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O'Neill, Jesse (2019) Clean and Disciplined: The Garden City in Singapore. In: The Culture of Nature in the History of Design. Routledge, London, pp. 89-102. ISBN 9781138601925
O'Neill, Jesse (2016) Gracious: Modern living in post-independence Singapore. In: Making Trans/national Contemporary Design History. Blucher.
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O'Neill, Jesse (2023) Singapore's Garden City: The Political Language of Urban Planting. In: Conversations in Garden History. Birkbeck Garden History Group, London, pp. 65-74. ISBN 978-0955441431
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Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2018) Symposium: The Question of Collaboration. In: The Question of Collaboration, 21st September 2018, Bedford Creative Arts.
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2022) Uncovering narrative structures. In: Theatrum Mundi: Displacement, 2 April 2022, Theatrum Mundi, London.
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Sherman, Stephanie (2020) The Autocene. In: City Interaction lab, CityLab Paris.
Sherman, Stephanie (2021) Radio EE. In: Open* tools for collective organizing, 27 November 2021, AHK Culture Club, Amsterdam.
Round, Susanna (2014) Satellite dishes are wonderful! In: The London Conference of Critical Thought, June 27th - June 28th 2014, Goldsmiths, University of London.
O'Neill, Jesse and Wagner, Nadia (2017) Swimming in Modern Singapore. In: Modern Living in Asia 1945–1990, 10–11 April 2017, Brighton, UK.
O'Neill, Jesse (2022) Pools, Pagars, Baths and Standpipes: The Landscapes of Bathing in Colonial Singapore. In: Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship Sharing, 23 August 2022, Singapore.
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Almila, Anna-Mari (2014) Veiling and Visibility in the City: The Hijab and Public Space in Finland. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, 23-25 April, 2014, Leeds.
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2019) Hear for Life.
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2024) Art Class + discussion with Andrea Luka Zimmerman with William Fowler.
Sherman, Stephanie and Dittmar, Jeremiah (2021) Humans-In-The-Lacunae: An AI Driver's License and Digital Vehicle Registration.
Sherman, Stephanie (2020) Work-Live Artist Housing Guidelines for the City of Boston.
Round, Susanna (2015) Swimming in the Cathedral. [Performance]
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Hatleskog, Eli and Thorpe, Adam (2024) Pilot Journeys: Narratives of collaboration and prototyping in participatory meanwhile. Project Report. Cordis - EU Research Results. (Unpublished)
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Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2009) I am here. [Show/Exhibition]
Young, Carey (2012) The Third Sculpture. [Show/Exhibition]
Willcocks, Marcus (2017) Market Road Gallery. [Show/Exhibition]
Voegelin, Salomé and Mollin, David (2017) Aurality and Environment, Auralidad y Entorno, Exhibition at La Tabacalera Gallery in Madrid, Spain part of FASE 6. 30.11.17 – 02.02.18, with David Mollin (Mollin+Voegelin) and Brandon LaBelle. [Show/Exhibition]
Tsutsumi, Maiko and Padilha, Eduardo (2012) The Laundry Room. [Show/Exhibition]
Round, Susanna and Barbaresi, Rachel (2013) Where clouds are made... [Show/Exhibition]
Rossi, Mario (2018) It's a Front. [Show/Exhibition]
Layzell, Richard (2016) The Artist Hotel. [Show/Exhibition]
Layzell, Richard (2016) Softly Softly 2 for Whitstable Biennale. [Show/Exhibition]
Hunter, Tom (2010) Community Halls. [Show/Exhibition]
Hunter, Tom (2010) The Ghetto. [Show/Exhibition]
Hunter, Tom (2010) Prayer places. [Show/Exhibition]
Barnett, Heather and Strömbom, Daniel and Georgopoulou, Dimitra and Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas and Yang, Liu and Colwyn, Julius and Wainstein, Kira and Phillips, Melanie and Harper, Jamie (2017) Crowd Control. [Show/Exhibition]