Ogg, Alex and Bestley, Russ (2009) Independence Days: The Story Of UK Independent Record Labels. [Art/Design Item]
Chesher, Andrew and David, Ryan (2010) Knots and fields. [Art/Design Item]
Bestley, Russ and Worley, Matthew (2016) Matthew Worley: Young Offenders: Punk in Norwich, 1976-84. [Art/Design Item]
Bestley, Russ and Gordon, Alastair (2016) Alastair Gordon: Crass Reflections. [Art/Design Item]
Bestley, Russ (2021) PUNK! Las Américas Edition. [Art/Design Item]
Bestley, Russ (2021) Punk Identities, Punk Utopias: Global Punk & Media. [Art/Design Item]
Bestley, Russ (2015) Tales From The Punkside. [Art/Design Item]
Bestley, Russ (2021) Trans-Global Punk Scenes: The Punk Reader Vol.2. [Art/Design Item]
Weiner, Nathaniel (2018) ‘Put on your boots and Harrington!’: The ordinariness of 1970s UK punk dress. Punk & Post Punk, 7 (2). pp. 181-202. ISSN 20441983
Toop, David (2008) Search and Reflect: the Changing Practice of Improvisation. New Sound (32). pp. 119-129. ISSN 1821-3782
Taylor, j Milo and Brock-Nannested, George and Specht, Dirk (2011) Noisecleaning: Emerging from the Noise. Off Topic 4: Zullassen. ISSN 1867-5948
Ryde, Robin and Bestley, Russ (2016) Thinking Punk. Punk & Post Punk, 5 (2). pp. 97-110. ISSN 20441983
Mey, Adeena and Adami, Elisa and Haloba, Anawana (2022) On African Opera: A Conversation with Anawana Haloba. Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry (53). pp. 102-115. ISSN 1465-4253
Kirkham, Neil (2018) Polluting young minds? Smash Hits and ‘high Thatcherism'. Journal of European Popular Culture, 8 (2). pp. 139-152. ISSN 2040-6142
Gray, Louise (2024) Beyond the Audible: Éliane Radigue’s OCCAM works and Inter/Listening. Contemporary Music Review. pp. 1-16. ISSN 0749-4467
Bestley, Russ and Burgess, Paul (2018) Fan artefacts and doing it themselves: The home-made graphics of punk devotees. Punk & Post Punk, 7 (3). pp. 317-340. ISSN 20441983
Bestley, Russ (2017) Design it Yourself? Punk’s Division of Labour. Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia, 6 (1). pp. 71-87.
Bestley, Russ (2011) From 'London’s Burning' to 'Sten Guns in Sunderland'. Punk & Post Punk, 1 (1). pp. 41-71. ISSN 20441983
Bestley, Russ (2019) The Top of the Poppers sing and play punk. Punk & Post Punk, 8 (3). pp. 399-421. ISSN 2044 1983
Bestley, Russ (2023) 'You Make Me Sick’: An interview with Puss Johnson and Steve Eagles of Satan’s Cats. Punk & Post Punk, 12 (1). pp. 91-101. ISSN 2044 1983
Bestley, Russ (2015) (I Want Some) Demystification: Deconstructing Punk. Punk & Post Punk, 4 (2/3). pp. 117-127. ISSN 2044-1983
Voegelin, Salomé and Gardner, Thomas (2016) Colloquium: Sound Art - Music. Zero Books, John Hunt Publisher, UK and US. ISBN 978-1-78279-895-8
Silverthorne, Diane (2018) Music, Art and Performance: From Liszt to Riot Grrrl The Musicalisation of Art. Bloomsbury Visual Arts, Bloomsbury Publishing plc, New York, London. ISBN 978-1-501303013-1; 978-1-5013-3014-8
Coupland, Geoffrey and Saunders, Aidan and Phoenix, Woodrow (2018) The Golden Thread Project UK-USA. Bugboar Press, London.
Brook, Tony and Bestley, Russ (2016) Action Time Vision: Punk & Post Punk 7" Record Sleeves #002. Unit Editions, London. ISBN 978-0-9932316-4-3
Bestley, Russ and Ogg, Alex (2012) The Art of Punk. Omnibus Press, London. ISBN 9781780381305
Silverthorne, Diane (2015) 'Music and Immanence The 1902 Beethoven Exhibition and the Vienna Secession'. In: Music and Transcendence. Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group) with Ashgate, pp. 147-158. ISBN 978-1-4724-1595-0
Silverthorne, Diane (2014) 'Wagner's Gesamtkunstwerk'. In: The Routledge Companion to Music and Visual Culture. Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group), New York, NY and Abingdon, Oxford, pp. 246-254. ISBN 978-0-415-6295-6
October, Dene (2015) Between Sound and Vision: Low and Sense. In: Enchanting David Bowie: Space/Time/Body/Memory. Bloomsbury Academic, USA. ISBN 9781628923056
Holdsworth, Claire (2023) Intermedial Voices: Intersections in Feminist Sound and Moving Image. In: The Moving Form of Film: Historicizing the Medium through Other Media. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197621714
Cardwell, Thomas (2023) Battle Jackets: Wearing Metal Identity. In: The Cambridge Companion to Metal Music. The Cambridge Companions to Music . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 202-216. ISBN 9781108991162
Bestley, Russ and Ogg, Alex (2014) Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables. In: Book. PM Press, San Francisco, USA, pp. 218-223. ISBN 978-1-60486-489-2
Bestley, Russ (2015) Am I an Anarchist? A Tale of Anarcho Curiosity. In: Some of Us Scream... Some of Us Shout! Itchy Monkey Press, London, pp. 39-42.
Bestley, Russ (2016) Big A Little A: the graphic language of anarchy. In: The Aesthetic of Our Anger: Anarcho-Punk, Politics, Music. Autonomedia, New York, pp. 43-65. ISBN 978-1-57027-318-6
Bestley, Russ (2021) Going Through the Motions: Punk Nostalgia and Conformity. In: Trans-Global Punk Scenes: The Punk Reader Vol. 2. Intellect Books, Bristol, pp. 179-196. ISBN 978-1-78938-337-9
Bestley, Russ (2017) (I Want Some) Demystification: Deconstructing Punk. In: Postgraduate Voices in Punk Studies: Your Wisdom, Our Youth. Cambridge Scholars Press, Cambridge, pp. 9-23.
Bestley, Russ (2012) Punk and New Wave. In: Classic rock posters: sixty years of posters, flyers & handbills, 1952-2012. Omnibus Press, London, pp. 130-163. ISBN 9781780384528
Benalcazar Vega, Diego Eduardo (2020) Sonido Ancestral: Metodología de archivo de objetos sonoros ancestrales (Ancestral Sound: Archival methodology for ancestral sound objects). In: Libro de la Audio Engineering Society Sección Perú. Avances del Audio en Latinoamerica. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Orson Welles, Lima Perú, pp. 5-10. ISBN 978-612-48499-0-9
Finney, Rachael and Moreno, Louis (2024) Unconscious Music: Listening to the Background Sound of Motown. In: Unconscious Music: Listening to the Background Sound of Motown, 18 July 2024, UCL Urban Laboratory.
Bestley, Russ (2016) “I Tried to Make Him Laugh, He Didn’t Get the Joke…” – Comedy and Critical Humour within the Punk Subculture. In: Comedy And Critical Thought: Laughter As Resistance?, 3-4th May 2016, University of Kent.
Benalcazar Vega, Diego Eduardo (2020) Recording, sampling and creation of virtual instruments for Ancestral Sound Objects (Grabación, sampleo y creación de instrumentos virtuales para objetos sonoros ancestrales). In: Visiones Sonoras 16, 23-25 September 2020, Morelia, Mexico. Online.
Mey, Adeena (2025) Choreography Against Cartography: Three Movements on Nam Hwayeon. CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel
Naldi, Pat, Wendy Kirkup (2022) The Horror Show! A Twisted Tale of Modern Britain. [Show/Exhibition]
McMillan, Michael, Dubmorphology (2015) Rockers, Soulheads & Lovers: Sound Systems back in da Day. [Show/Exhibition]
Coupland, Geoffrey and Saunders, Aidan (2019) Gold In The Green. [Show/Exhibition]
Coupland, Geoffrey and Saunders, Aidan (2018) The Golden Thread Project UK-USA. [Show/Exhibition]
Bestley, Russ (2014) Entertainment! Post Punk, New Wave and Authenticity Symposium. [Show/Exhibition]
Bestley, Russ (2015) PUNK ROCK!! SO WHAT? [Show/Exhibition]
Bestley, Russ (2016) Weekend Punk at the Design Museum. [Show/Exhibition]
Bestley, Russ (2013) Where Have All the Bootboys Gone? Skinhead Style and Graphic Subcultures. [Show/Exhibition]
Lifter, Rachel (2012) Contemporary indie and the construction of identity: discursive representations of indie, gendered subjectivities and the interconnections between indie music and popular fashion in the UK. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Kinsella, Raymond (2020) Post-war Britain’s First Youth Subculture: The Bebop Scene in Soho, 1945–1950. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Finney, Rachael (2022) Sounding Elsewhere, Sounding Everywhere: Listening to the Background from Motown and Beyond. PhD thesis, Goldsmiths.
Benalcazar Vega, Diego Eduardo (2024) Ancestral sound. Archive and study of pre-hispanic Ecuadorian sound objects. PhD thesis, Universidad de Oviedo.