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UAL Research Online

Controversies, Problematic Information, and Polarisation: Case Studies Across Six Continents

Bruns, Axel and Bastos, Marco and Vinhas, Otavio and Recuero, Raquel and Soares, Felipe Bonow and Iannelli, Laura and Marino, Giada and Serani, Danilo and Valeriani, Augusto and Choucair, Tariq and Svegaard, Sebastian and Vodden, Laura and Whelan-Shamy, Daniel and Azmi, Alia and Stromer-Galley, Jennifer (2024) Controversies, Problematic Information, and Polarisation: Case Studies Across Six Continents. In: AoIR2024: The 25th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, 30 October - 2 November 2024, Sheffield, UK.

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