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UAL Research Online

Items where Subject is "Prose Writing"

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Number of items at this level: 63.


Schorn, Brian and Letherland, Simon and Slatter, Andrew (1995) The Cyclic History of the Line. Emigre (36). pp. 59-62.


Slatter, Andrew (2000) Pseudonyms by Any Other Name. Zed, 7. pp. 70-73. ISSN 1098-8573


lok, susan pui san (2004) A - Y: Of ‘British Chinese’ Art. PhD thesis, University of East London.


Albano, Caterina (2007) Displaying Lives: the Narrative of Objects in Biographical Exhibitions. Museum and Society, 5 (1). pp. 15-28. ISSN 1479-8360


Rollestone, Giles (2011) Lost in transcription: Enhancing the typographic description of prosody in written discourse through dynamic typography. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.


Williams, Val (2012) Stuart Griffiths. Jocks&Nerds, 1 (5). pp. 142-147.


Sherman, Stephanie (2013) The Elsewhere Storybook. Elsewhere.

Sherman, Stephanie (2013) Slaughter. [Art/Design Item]

Rickett, Sophy (2013) Objects in the Field. [Show/Exhibition]


Trangmar, Susan (2014) Lunar Tides. [Art/Design Item]

Rickett, Sophy (2014) Objects in the Field - Camilla Grimaldi Gallery. [Show/Exhibition]

O'Dair, Marcus (2014) Different every time: the authorised biography of Robert Wyatt. Serpent’s Tail. ISBN 978-1846687594

Mason, Andrea (2014) Ada & Carter. New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing. ISSN 1479-0726 (Print), 1943-3107 (Online)

Ingham, Mark and Edwards, Harriet (2014) “eRTFs” (Enriched Text Formats) Online, continuous and present writing in Art and Design. In: Screen Writes, 27/06/2014, London College of Communication.


Talbot, Emma and Morra, Joanne (2015) Intimacy Unguarded: Chris Kraus. In: Intimacy Unguarded: Chris Kraus, 20 January 2016, CSM Kings Cross London.

Mollin, David and Voegelin, Salomé (2015) Nietzsche, Cyclists and Mushrooms: Language in Contemporary Art. [Show/Exhibition]


Musgrave, David (2016) Unit. [Performance]

Mullender, Rob (2016) As Above, So Below. [Show/Exhibition]

Mason, Andrea (2016) Touches. Otoliths, 43. ISSN 1833-623X

Devlin, Kieron (2016) Is the academic essay becoming a fossil through lack of authorial voice? The case for more stylish and exploratory writing. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 1 (1). pp. 34-40. ISSN ISSN 2397-6594

Behr, Bernd (2016) Phantom Limbs. In: Sprachen des Sammelns: Literatur als Medium und Reflexionsform des Sammelns. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Paderborn, pp. 124-129. ISBN 978-3-7705-6097-4


lok, susan pui san (2017) D/Eluding Definition. In: 30 Years of CFCCA. Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Manchester, pp. 118-133. ISBN 9780957633254

Trangmar, Susan (2017) Wandering Shards: Image as Meeting Place. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 15 (2-3). ISSN 1470-2029

Mason, Andrea (2017) Touches.

Malkani, Lainy (2017) Sugar Sugar Bittersweet Tales of Indian Migrant Workers. Hope Road Publishing, UK, London. ISBN 13-978-1908446602

Diggle, Valerie Ann (2017) A poetics of uncertainty: a chorographic survey of the life of John Trevisa and the site of Glasney College, Cornwall, mediated through locative arts practice. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London and Falmouth University.

Christian, Toby (2017) The News. [Show/Exhibition]

Christian, Toby (2017) Railing. [Performance]


Trangmar, Susan (2019) From Topography to Topology. In: Fragmentation of the Image in the Digital Age. Routledge History of Photography . Routledge, London: New York. ISBN 978-1-138-49349-0

Rickett, Sophy (2019) The Curious Moaning of Kenfig Burrows. GOST, London. ISBN 978-1-910401-30-9

Mason, Andrea (2019) This is what she is doing now.

Leister, Wiebke and Carruthers, Beverley (2019) Writing Photographs – an exhibition project for text-image environments. [Show/Exhibition]


Mason, Andrea (2020) Rashomon recycled verb story.

Mason, Andrea (2020) SMILE, CLAP, DANCE, SING. In: Seen From Here: Writing in the Lockdown. Unstable Object, London, UK, pp. 39-43. ISBN 9781838042202

Horvat, Vlatka and Etchells, Tim (2020) Seen from Here: Writing in the Lockdown. Unstable Object, London. ISBN 978-1-8380422-0-2

Christian, Toby (2020) Repeller. [Performance]

Carlyle, Angus (2020) Night Blooms. New Words . Makina Books, London. ISBN 9781916060852

Adami, Elisa (2020) Profile: Moyra Davey. Art Monthly (441). pp. 15-17. ISSN 0142-6702


Mason, Andrea (2021) Alix knows the chairs are uncomfortable because she has two at home.

Mason, Andrea (2021) And then Nothing, Body-sponge, Teabag. 3: AM MAGAZINE.

Mason, Andrea (2021) This Is Happening. failed states: a journal of extraordinary geographies, 4. pp. 138-147. ISSN 2515-5997

Mason, Andrea (2021) Touches. [Art/Design Item]

Christian, Toby (2021) Commuters. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz Koenig. ISBN 9783753301068

Christian, Toby (2021) Preliminares. [Show/Exhibition]


Musgrave, David (2022) Lambda. Europa Editions, UK. ISBN 978-1787703193

Mason, Andrea (2022) Fragments. In: Broken Sleep Books Anthology 2022. Broken Sleep Books, UK, pp. 299-304. ISBN 978-1-915079-77-0

Mason, Andrea (2022) Service Providers. [Art/Design Item]

Cross, David (2022) Do you Read Me? In: Contagious Tales. There was a knock at the door . The Real Press / New Weather Institute, Pulborough, pp. 14-23. ISBN 9781739845407


Young, Sharon (2023) Hysterical Chorus. [Performance]

Young, Sharon (2023) Marginalia (When did you start having those feelings? She wrote). [Performance]

Wilkes, Edward and Hughes, Philip (2023) Character is Structure: The Insider's Guide to Screenwriting. Bloomsbury Publishing, BFI Imprint, London. ISBN 9781839024849

Vilcins, Vija (2023) The Woman in the Garden: Representations of Femininity and Domestic Gardens in Nineteenth Century Writing and Twentieth Century Film. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.

Riddler, Dominik and Pennington, Lou and Capps, Alex and Christian, Toby (2023) Stressing Commuters. [Performance]

Moss, Jane (2023) Joined Up Writers: How can the novel be a vehicle for community participation? PhD thesis, Falmouth University.

Mason, Andrea (2023) Reading: A Dead Man's Stuff, Especially, Is No Good. [Performance]

Mason, Andrea (2023) TODAY, AT THE DUMP, THE WORLD IS IN THE BIN. minor literature[s].

Mason, Andrea (2023) Today, at the dump, the world in in the bin. In: Eleven Stories: The Desperate Literature Short Fiction Shortlist Selection. Desperate Literature, Madrid, pp. 20-26.

Marsh, Andrew (2023) shoddy / schäbig. [Show/Exhibition]


Padilla Jargstorf, Pablo and Oki, Michiko (2024) Voices from the Ground - Part 1: The Mushroom Vortex, Part 2: Fern Vortex & Part 3: The Invisible Vortex. [Show/Exhibition]

Mason, Andrea (2024) Service Providers. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 16 (1). pp. 51-66. ISSN 1753 5190

Mason, Andrea (2024) Amnesiac Beach Fire. In: Cybernetics, or Ghosts? Stories from myth to A. I. Subtext Books, London, pp. 164-179. ISBN 9781919601533

Mason, Andrea (2024) Amnesiac Beach Fire. [Performance]

Good, Jennifer (2024) On Point of View: Writing photography, violence and the self. In: Archive and Conflict: Photographic (Im)Materialities in the Digital Age', 15 February - 9 May 2024, Archivo Platform Webinar.

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