Wilson, Stephen (2009) Every Alter Ego as a Different Memory. In: Dancing With Men. Live Art Development Agency, London, pp. 51-71. ISBN 978-0954604073
Credland, Tony (2009) Making Protest Material. In: Mine Yours Ours, 15-18th October 2009, Molekula, Galeria Kortil, Strossmayerova 1, rijeka. (Unpublished)
Clark, Edmund (2009) Solo Show: Guantanamo: If The Light Goes Out, British Journal of Photography International Photography Award. [Show/Exhibition]
Quinn, Malcolm (2010) Insight and rigour: a Freudo-Lacanian approach. In: The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 240-258. ISBN 978-0-415-58169-1
Cussans, John (2010) Bataille, Haiti and Vodou. In: Strange Attractor Salon, 15th September 2010, The Last Tuesday Society, 11 Mare Street, London. (Unpublished)
Baines, Jess (2010) The Formation & Dissolution of Radical Discourses? The case of the UK radical printshop collectives 1968-98. In: ECREA, 3rd European Communication Conference, 12-15th October 2010, University of Hamburg, Germany. (Unpublished)
Baines, Jess (2010) Free Radicals. Afterall Online.
Baines, Jess (2010) Radical Printshops (London) 1968-98:Politics & Technology. In: Joint Media & Communications Symposium (Goldsmiths, LSE, Westminster), 26 November 2010, University of Westminster.
Plessner, Daphne, Citizen Artists Team (2011) The citizen artist mobile armband. [Show/Exhibition]
Lafuente, Pablo and Kuzma, Marta and Osborne, Peter (2011) Beyond death: viral discontents and contemporary notions about AIDS. [Show/Exhibition]
Lafuente, Pablo and Kuzma, Marta and Osborne, Peter (2011) The state of things. [Show/Exhibition]
Bramall, Rebecca (2011) Dig for victory! Anti-consumerism, austerity, and new historical subjectivities. Subjectivity, 4 (1). pp. 68-86. ISSN 1755-6341
Baines, Jess (2011) Radical printshops: the struggle for counter-hegemonic media production in 1980s Britain. In: Media & Identity: Between Repression & Emancipation, 10 June 2011, London School of Economics. (Unpublished)
Glavey, Paul (2012) Untitled protest banner (after Daumier). [Art/Design Item]
Fletcher, Kate (2012) Sustainability, Pleasure and Fashion Politics. In: The Sustainable Fashion Handbook. Thames and Hudson, London, UK, pp. 208-210. ISBN 9780500290569
Delice, Serkan and Cakirlar, Cüneyt (2012) Cinsellik Muamması: Türkiye'de Queer Kültür ve Muhalefet (Muamma sexualities: Queer culture and dissidence in Turkey). Metis Publications, Istanbul. ISBN 9789753428699
Bramall, Rebecca (2012) Popular culture and anti-austerity protest. Journal of European Popular Culture, 3 (1). pp. 9-22.
Wilson, Stephen (2013) Notes on Low Immunity Painting. In: Limber - Spatial Painting Practices. Ecole Superieur d'Art et Design Le Havre- Rouen, Canterbury (UK) & Rouen (France), pp. 90-97. ISBN 978-0-9570797-8-6
Williams, Dilys and Young, Lola (2013) Design for Sustainability Educators Network: House of Lords Dinner Debate. In: House of Lords Dinner Debate, 19 March 2013, House of Lords.
Butler, Brad and Mirza, Karen (2013) The Guest of Citation. [Performance]
Wilson, Stephen (2014) Queer, Women, Art, Sport and Taiwan. CCW Graduate School Directory 2014/15. pp. 11-12. ISSN 978-1-908339-14-0
Williams, Dilys (2014) Wear Your Culture. In: Wear Your Culture, 18th November 2014, Wellcome Trust. (Unpublished)
Quinn, Anthony (2014) Fixing the World Through Open Design. (Submitted)
Marenko, Betti (2014) Deleuzian Design. The Adventure of Actualizing the Virtual by Capturing Material Stories from the Future. In: Political Aesthetics, Political Design., Institute for Design Research, Zurich University of the Arts.
Lotringer, Sylvère and Morris, David (2014) Schizo-Culture: The Event, The Book. Semiotext(e) / The MIT Press. ISBN 9781584351245
Farid, Mark (2014) Profile Picture - 'Hackney Wicked Festival,' arebyte Gallery (Solo Exhibition). [Show/Exhibition]
Delice, Serkan (2014) ‘They got the guns, but we got the numbers’: Fashion, masculinity, and political resistance in the Middle East. In: Fashion and Politics: 2nd Research Hubs Conference, 4 June 2014, London College of Fashion.
Chadwick, Andrew and Collister, Simon (2014) Boundary-Drawing Power and the Renewal of Professional News Organizations: The Case of The Guardian and the Edward Snowden NSA Leak. International Journal of Communication, 8. ISSN 1932-8036
Butler, Brad and Mirza, Karen (2014) Artes Mundi 6 / The Museum of non Participation. [Show/Exhibition]
Baines, Jess (2014) Radical Print Revolution? Objects Under Capitalism. STRIKE! (8). pp. 20-21. ISSN 2051-6606
Williams, Dilys (2015) I Stood Up (ii). In: I Stood Up (ii), 24th February 2015, House of Lords. (Unpublished)
Veness, Alex (2015) 'The Irresistible Ascendancy of Slovenian Situationism'. [Show/Exhibition]
Naldi, Pat (2015) Occupy UAL: the democratising of space. In: Spaces and tactics of politics: Transnational connections, neoliberalisation and the reshaping of civil society, 10-11 December 2015, University of Turku, Finland.
Farid, Mark (2015) I took myself offline completely. Here's why. The Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235
Farid, Mark (2015) Anonymity is Our Only Right, and That is Why It Must Be Destroyed - 'Cambridge Festival of Ideas,' University of Cambridge (Solo Performance). [Performance]
Farid, Mark (2015) Seeing I: Virtual Realities & the Future of Interaction Design. In: NODE15, 30 April 2015, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt.
Delice, Serkan (2015) Between Culturalism and Capitalism: the localisation of LGBT identities in Turkey. In: Middle East Centre and LSE Contemporary Turkish Studies Workshop: The State of Democracy in Turkey: Institutions, Society and Foreign Relations.
Collister, Simon (2015) Introducing the Good, Bad and Ugly of Internet Culture. In: Debates for the Digital Age: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Our Online World (Volume One). Praeger ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA..
Collister, Simon (2015) Introducing the Good, Bad and Ugly of Internet Culture. In: Debates for the Digital Age: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Our Online World (Volume Two). Praeger ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.. ISBN 9781440801235
Baines, Jess and Cook, Siân and Credland, Tony and Eysler, Adriana and Kassir, Leila and Rallis, Tzortzis (2015) Radical Attic. [Show/Exhibition]
Baines, Jess (2015) Into Production! Then and Now. In: Performing Resistance: Art, Academism & Activism, 29 May 2015, Valand Academy, Gothenburg University, Sweden.
Ampofo, Lawrence and Collister, Simon and Chadwick, Andrew and O’Loughlin, Ben (2015) Text Mining and Social Media: When Quantitative Meets Qualitative, and Software Meets Humans. In: Innovations in Digital Research Methods. Sage, London. ISBN 9781446203095
Voss, Georgina (2016) Situated Systems. [Art/Design Item]
Silva, Corinne (2016) Garden State. Ffotogallery, The Mosaic Rooms, London. ISBN 978-1-872771-58-8
Peebles, Elizabeth and Eisenmann, Markus, Secondeditions (2016) T.W. Adorno - The Stars Down To Earth 1952/53. [Show/Exhibition]
Passera, Mark and Grillo, Alessandro (2016) Online Social Capital and Political Engagement: facilitating and blocking aspects. In: 66th Annual Political Studies Association (PSA) Conference, 21- 23 March 2016, Brighton, UK.
Marino, Sara (2016) Introduction to Fortress Europe: Media, Migration and Borders. Networking Knowledge Journal, 9 (4). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1755-9944
Glavey, Paul (2016) Untitled banner (after Goya). [Art/Design Item]
Eden, Michael (2016) All Wrong: the misguided adventures of an art world hero (Grayson Perry). Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) And When the Sleeper Wakes? (H.G.Wells, Wyndham Lewis and Nietzche). Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Blasted Feminism: Group X, Wyndham Lewis, and Women. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Blasting Out of the Vortex: Wyndham Lewis and Vorticism. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Brexit: The Betrayal of the Young. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Escaping the Vortex: Would Wyndham Lewis Have Approved? Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Friends as Enemies and Enemies as Friends...(Wyndham Lewis). Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Futurism, Vorticism and the Prescience of H.G. Wells (Part Two). Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) In, Out, Shake it All About. What Politicians Forget About a Unified Europe. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Nothing Happens at All, Part Three: Charity. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) President Trump, Napoleon and The Eclipse of Dignity. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) The Right Business: Politics and the Randian Hero. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Saw it Coming. Futurism, Vorticism and the Prescience of H.G. Wells. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Science & Modern Man, the right (and wrong) way to take Wyndham Lewis. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Why the Size of Trump’s Hands Matters: Deconstructing the Randian Superman. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2016) Wyndham Lewis, Grayson Perry, David Baddiel and Masculinity. Trebuchet Magazine.
Credland, Tony and Price, Vanessa (2016) Positioning Practice (issue 1) Staging the Message. Positioning Practice, 1 (1). Graphic Design Research, London. ISBN ISSN 2399-6684
Butler, Brad and Mirza, Karen (2016) The Embassy of Non Participation, Sydney Biennale. [Show/Exhibition]
Bramall, Rebecca and Gilbert, Jeremy and Meadway, James (2016) What is austerity? New Formations, 87. pp. 119-140. ISSN 0 950 237 8
Bramall, Rebecca (2016) Introduction: The future of austerity. New Formations, 87. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0 950 237 8
Bramall, Rebecca (2016) Tax justice in austerity: logics, residues and attachments. In: Berlin-British Research Network Conference: Agency and Austerity, 6-8th April 2016, Humboldt University, Berlin.
Bramall, Rebecca (2016) Tax justice in austerity: logics, residues, and attachments. New Formations, 87. pp. 29-46. ISSN 0950 2378
Ball, Steven (2016) Public Water. [Art/Design Item]
Baines, Jess (2016) Identity, solidarity and critique: Late 20th century radical printshops and the print unions. In: Printers unite! Print and protest from the early modern to the present, 3-4 November 2016, Marx Memorial Library, London.
Abdulla, Danah, Decolonising Design (2016) Intersectional Perspectives on Design, Politics and Power. In: Intersectional Perspectives on Design, Politics and Power, 12-14 November 2016, Malmö, Sweden.
Minkin, Louisa and Dawson, Ian and Summers, Francis (2017) Pictures Not Homes. In: Geographies of inequalities Nordic Geographers Meeting, 18-21 June 2017, Stockholm.
Glavey, Paul (2017) Flagged as inappropriate: a problem with heritage at vintage events. In: 3rd International Conference Interdisciplinary Cultural Group Research: Youth Subcultures, Worldviews and Lifestyles, 29-30 September 2017, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Farid, Mark (2017) TEDx: Without Social Media You Become Forgotten. In: TEDxWarwick: Warwick Arts Centre, 4 March 2017, Warwick Arts Centre.
Eden, Michael (2017) Against the Indignities of Trump, We Are Either All Together, or We Fall. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2017) The Ivory Tower, Trump, and the Eclipse of Dignity. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2017) Sympathy/Empathy: The Very Air That Evil Breathes. Trebuchet Magazine.
Bramall, Rebecca (2017) Dreaming of what might be: Tax utopias in the election. Soundings, 66. pp. 28-33. ISSN 1362 6620
Bramall, Rebecca (2017) A ‘powerful weapon’? Tax, avoidance, and the politics of celebrity shaming. Celebrity Studies, 9 (1). pp. 34-52. ISSN 1939-2400
Beech, Dave and Jordan, Mel and Hewitt, Andy and Griffiths, Sean (2017) Citizen Ship. [Art/Design Item]
Almila, Anna-Mari (2017) Introduction: The Veil across the Globe in Politics, Everyday Life, and Fashion. In: The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling Practices. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, pp. 1-25. ISBN 9781472455369
Slatter, Andrew (2018) Some People Are Gay. Get Over It! [Art/Design Item]
Roberts, Lucienne and Shaw, David and Cubbage, Margaret and Wright, Rebecca (2018) Hope to Nope: Graphics and Politics 2008-2018. [Show/Exhibition]
Kirkham, Neil (2018) Polluting young minds? Smash Hits and ‘high Thatcherism'. Journal of European Popular Culture, 8 (2). pp. 139-152. ISSN 2040-6142
Eden, Michael (2018) Broadcasting Dissent, Investigative Journalist Abby Martin. Trebuchet, Art and Resistance, 3. pp. 130-139. ISSN 1753-030X03
Eden, Michael (2018) China's Contemporary Cultural Revolution, Voicing the Tensions of a Democratised Culture. Trebuchet, Art and Resistance, 3. pp. 150-177. ISSN 1753-030X03
Eden, Michael (2018) Equivalence & the Loss of the Engaged Human. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2018) Postmodernism & Its Discontents. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2018) Postmodernism ‘Phoenix’ In Commas. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2018) Postmodernism: Living a Lie Dreaming the Truth. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2018) The Ticking Bomb, Torture & the CIA. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2018) ‘We Can Make You Blind’ The Adventures of Cambridge Analytica. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2018) You’re Not Living You’re Just Killing Time. Trebuchet Magazine.
Credland, Tony and Bailey, Paul (2018) Positioning Practice (issue 2) Re(distributed) Media: Leakage. Positioning Practice, 1 (2). Graphic Design Research, London. ISBN ISSN 2399-6684
Baines, Jess and Credland, Tony and Pawson, Mark (2018) Doing it ourselves: Countercultural and alternative radical publishing in the decade before punk. In: Ripped, torn and cut. Pop, politics and punk fanzines from 1976. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-1-5261-2059-5
Baines, Jess (2018) Foreword, Poster Workshop 1968-71. In: Poster Workshop 1968-71. Irregulars (3). Four Corners, London. ISBN 978-1909829-10-7
Loscialpo, Flavia (2019) “I Am an Immigrant”: Fashion, Immigration and Borders in the Contemporary Trans-global Landscape. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, 23 (6). pp. 619-654. ISSN 1362-704X
Farid, Mark (2019) Being a Citizen in the Digital Age. In: Strasbourg Biennale of Contemporary Art, 15 December 2018 - 31 March 2019, Hôtel des Postes Strasbourg, France.
Eden, Michael (2019) William Kentridge In Praise of Shadows. Trebuchet Magazine.
Crowley, Matthew (2019) ‘It’s a hard life if you don’t weaken.’ Arthur, Albert and André: Rebellion and its radical potential. In: Working-Class Studies Association Conference - Beyond the Heartlands, 3-6 September 2019, University of Kent, Canterbury.
Baines, Jess (2019) Community Activism, Papers and Printshops. In: Art of the Mimeograph, International Conference, 6-7 February 2019, University of Westminster.
Abdulla, Danah (2019) A Platform for Third World Solidarity: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Bulletin. The Funambulist, 5 (22). pp. 34-39.
Tynan, Jane (2020) Images of Insurgency: reading the Cuban Revolution through military aesthetics and embodiment. In: Making War on Bodies: militarisation, aesthetics and embodiment in international politics. Advances in Critical Military Studies . Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 213-241. ISBN 978-1-4744-4618-1
Clark, Edmund (2020) White Cliffs, Blue Channel, Yellowhammer. [Show/Exhibition]
Brassett, Jamie (2020) Creativity. In: Designing in Dark Times: An Arendtian Lexicon. Designing in Dark Times . Bloomsbury Visual Arts, New York. ISBN 9781350070257
Voss, Georgina (2021) Bigger Than Before. [Art/Design Item]
Topinka, Robert and Finlayson, Alan and Osborne-Carey, Cassian (2021) The Trap of Tracking: Digital Methods, Surveillance, and the Far Right. Surveillance & Society, 19 (3). ISSN 1477-7487
Rubinstein, Daniel (2021) Anti-Oedipus; Capitalism and schizophrenia. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 23 (3). pp. 390-394. ISSN 1364-2537
Morris, David (2021) Exhibiting A Collective Thinking: Schizo-Culture For Now. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Clark, Edmund (2021) In Place of Hate: Art and Criminal Justice. In: All Souls Criminology Seminar Series, 18 February 2021, All Souls College, Oxford, Online.
Basu, Maitrayee (2021) Kisi Ke Baap Ka Hindustan Thodi Hai: Citizenship Amendment Act Protests, Hashtag Publics and the Enlargement of the Public Space. Feminist Media Studies, 21 (1). pp. 169-171. ISSN 1471-5902
Abdulla, Danah and Abuaker, Sarona (2021) Countless Palestinian Futures. [Art/Design Item]
Naldi, Pat, Wendy Kirkup (2022) The Horror Show! A Twisted Tale of Modern Britain. [Show/Exhibition]
Morris, David (2022) Fiesta as Method. In: David Medalla: Parables of Friendship. Walther Koenig. ISBN 9783753302164
Albano, Caterina (2022) Out of Breath: Vulnerability of Air in Contemporary Art. Forerunners: Ideas First . Minnesota University Press, Minneapolis. ISBN 978-1-5179-1355-7
Whitby, Richard (2023) Previsualising a Quiet Earth. In: London Conference in Critical Thought 2023, 30th June and 2nd July 2023, London Metropolitan University, Holloway Road.
Soares, Felipe Bonow and Gruzd, Anatoliy and Mai, Philip (2023) Falling for Russian Propaganda: Understanding the Factors that Contribute to Belief in Pro-Kremlin Disinformation on Social Media. Social Media + Society. ISSN 2056-3051
Morris, David (2023) Precarious Solidarities: Artists for Democracy in Historical Perspective, Part 1. eflux (140).
Morris, David (2023) Precarious Solidarities: Artists for Democracy in Historical Perspective, Part 2. eflux (141).
Morris, David and Chan, Wing (2023) Precarious Solidarities: Artists for Democracy 1974–77. Afterall Books in association with Asia Art Archive; the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College; documenta Institut; and the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg. ISBN 9783753304267
Delice, Serkan (2023) Fashion’s Transnational Inequalities: Socio-Political, Economic, and Environmental. Routledge. ISBN 9781032113845
Delice, Serkan (2023) Where is Living Labour in Fashion and Cultural Appropriation Debates? In: Fashion’s Transnational Inequalities: Socio-Political, Economic, and Environmental. Routledge. ISBN 9781032113845
Bramall, Rebecca (2023) What are we going to do about the rich? Anti-elitism, neo-liberal common sense and the politics of taxation. In: The Cultural Politics of Anti-Elitism. Routledge, London, pp. 99-119. ISBN 9780367692605
Mazzarella, Francesco and Mirza, Seher and Legaspi, Froilan (2024) Threads of Opportunity: Good Work for Refugees in the Fashion Industry. Technical Report. University of the Arts London.
Kollectiv, Galia and Kollectiv, Pil (2024) Sound Strategies: Music as Ideological Apparatus. Strange Attractor / MIT, London. (In Press)