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UAL Research Online

Sound Escapes

Carlyle, Angus and Revell, Irene (2009) Sound Escapes. [Show/Exhibition]

Type of Research: Show/Exhibition
Creators: Carlyle, Angus and Revell, Irene

Sound Escapes examines the very nature of sound. Why is one person’s disturbing noise another’s intriguing sonic landscape? In what ways are our emotions affected by sound? Are plants affected by music? Can you hear a photograph? Do ears make their own sounds? Does the microphone never lie? These are just some questions explored by the works on show.

Curated by Angus Carlyle and Irene Revell; produced by Electra. Description from exhibition venue.

Other Contributors:
Additional Information (Publicly available):

For record of related presentation, please see: http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/3561/.

Keywords/subjects not otherwise listed: Sound and environment
Your affiliations with UAL: Colleges > London College of Communication
Research Centres/Networks > Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP)
Date: 2009
Funders: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Related Websites: http://www.spacestudios.org.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/sound-escapes, http://www.electra-productions.com/discussion/sound_curator_video.shtml
Related Websites:
Projects or Series: Positive Soundscapes
Locations / Venues:
From Date
To Date
Space Gallery, London, UK
25 July 2009
15 August 2009
Date Deposited: 27 Sep 2013 09:08
Last Modified: 21 Aug 2024 11:53
Item ID: 5957
URI: https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/5957

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