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UAL Research Online

Items where Subject is "Multimedia Design"

Jump to: 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
Number of items at this level: 72.


O'Riley, Tim (2001) Flipside. [Show/Exhibition]


O'Riley, Tim (2002) Mirror. [Art/Design Item]

Naldi, Pat (2002) East of Eden. [Art/Design Item]

Johnson, Tony and Brammer, Julian (2002) The effect of gloss and viewing flare on colour appearance. In: TAGA conference, Ashville, North Carolina, USA.

Johnson, Tony (2002) Methods for characterizing colour scanners and digital cameras. In: Colour Engineering, Achieving Device Independent Colour. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 165-178. ISBN 0471486884


Stiff, Andy and D-Fuse (2003) Sonicity_Archeology of the Future. [Show/Exhibition]

O'Riley, Tim (2003) Signatures of the Invisible. [Show/Exhibition]


Wilder, Ken (2004) Projective Space. [Show/Exhibition]

Stiff, Andy (2004) The City Quartered. [Art/Design Item]

O'Connell, Douglas (2004) Lightwork: Here's What I Did with my Body One Day. [Art/Design Item]


Johnson, Tony and Green, Phil (2005) The colour difference formula CIEDE2000 and its performance with a graphic arts data set. TAGA Journal Technical Association of the Graphic Arts, 2 (2). pp. 59-71. ISSN 17480345


Tillotson, Jenny (2006) Smart Second Skin at Lille3000 Futuro Textile. In: Lille3000 'Futuro Textile', 14th October 2006 - 14th January 2007, Lille, France. (Unpublished)

Stiff, Andy and Noor, Nina (2006) Temporal Facades. [Show/Exhibition]

Johnson, Tony and Tastl, Ingeborg and Holm, Jack (2006) Definition and use of the ISO 12640-3 reference colour gamut. In: Color Imaging Conference, 2006.

Brooks, Pete and Quick, Andrew (2006) El Cuidador. [Performance]

Allsop, Douglas (2006) Binnen/Buiten. [Show/Exhibition]

Allsop, Douglas (2006) Solo Exhibition. [Show/Exhibition]


O'Riley, Tim (2008) Technological Claustrophobia. Journal of the New Media Caucus, 04 (02). ISSN 1942017X


Broadhead, Caroline and Woodhouse, Angela (2009) Sighted. [Show/Exhibition]


Veness, Alex (2010) The game of war. [Performance]

Thorogood, Simon (2010) StarD. [Art/Design Item]

Rowland, D and Porter, D and Gibson, M and Walker, Kevin (2010) Sequential art for science and computer-human interaction. In: 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems, 10-15 Apr 2010, Atlanta, US.

Reynolds, R and Walker, Kevin and Speight, C (2010) Web-based museum trails on PDAs for university-level design students: design and evaluation. Computers & Education, 55 (3). pp. 994-1003. ISSN 03601315

Cohen, Nathan (2010) Intangible spaces. [Show/Exhibition]


Windle, Amanda (2011) Considering simplicity and dexterity in an open and closed internet of things. Creative Industries Knowledge Transfer Network (04).

Makryniotis, Thomas (2011) DressCode. [Show/Exhibition]

Cohen, Nathan (2011) New perspectives: collaborative research in art and science. ACM Computers in Entertainment. ISSN 15443574


Thorogood, Simon (2012) Phashion. Atelier-Mayer, 2. pp. 28-35.

Coleman, Kim (2012) Django Django UK/ EU/ US Tours 2012-2015. [Art/Design Item]


Wynne, John and Wainwright, Tim (2014) I Am Not the Cancer. [Art/Design Item]

Thorogood, Simon (2014) Couture Graphique: Beyond A Label. [Show/Exhibition]

Coleman, Kim (2014) Victory Over the Sun. World Tour for Franz Ferdinand. [Art/Design Item]


Stopher, Benjamin (2015) Tangible Evidence 02 Systems, Platforms and Prototypes. University of the Arts London, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-906908-40-9

McMillan, Michael, Dubmorphology (2015) Rockers, Soulheads & Lovers: Sound Systems back in da Day. [Show/Exhibition]

Dovey, Max (2015) Who is it for? In: Real Projects for Real People. The Patching Zone, Rotterdam, pp. 47-53. ISBN 978-90-817051-3-4


Spencer, Michael (2016) Transformation Exchange. [Performance]

Mavridou, I and Troisi, Anna and Seiss, E and Renaud, A and Balaguer-Ballester, E (2016) Experience Design for Emotional Stimulation in Virtual Reality. In: VRWC16: Virtual Reality World Congress, April 2016, Bristol.

Cohen, Nathan (2016) Visual Perception, Abstraction and Invention: an Exploration. Interalia Magazine (22).


Summerley, Rory Keir (2017) Ludic Dysnarrativa: How Can Fictional Inconsistency In Games Be Reduced? PhD thesis, University of the Arts London and Falmouth University.

Caruana, Natasha (2017) Timely Tale. [Show/Exhibition]

Barnett, Heather and Strömbom, Daniel and Georgopoulou, Dimitra and Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas and Yang, Liu and Colwyn, Julius and Wainstein, Kira and Phillips, Melanie and Harper, Jamie (2017) Crowd Control. [Show/Exhibition]


Ian, Monroe, Studio L (2018) 2018 Laskey Charrette, Sam Fox School, Washington University in St Louis. In: The World Needs A New Network, January 25-29, 2108, Washington University in St Louis.

Horton, Ian and Furnee, Bettina (2018) Hard Werken: One for All (Graphic Art & Design 1979-1994). Valiz, Amsterdam. ISBN 9789492095176

Grennan, Simon and Hague, Ian (2018) Medium, knowledge, structure: capacities for choice and the contradiction of medium-specificity in games and comics. Image & Narrative. ISSN 1780678X


Thornett, Lucy (2019) Audience Experiences of Augmented Reality Scenographies. In: IFTR Scenography Working Group Symposium Interim Event, 14-15 June 2019, Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic.

Saul, Daniel and Davies, Rachel (2019) A Small Dream - Dorset. [Performance]

Petreca, Bruna and Saito, Carmem and Baurley, Sharon and Atkinson, Douglas and Yu, Xumei and Bianchi-Berthouze, Nadia (2019) Radically Relational Tools: A Design Framework to Explore Materials through Embodied Processes. International Journal of Design, 13 (2). pp. 7-20. ISSN 1991-3761

Burton, Michael and Nitta, Michiko (2019) New Organs of Creation. [Art/Design Item]

Akten, Memo and Fiebrink, Rebecca and Grierson, Mick (2019) Learning to See: You Are What You See. In: SIGGRAPH 2019 Art Papers, 28 July - 1 August 2019, Los Angeles, United States.


Thornett, Lucy (2020) The scenographic potential of immersive technologies: virtual and augmented reality at the Prague Quadrennial 2019. Theatre and Performance Design, 6 (1-2). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2332-2551

Peng, Friendred (Youhong) and Tanaka, Atau and Ward, Jamie (2020) The light: exploring socially improvised movements using wearable sensors in a performative installation. In: UbiComp ISWC '20, 12-17 September 2020, Online.

Park, Soomi and Wells, Owen (2020) Between Dreamy and Dreary. [Show/Exhibition]

Milic, Nela and Dorrian, Edward (2020) Assembly - Drawing Models. In: Being Together is not Enough. Public Series, vols. 1-3, 2 (8). Five Years Publications, London, pp. 1-12. ISBN ISBN 9781903724194

Austin, Patricia (2020) Narrative Environments and Experience Design: Space as a Medium of Communication. Routledge Research in Design Studies . Routledge, 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017. ISBN 978-0-367-13804-2


Voegelin, Salomé (2021) Phantom Power, ‘Unperforming the Dream House’. In: Phantom Power, 20.11.2021 and 10.12.2021, Venice, Italy.

Thornett, Lucy (2021) The Scenographic Space(s) of Augmented Reality. In: Dramatic Architectures: Theatre and Performing Arts in Motion. CEAA, Porto, pp. 327-344. ISBN 978-972-8784-92-8

Melvin, Jo (2021) The Feuilleton: I will bear witness, Spoleto, Italy. [Show/Exhibition]

Cain, Benjamin (2021) UNINVITED. [Art/Design Item]


Whitby, Richard (2022) Ben Hur Live as post-cinematic adaptation. Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance, 15. pp. 61-75. ISSN 1753-643X

Thornett, Lucy (2022) Affect. In: Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781000537963

Sajovic, Eva and Kyratzis, Sakis and Albino, Irene (2022) Knitscapes. [Show/Exhibition]

Rakotoniaina, Sitraka and Friend, Andrew (2022) Sound Systems: A Lunar Folklore. [Show/Exhibition]

Palma Stade, Tobias (2022) Instinct-Based Decision-Making in Interactive Narratives. In: XR Salento 2022, 6-8 July, Lecce, Salento, Italy.

Hague, Ian (2022) Actively Multisensory Comic. In: Key Terms in Comics Studies. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels . Palgrave Macmillan, p. 5. ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6

Hague, Ian (2022) Ludology. In: Key Terms in Comics Studies. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels . Palgrave Macmillan, p. 183. ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6

Hague, Ian (2022) Remediation. In: Key Terms in Comics Studies. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 272-273. ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6

Hague, Ian (2022) Senses. In: Key Terms in Comics Studies. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels . Palgrave Macmillan, p. 288. ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6

Hague, Ian (2022) Taste Adjudication. In: Key Terms in Comics Studies. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels . Palgrave Macmillan, p. 319. ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6

Gibson, Ruth and Roth, Bine and Pollmann, Alexa and Martelli, Bruno (2022) DAZZLE: SOLO. [Show/Exhibition]


Burton, Michael and Nitta, Michiko (2023) Beyond Human Exhibition. [Show/Exhibition]


Peng, Friendred (Youhong) (2024) Transforming spectator into collaborator during a digitalised dance performance. Multimodality & Society, 4 (1). pp. 108-116. ISSN 2634-9809

Doukianou, Stella and Lalioti, Vali (2024) Framework for Social XR, Navigating Challenges, Ethics and Opportunities for Authentic Community Engagement. In: IEEE VR 2024, 16-21 October 2024, Orlando, USA.

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