Voss, Georgina (2015) The Howling Wind, The Swerving Air. [Art/Design Item]
Voss, Georgina (2017) Near Net Shape. [Art/Design Item]
Revell, Tobias and Kane, Natalie (2015) Haunted Machines: Alchemy. [Art/Design Item]
Windle, Amanda (2014) Automation and design for prevention: Fictional accounts of misanthropic agency from the elevator (lift) to the sexbot (chatbot). Technoetic Arts, 12 (1). pp. 91-106. ISSN 1477-965X
Windle, Amanda (2011) Considering simplicity and dexterity in an open and closed internet of things. Creative Industries Knowledge Transfer Network (04).
Windle, Amanda (2014) How to be a resilient researcher of social isolation. Native.
Windle, Amanda (2012) Video interview on enterprise and research at the DigiLab. Co-Creating the Future.
Voss, Georgina and Pickard, J and Revell, Tobias (2015) The Internet Of Bombs. Tangible Evidence 02 Systems, Platforms & Prototypes.
Venturini, Tommaso and Ricci, Donato and Mauri, Michele and Kimbell, Lucy and Meunier, Axel (2015) Designing Controversies and Their Publics. Design Issues, 31 (3). pp. 74-87. ISSN 07479360/15314790
Smith, Tim and Mital, Parag. K (2013) Attentional synchrony and the influence of viewing task on gaze behavior in static and dynamic scenes. Journal of Vision, 13 (8). ISSN 1534-7362
Sherman, Stephanie and Sarivo, Julian (2020) We Don’t Yet Fully Know What Platforms Can Do: Ten points towards public platformation. Autonomy. ISSN 2515-9852
Sherman, Stephanie and Jennifer, Taylor (2020) Designing a design-a-hack-a-thon: augmenting hackathons with human-centered design. Interactions, 27 (3). pp. 56-60. ISSN 1072-5520
Revell, Tobias (2015) Working Up A Sweat. Dirty Furniture, 1 (2). pp. 146-152.
Marenko, Betti (2021) Stay Alert to the Toolification of Experience. The Technocratic Shift is Here. UAL Social Design Institute Publications.
Mackinnon, Lee (2014) Toward an Algorithmic Realism: The Evolving Nature of Astronomical Knowledge in Representations of the Non-Visible. Leonardo, 47 (3). pp. 225-231. ISSN 1530-9282
Luke, Steven. G and Smith, Tim and Schmidt, Joseph and Henderson, John. M (2014) Dissociating temporal inhibition of return and saccadic momentum across multiple eye-movement tasks. Journal of Vision, 14 (9). ISSN 1534-7362
Goh, Annie (2019) Appropriating the Alien: A critique of Xenofeminism. Mute. Culture and Politics after the Net. ISSN 1356-7748-27
Colman, Felicity (2014) Digital Feminicity: Predication and Measurement, Materialist Informatics and Images. Artnodes: Journal of Art, Science, and Technology, 14. pp. 7-17. ISSN 1695-5951
Marenko, Betti (2021) Designing Smart Objects in Everyday Life Intelligences, Agencies, Ecologies. Bloomsbury Visual Arts . Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781350160125
Jewitt, Carey and Price, Sara and Leder Mackley, Kerstin and Yiannoustou, Nikoleta and Atkinson, Douglas (2020) Interdisciplinary Insights for Digital Touch Communication. Springer Briefs in Human Computer Interaction . Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-24564-1
Revell, Tobias and Andersen, Kristina (2021) The Telling of Things: Imagining Through, With and About Machines. In: Designing Smart Objects in Everyday Life: Intelligences, Agencies, Ecologies. Bloomsbury Visual Arts, London, pp. 57-72. ISBN 9781350160125
Revell, Tobias (2020) Exit Spaces: From Koreshan Cults to Wireless Mesh Networks. In: Bracket: Takes Action. Archinect / Infranet Lab, San Francisco, CA, pp. 132-137. ISBN 9781943532919
Revell, Tobias, Robot Love (2018) Swimming With Submarines. In: Robot Love. Lannoo. ISBN 9789089897763
Mey, Adeena (2023) Curating’s Technological Unconscious: The History of Cybernetics and the Gaian Transformation of Curation. In: The Helsinki Biennial Art Mediation Forum 2023: An Anthology. HAM Helsinki Art Museum Publication (156). HAM Helsinki Art Museum, Helsinki, pp. 35-48. ISBN 978-952-5939-45-3
Mackinnon, Lee (2016) Love's Algorithm: The Perfect Parts for my Machine. In: Algorithmic Life: Calculative Devices in the Age of Big Data. Routledge/Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 161-175. ISBN 978-1-138-85284-6
Kimbell, Lucy (2018) How can we…? Connecting inventive social research with social and government innovation. In: Inventing the Social. Mattering Press. ISBN 978-0-9955277-5-1
Dalzel-Job, Sara and Oberlander, Jon and Smith, Tim (2011) Contested Staring: Issues and the use of mutual gaze as an on-line measure of social presence. In: ISPR 2011: International Society for Presence Research Annual Conference. International Society for Presence Research. ISBN 9780979221743
Colman, Felicity (2016) Digital biopolitics: the image of life. In: Resisting biopolitics: philosophical, political and performative strategies. Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy, (71). Routledge, Abingdon, U.K., pp. 189-201. ISBN 9781138789487
Cole, Adam (2023) Rejected By My Own Robot: Studying the Potential for Artists to Subvert Technological Expectations Using Critical Design. In: TEI ’23: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’23), February 26-March 1, 2023, Warsaw, Poland. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Windle, Amanda and Green, Phil (2011) Metadata and the DigiLab. In: The Internet of Things Specialist Workshop, 1st July 2011, London College of Fashion.
Windle, Amanda and Gibbs, Ian (2011) Becoming and Belonging - Cross Borders of Research and Enteprise. In: Staff Development Day, July 2011, London College of Communication.
Windle, Amanda and Burley, Tim and Din, Zahida and Giagkoglou, Thomas (2014) What arts and culture venues need to know about the 65+ arts and culture attendees. In: Digital R&D Learning Event, Nesta, Plough Lane, London.
Windle, Amanda (2010) Design Re-enactments in Audio. In: Practicing Science and Technology, Performing the Social, 2nd-4th Sept 2010, University of Trento, Italy. (Unpublished)
Windle, Amanda (2012) Design for prevention and the promises of automated things: two fictional accounts of misanthropic agency from the elevator (lift) to the sexbot. In: CRESC Conference 2012 Promises: Crisis and Socio-Cultural Change, 4th - 7th September 2012, Manchester.
Windle, Amanda (2011) Inscribing Complexity: Diagrammatic Interventions. In: Visualisation in the Age of Computerization, 25-26 March 2011, Saïd Business School, Oxford University.
Windle, Amanda (2013) Territoriality and the DigiLab — How the Spatial Turn Comes to Matter. In: 4S, 19 - 23rd August 2013, San Diego.
Windle, Amanda (2012) Virtual reenactments of studio practice: assembling a digi-lab through case studies of virtual and online inscription. In: Biennial Conference of 4S and EASST, 17th - 20th October 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Windle, Amanda (2014) Visualising Complex Data: A Workshop Approach to Infographics and Knowledge Transmission. In: 4S and ESOCITES, 19-23rd August 2014, 4S, Buenos Aires.
Voss, Georgina (2018) Supra Systems. In: Design Does*, 20 April 2018, Barcelona Design Museum.
Sujon, Zoetanya (2019) The Rise of Platform Empires: Sociality as Mass Deception. In: Living in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism, 12 June 2019, Glasgow University.
Sherman, Stephanie (2020) Fixed and Floating, On Platform Mobility. In: Lunch and Learn at The Shop, 6 January 2020, Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans.
Sherman, Stephanie (2021) Radio EE. In: Open* tools for collective organizing, 27 November 2021, AHK Culture Club, Amsterdam.
Revell, Tobias and Kane, Natalie, Haunted Machines, Feminist Internet (2019) Designing an Ecological Alexa. In: Designing an Ecological Alexa, 22-23 October 2020, Utretcht, NL.
Revell, Tobias and Kane, Natalie (2018) Haunted Machines, Tentacular Festival. In: Tentacular Festival, 24 - 25 November 2018, Madrid, Spain.
Revell, Tobias (2017) Arrational Machines. In: ThingsCon Amsterdam, 30 November - 1 December 2017, Amsterdam, NL.
Revell, Tobias (2016) It Came Through The Seams! In: Lift 2016, 10-12 February 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.
Revell, Tobias (2015) Smart City Dreamin'. In: Transmediale 2015, Berlin, Germany.
Revell, Tobias (2015) This Did Not Take Place. In: Impakt Festival 2015, 28 October - 1 November 2015, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Voss, Georgina (2018) A Refined Glare. [Performance]
Colman, Felicity and Bühlmann, Vera and O’Donnell, Aislinn and van der Tuin, Iris (2018) Ethics of Coding: A Report on the Algorithmic Condition. Project Report. European Commission, Brussels.
Windle, Amanda (2011) Territorial Violence and Design, 1950-2010: A Human-Computer Study of Personal Space and Chatbot Interaction. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London with Surrey University.
Webb, Charlotte (2017) Noodle, Noodle, Cat: Extra-Subjective Agency in Web-based Art practice. PhD thesis, Chelsea College of Art and Design.
Nunez, G. Alfonso (2015) Between Technophilia, Cold War and Rationality: A Social and Cultural History of Digital Art. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.