-Delice-public-lecture
Keywords/subjects not otherwise listed: Labour, political economy, planetary decolonisation
Your affiliations with UAL: Colleges > London College of Fashion
Date: 24 November 2023
Event Location: Berlin
Date Deposited: 20 May 2024 15:38
Last Modified: 20 May 2024 15:38
Item ID: 21730
URI: https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/21730

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