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UAL Research Online

Writing at the limits of reason: ¿Por qué es tan malditamente difícil escribir? Es porque nunca fuimos destinados a ser escritos, sino a bailar

Brueggemann, M J Hunter and Wohl, Bea and Dullipalla, Koundinya (2025) Writing at the limits of reason: ¿Por qué es tan malditamente difícil escribir? Es porque nunca fuimos destinados a ser escritos, sino a bailar. In: Creation: Creative Critical Interventions for Social Justice. UCL Press. (In Press)

Type of Research: Book Section
Creators: Brueggemann, M J Hunter and Wohl, Bea and Dullipalla, Koundinya

Writing at the limits of language

Creative interventions, non-linearity, more-than-rationality and epistemic restorative justice require creation, creativity, uncertainty, and freedom. My/Our work dwells in the uncertain, unsettles text and the textures of language.
Queering the boundaries of prose and the poetic, myOur overall project is one that undermines academic practices of writing and expands/subverts them. This type of work is there to create a conceptual and intellectual space and medium that others, (fellow voices from the epistemic outskirts,) can use the toolbox and arguments and methods I propose to emancipate obsolete forms of rigour and form and assert their own new emerging practices of rigorous queer writing.

Poetry, is not a textual practice; poetry emerges when one is confronted with the boundaries of reason. It is not irrational; it is an imperative consequence and necessity. What is irrational however is to expect those who do not fit the mould to survive/thrive in a[n] medium/IN/stitution that is - restricting/ive at best - . Poetry is not a textual practice; it is a practice of asserting one’s right to life, love and living, in the vicinity of the liminal. Queer writing, as I have witnessed it, and at its most powerful refuses to become the battleground of these anxieties,

writing of queer resistance asserts its ways of knowing and fosters queer live, nurtures compassion, slowness, empathy and surgical objectivity; just not the type of objectivity that they expect.

Publisher/Broadcaster/Company: UCL Press
Your affiliations with UAL: Colleges > Camberwell College of Arts
Research Centres/Networks > Institute for Creative Computing
Date: 2025
Date Deposited: 28 Mar 2025 15:26
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2025 15:26
Item ID: 23759
URI: https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/23759

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