Cook, Siân and Triggs, Teal and McQuiston, Liz (1994) Pussy Galore. [Art/Design Item]
Fortnum, Rebecca (2003) Seeing and Feeling. In: Unframed: Practices and Politics of Women’s Contemporary Painting. IB Tauris, pp139-162. ISBN 1 86064 771 5
Throp, Mo (2004) Love Stories. [Show/Exhibition]
Lewis, Reina (2004) Introduction to the Reprint: Iconic Disenchantment: Evaluating Femininity in the East and West. In: Hanoum, Zeyneb. A Turkish Woman's European Impressions: New Introduction by Reina Lewis. Cultures in Dialogue (3). Gorgias Press, Piscataway, N.J.. ISBN 9781593332075, 1593332076
Flanagan, Mary (2005) Playculture: developing a feminist game design. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Cook, Siân and Triggs, Teal (2006) Handing Down the 'Memory Cloth' at the Elephant & Castle: an exploration into cultural identity and the role of women in craft and design history. [Show/Exhibition]
Willson, Jacki (2008) The Happy Stripper: Pleasures and Politics of the New Burlesque. I.B.Tauris, London and New York. ISBN 978-1-84511-318-6
Throp, Mo (2008) Mermaid. [Art/Design Item]
Triggs, Teal (2009) 'Do it Yourself' Girl Revolution: LadyFest, Performance and Fanzine Culture. In: UAL Professorial Platform Series 2008-09, 12 February 2009, London College of Communication, Elephant & Castle, London SE1 6SB.
Walsh, Maria (2010) Peepshow: in memory of you. [Show/Exhibition]
Tynan, Jane (2010) Women’s leadership in fashion design. In: Gender and Women’s Leadership: A Reference Handbook. Sage, California, pp. 933-940. ISBN 9781412960830
Triggs, Teal (2010) Fan culture: not forgetting Katy Keene (1945-1961). In: Women in Comics II, 18-19 November 2010, Chichester, UK and Glasgow, Scotland.
Rawes, Peg and Rendell, Jane and Araujo, Ana and Garb, Tamar and Morris, Sharon and Matthews, Tim (2010) Sexuate subjects. In: Sexuate Subjects, 3-5 December 2010, University College London.
Cole, Sarah (2010) Smother. [Show/Exhibition]
Addison, Gill (2010) Talked about pink. [Art/Design Item]
Walsh, Maria (2011) Corpus: Mary Kelly interviewed by Maria Walsh. Art Monthly (346). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0142-6702
Triggs, Teal (2011) Notes on the fan-scholar: feminism and DIY graphic ephemera. In: A carnival of feminist cultural activism, 03-05 March 2011, York, UK.
Baines, Jess (2011) Radical Printshop Collectives. In: Rally of Speeches. Adhocracy, a Mini Festival of DIY Culture: Past and Present, 6-7 August 2011, Rich Mix, Bethnal Green, London.
Laing, Morna (2012) ‘Heavenly creatures’ in Vogue: Childlike femininity and longing for innocence lost. In: Working Papers in Fashion Studies 2. London College of Fashion, London, pp. 17-32. ISBN 978-1-903455-26-5
Gronlund, Melissa (2012) Observational film: Administration of social reality. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 1 (2). pp. 169-179. ISSN 20456298
Baines, Jess (2012) Experiments in democratic participation: feminist printshop collectives. Cultural Policy, Criticism & Management Research (6). pp. 29-51.
Willson, Jacki (2013) The Beauty Manifesto. In: Gender, Race and Representation in Magazines and New Media, 25th-27th October, 2013, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA.
Willson, Jacki (2013) False Eyes Lashes: With a Flutter Our Gaze is Dispersed. In: Dressed Bodies, 17 July 2013, Sheffield University.
Throp, Mo (2013) The Performance Dinners. CCW Graduate School. ISBN 978-1908339058
Cook, Siân (2013) Gay Men Do It Annually. [Art/Design Item]
Laing, Morna (2014) The Lula girl as ‘sublime and childlike’: nostalgic investments in contemporary fashion magazines. Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, 5 (2). pp. 271-293. ISSN 2040-4417
Laing, Morna (2014) Meadham Kirchhoff: 'A Wolf in Lamb's Clothing'. SHOWstudio.
Cook, Siân and Triggs, Teal and Tori, Hinn (2014) Let’s Inspire Change for Women in Design. In: Design Culture Salon: 'What are the gender politics of contemporary design practice?’, 7 March, V&A, London.
Colman, Felicity (2014) Digital Feminicity: Predication and Measurement, Materialist Informatics and Images. Artnodes: Journal of Art, Science, and Technology, 14. pp. 7-17. ISSN 1695-5951
Church Gibson, Pamela (2014) Pornostyle: Sexualised Dress and the Fracturing of Feminism. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, 18 (2). pp. 189-206. ISSN 1362-704X
Butler, Brad and Mirza, Karen (2014) Everything for Everyone and Nothing for Us. [Show/Exhibition]
Willson, Jacki (2015) Being Gorgeous: Feminism, Sexuality and the Pleasures of the Visual. International Library of Cultural Studies . I.B.Tauris, London and New York. ISBN 9781780762838
Vilalta, Helena (2015) Hacking the Self: Sidsel Meineche Hansen's 'INSIDER'. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 4 (1 & 2). pp. 278-285. ISSN 2045-6298
Slatter, Andrew (2015) Postcard design for Women's Design Research Unit 21st birthday. [Art/Design Item]
Parry, Owen G. (2015) MPREG versus Homonormcore. The New Inquiry.
Dirix, Emmanuelle (2015) How to dress for a Teenage Riot? Alternative Female 90s musicians, Fashion and the curse of Authenticity. In: EUPOP 2015 European Popular Culture Association Conference, 29-31 July 2015, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Cook, Siân and Triggs, Teal (2015) Women's Design + Research Unit Archive. [Art/Design Item]
Collister, Simon (2015) Introducing the Good, Bad and Ugly of Internet Culture. In: Debates for the Digital Age: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Our Online World (Volume One). Praeger ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA..
Collister, Simon (2015) Introducing the Good, Bad and Ugly of Internet Culture. In: Debates for the Digital Age: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Our Online World (Volume Two). Praeger ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.. ISBN 9781440801235
Cefai, Sarah (2015) Love's Lesbian Refrain of Feeling: "Bette and Tina" and the Subversion of Heterosexual Affect. Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, 28. ISSN 1555-9998
Baines, Jess (2015) "Let's do a self defence poster instead". In: Techniques of Art and Protest, 18 September 2015, King's College, London.
Baines, Jess (2015) Not a Cupcake Class in Sight. [Show/Exhibition]
McCartney, Nicola (2016) I'm Afraid to Stop Dancing. [Art/Design Item]
Lane, Cathy and Ingleton, Holly (2016) White Noise. In: sound acts :: music performance identity, 5-8 May 2016, Polychoros KET, Athens, Greece.
Lane, Cathy and Carlyle, Angus and Ingleton, Holly (2016) Sound::Gender::Feminism::Activism (SGFA).
Laing, Morna (2016) The ‘Woman-child’ in Fashion Photography, 1990-2015: Childlike Femininities, Performativity, and Reception Studies. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Goh, Annie (2016) GenDyTrouble: Cyber*Feminist Computer Music. n.paradoxa international feminist art journal, 37. pp. 78-82. ISSN 1461-0434
Eden, Michael (2016) Blasted Feminism: Group X, Wyndham Lewis, and Women. Trebuchet Magazine.
Butler, Brad and Mirza, Karen (2016) The Embassy of Non Participation, Sydney Biennale. [Show/Exhibition]
Burns, Elliott and Rees, Jake Charles and MacLachlan, Jen (2016) Everybody Phones Out: teaching experiments with Instagram. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 1 (2). pp. 79-94. ISSN 2397-6594
Baines, Jess, See Red Members (2016) See Red Women's Workshop: Feminist Posters 1974-1990. Four Corners, London. ISBN 978-1-909-82907-7
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2017) Civil Rites. [Art/Design Item]
McCartney, Nicola and Willson, Jacki (2017) A look at ‘fishy drag’ and androgynous fashion: Exploring the border spaces beyond gender-normative deviance for the straight, cisgendered woman. Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, 8 (1). pp. 99-122. ISSN 2040-4417
Mackinnon, Lee (2017) Artificial Stupidity and the End of Men. Third Text, 31 (5-6). pp. 603-617. ISSN 0952-8822
Mackinnon, Lee, eflux (2017) Love Machines and the Tinder-Bot Bildungsroman. In: What's Love (or Care, Intimacy, Warmth, Affection) Got to Do With It? e-flux journal . Sternberg Press, Berlin, pp. 44-64. ISBN 978-3-95679-267-0
Laing, Morna (2017) Between Image and Spectator: Reception Studies as Visual Methodology. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, TBC. ISSN 1362-704X
Kirkham, Neil and Dirix, Emmanuelle (2017) Still 'Fashionably Laid'? Costume and Contemporary Pornography. Film, Fashion and Consumption. ISSN 20442823
Kirkham, Neil and Dirix, Emmanuelle (2017) Still ‘Fashionably Laid’? Costume and contemporary moving-image pornography. Film, Fashion and Consumption, 6 (1). pp. 49-63. ISSN 20442823
Goh, Annie (2017) Sounding Cyber*feminist Futures. Speculations on Sonic Unknowns. In: The Future Sound of Pop Music, 30 November - 3 December 2017, HKB, Bern, Germany.
Goh, Annie (2017) Sounding Situated Knowledges - Echo in Archaeoacoustics. Parallax, 23 (3). pp. 283-304. ISSN 1353-4645
Adami, Elisa and Fletcher, Alex (2017) 'To Think the Home in Terms of the Factory' Social Reproduction, Postproduction and Home Movies in Godard and Miéville. Third Text, 31 (1). pp. 79-95. ISSN 0952-8822
Sledmere, Adrian (2018) Amy Winehouse: Back to Black and the Gothic. Journal of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, 8 (1). pp. 117-135. ISSN 2079-3871
Moloney, Alison and Hodes, Charlotte (2018) Motive/Motif: artists commemorate the Suffragettes. [Show/Exhibition]
McCartney, Nicola (2018) Death of the Artist: Art World Dissidents and their Alternative Identities. International Library of Modern and Contemporary Art . I.B. Tauris, London. ISBN 9781784534158
Mackinnon, Lee (2018) Repeat After Me: The Automatic Labours of Love. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 10 (3). pp. 23-31. ISSN 2000-4214
Kirkham, Neil (2018) A very British tease: Costume, fetishism and materiality in soft-core pornography. Clothing Cultures, 4 (2). pp. 135-152.
Eden, Michael (2018) Exclaim Galatea. Trebuchet Magazine.
Eden, Michael (2018) Terracotta Daughters 2012-2030. Trebuchet Magazine.
Cook, Siân and Triggs, Teal (2018) What Do You Expect From Me? [Art/Design Item]
Cook, Siân (2018) Her Velocity. [Art/Design Item]
Cairns, Jon (2018) Critical Closeness, Intimate Distance: Encounters in the Love Art Laboratory. In: Technologies of Romance, 28 November 2018, Science Museum - Dana Studio, Wellcome Wolfson Building, 165 Queen's Gate, SW7 5HD London, United Kingdom.
Butler, Brad and Noorafshan, Mirza (2018) The Scar. [Art/Design Item]
Walsh, Maria (2019) Female Solidarity as Uncommodified Value: Lucy Beech’s Cannibals and Rehana Zaman’s Some Women, Other Women and all the Bittermen. In: Women Artists, Feminism and the Moving Image. Bloomsbury, London and New York, pp. 229-244. ISBN 9781784537005
Osei, Krys (2019) Fashioning My Garden of Solace: A Black Feminist Autoethnography. Fashion Theory, 23 (6). pp. 733-746. ISSN 1751-7419
Good, Jennifer (2019) The Impossible Photograph: Blur and Domestic Violence. Photography and Culture, 12 (4). pp. 415-427. ISSN 1751-4517
Goh, Annie (2019) Appropriating the Alien: A critique of Xenofeminism. Mute. Culture and Politics after the Net. ISSN 1356-7748-27
Church Gibson, Pamela (2019) Cindy Sherman in a New Millennium: Fashion, Feminism, Art and Ageing. Australian Feminist Studies, 33 (98). pp. 481-497. ISSN 0816-4649
Begum, Lipi and Barn, Ravinder (2019) Crossing boundaries: bras, lingerie and rape myths in postcolonial urban middle-class India. Gender Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography. ISSN 0966-369X
Begum, Lipi (2019) Neorealism, the bra and the new Indian woman in Satyajit Ray’s The Big City. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture. ISSN 1362-704X
Uddoh, Rosa-Johan, East London Cable (2020) Cultural Field. [Art/Design Item]
Sobande, Francesca and Osei, Krys (2020) An African City: Black Women’s Creativity, Pleasure, Diasporic (Dis)Connections and Resistance Through Aesthetic and Media Practices and Scholarship. Communication, Culture and Critique, 13 (2). pp. 204-221. ISSN 1753-9137
Loscialpo, Flavia (2020) Identity politics, untold stories and creative actions: Mundo Latinx at Fashion Space Gallery. International Journal of Fashion Studies, 7 (1). pp. 105-114. ISSN 2051-7106
Goh, Annie (2020) Sonic Knowledge Production in Archaeoacoustics: Echoes of elsewhere? PhD thesis, Goldsmiths University of London.
Gajjala, Radhika and Basu, Maitrayee (2020) Introduction. Feminist Media Studies, 21 (1). pp. 147-150. ISSN 1471-5902
Findlay, Rosie (2020) Russh and the All-Australian Girl? Feminist Theory. ISSN 1741-2773
Baines, Jess (2020) A Darn Good Idea: Feminist printers and the Women's Liberation Movement in Britain. In: Natural Enemies of Books: A Messy History of Women in Printing and Typography. Occasional Papers, London, pp. 79-99. ISBN 978-0-9954730-3-4
lok, susan pui san (2021) seven x seven. [Show/Exhibition]
lok, susan pui san (2021) seven x seven (limited edition artist book). [Art/Design Item]
lok, susan pui san (2021) seven x seven (single channel video). [Art/Design Item]
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2021) Between then and now, towards a possible. In: how to think: Radio Silence, 27 November 2021, ICA London.
Vormittag, Luise (2021) Write Women into History. [Art/Design Item]
McManus, Esther (2021) Constructing Inclusive Histories: Reflections on the temporality of comics and activist archives. In: Transitions 9: New directions in comic studies, 8-10 April 2021, Birkbeck College, London.
Mackinnon, Lee (2021) Undecidability. Umbigo: Magazine of Arts and Culture, 77. pp. 106-110. ISSN 2184-7703
Locke, Lana (2021) Journeys of Laundry Mountain. [Art/Design Item]
Lewis, Reina (2021) Patronage, Taste, and Power: Slave, Manumitted, and Free Subjects in the Fashioning of Middle Eastern Modernity. In: Fashioning the Modern Middle East: Gender, Body, and Nation. Dress Cultures . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 71-90. ISBN 9781350135215
Husain, Amber (2021) Cyborgs Without Organs. Radical Philosophy, 2 (9). pp. 97-100. ISSN 0300-211X
Goh, Annie and Thompson, Marie (2021) Sonic Cyberfeminisms: Introduction. Feminist Review, 127 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1466-4380
Goh, Annie (2021) Myths of Echo. [Show/Exhibition]
Chen, Zhen Troy and Chen, La-Mei (2021) Chinese “female force” in an “American Factory”: Women’s identity formation in an English reading club. Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 27 (2). pp. 161-183. ISSN 2377-004X
Ackerl, Denise (2021) Strategies of Resistance in Post-Fordism: A Feminist Performance Perspective, Over-identification with Benign Evil. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
bruce, keisha and Walcott, Rianna and Mackay, Kui Kihoro and Osei, Krys and lasade-anderson, temi and Sobande, Francesca (2022) Black feminist and digital media studies in Britain. Feminist Media Studies, 21 (8). ISSN 1471-5902
Vickers, Anna (2022) Reengaging with the Art-Historical Female-Nude Subject through Feminist Deconstruction in Contemporary Painting. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Revell, Irene (2022) Live Materials: Womens Work, Pauline Oliveros & the feminist performance score. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
McManus, Esther (2022) Comics and Archive Stories. In: Colouring In: The Past, 9 December 2022, Chelsea College of Arts.
McCauley Bowstead, Jay (2022) Spectacularizing the Male Body: Fashionable Physiques in the Age of Instagram. In: Fashionable Masculinities: Queers, Pimp Daddies, and Lumbersexuals. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, pp. 68-82. ISBN 9781978823310
McCartney, Nicola (2022) In Light of #MeToo: reconsidering the art/artist relationship for better futures. Visual Studies. ISSN 1472-586X
Locke, Lana (2022) Couch of Fight and Fantasy. [Performance]
Littler, Jo and Tulloch, Carol (2022) ‘We haven’t got here just on our own. It’s a conversation’: An interview with Carol Tulloch. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 25 (5). ISSN 1367-5494
Kuc, Kamila (2022) What We Shared: Towards the Politics of Empowerment. In: Visible Evidence: Images of History, 5-11 August, Gdansk, Poland.
Good, Jennifer (2022) Resisting Arrest: blur as paradoxical locus of violence in Donna Ferrato's 'Living with the Enemy'. In: Time After Time: Pictures Between Instant and Duration, 19 November 2022, Online.
Goh, Annie (2022) Sonic Cyberfeminisms Collection for Cyberfeminism Index. In: Cyberfeminism Index. Inventory Press, Los Angeles, pp. 38-40. ISBN 978-1-941753-51-4
Dunster, Flora (2022) Lesbians Talk: British Lesbian Politics and the Sex Wars. In: Resist, Organize, Build: Feminist and Queer Activism in Britain and the United States During the Long 1980s. SUNY Press, pp. 307-328. ISBN 9781438489599
Chicau, Joana and Renick, Bell (2022) Choreographies of the Circle & Other Geometries.
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka and Fischer, Laura E. (2023) Sounding the Voices. In: The Survivor Lens: Reframing Trauma Narratives through Filmmaking, 15 February 2023, Whitechapel Gallery.
Simson, Henrietta (2023) Landscape Trajectories (picturing the world otherwise). In: Mapping the World Otherwise, 29 May - 1 June 2023, Hypatia Trust, Penzance, Cornwall.
Naldi, Pat (2023) In Theoretical Space No-One Can Hear You Scream.
Loscialpo, Flavia (2023) Ethno-Racial Capitalism in Contemporary Fashion: Forced Labour and the Uyghur Crisis. In: Fashion’s Transnational Inequalities: Socio-Political, Economic, and Environmental. Fashion Sociologies . Routledge, Abingdon on Thames, pp. 29-46. ISBN 9781032113845
Locke, Lana (2023) Relic Garden. [Show/Exhibition]
Lewis, Reina and Aune, Kristin (2023) Aesthetic Labor in Religious Contexts: Women Encountering Modest Dress in the Workplace in the UK and Saudi Arabia. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture. ISSN 1362-704X
Kuc, Kamila (2023) Her Plot of Blue Sky. [Art/Design Item]
Jenkins, Daniella (2023) Designing feminist pensions policies: a feminist institutional analysis of the interrelationships between structure, agency and gendered pension outcomes in the UK. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Goh, Annie (2023) Listening Session: Echoes of Elsewhere. In: Listening Session: Echoes of Elsewhere by Annie Goh, 20 June 2023, Nottingham Contemporary.
Colman, Felicity (2023) Quantum Feminicity: Modes of Countermanding Time. Technophany. A Journal for Philosophy and Technology, 2 (1). pp. 1-37. ISSN 2773-0875
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2024) From A-Z: an Alphabetarium of Resistance. Unlikely Journal for Creative Arts, 09. ISSN 2205-0027
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2024) Art Class + discussion with Andrea Luka Zimmerman with William Fowler.
Simson, Henrietta (2024) Engaging Feeling: The Subject of Landscape in the Twenty-First Century. In: History, Practice and Pedagogy: Empathic Engagements in the Visual Arts. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 111-129. ISBN 978-3-031-70254-9
March, Kate (2024) The Journey Towards Netherness: Exploring Endometriosis Experiences in and through an Improvisational Creative Praxis. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Good, Jennifer (2024) On Point of View: Writing photography, violence and the self. In: Archive and Conflict: Photographic (Im)Materialities in the Digital Age', 15 February - 9 May 2024, Archivo Platform Webinar.
Goh, Annie (2024) Beyond Her Noise: Feminisms and the Sonic. In: Women in Revolt: Radical Acts and Contemporary Resonances, 22-23 March 2024, Tate Modern.
Goh, Annie (2024) Echoes of Elsewhere. In: AuralPluralities: Distortion and Resonance, 28 June 2024, Conway Hall, London.
Goh, Annie (2024) Echoes of Elsewhere? From Archaeoacoustics to Sonic Cyberfeminisms. In: Unsafe+Sounds Discourse Programme, 5-15 September 2024, WUK, Vienna.
Goh, Annie (2024) Echoes of elsewhere? From Archaeoacoustics to Sonic Cyberfeminisms. In: Whiteness and Sound Studies, 9 April - 8 May 2024, Online.
Eden, Michael (2024) Seeing the xenomorph, Giger’s alien in the context of machinic modernism. New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film, 21 (1). pp. 63-90. ISSN 2040-0578
Eden, Michael (2024) A Sentimental Android? M3GAN (2022) and Monstrous Doubling as a Negotiation of the Gendered Neo-Liberal Self. CineJ Cinema Journal, 12 (1). pp. 406-444. ISSN 2159-2411
Dzuverovic, Lina (2024) A Feminist Exploration of Labour in Performance, Sound and Moving Image work in Yugoslav Collectives in 1970s and 1980s. In: Women in Revolt: Radical Acts and Contemporary Resonances, 22-23 March 2024, Tate Britain.
Di Franco, Karen (2024) [..] a good lesson in accepting a duet for what it is. In: Women in Revolt: Radical Acts and Contemporary Resonances, 21-23 March 2024, Clore Auditorium, Tate Britan.
Betts, Liza (2024) “Ole Rag 'n' Lumber”: Intergenerational, Gendered, and Classed Relationships with Clothing, from Rag 'n' Bone to Depop. In: Fashion and Motherhood: Image, Material, Identity. Bloomsbury, Great Britain, pp. 211-228. ISBN 978-1-3502-7669-7