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UAL Research Online

Items where Author is "lok:susan pui san::"

Group by: Date | Creators | Type of Research | No Grouping
Number of items: 55.

lok, susan pui san (2023) Centenary. In: Speaking Nearby, 22 July 2023, esea contemporary, Manchester. Item not available online.

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lok, susan pui san (2023) ‘Against and away from that hushing’: notes and scores for voices. In: Association for Art History 49th Annual Conference, 12-14 April 2023, Online.

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lok, susan pui san (2023) Circling the Archive. In: Rewinding Internationalism. Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven. ISBN 9789490757236

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lok, susan pui san (2022) Centenary. [Art/Design Item]

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  • + 16 others

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lok, susan pui san (2021) Vong Phaophanit and Claire Oboussier: Three Decades, Four Moments. Art History, 44 (3). pp. 624-649. ISSN 0141-6790

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lok, susan pui san (2021) Whose Histories? In: Global Britain: Decolonising Art's Histories, 21 June 2021, Online.

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lok, susan pui san and Boyle, Tiffany (2021) susan pui san lok: seven x seven – Courtauld x GSA x GI2021. In: susan pui san lok: seven x seven – Courtauld x GSA x GI2021, 17 June 2021, Online.

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lok, susan pui san (2021) seven x seven. [Show/Exhibition]

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lok, susan pui san (2021) between the voice between the words between the work between us. Oxford Art Journal, 43 (2). pp. 195-219. ISSN 0142-6540

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lok, susan pui san (2021) Tiohtià:kee, Tāmaki Makaurau - somewhere over the under, beneath the between. In: GAX: Ngā Tai o te Ao: Global Tides. ST PAUL St Publishing, AUT & Asian/Pacific/American Institute NYU, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 114-118. ISBN 978-0-9941144-6-4

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lok, susan pui san (2020) Contribution to 'Decolonising Art History'. Art History, 43 (1). pp. 34-38. ISSN 0141 6790

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lok, susan pui san (2019) Found and Lost – A Genealogy of Waste? In: Conceptualism: Intersectional Readings, International Framings. Van Abbemuseum, NL, pp. 68-94. ISBN 9 789490 757199

lok, susan pui san (2019) Fast Forward, Rewind - Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow. In: Fast Forward: How Do Women Work?, 30 November - 2 December 2019, Tate Modern, London. Item not available online.

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lok, susan pui san (2019) A Coven A Grove A Stand. [Show/Exhibition]

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lok, susan pui san (2019) We Will Be. In: The Place Is Here: The Work of Black Artists in 1980s Britain. Sternberg Press, Berlin, pp. 14-19. ISBN 9783956794667

lok, susan pui san and Orlando, Sophie (2018) Revising, Reimagining - Whose Past? Whose Future? In: Revisiting the Past, Reimagining the Future, 22 November 2018, De Nieuwe Liefde, Amsterdam. Item not available online.

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lok, susan pui san (2018) Found and Lost / Waste and Dust – Shimizu, Takahashi, Phaophanit / Oboussier. In: Tampered Emotions - Lust for Dust, 28 June - 1 July 2018, Triangle France, Marseilles.

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lok, susan pui san (2018) Testing, Contesting. In: Contesting British Chinese Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 85-100. ISBN 978-3-319-71159-1

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lok, susan pui san (2018) Through the Gate / An(g)archivery. In: Deviant Practice. Van Abbemuseum, Netherlands, pp. 176-209. ISBN 9 789082 890501

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lok, susan pui san (2017) D/Eluding Definition. In: 30 Years of CFCCA. Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Manchester, pp. 118-133. ISBN 9780957633254

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lok, susan pui san (2017) An(g)archivery. [Art/Design Item]

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lok, susan pui san (2016) SPSL/A-Y (Revisited). Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, 3 (1 & 2). pp. 169-181. ISSN 2051-7041 Item availability restricted.

lok, susan pui san (2015) 1st Asia Biennial and 5th Guangzhou Triennial. [Show/Exhibition] Item not available online.

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lok, susan pui san (2015) SPSL – A to Y (Revisited). In: (In)Direct Speech: ‘Chineseness’ in Contemporary Art, 16-19 March 2015, University of Lisbon. Item not available online.

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lok, susan pui san (2015) RoCH Fan. [Art/Design Item]

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lok, susan pui san and Kristensen, Juliette (2014) Art vapours: ways of seeing, hearing and speaking again. In: Thinking with John Berger, 4-5 September 2014, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

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lok, susan pui san (2013) RoCH Fans and Legends. [Show/Exhibition]

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lok, susan pui san (2007) Golden (Notes). SPSL, London. ISBN ISBN 978-0-9551849-2-5

lok, susan pui san (2006) Chorus / Mobile Chorus (2006, 2014, 2017). [Art/Design Item] Item not available online.

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lok, susan pui san (2006) DIY Lessons (2006). [Art/Design Item]

lok, susan pui san (2006) Golden Hour (2006). [Art/Design Item] Item not available online.

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lok, susan pui san (2006) Mobile Ballroom (2006). [Art/Design Item]

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lok, susan pui san (2006) Years. [Art/Design Item]

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lok, susan pui san (2005) Golden. [Show/Exhibition]

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lok, susan pui san (2005) NEWS / REEL. [Art/Design Item]

lok, susan pui san (2005) Songs I-VI (2005-17, ongoing). [Art/Design Item] Item not available online.

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lok, susan pui san (2005) Vistas. [Art/Design Item]

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lok, susan pui san (2004) A - Y: Of ‘British Chinese’ Art. PhD thesis, University of East London.

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lok, susan pui san (2003) Notes On Return. [Art/Design Item]

This list was generated on Wed Sep 18 20:07:04 2024 BST.