Wyeld, Mike (1996) The trouble with normal. New Formations (28). pp. 142-144. ISSN 0950-2378
Kear, Adrian (1999) Mourning Diana: Nation, Culture and the Performance of Grief. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415193931
Lewis, Reina (2001) Comparative Modernities: Ottoman Women Writers and Western Feminism. In: Images of the ‘modern woman’ in Asia: global media, local meanings. Routledge Curzon, Richmond, Surrey, UK, pp. 188-211. ISBN 9780700713431
Davidmann, Sara (2003) Crossing the Line. Dewi Lewis Publishing, England. ISBN 1-899235-39-6
Davidmann, Sara (2003) nu-gender. [Art/Design Item]
Throp, Mo and Walsh, Maria (2004) Transmogrifications. [Show/Exhibition]
Throp, Mo (2004) Love Stories. [Show/Exhibition]
Cefai, Sarah (2004) Navigating Silences, Disavowing Femininity and the Construction of Lesbian Identities. In: Geography and Gender Reconsidered. Women and Geography Study Group, pp. 108-117.
Birch, Anna (2004) Staging and Citing Gendered Meanings: A practice-based study of representational strategies in live and mediated performance. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Throp, Mo (2006) Trauma, Performativity, and Subjectivity in Art Practice. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Lewis, Reina (2006) Gender, Orientalism, and Postcolonialism. In: Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A postcolonial Exhibition in Project in Five Acts. Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, Helsinki. ISBN 961-8955-81-6
Bartlett, Djurdja (2006) Ideology and Clothes: The Rise and Decline of Socialist Official Fashion. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Lewis, Reina and Heffernan, Teresa (2007) Introduction - An Englishwoman in a Turkish Harem. In: An Englishwoman in a Turkish Harem. Cultures in Dialogue . Gorgias Press. ISBN 978-1-59333-211-2
Lewis, Reina (2007) Picturing the Veil: Staging Faith and Ethnicity in Contemporary Art - catalogue essay. In: Portraits: Reflections on the Veil. Exposed Photography, Belfast.
Davidmann, Sara and Croft, Simon (2008) Trans Lives: Presenting the (Extra) Ordinary. [Show/Exhibition]
Cole, Shaun (2008) Butch queens in macho drag: gay men, dress, and subcultural identity. In: Men’s Fashion Reader. Fairchild Books, New York. ISBN 9781563675362
Rawes, Peg and Rendell, Jane and Araujo, Ana and Garb, Tamar and Morris, Sharon and Matthews, Tim (2010) Sexuate subjects. In: Sexuate Subjects, 3-5 December 2010, University College London.
Marenko, Betti (2010) Body marking/mapping: embodied difference and strategies of deconstruction of identity. Documenti di Lavoro/ Documents de Travail/Working papers.
Doron, Itai and Perry, Martin (2010) Spotlight: Itai Doron, photographer, London UK. Out There, 2. pp. 12-17. ISSN 20439210
Delice, Serkan (2010) Friendship, Sociability, and Masculinity in the Ottoman Empire: An Essay Confronting the Ghosts of Historicism. New Perspectives on Turkey (42). pp. 103-125. ISSN 1305-3299
Davidmann, Sara (2010) Beyond borders: lived experiences of atypically gendered transsexual people. In: Transgender Identities: Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity. Routledge Research in Gender and Society . Routledge, New York, London, pp. 186-207. ISBN 9780415999304
Davidmann, Sara (2010) Queer conceptions: procreation beyond gender: a photographic essay. In: Queer Again? Power, Politics and Ethics, 23 - 25 September 2010, Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished)
Davidmann, Sara (2011) Are you looking at me? In: Collaborations, 01 April 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Davidmann, Sara (2011) Eve, Adam and the garden of earthly delights/invisible genders. [Show/Exhibition]
Davidmann, Sara (2011) Gender identity and trans awareness. In: Equality & Diversity Forum: Supporting Trans Students at UAL, 16 May 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Cussans, John (2011) The walking wounded? In: A Dying Artist, 22nd - 23rd April 2011, ICA, London. (Unpublished)
Cefai, Sarah and Maria Elena, Indelicato (2011) No Such Thing as Standard Beauty: Intersectionality and Embodied Feeling on America's Next Top Model. Outskirts: Feminisms Along the Edge, 24. ISSN 1445-0445
Cefai, Sarah (2011) Unhappy Families. Cultural Studies Review, 17 (1). pp. 339-348. ISSN ISSN 1837-8692
Tynan, Jane and Biernoff, Suzannah (2012) Making and Remaking the Civilian Soldier: The World War I Photographs of Horace Nicholls. Journal of War & Culture Studies, 5 (3). pp. 277-293. ISSN 1752-6272
Maffioletti, Catherine (2012) Beyond the Mirror: Towards a feminised (cartographic) process of spatiality in moving-image & installation based art. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Lifter, Rachel (2012) Contemporary indie and the construction of identity: discursive representations of indie, gendered subjectivities and the interconnections between indie music and popular fashion in the UK. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Delice, Serkan and Cakirlar, Cüneyt (2012) Cinsellik Muamması: Türkiye'de Queer Kültür ve Muhalefet (Muamma sexualities: Queer culture and dissidence in Turkey). Metis Publications, Istanbul. ISBN 9789753428699
Delice, Serkan (2012) In Pursuit of a Queer Historiography: Rethinking Modernity and Heteronormativity in the Middle East. In: Gendered Horizons in the Middle East and Central Asia - A Day in Honour of Professor Deniz Kandiyoti, 20 October 2012, Centre for Gender Studies, SOAS, University of London.
Delice, Serkan (2012) "Zen-dostlar Çoğalıp Mahbûblar Azaldı": Osmanlı'da Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Cinsellik ve Tarihyazımı (Gender, Sexuality and History-Writing in the Ottoman Empire). In: Cinsellik muammasi: Türkiye'de queer kültür ve muhalefet. Metis. ISBN 9789753428699
Aidan, Alexander Jerome (2012) The Mirror Men: An integrated approach to profiling male fashion innovators in London by using self-concept and gender theories. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Wilson, Stephen (2013) Notes on Low Immunity Painting. In: Limber - Spatial Painting Practices. Ecole Superieur d'Art et Design Le Havre- Rouen, Canterbury (UK) & Rouen (France), pp. 90-97. ISBN 978-0-9570797-8-6
Willson, Jacki (2013) False Eyes Lashes: With a Flutter Our Gaze is Dispersed. In: Dressed Bodies, 17 July 2013, Sheffield University.
Gamman, Lorraine (2013) Female Slenderness and the Case of Perverse Compliant Deception - or Why Size Matters... In: Fashion Cultures Revisited: Theories, Explorations and Analysis. Routledge, pp. 296-304. ISBN 9780415680066
Evans, Caroline (2013) On Rereading de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex after Thirty Five Years. Women's Studies Quarterly, 41 (1-2). pp. 194-196. ISSN 0732-1562
Doron, Itai (2013) ‘Queering Foreign Bodies: Discourse and Identity in Visual Representations of Straight Migrant Men'. In: Queer Sexualities 2nd Global Conference, 11th to 13th February 2013, Sydney, Australia.
Cefai, Sarah (2013) Getting Emotional After Sex: Tendencies in Queer Studies. Somatechnics, 3 (1). pp. 190-206. ISSN 2044-0146
Windle, Amanda (2014) Automation and design for prevention: Fictional accounts of misanthropic agency from the elevator (lift) to the sexbot (chatbot). Technoetic Arts, 12 (1). pp. 91-106. ISSN 1477-965X
McCartney, Nicola (2014) Animal Drag: The Critical and Conscious Performance of Animality. Humanimalia, 14 (2). pp. 259-287. ISSN 2151-8645
Laing, Morna (2014) The Lula girl as ‘sublime and childlike’: nostalgic investments in contemporary fashion magazines. Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, 5 (2). pp. 271-293. ISSN 2040-4417
Laing, Morna (2014) Meadham Kirchhoff: 'A Wolf in Lamb's Clothing'. SHOWstudio.
Doron, Itai (2014) Tinker, Soldier, Sailor, Thief: Identity, Discourse, Narrative and Representation of the Male Sexual Outlaw as a Gay Fantasy Figure and its Appropriation from Art and Literature into Fashion Imagery. In: Fashion in Fiction: Style Stories and Transglobal Narratives Conference, 12-14 June 2014, City University of Hong Kong.
Cole, Shaun (2014) Sexuality, Identity and the Clothed Male Body. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Cefai, Sarah (2014) Cartographies of Belonging: The Marketisation of Desire through Media, Practice and Place. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 21 (5). pp. 582-588. ISSN 1360-0524
Cefai, Sarah (2014) Feeling and the Production of Lesbian Space in The L Word. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 21 (5). pp. 650-665. ISSN 1360-0524
Cefai, Sarah (2014) The Lesbian Intimate: Capacities for Feeling in Convergent Media Contexts. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 11 (1). pp. 237-253. ISSN 1749-8716
Butler, Brad and Mirza, Karen (2014) Artes Mundi 6 / The Museum of non Participation. [Show/Exhibition]
Willson, Jacki (2015) Being Gorgeous: Feminism, Sexuality and the Pleasures of the Visual. International Library of Cultural Studies . I.B.Tauris, London and New York. ISBN 9781780762838
Voss, Georgina (2015) Queer Laboratory Life. The Guardian.
Voss, Georgina (2015) Responsible to Whom? Trade Associations, Legitimacy, and Corporate Responsibility in the Adult Entertainment Industry. In: New Views on Pornography: Sexuality, Politics, and the Law. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1440828058
Shamsavari, Sina (2015) Gay Comics and Queer Male Comics in America: History, Conventions and Challenges. PhD thesis, King's College London.
Parry, Owen G. (2015) MPREG versus Homonormcore. The New Inquiry.
McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2015) Hedi Slimane and the reinvention of menswear. Critical Studies in Men's Fashion, 2 (1). pp. 23-42. ISSN 2050-070X
Doron, Itai (2015) Helden für einen Tag (Heroes For A Day). [Art/Design Item]
Doron, Itai (2015) Orientalist Reveries: the Visual Representations and Appropriations of the ‘Arabian’ Space by the Non-Muslim Male Traveller - from Travel Literature to Photography and Contemporary Fashion imagery. In: CONTEMPHOTO '15 / 2nd International Contemporary Photography Conference, 9-10 June 2015, Nazim Hikmet Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey.
Doron, Itai (2015) Queering Foreign Bodies: Discourse and Identity in Visual Representations of Straight Migrant Men. In: Ways of Queering, Ways of Seeing. Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Oxford, UK, pp. 115-147. ISBN 978-1-84888-298-0
Delice, Serkan (2015) Between Culturalism and Capitalism: the localisation of LGBT identities in Turkey. In: Middle East Centre and LSE Contemporary Turkish Studies Workshop: The State of Democracy in Turkey: Institutions, Society and Foreign Relations.
Delice, Serkan (2015) The Janissaries and their bedfellows: Masculinity and male homosexuality in early modern Ottoman Istanbul 1500-1826. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Cefai, Sarah (2015) The Critical Feelings of Audre Lorde, from the Standpoint of an Academic Minor. In: Audre Lorde's Transnational Legacies. University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA.
Cefai, Sarah (2015) Love's Lesbian Refrain of Feeling: "Bette and Tina" and the Subversion of Heterosexual Affect. Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, 28. ISSN 1555-9998
Voss, Georgina and Lock, Simon and Cassidy, Angela (2016) Sexual Nature? (Re)presenting Sexuality and Science in the Museum. Science as Culture, 25 (2). pp. 214-238. ISSN 1470-1189
McCartney, Nicola (2016) I'm Afraid to Stop Dancing. [Art/Design Item]
Lewis, Reina (2016) Sapphism and the Seraglio: Reflections on the Queer Female Gaze and Orientalism. In: Orientalism, Eroticism and Modern Visuality in Global Cultures. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 163-180. ISBN 978-1409463955
Laing, Morna (2016) The ‘Woman-child’ in Fashion Photography, 1990-2015: Childlike Femininities, Performativity, and Reception Studies. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Komporaly, Jozefina (2016) Making a Spectacle: Motherhood in Contemporary British Theatre and Performance. Theatre History Studies, 35 (1). pp. 161-178. ISSN 0733-2033
Doron, Itai (2016) Boys' Palace. [Art/Design Item]
Doron, Itai (2016) Tinker, soldier, sailor, thief: The visual representations and appropriations of the male sexual outlaw as a gay fantasy figure in the Arts and in fashion imagery. Critical Studies in Men's Fashion, 3 (2). pp. 79-93. ISSN 2050-070x
Davidmann, Sara and Sullivan, Nikki (2016) Re-imag(in)ing Life-making, or Queering the Somatechnics of Reproductive Futurity. In: Critical Kinship Studies: Kinship (trans) formed. Rowman & Littlefiel, London, pp. 239-254. ISBN HB 978-1-7834-8416-4
Chesher, Andrew (2016) Things that happen again: Roni Horn and the Phenomenology of the Other. In: Material Others and Other Materialities, 30.09.16, Iklectik Arts Lab.
de la Haye, Amy and Pel, Martin (2017) Gluck: Art and Identity. Yale University Press, London. ISBN 9780300230482
Schalk, Meike and Mazé, Ramia and Kristiansson, Thérèse and Fanni, Maryam (2017) Introduction: Anticipating feminist futures of spatial practice. In: Feminist Futures of Spatial Practice. Spurbuchverlag, Baunach, DE, pp. 13-23. ISBN 978-3-88778-489-8
Plum, Ingrid (2017) Response to: How do individuals and communities navigate gendered spaces in these [music and sound technology] practices? In: Activating Inclusive Sound Spaces, 8-9 Jul 2017, Huddersfield University.
McCartney, Nicola and Willson, Jacki (2017) A look at ‘fishy drag’ and androgynous fashion: Exploring the border spaces beyond gender-normative deviance for the straight, cisgendered woman. Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, 8 (1). pp. 99-122. ISSN 2040-4417
Mazé, Ramia (2017) Feminist Futures of Spatial Practice: Materialisms, activisms, dialogues, pedagogies, projections. Art Architecture Design Research AADR . Spurbuchverlag, Baunach, DE. ISBN 978-3-88778-489-8
Mazé, Ramia (2017) Visions of the Future: Critical practices of design fabulation. In: Gender Studies Conference, 23-25 Nov 2017, Jyväskylä, Finland.
Lewis, Reina (2017) Modest Fashion and Anti-fashion. In: The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 139-151. ISBN 978-1472455369
Kirkham, Neil and Dirix, Emmanuelle (2017) Still ‘Fashionably Laid’? Costume and contemporary moving-image pornography. Film, Fashion and Consumption, 6 (1). pp. 49-63. ISSN 20442823
Almila, Anna-Mari (2017) Introduction: The Veil across the Globe in Politics, Everyday Life, and Fashion. In: The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling Practices. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, pp. 1-25. ISBN 9781472455369
Sledmere, Adrian (2018) Amy Winehouse: Back to Black and the Gothic. Journal of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, 8 (1). pp. 117-135. ISSN 2079-3871
October, Dene (2018) Hit or Miss? Fan Responses to the Regenderation of the Master. In: Doctor Who - Twelfth Night: Adventures in Time and Space with Peter Capaldi. Who Watching . I B Tauris. ISBN 9781788313636
O'Dair, Marcus (2018) Mute Records: Artists, Business, History. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781501340604
McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2018) Inclusive masculinities in men’s fashion. In: Fashion Costume and Visual Cultures Conference, 17-19 July 2018, University of Zagreb.
McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2018) Refashioning the Male Body. In: De/Constructing Masculinities? Critical Explorations into Affect, Intersectionality, and the Body, 22 - 23 June 2018, Erlangen, Nuernberg.
McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2018) Menswear Revolution: The Transformation of Contemporary Men's Fashion. Bloomsbury, London and New York. ISBN 9781474289016
McCartney, Nicola (2018) Death of the Artist: Art World Dissidents and their Alternative Identities. International Library of Modern and Contemporary Art . I.B. Tauris, London. ISBN 9781784534158
Marshall, Louise Catherine Antonia (2018) Deep Listening: The Strategic Practice of Female Experimental Composers post 1945. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Mahawatte, Royce (2018) Fashion and Adornment. In: A Cultural History of Hair in the Modern Age. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781474232128
Kirkham, Neil (2018) A very British tease: Costume, fetishism and materiality in soft-core pornography. Clothing Cultures, 4 (2). pp. 135-152.
Cefai, Sarah (2018) The Humiliation of “Sex with Optimism”: Fieldnotes from Tinder. Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry, 1 (3). pp. 104-122.
Begum, Lipi and Dasgupta, Rohit K. and Lewis, Reina (2018) Styling South Asian Youth Cultures: Fashion Media and Society. Dress Cultures . I.B Tauris, London. ISBN 9781784539177
Athill, Charlie (2018) Who Are You Calling a Hackney Twat: Gender and Stigma in Media Represention. Journal of Extreme Anthropology, 2 (1). pp. 46-65. ISSN 2535-3241
Almila, Anna-Mari and Inglis, David (2018) Creating and Routinizing Style and Immediacy: Keith Floyd and the South-West English Roots of New Cookery Mediatizations. In: Globalized Eating Cultures Mediation and Mediatization. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 221-224. ISBN 978-3-319-93656-7
Almila, Anna-Mari and Inglis, David (2018) On the Hijab-Gift: Gift-Theoretical Considerations on the Ambiguities and Ambivalences of Islamic Veiling in a Diasporic Context. Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change, 3 (1). ISSN 2589-1316
Almila, Anna-Mari (2018) Veiling in Fashion: Space, Materiality and the Hijab in Minority Communities. Dress Cultures . I B Tauris. ISBN 9781784539238
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2019) Persona (Non) Grata: Reading the Human in the ‘Homeless’. In: Doorways: Women, Homelessness, Trauma and Resistance. House Sparrow Press, UK. ISBN 978-1-9998161-1-7
Tynan, Jane (2019) Uniform: Clothing and Discipline in the Modern World. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350045552
Naldi, Pat (2019) 'Search' in 'Movement and Handling: Selected Works from the LUX Collection'. [Show/Exhibition]
McCauley Bowstead, Jay and Barry, Ben (2019) Influential Images – diversifying the male body in fashionable representation. In: Fashion Costume & Visual Cultures Conference: Roubaix, 9 - 11 July 2019, Université de Lille (Roubaix).
McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2019) Decoding the Contested Aesthetics of Contemporary Men’s Fashion. In: Masculinities: Transgressing Binaries and Boundaries, 27 April 2019, The Literary & Philosophical Society of Newcastle.
McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2019) Hedi Slimane and the reinvention of menswear. In: The Meanings of Dress. Fourth Edition (4). Fairchild Books, New York, pp. 38-48. ISBN 9781501323942
Hitchcock, Fenella and McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2019) Camp from club to catwalk: Charles Jeffrey’s LOVERBOY and queer fashion practice. In: Carry on Camping: The Politics of Subversion, 6 September 2019, University of Brighton.
Dada, Maria (2019) Wie tief Netzwerk ist Deine Liebe?*. Sexuologie Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft. ISSN 0944-7105
Cairns, Jon (2019) Down and Dirty: Ecosex intimacies and the appeal of the ‘personal’. In: What’s love got to do with it? Performance, Affectivity, Intimacy, February 18 - 19, 2019, Culturgest, Lisbon, Portugal.
Cairns, Jon (2019) Wet Words and Dirty Talk: speaking through ecosex intimacies in the work of Annie Sprinkle and Elizabeth Stephens. In: London Conference in Critical Thought, 5 - 6 July 2019, Centre for Invention and Social Process at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Almila, Anna-Mari (2019) Wine, Women and Globalization: The Case of Female Sommeliers. In: The Globalization of Wine. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781474264990
Almila, Anna-Mari (2019) Wine, women and globalization: borders, barriers or (cultural) belongings? In: Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging, 20-23 August 2019, Manchester.
Zeilig, Hannah and Lilley, Debra and Bridgens, Ben (2020) Objective Ageing.
Schalk, Meike and Kristiansson, Thérèse and Mazé, Ramia (2020) Feminism. In: Connectedness – An Incomplete Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene. Strandberg Publishing, Copenhagen, pp. 182-185. ISBN 978-87-93604-86-5
Rathnayake, Chamil and Ntalla, Irida (2020) “Visual Affluence” in Social Photography: Applicability of Image Segmentation as a Visually Oriented Approach to Study Instagram Hashtags. Social Media + Society, 6 (2). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2056 3051
Hitchcock, Fenella and McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2020) Queer fashion practice and the camp tactics of Charles Jeffrey LOVERBOY. Critical Studies in Men's Fashion, 7 (1). pp. 27-49. ISSN 2050-070X
Gajjala, Radhika and Basu, Maitrayee (2020) Introduction. Feminist Media Studies, 21 (1). pp. 147-150. ISSN 1471-5902
Basu, Maitrayee (2020) Chudi, Bindi Aur Hijab: Anti-Patriarchy Movements within Anti-Authoritarianism in India. In: Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference 2020, 27-31 October 2020, Online. (Unpublished)
Barokka, Khairani (2020) Hurt and Words: On Language and Pain in Public. Feminist Review, 125. ISSN 1466-4380
Almila, Anna-Mari (2020) Women, wine and the self-gift: between self-indulgence and justification. In: Wine and Gift Roundtable, 14 August 2020, Massey University.
Savita, Priyanka (2021) Female Desire in Contemporary Indian Cinema. PhD thesis, University for the Creative Arts.
Roman, Mario (2021) Celebrities at Work: The Symbolic Production of Masculinities in American & British GQ Magazines in 2012. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Mackinnon, Lee (2021) Undecidability. Umbigo: Magazine of Arts and Culture, 77. pp. 106-110. ISSN 2184-7703
Lewis, Reina and Aune, Kristin and Molokotos-Liederman, Lina (2021) Modest Fashion in UK Women’s Working Life: A report for fashion and the creative industries and creative arts education. Project Report. University of the Arts London, London.
Lewis, Reina (2021) Mapping Modern Bodies in the Middle East: Introduction. In: Fashioning the Modern Middle East: Gender, Body, and Nation. Dress Cultures . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9781350135215
Lewis, Reina (2021) Patronage, Taste, and Power: Slave, Manumitted, and Free Subjects in the Fashioning of Middle Eastern Modernity. In: Fashioning the Modern Middle East: Gender, Body, and Nation. Dress Cultures . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 71-90. ISBN 9781350135215
Igoe, Elaine (2021) A gendered theory of design(ing). In: 118 Theories of Design(ing). Vernon Press, p. 117. ISBN 978-1-62273-962-2
Hitchcock, Fenellla (2021) The Candy Book of Transversal Creativity: The Best of Candy Transversal Magazine, Allegedly. Viscose, 4. pp. 104-109. ISSN 2597-57X
Hardie, Sarah (2021) Spring Sometimes Rises In Me Too (Script). [Art/Design Item]
Goh, Annie (2021) Myths of Echo. [Show/Exhibition]
Dunster, Flora (2021) Do You Have Place? A Conversation with Sunil Gupta. Third Text, 35 (1). pp. 81-95. ISSN 0952-8822
Basu, Maitrayee (2021) Kisi Ke Baap Ka Hindustan Thodi Hai: Citizenship Amendment Act Protests, Hashtag Publics and the Enlargement of the Public Space. Feminist Media Studies, 21 (1). pp. 169-171. ISSN 1471-5902
Basu, Maitrayee (2021) When “Muslimness Could Bring Trouble into Secular Spaces”: Anti-CAA Protests and Religious Slogans. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 37 (2). pp. 151-155. ISSN 1553-3913
Aune, Kristin and Lewis, Reina and Molokotos-Liederman, Lina (2021) Modest Fashion in UK Women’s Working Life: A report for employers, HR professionals, religious organisations, and policymakers. Project Report. University of the Arts London, London.
Athill, Charlie and McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2021) Special Issue of Critical Studies in Men’s Fashion: ‘Globalizing Men’s Style’, 2021. Critical Studies in Men's Fashion, 8 (1&2). pp. 51-53. ISSN 2050-070X
Athill, Charlie (2021) Reverse tomboy: (Re)definitions of gender fluidity through sensory engagement with material culture. Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture, 5 (2-3). pp. 149-170. ISSN 2055-5695
de Lorenzo, Victoria (2022) Paula De La Cruz-Fernández, Gendered Capitalism: Sewing Machines and Multinational Business in Spain and Mexico, 1850–1940. Routledge, New York, 2021. xi þ 189 pp., 12 b/w illus. ISBN: 9780367770433(pbk). Textile History. ISSN 1743-2952
Triggs, Teal and Cook, Siân and Allan, Lorna and Potter, Susan (2022) Brave New Normal: Intergenerational Mentoring & Women in Graphic Design. Project Report. Royal College of Art, London.
Storey, Helen and Betteridge, David, UNHCR Jordan (2022) The films of Dress For Our Time. In: Global Voices, 6-16 August 2022, Calgary, Canada.
McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2022) Refashioning the Male Body: Contemporary Media Representations of the Spornosexual and the Waif. In: The Male Body in Representation: Returning to Matter. Palgrave Studies in (Re)Presenting Gender . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 99-122. ISBN 978-3-030-88604-2
McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2022) Spectacularizing the Male Body: Fashionable Physiques in the Age of Instagram. In: Fashionable Masculinities: Queers, Pimp Daddies, and Lumbersexuals. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, pp. 68-82. ISBN 9781978823310
Lindholm, Siri (2022) Shame, Blame and Contradictions in Protectionist Anti-Sexualisation Discourses on Girls' Dress. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Karagiorgou, Ioanna (2022) The affordances of masculinities: An investigation of the construction and communication of digital masculinities through UK-based life(style) Influencers. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Finney, Rachael (2022) Sounding Elsewhere, Sounding Everywhere: Listening to the Background from Motown and Beyond. PhD thesis, Goldsmiths.
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2023) Porous Personhood. In: Non-Normative Worlds, 30 November 2023, Architectural Association.
Naldi, Pat (2023) In Theoretical Space No-One Can Hear You Scream.
Lewis, Reina and Aune, Kristin (2023) Aesthetic Labor in Religious Contexts: Women Encountering Modest Dress in the Workplace in the UK and Saudi Arabia. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture. ISSN 1362-704X
Jenkins, Daniella (2023) Designing feminist pensions policies: a feminist institutional analysis of the interrelationships between structure, agency and gendered pension outcomes in the UK. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Daikos, Antonis (2023) UNSEX: Exhibition-Making as a Methodological Approach to Interpret Contemporary Gender-Neutral Fashion in Museums and Gallery Spaces. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Champlin, Alicia and Chicau, Joana and Corfiel, Miki and Knotts, Shelly and Marie, Mynah and Saladino, Iris and Xambó, Anna (2023) Community Report: Livecodera. In: International Conference on Live Coding 2023, 19-23 April 2023, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Ntalla, Irida (2024) Single Motherhood, Sexuality, and Mediated Intimacies on Dating Apps. Ethnoscripts, 26 (1). ISSN 2199-7942
McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2024) Theorising Masculinities in Fashion Studies. In: Beau Brummell and New Masculinities, 4-5 of April 2024, Central Saint Martins, London.
Dzuverovic, Lina (2024) A Feminist Exploration of Labour in Performance, Sound and Moving Image work in Yugoslav Collectives in 1970s and 1980s. In: Women in Revolt: Radical Acts and Contemporary Resonances, 22-23 March 2024, Tate Britain.
Doron, Itai (2024) Repositioning Queer Modernism: Men’s Fashion Photography and the Production of New Gay Subjectivities. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.