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UAL Research Online

Items where Author is "Frei:Regina::"

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
Number of items: 67.


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Merlano, F and Frei, Regina and Zhang, Danni and Murzacheva, E and Wood, S (2024) Consumer Perspectives on Interventions to Combat Fraudulent Product Returns in Omnichannel Fashion Retail. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. ISSN 0960-0035

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Frei, Regina and Gong, Mengfeng and Vazquez-Brust, Diego and Litaudon, Virginie (2023) Plasticity Scenarios and Modelling: Plastic Waste Collection in Urban Environments. In: The Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop (SW23), 27-29 March 2023, National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton.


Zhang, Danni and Frei, Regina and Senyo, P K and Bayer, Steffen and Wills, Gary and Gerding, Enrico (2022) Sustainability of product returns. In: 9th EurOMA Sustainability Forum, 21-22 March 2022, Zagreb, Croatia. Item not available online.

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Gong, Yu and Wang, Yang and Frei, Regina and Wang, Bill and Zhao, Changping (2022) Blockchain application in circular marine plastic debris management. Industrial Marketing Management, 102. 164 - 176. ISSN 0019-8501

Frei, Regina and Ibrahim, Sherwat and Akenroye, Temidayo (2022) Africa and sustainable global value chains: Africa and Sustainable Global Value Chains. Greening of Industry Networks Studies, 9 . Springer, Germany. ISBN 9783030787905 Item not available online.

Zhang, Danni and Bayer, Steffen and Wills, Gary and Frei, Regina and Gerding, Enrico and Senyo, P K (2022) Using big data analytics to combat retail fraud. In: FEMIB 2022: 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business, 24-25 April 2022, Online. Item not available online.

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Zhang, Danni and Frei, Regina and Bayer, Steffen and Senyo, P K and Wills, Gary and Gerding, Enrico and Beck, Adrian (2022) The impact of COVID-19 on managing product returns in retail. In: The 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management, 23-25 August 2022, Osaka, Japan.


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Baden, Denise and Frei, Regina (2021) Product Returns: An Opportunity to Shift towards an Access-Based Economy? Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 14 (1). ISSN 2071-1050

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Frei, Regina and Jack, Lisa and Brown, Steve (2020) Product returns: a growing problem for business, society and environment. International journal of operations & production management, 40 (10). pp. 1613-1621. ISSN 0144-3577

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Dockree, James and Wang, Qian and Frei, Regina (2020) Error chain analysis-an effective method for tighter manufacturing process control. Production planning & control, 32 (8). 641 - 651. ISSN 0953-7287

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Yakovleva, Natalia and Frei, Regina and Murthy, Sudhir Rama (2019) Editorial Introduction: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Through Sustainable Supply Chains in the Post-global Economy. In: Sustainable Development Goals and Sustainable Supply Chains in the Post-global Economy. Greening of Industry Networks Studies, 7 . Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783030150655 Item not available online.

Yakovleva, Natalia and Frei, Regina and Murthy, Sudhir Rama (2019) Sustainable Development Goals and Sustainable Supply Chains in the Post-global Economy. Greening of Industry Networks Studies, 7 . Springer, Germany. ISBN 9783030150655 Item not available online.

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Frei, Regina and Krzyzaniak, Sally-Ann and Jack, Lisa (2019) Sustainable Reverse Supply Chains for Retail Product Returns. In: Sustainable Development Goals and Sustainable Supply Chains in the Post-global Economy. Greening of Industry Networks Studies . Springer, pp. 159-182. ISBN 9783030150655 Item not available online.


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El Baz, Jamal and Frei, Regina and Laguir, Issam (2018) Reverse supply chain practices in developing countries: the case of Morocco. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 29 (1). pp. 198-216. ISSN 1741-038X


Bausch, Nils and Dawkins, David P. and Frei, Regina (2017) InSPIREd - Advances in Conformal Printing: 3D Printing onto Unknown Uneven Surfaces. In: International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 3-7 July 2017, Munich, Germany. Item not available online.

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Frei, Regina and Bines, Angela and Lothian, Iain and Jack, Lisa (2017) Understanding reverse supply chains. International Journal of Supply Chain Management and Operations Resilience, 2 (3). 246 - 266. ISSN 2052-8698


Frei, Regina (2016) Reverse supply chains. In: A Circular Economy Handbook for Business and Supply Chains: Repair, Remake, Redesign, Rethink. Kogan Page, United Kingdom, 323 - 329. ISBN 9780749476755 Item not available online.

Bausch, Nils and Dawkins, David P. and Frei, Regina and Klein, Susanne (2016) 3D Printing onto Unknown Uneven Surfaces. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (21). pp. 583-590. ISSN 2405-8963 Item not available online.

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Frei, Regina and Bausch, Nils (2016) Additive manufacturing as a socio-technical system. International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research, 1 (10). ISSN 2455-4847

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Butar Butar, Maulida and Sanders, David and Frei, Regina (2016) Measuring Performance of Reverse Supply Chains in a Carpet Manufacturer. Journal of Advanced Management Science, 4 (2). pp. 152-158. ISSN 2168-0787


Klein, Susanne and Avery, Michael P. and Richardson, Robert and Bartlett, Paul and Frei, Regina and Simske, Steve (2015) 3D printed glass: surface finish and bulk properties as a function of the printing process. Measuring, Modeling, and Reproducing Material Appearance, 9398. ISSN 0277-786X Item not available online.

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Frei, Regina and Lothian, Iain and Butar Butar, Maulida and Bines, Angela and Da Gama, Lilly (2015) Performance of reverse supply chains. In: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, 9-11 September 2015.


Butar Butar, Maulida and Sanders, David and Frei, Regina (2014) Measuring performance of reverse supply chains in a carpet manufacturer. In: 4th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management, 17-18 September 2014. Item not available online.

Frei, Regina and Serbanuta, Traian Florin and Serugendo, Giovanna Di Marzo (2014) Self-organising assembly systems formally specified in Maude. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 5. pp. 491-510. ISSN 1868-5137 Item not available online.

Frei, Regina and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna (2014) Self-healing software. In: The Computer After Me: Awareness And Self-Awareness In Autonomic. Imperial College Press, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781783264179 Item not available online.


Frei, Regina and McWilliam, Richard and Derrick, Benjamin and Purvis, Alan and Tiwari, Asutosh and Serugendo, Giovanna Di Marzo (2013) Self-healing and self-repairing technologies. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 69. pp. 1033-1061. ISSN 0268-3768 Item not available online.

Puviani, Mariachiara and Frei, Regina (2013) Self-management for cloud computing. In: Science and Information Conference, 7-9 October 2013, London, UK. Item not available online.


McWilliam, R. and Purvis, A. and Jones, Dan and Schiefer, P. and Frei, Regina and Tiwari, A. (2012) Self-repairing electronic logic units based on convergent cellular automata. In: International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services, Shrivenham, UK, 5-6 November 2012. Item not available online.

Puviani, Mariachiara and Serugendo, Giovanna Di Marzo and Frei, Regina and Cabri, Giacomo (2012) A method fragments approach to methodologies for engineering self-organizing systems. ACM transactions on autonomous and adaptive systems, 7 (3). ISSN 1556-4665 Item not available online.

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Frei, Regina and Serugendo, Giovanna Di Marzo (2012) The future of complexity engineering. Open Engineering, 2 (2). pp. 164-188. ISSN 2391-5439

Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Frei, Regina (2012) Self-awareness in agile assembly systems. Awareness Magazine: Self-awareness in Autonomic Systems. Item not available online.

Di Marzo Serugendo, G. and Frei, Regina and Fernandez-Marques, J.L. (2012) Chemically inspired rules for self-healing in self-organising assembly systems. In: International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services, 5-6 November 2012, Shrivenham, UK. Item not available online.

Puviani, M. and Cabri, G. and Frei, Regina (2012) Self-healing in ensembles' collaboration patterns. In: International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services, 5-6 November 2012, Shrivenham, UK. Item not available online.

Frei, Regina and Macbeth, S. and Pitt, J. and Di Marzo Serugendo, G. (2012) Simulation of complex emergent and self-healing structures in Presage and based on MetaSelf. In: International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services, 5-6 November 2012, Shrivenham, UK. Item not available online.


Frei, Regina and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna (2011) Advances in complexity engineering. International journal of bio-inspired computation, 3 (4). 199 - 212. ISSN 1758-0366 Item not available online.

Frei, Regina and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna (2011) Concepts in complexity engineering. International journal of bio-inspired computation, 3 (2). 123 - 139. ISSN 1758-0366 Item not available online.

Frei, Regina and Serugendo, Giovanna Di Marzo (2011) Self-Organizing Assembly Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), 41 (6). pp. 885-897. ISSN 1094-6977 Item not available online.

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Frei, Regina (2011) A complex systems approach to education in Switzerland. In: Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2011: 11th European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, 2011.


Frei, Regina and Serugendo, Giovanna Di Marzo and Serbanuta, Traian Florin (2010) Ambient intelligence in self-organising assembly systems using the chemical reaction model. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1. pp. 163-184. ISSN 1868-5137 Item not available online.

Frei, Regina and Barata, J. (2010) Distributed systems - from natural to engineered: three phases of inspiration by nature. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, 2 (3-4). ISSN 1758-0366 Item not available online.

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Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Frei, Regina (2010) Experience Report in Developing and Applying a Method for Self-Organisation to Agile Manufacturing. In: Fourth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, 27 October - 1 November 2010, Budapest, Hungary.

Frei, Regina and Serugendo, Giovanna Di Marzo and Pereira, Nuno and Belo, Jose and Barata, Jose (2010) Implementing Self-Organisation and Self-Management in Evolvable Assembly Systems. In: 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 4-7 July 2010, Bari, Italy. Item not available online.

Frei, Regina (2010) Self-organisation in evolvable assembly systems. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 99768062102346 Item not available online.


Frei, Regina and Ferreira, Bruno and Serugendo, Giovanna Di Marzo and Barata, Jose (2009) An Architecture for Self-Managing Evolvable Assembly Systems. In: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 11-14 October 2009, San Antonio, TX, USA. Item not available online.

Puviani, Mariachiara and Serugendo, Giovanna and Frei, Regina and Cabri, Giacomo (2009) Methodologies for Self-Organising Systems: A SPEM Approach. In: 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 15-18 September 2009, Milan, Italy. Item not available online.


Frei, Regina and Ferreira, Bruno and Barata, Jose (2008) Dynamic coalitions for self-organizing manufacturing systems. In: 6th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, 23-25 July 2008, Naples, Italy. Item not available online.

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Frei, Regina and Barata, Jose (2008) Manufacturing Systems Of The Future: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. In: Eighth IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems, 23-25 June 2008, Porto, Portugal.

Frei, Regina and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Barata, Jose (2008) Designing Self-Organization for Evolvable Assembly Systems. In: 2008 Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, 20-24 October 2008, Venezia, Italy. Item not available online.

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Frei, Regina and Barata, Jose (2008) Embodied Intelligence To Turn Evolvable Assembly Systems Reality. In: Eighth IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems, 23-25 June 2008, Porto, Portugal.


Frei, Regina and Ribeiro, Luis and Barata, Jose and Semere, Daniel (2007) Evolvable assembly systems: Towards user friendly manufacturing. In: 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, 22-25 July 2007, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Item not available online.

Barata, J. and Onori, M. and Frei, Regina and Leitao, P. (2007) Evolvable production systems: enabling research domains. In: 2nd International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production, 23-24 July 2007, Toronto, Canada. Item not available online.

Frei, Regina and Barata, Jos and Onori, Mauro (2007) Evolvable production systems context and implications. In: 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 4-7 June 2007, Vigo, Spain. Item not available online.

Frei, Regina and Barata, Jose and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna (2007) A complexity theory approach to evolvable production systems. In: 3rd International Workshop on Multi-Agent Robotic Systems, May 2007, Angers, France. Item not available online.


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Onori, Mauro and Barata, José and Frei, Regina (2006) Evolvable Assembly Systems Basic Principles. In: International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems, 4-6 September 2006, Niagara Falls, USA.

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