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UAL Research Online

Items where Subject is "Social Theory"

Jump to: 2007 | 2009 | 2010 | 2013 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
Number of items at this level: 49.


Faure Walker, James and Moinnamini, Susan and Robins, Amy and Barker, Leon (2007) SCIRIA Openmind seminar series. In: Openmind research seminar, 07th June 2007. (Unpublished)


Credland, Tony (2009) Making Protest Material. In: Mine Yours Ours, 15-18th October 2009, Molekula, Galeria Kortil, Strossmayerova 1, rijeka. (Unpublished)


Rawes, Peg and Rendell, Jane and Araujo, Ana and Garb, Tamar and Morris, Sharon and Matthews, Tim (2010) Sexuate subjects. In: Sexuate Subjects, 3-5 December 2010, University College London.


Vodanovic, Lucia (2013) The New Art of Being Amateur: Distance as Participation. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 12 (2). pp. 169-179. ISSN 1470-2029

Tsogas, George (2013) Consumption in Cognitive Capitalism: Commodity Riots and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat of Consumption. Knowledge Cultures, 1 (4). pp. 98-105. ISSN 2327-5731

Peebles, Elizabeth and Eisenmann, Markus and Pys, Pavel (2013) Second Reflection / Symmetrical Contents: Sturtevant and Secondeditions Pavel Pyś In Conversation With Elizabeth Peebles And Markus Eisenmann. In: Second Reflection / Symmetrical Contents: Sturtevant and Secondeditions Pavel Pyś In Conversation With Elizabeth Peebles And Markus Eisenmann., 23 January 2013, Lecture Theatre, Chelsea College of Arts.


Zimmerman, Andrea Luka and Roberts, David, Fugitive Images (2015) Real Estates. [Show/Exhibition]

Rocamora, Agnès and Smelik, Anneke (2015) Thinking Through Fashion: A Guide to Key Theorists. In: Thinking Through Fashion: A Guide to Key Theorists. Dress Cultures . I.B. Tauris, London. ISBN 9781780767338

Collister, Simon (2015) Algorithmic Public Relations: Materiality, Technology and Power in a Post-Hegemonic World. In: The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations. Routlege, London & New York. ISBN 978-0-415-72733-4


Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2016) The Problem of Subsumption in Kant, Hegel and Marx. PhD thesis, Kingston University.

Almila, Anna-Mari (2016) Actor Network Theory and Its Cultural Uses. In: The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Sociology. SAGE, London, pp. 131-143. ISBN 9781446271971


Tynan, Jane (2017) Status. In: A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion in the Modern Age. A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion, 6 . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 131-150. ISBN 978-0-85785-602-9

Almila, Anna-Mari (2017) Sizes and scales of fashion research: connecting bodies and garments from skin to globality. In: Zonemoda, 3.5.-5.5.2017, Rimini, Italy.

Almila, Anna-Mari (2017) What is ‘Fashion’ Really? The Promise of an Ecumenical Analytic for Fashion Studies and Beyond in a Globalized World. In: Epistemology and Transformation of Knowledge in Global Age. InTech. ISBN 978-953-51-5432-7


Veness, Alexander (2018) Class Wargames (Richard Barbrook and Ilze Black) play Guy Debord's Game of War, September 2008. [Art/Design Item]

Thorpe, Adam and Manzini, Ezio (2018) Weaving People and Places: Art and Design for Resilient Communities. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 4 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2405-8726

Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés and Brito Rojas, Sandro (2018) Production=signification: towards a semiotic materialism. Language Sciences, 70. pp. 131-142. ISSN 0388-0001

Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2018) Bolívar Echeverría: Critical Discourse and Capitalist Modernity. In: The SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory. SAGE, pp. 433-447. ISBN 9781473953345

McCauley Bowstead, Jay and Golmohammadi, Lili (2018) Trend Forecasting, Taste and Fashion Production. In: Teaching Fashion Studies. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 33-42. ISBN 9781350022881

McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2018) Refashioning the Male Body. In: De/Constructing Masculinities? Critical Explorations into Affect, Intersectionality, and the Body, 22 - 23 June 2018, Erlangen, Nuernberg.

McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2018) Menswear Revolution: The Transformation of Contemporary Men's Fashion. Bloomsbury, London and New York. ISBN 9781474289016

Almila, Anna-Mari (2018) The Hijab as Gift: Mechanisms of Community Socialization in the Muslim Diaspora. In: Socialization - A Multidimensional Perspective. InTech. ISBN 978-1-78923-308-7


Gamman, Lorraine and Gunasekera, Pras (2019) Understanding Suicide and Assisted Dying – Why “Design for Death” is Tricky? In: Tricky Design: The Ethics of Things. Bloomsbury, pp. 175-193. ISBN 9781474277204

Gamman, Lorraine and Fisher, Tom (2019) Design’s Tricky Future. In: Tricky Design: The Ethics of Things. Bloomsbury, pp. 207-218. ISBN 9781474277204

Gamman, Lorraine and Fisher, Tom (2019) Tricky Design: The Ethics of Things. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781350143050

Beech, Dave (2019) Art and Postcapitalism: Aesthetic Labour, Automation and Value Production. Pluto. ISBN 9780745339252


Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés and Chehonadskih, Maria (2020) The Global Distribution of the Ethical. Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin

Inglis, David and Almila, Anna-Mari (2020) Sociological Masters of the World: For and Against “Global Sociology”. Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 4. pp. 741-769. ISSN 2612-1433

Crowley, Matthew (2020) Representations of Working-Class Masculinities in Post-War British Culture. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-367-18154-3

Chou, Sabrina (2020) Live Tenders: An Incomplete Theory of Social Digestion. Thresholds, 48. pp. 176-185. ISSN 2575-7338

Beech, Dave (2020) Art and Labour: On the Hostility to Handicraft, Aesthetic Labour and the Politics of Work in Art. Historical Materialism . Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-32151-9


Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2021) Subsumption. In: The SAGE Handbook of Marxism. SAGE, pp. 609-630. ISBN 9781526455741

Namazi, Mohammad (2021) Decolonising Archives: Listening Back to the Archives. Discussion Paper. University of the Arts London.

Kaszynska, Patrycja (2021) Evaluation: Concepts and Practice. Working Paper. University of the Arts London.

Kaszynska, Patrycja (2021) Value in Places and Places in Systems. Working Paper. University of the Arts London.

Hague, Ian (2021) Social Sciences/Comics: A Commentary on Sociologica's Exploration of Comics. Sociologica, 15 (1). pp. 305-310. ISSN 1971-8853

Chon, Harah (2021) Sustainable practice: The future mode of temporality in fashion. Fashion, Style and Popular Culture, 8 (4). pp. 377-385. ISSN 2050-0734

Almila, Anna-Mari (2021) Fashion systems and global fashion research: from divisions to connections. In: En-Compass-Ing Culture(s): Beyond East/West and South/North, 10-12 March 2021, Helsinki/ online.


Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2022) Being, Becoming, Subsumption: The Kantian Roots of a Marxist problematic. Radical Philosophy, 2 (12). pp. 35-47. ISSN 0300-211X

Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2022) Book review: Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization. European Journal of Social Theory. ISSN 1368-4310

Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2022) Marx e la Transnaturalizzazione della Materia. In: Sulla Soglia delle Forme: Genealogia, estetica, politica della materia. Meltemi, Milan, pp. 166-179. ISBN 9788855194600

Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2022) Ser, Devenir, Subsunción: las raíces Kantianas de una problemática Marxista. Valenciana (29). pp. 253-279. ISSN 2007-2538

Rocamora, Agnès (2022) The Datafication and Quantification of Fashion: The Case of Fashion Influencers. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, 26 (7). pp. 1109-1133. ISSN 1362-704X

Mey, Adeena (2022) Foreword. Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry (52). pp. 3-6. ISSN 1465-4253

Delice, Serkan (2022) Critiques of Appropriation and Transnational Labor Ethics. Fashion Theory. ISSN 1751-7419


Rocamora, Agnès (2023) Deep Mediatisation and the Datafication of Fashion. In: Contemporary Challenges in Mediatisation Research. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781003324591

Parry, Owen G. (2023) Poor theory: Art and participatory cultures of the Post-truthacene. In: Guest Lecture, 15 December 2023, Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna, Austria (MUK).


Farid, Mark (2024) Exploring Identity and Power in the Age of Technology. In: Periphera: Trafaria Digital Art Festival, 8-10 November 2024, Convento dos Capuchos, R. Miradouro dos Capuchos, Caparica, Portugal.

Farid, Mark (2024) Invisible Voice - 'S+T+ARTS,' Ars Electronica Digital Arts Festival (Group Exhibition). [Show/Exhibition]

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