Hutchinson, Tim (1994) A Celebration of Dance at Sadler's Wells, Lilian Baylis Theatre (aRTZweek). [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (1994) RTZ Arts Season / Identity Design. [Art/Design Item]
Cook, Siân and Triggs, Teal and McQuiston, Liz (1994) Pussy Galore. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (1995) A Celebration of Dance at Sadler's Wells / RTZ Arts Season 1995—96 / Promotional design. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (1996) Royal College of Art / Interactive Multimedia Degree Show / Identity Design. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (1997) Barriers / Apex Gallery. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (1997) Light & Splendour / Richard Crabbe's Celebration of Painting / Identity & Editorial Design. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (1998) LCP/GMD Promotional + Identity design. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (1999) URL (Urban Research Lab) / Brand Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Winston, Sam (2000) Space between words. [Art/Design Item]
Slatter, Andrew (2000) Pseudonyms by Any Other Name. Zed, 7. pp. 70-73. ISSN 1098-8573
Hutchinson, Tim (2000) MODE / The Contemporary Home Show / Brand Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Rennie, Paul (2001) Fat Faces All Round: Lettering and the Festival Style. Twentieth Century Architecture: the Journal of the Twentieth Century Society, 5. pp. 107-116. ISSN 1353-1964
Hutchinson, Tim and Edwards, Jason (2002) Lost Futurism. In: GB: Graphic Britain. Laurence King, London, UK, pp. 28-33. ISBN 1-85669-311-2
Hutchinson, Tim (2002) Refresh ICA. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2002) Web 3d Art ICA. [Art/Design Item]
Hatt, Christine (2002) Going Continental: group exhibition in Vienna. [Show/Exhibition]
Dixon, Catherine (2002) Typeface classification. In: Twentieth Century Graphic Communication: Technology, Society and Culture, First annual Friends of St Bride conference, 24-25 September 2002, London.
Ashley, Martin (2002) Redesign of Documents for WestLB PanmureGordon. [Art/Design Item]
Ashley, Martin (2002) Redesign of Rothschild Corporate Finance Publications. [Art/Design Item]
Pritchard, Tony (2003) ISTD/LCP. Visual Research. ISBN 0-9539967-3-5
Hutchinson, Tim and Edwards, Jason (2003) Ice Scraper. In: Graphic. Rudolph Van Wezel / Bis Publishing, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 72-77. ISBN 9789063690540
Hutchinson, Tim (2003) Hong Kong Film Festival / Promotional Design. [Art/Design Item]
Baines, Phil and Dixon, Catherine (2003) Signs: Lettering in the Environment. Laurence King, London. ISBN 1856693376
Hutchinson, Tim (2004) Collidoscope New Interior Design. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2004) Kiss & Sell. [Art/Design Item]
Dixon, Catherine (2004) Cover Designs for Penguin Books' 'Great Ideas' series. [Art/Design Item]
Dixon, Catherine (2004) Showing Type. In: TypeBookOne. Jeremy Tankard Typography, Lincoln, pp. 6-13. ISBN 0954773608
Winston, Sam (2005) Made up true story. [Art/Design Item]
Winston, Sam (2005) A dictionary story book. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2005) MADE. [Art/Design Item]
Baines, Phil (2005) Cover Designs for Penguin Books: Great Ideas series. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2006) MADE / YOUTH SPACE. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2006) MADE Annual Report. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2006) MADE Issue #1. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2006) MADE Issue #2. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2006) MetFilm School / Prospectus Design 2006/7. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2006) More Than a Name: An Introduction to Branding. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2006) PUSH Productions. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2006) Terminus / Live & Unplugged. [Art/Design Item]
Eastwood, Joseph (2006) An investigation of the relationship between typography and audio-based communication in the urban environment, with particular regard to pedestrian wayfinding. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Hutchinson, Tim (2007) MADE Issue #3. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2007) MetFilm School / Prospectus Design 2007/8. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2007) Oscars Elk / Brand Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Williams, Keir (2008) Digital is dangerous (DID) logo. [Art/Design Item]
Vogelsang, Axel (2008) HYPER-IMAGE NETWORK? An investigation into the role of text and image in the design of hypertext networks with specific consideration of the World Wide Web. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Hutchinson, Tim (2008) 1901 Restaurant. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2008) Christopher Kane. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2008) Kriss Hass. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2008) Your Paper 2008. [Art/Design Item]
Dixon, Catherine (2008) Describing typeforms: a designer's response. InfoDesign: Revista brasileira de design da informação [Brazilian Journal of Information Design], 5 (2). pp. 21-35. ISSN 18085377
Winston, Sam (2009) 'It's Nice That' talk #16. In: It's Nice That talk #16, 17th September 2009, Soho. (Submitted)
Ross, Alistair S (2009) Text Integration for the Multilingual Printed Page. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Hutchinson, Tim and Edwards, Jason (2009) May I Have Your Attention. [Show/Exhibition]
Hutchinson, Tim (2009) Anatomies of Research. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2009) Gallery Provocations: 01 Beyond Cinema / Editorial Design. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2009) John Doe PR / Brand Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2009) Junction / Branding & Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2009) Your Paper 2009. [Art/Design Item]
da Gandra, Maria and van Neck, Maaike and Moret, Madeleine (2010) Fog & Conflict: Exploring cross-disciplinary and methodological positions in information design. Mwmcreative Ltd, London. ISBN 9780956706904
Preston, David (2010) The Traits of Typography: Reading and Looking. In: Communication Lecture Series, Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Matosinhos, Portugal.
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2010) MuirMcNeil ThreeSix type system. [Art/Design Item]
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2010) Print-Process ThreeSix Poster publication. [Art/Design Item]
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2010) ThreeSix (U:D/R 03). U:D/R (3). ISSN 2043-6173
Hutchinson, Tim and Edwawrds, Jason (2010) Trocadero, Graphic identity and way finding system. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim and Edwards, Jason (2010) I May Have Your Attention. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2010) Brooklands Hotel. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2010) East to West Film Society. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2010) Gallery Provocations 05: Pitch/Play. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2010) Gallery Provocations: 04 A Year On / Editorial Design. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2010) M&Co. Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim, Barke Design Limited (2010) Magnum Nites & Embrace The Chaos. In: RGB Reviewing Graphics in Britain. ACTAR, Barcelona / New York, pp. 24-27. ISBN 978-84-96954-78-6
Hutchinson, Tim (2010) Parr / Perry Gallery Provocations 03. [Art/Design Item]
Gridneff, Rose and Cooper, Alexander (2010) A Case for Letterpress. In: College Art Association 98th Annual Conference, 10-13 February 2010, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, USA.
Clarke, Leigh (2010) State Your Business. [Show/Exhibition]
Triggs, Teal, Information Environments Research Network (2011) Visual Communication: a special issue. Sage Journals Online, 10 (3). Sage Publications, London, UK.
Rollestone, Giles (2011) Lost in transcription: Enhancing the typographic description of prosody in written discourse through dynamic typography. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Ramanathan, Rathna (2011) Nakka mukka: expressive forms in Tamil typographic history. In: Typography Day 2011, 3rd - 5th March 2011, Ahmedabad, India. (Unpublished)
Pritchard, Tony (2011) Setting the Standard. International Society of Typographic Designers Condensed.
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2011) Brit insurance design of the year 2011. [Show/Exhibition]
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2011) Design Museum Wim Crouwel exhibition. [Show/Exhibition]
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2011) Design Museum Wim Crouwel exhibition Poster. [Art/Design Item]
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2011) Team Impression X Ten Project, poster and article. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2011) 10 years of Typo / Tisdell, Zuzunaga & Vandling. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2011) 1907 Restaurant. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2011) Fresh at the Pace. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2011) Refresh / Fresh at the Place. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2011) Something Happening at the Place. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2011) 10 years of Typo / Dreibholz. [Art/Design Item]
Gruendler, Shelley and Ramanathan, Rathna (2011) Design pluralism: a call for radical shifts in the teaching of typography. In: Typo Berlin Shift 2011, 18 - 20th May 2011, Berlin. (Unpublished)
Daines, Mike and Ashley, Martin (2011) e-document prototype. [Art/Design Item]
Calvert, Sheena M. (2011) Materia Secunda. Book 2.0: From Codex to Computer, 1 (2). pp. 139-161. ISSN 2042-8022
Ashley, Martin (2011) Poster presentations. In: Visualisation and Presentation in Statistics, 18 May 2011, Milton Keynes, UK. (Unpublished)
Ashley, Martin (2011) Sustainable typography. In: greenID: an exchange forum on sustainable information design, 30 Jun - 01 July 2011, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)
Ramanathan, Rathna and Rossi, Guglielmo and Davis, Joe (2012) MCLI (Murty Classical Library of India) Archive (Issues 1 through 4). A series of archival captures that document the process of designing the interiors of the Murty Classical Library of India for Harvard University Press. Other. M9Design Limited.
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2012) Visual Grammar poster. [Art/Design Item]
McNeil, Paul (2012) Design for Page 1. In: Page 1: great expectations: seventy graphic solutions. GraphicDesign&, London, pp. 178-181. ISBN 9780957238107
Hutchinson, Tim (2012) Design for 'Page 1: Great Expectations'. In: Page 1: Great Expectations. Graphic Design&, London, UK, pp. 274-277. ISBN 9780957238107
Hutchinson, Tim (2012) Vauxhall & I. [Art/Design Item]
Cook, Siân (2012) 0 Children Born with HIV. [Art/Design Item]
Calvert, Sheena M. (2012) Materia Prima, Text-as-Image. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 4 (3). pp. 309-329. ISSN 17535190
Barnes, Alison (2012) Thinking geo/graphically: The interdisciplinary space between graphic design and cultural geography. Polymath: An Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences Journal, 2 (3). ISSN 2153-4314
Ramanathan, Rathna (2013) We two, ours two: towards building an Indian graphic design history. In: Towards Global Histories of Design: Postcolonial Perspectives, Design History Society Annual Conference, 5-8 September 2013, Ahmedabad.
McNeil, Paul (2013) ThreeSix: Geometry/Aesthetics/Legibility. In: Typography Day 2013, March 7-9, Department of Design at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.
Mayer, Hansjörg and Brown, Eleanor Vonne and Grandal Montero, Gustavo (2013) Art as collaboration: 50 years of Edition Hansjörg Mayer. Artist’s Book Yearbook 2014 - 2015. pp. 64-75. ISSN 978-1-906501-07-5
Hutchinson, Tim and Edwards, Jason (2013) Public Gallery Identity. In: Absolute Stationery Design. Ginko Press Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA, pp. 312-313. ISBN 978-1-58423-505-7
Hutchinson, Tim (2013) London College of Exhibitionists. [Art/Design Item]
Gridneff, Rose and Cooper, Alexander (2013) Letterpress: Looking Backward to Look Forward. In: AIGA Design Educators Conference - Blunt: Explicit and Graphic Design Criticism Now, 12-14 April 2013, Old Dominion University, Norfolk Virginia, USA.
Farias, Priscila and Gouveia, Anna and Dixon, Catherine (2013) ‘Epígrafes Arquitetônicas: pequenos detalhes de uma grande história’ [Architectonic epigraphs: small details from a bigger history]. In: Design e/é Patrimônio [Design and/is patrimony]. Subsecretaria de Patrimônio Cultural and Centro Carioca de Design, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 189-209. ISBN 978-85-66341-00-3
Dixon, Catherine (2013) Fleeing the boxes: the systematic description of the fused languages of form in the context of typeface design. In: College Art Association (CAA) 101st Annual Conference, 13–16 February 2013, Hilton New York, New York, US.
Dixon, Catherine (2013) Something to say: letterpress and community. In: 5th Annual Wayzgoose Conference, Hamilton Wood Type Museum, 8–10 November 2013, Hamilton Wood Type Museum, Two Rivers, Wisconsin, USA.
Dixon, Catherine (2013) Something to say: voices from XiloCEASA, São Paulo. In: Point Counter Point, Annual Conference of the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI), 9-13 October 2013, Amsterdam.
Dixon, Catherine (2013) ‘To touch: beyond nostalgia’. In: touch : the vista sans wood type project book. Pointed Press Studio & Design is good for you, Swarthmore (PA), United States of America, pp. 65-71. ISBN 978-0-615-79646-8
Dixon, Catherine (2013) Understanding the bigger picture: the graphic representation of overviews of typeform. In: Selected Readings of the 5th Information Design International Conference: research and practice. Sociedade Brasileira de Design da Informação, Brazil, pp. 74-91.
Calvert, Sheena M., Marshall, J. B. (2013) Designing Atonal Rhythms. In: Zētēsis. ARTicle Press, pp. 119-126. ISBN 978-1-873352-06-9
Calvert, Sheena M. (2013) Zētēsis: Research generated by curiosity (series design). [Art/Design Item]
Baines, Phil (2013) Identity and exhibition design: Ditchling Museum of Art & Craft. [Art/Design Item]
Thorogood, Simon (2014) Shifting Paradigms. Fashion + Technology. [Show/Exhibition]
Ramanathan, Rathna (2014) Picturing Words: Typography as Illustration. In: Picturing Words: Typography as Illustration, 9 August 2014, Book Building, Tara Books, South Chennai.
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander, Cooper + Hutchinson Research (2014) Learn to Use a Gun. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2014) LCC Induction Guide 2014. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2014) LCC Induction Guide 2015. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2014) Making Progress. [Art/Design Item]
Dixon, Catherine and Baines, Phil (2014) ‘Changing perspectives’. In: Collaborative Letterpress Project 6x6. University of Brighton, Brighton, pp. 57-74. ISBN 9781905593989
Dixon, Catherine (2014) Classification legacies: past perspectives and their shaping of current practice views. In: Design frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies. Editorial Designio, Mexico City, pp. 53-68. ISBN 9789685852456
Dixon, Catherine (2014) Classification legacies: past perspectives and their shaping of current practice views. Design frontiers: Selected papers of the 8th ICDHS Conference, 1 (1). pp. 60-66. ISSN 2318-6968
Dixon, Catherine (2014) Hands-on: typography as social activism. In: BITS MMXIV (Bangkok International Typographic Symposium 2014), 14–16 November 2014, Bangkok Art & Cultural Centre, Thailand.
Dixon, Catherine (2014) The future of text. In: The Future of Text Symposium IV, 6 November 2014, Google, 1 Saint Giles High Street, London WC2H 8AG.
Cooper, Alexander and Gridneff, Rose and Haslam, Andrew (2014) 6x6: Collaborative Letterpress Dialogues. In: Typographic Dialogues - ATypI Barcelona 2014, 17—21 September 2014, Barcelona.
Cooper, Alexander and Gridneff, Rose and Haslam, Andrew (2014) 6x6: Collaborative Letterpress Project. University of Brighton. ISBN 9781905593989
Cooper, Alexander and Gridneff, Rose and Haslam, Andrew (2014) Letterpress: Looking Backward to Look Forward. Visible Language 47 (3), 47 (3). pp. 52-72. ISSN 0022-2224
Calvert, Sheena M. (2014) Off the Page. In: Greetings from Darktown: An Illustrator's Miscellany, Jonny Hannah. Merrell, London. ISBN 978-1-8589-4619-1
Caldwell, Cath and Zeppaterra, Yolanda (2014) Editorial Design: Digital and Print. Laurence King Publishing, London. ISBN 9781780671642
Caldwell, Cath (2014) Editorial Design: Print and Digital. [Show/Exhibition]
Baines, Phil and Lindsay, Judy (2014) Lettering: objects, examples, practice. [Show/Exhibition]
Bailey, Paul and Wiersma, Yeb (2014) Let's Go Out! [Performance]
Bailey, Paul and Wiersma, Yeb (2014) Let's Go Out! (edition). [Art/Design Item]
Adam, Grace (2014) Philip Audinet, Engraver. [Art/Design Item]
Williams, Val (2015) Figures of Folk. [Show/Exhibition]
Teunissen, José (2015) Fashion, graphic design and the body. In: The Triumph of Typography: Text and Design in the information Era. Lannoo Publishers/Terra, pp. 282-293. ISBN 9789089896285
Ramanathan, Rathna and Hollings, Ken (2015) Bright Labyrinth: Sex, Death and Design in the Digital Regime. [Art/Design Item]
Ramanathan, Rathna (2015) MCLI (Murty Classical Library of India) volumes 1-13. [Art/Design Item]
Ramanathan, Rathna (2015) Murty Classical Library of India. In: Granshan 2015: Global design in practice, 22-23 July 2015, Reading.
Ramanathan, Rathna (2015) A Typography for India, graphic design, typography and publishing in the Indian context. In: Typography Christmas Lecture, 2 December 2015, Central Saint Martins.
Ramanathan, Rathna (2015) You, Me, Us, and Them: A post-digital approach to graphic design, research and publishing practices. In: Graphic Design Research Symposium, 19-20 November 2015, Falmouth.
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2015) Bringing the War Home Poster. [Art/Design Item]
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2015) Generator typeface and poster. [Art/Design Item]
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2015) Monotype Neue Haas Unica launch collateral. [Art/Design Item]
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2015) MuirMcNeil Point Posters. [Art/Design Item]
McNeil, Paul and Muir, Hamish (2015) MuirMcNeil Point typefaces. [Art/Design Item]
McNeil, Paul (2015) Anadolu University Calligraphy and Typography (lecture and workshop) 2015. In: Anadolu University 7th Calligraphy and Typography event, 2–7 November 2015, Anadolu University Faculty of Fine Arts Graphic Design Department, Eskişehir, Turkey.
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander, Cooper + Hutchinson Research (2015) Helvetica—Punkism + Helvetcia Data-bleed. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander, Cooper + Hutchinson Research (2015) Structure Content Surface. In: Message Communication Arts Research: Typography, Lettering and Text as Image. University of Plymouth Press, Plymouth UK, pp. 12-13. ISBN 978-1-84102-391-5
Hutchinson, Tim (2015) Cudlipp Lecture Invitations. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2015) THD_Flexi. [Art/Design Item]
Hartnett, John-Patrick (2015) Frutiger, Adrian (1928–2015). In: The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472521576
Hartnett, John-Patrick (2015) Müller-Brockmann, Josef (1914–96). In: The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472521576
Hartnett, John-Patrick (2015) Tschichold, Jan (1902–74). In: The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472521576
Hartnett, John-Patrick (2015) Weingart, Wolfgang (1941–). In: The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472521576
Dixon, Catherine and Baines, Phil (2015) Underground lettering before Johnston. In: Edward Johnston and his Underground Typeface, 29 April 2015, London Transport Museum.
Dixon, Catherine (2015) Life. Death. Letterpress. In: Pick Me Up Graphic Arts Festival, 23 April– 4 May 2015, Somerset House, Strand, London, UK.
Dixon, Catherine (2015) Mas tudo bem! In search of typographic optimism. In: ATypI 2015 São Paulo, 14–17 October 2015, Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP), São Paulo, Brazil.
Dixon, Catherine (2015) Public lettering: why it matters. In: Public lettering: why it matters, 3 February 2015, Communication Design, The Glasgow School of Art, UK.
Dixon, Catherine (2015) Typeform dialogues: archeologies of practice. In: Éditions numériques : Le temps de l’archéologie, 2 - 4 March 2015, École Superieure d’Art et Design Greoble-Valence.
Cooper, Alexander and Gridneff, Rose and Haslam, Andrew (2015) 6x6 Letterpress: Looking Backwards to Look Forward. In: Code-x: paper, ink, pixel and screen. bookRoom, Farnham. ISBN 9780957682832
Cobbing, William and Cooper, Rosie and Krogh Groth, Sanne and Toop, David and Wilson, Andrew (2015) 'Boooook: The Life and Work of Bob Cobbing'. n/a, n/a (n/a). Occasional Papers, UK. ISBN 978-0-9929039-5-4
Cobbing, William and Cooper, Rosie (2015) Make Perhaps This Out Sense of Can You. In: 'Make Perhaps This Out Sense of Can You' symposium at Chelsea College of Arts, 21 May 2015, 21 May 2015, Chelsea College of Arts.
Baines, Phil and Dixon, Catherine (2015) Back to the classroom: the Central Saint Martins Museum & Study Collection and Central Lettering Record (CLR). In: Association of European Printing Museums conference: ‘The relevance of typographical collections for today’s designers’, 2–3 October 2015, Tipoteca Italiana, Cornuda, Italy.
Baines, Phil (2015) Lettering and locality in the age of globality. In: International Design Conference – Eum: design connects, 19–21 October 2015, Gwangju, South Korea.
Layzell, Richard (2016) It's Time for Da. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2016) Im-Print Exhibition Catalogue. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2016) Im-Print Exhibition Design. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2016) Into-Outro, Identity design. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2016) THD_Brace. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2016) THD_California. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2016) THD_Grafik.Super. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2016) THD_OCX. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2016) THD_Reporto. [Art/Design Item]
Hartnett, John-Patrick (2016) Killing joke at the expense of history. Eye: The International Review of Graphic Design, 23 (91). pp. 112-113. ISSN 0960-779X
Hartnett, John-Patrick (2016) Review of ‘Statement and Counter-Statement: Notes on Experimental Jetset Vol. 1.’ by Experimental Jetset. Eye: The International Review of Graphic Design, 23 (92). pp. 84-86. ISSN 0960-779X
Gridneff, Rose (2016) After Nijhof and Lee. Bricks from the Kiln (2). pp. 80-81. ISSN 978‐0‐9956835‐0‐1
Farias, Priscila and Hanns, Daniela Kutschat and Dixon, Catherine (2016) Spatializing design history: Considerations on the use of maps for studies on print culture. In: Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History. Blucher, São Paulo, pp. 348-353. ISBN ISSN 2318-6968
Dixon, Catherine (2016) Nicolete Gray, A story in letters. In: Words on Buildings: Lettering and the Environment in the Twentieth Century a series of 6 lectures for The Twentieth Century Society, Autumn 2016, Twentieth Century Society HQ, 70 Cowcross Street, CLerkenwell, London.
Dixon, Catherine (2016) To hell with mediocrity – adventure beckons. In: Typo Berlin 2016: Beyond Design, 12-14 May 2016, Berlin, Germany.
Dixon, Catherine (2016) ‘The platypus in the system: an approach to describing typefaces’. In: Berlin Type School Away-Days, 29–30 July 2016, Berlin.
Calvert, Sheena M. (2016) 'A Philosophy of Punctuation' (Book Work), 2016. [Art/Design Item]
Baines, Phil and Dixon, Catherine (2016) Underground lettering before 1933. In: The Edward Johnston Talk Series: London’s First Fonts, 10 May 2016, London Transport Museum, Covent Garden, London, UK.
Pritchard, Tony (2017) Geoff White: Awarded an Honorary FISTD. Typographic 70 (70). pp. 24-25. ISSN 0143-7623
Pritchard, Tony (2017) Jost Hochuli: Awarded an Honorary FISTD. Typographic 70 (70). pp. 26-27. ISSN 0143-7623
Johanknecht, Susan and Meynell, Katharine (2017) notes & colophon. Gefn Press, London UK.
Hutchinson, Tim (2017) The National Student Survey Campaign 2017. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2017) THD_Audio. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2017) THD_Claw. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2017) THD_Factor. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2017) THD_Hexline. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2017) THD_Lava. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2017) THD_Slam. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2017) UAL Student Story / Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey Campaign. [Art/Design Item]
Hartnett, John-Patrick (2017) The programmed designer. Eye: The International Review of Graphic Design, 24 (94). pp. 18-19. ISSN 0960-779X
Dixon, Catherine and Baines, Phil (2017) 100 Years of Johnston. In: 52 Typo. Niggli, Switzerland, pp. 65-67. ISBN ISBN 978-3-7212-0975-4
Dixon, Catherine (2017) Strategy is never enough. Eye: The international Journal of Graphic Design (94). p. 22. ISSN 0960779X
Cooper, Alexander and Gridneff, Rose and Haslam, Andrew (2017) An education in letterpress: from apprentice to design student. In: From Craft to Technology and Back Again: Print's Progress in the Twentieth Century, 30—31 March 2017, Museum of Printing History, Dublin.
Baines, Phil and Groarke, Andy and Carmody, Kevin (2017) Carmody Groarke & Phil Baines: Three contemporary memorials in London. [Show/Exhibition]
Abdulla, Danah and Prado, Luiza and Schultz, Tristan, Decolonising Design (2017) Collective Perspectives on Decolonising Design Education. In: Exclusive Access: On the dynamics and vocabularies of co-option, care and the subaltern at Venice Research Pavilion, 10-11 June 2017, Research Pavilion, Sala del Camino, Campo S. Cosmo, Giudecca, Venice, Italy.
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander, Cooper + Hutchinson Research (2018) Velocity / Im-Pressed Series issue #2. Im-Pressed, 1 (2). Tim Hutchinson + Alexander Cooper, London College of Communication. ISBN 978-0-9566799-1-8
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander, Cooper + Hutchinson Research (2018) Velocity Extracted. [Show/Exhibition]
Hutchinson, Tim (2018) Beyond 2001: New Horizons / Exhibition Brand & Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2018) Beyond 2001: New Horizons / Publication. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2018) Capital City / Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2018) Helion Partners. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2018) Phase 22. In: Fedrigoni 365. Fedrigoni UK, London.
Hutchinson, Tim (2018) The Syrian. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2018) THD_Connect.Nu. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2018) THD_Elektronik. [Art/Design Item]
Hartnett, John-Patrick (2018) Democracy in Default? In: Typo Day 2018, 01 - 03 March 2018, Sir J. J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, India.
Harkins, Michael (2018) Contemporary processes of text typeface design. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Gridneff, Rose (2018) Twice Daily: The Visual Language of Circus Posters. In: Circus and Beyond, 11 May 2018, University of Sheffield.
Dixon, Catherine and Baines, Phil (2018) Back to the classroom: the Central Saint Martins Museum & Study Collection & Central Lettering Record (CLR). Communication Design: Interdiciplinary and Graphic Design Research, 5. pp. 258-264. ISSN 2055-7140
Dixon, Catherine (2018) D.I.Y design: negotiating a space between agency and redundancy. In: Robothin 2018, 8–9 March 2018, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.
Dixon, Catherine (2018) Lettering: some hidden stories of making (and why they matter). In: XXX – The Letter Exchange Conference, 12 – 14 October 2018, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
Dixon, Catherine (2018) Letterpress and design: educational pioneers in the trade territories of typography. In: Letterpress: past, present and future, 19-20 July 2018, Centre for Printing HIstory at the University of Leeds.
Dixon, Catherine (2018) The Making. In: The Anatomy of the Book, 26 November 2018, RMIT, Barcelona.
Dixon, Catherine (2018) On ‘thinking–through–making’ and the quietly remarkable value of ‘knowing what we’re doing’ in an age of disruption. In: W * * C H C R A F T ? Exploring notions of craft within contemporary graphic design education, 6 – 7 September 2018, University of Northumbria, Newcastle.
Dixon, Catherine (2018) Some letters and their hidden stories of making (& why it matters). In: Sustaining craft, 1–2 February 2018, London.
Dixon, Catherine (2018) Systematizing the platypus, A perspective on type design classification. In: Typeform dialogues, An interactive interface presenting a comparative survey of type form history & description. Hyphen Press, London, pp. 88-133. ISBN 978-0-907259-52-7
Dixon, Catherine (2018) Technologies of printing types and fonts of Romanticism. In: Technologies of Romance Symposium at the Science Museum, 28 November 2018, Dana Studio, Wellcome Wolfson Building, London.
Dixon, Catherine (2018) Typographic design for 'Technologies of Romance Part II' by Paul O’Kane. [Art/Design Item]
Dixon, Catherine (2018) Using historic collections in current teaching. In: Be Open: The International Association of Printing Museums Conference 2018, 1 – 2 October 2018, Cheongju Arts Centre, Korea.
Caldwell, Cath (2018) Breakout session at ModMagLDN. In: ModMagLND, 1st Nov 2018, Conway Hall, London.
Baines, Phil and Carmody, Kevin and Groarke, Andy (2018) 7 July 2005 Tavistock Square Bombings Memorial. [Art/Design Item]
Baines, Phil (2018) Exsultet. [Show/Exhibition]
Slatter, Andrew (2019) Rooms 2084. [Art/Design Item]
Slatter, Andrew (2019) Word Matters! [Art/Design Item]
Romo Melgar, Carlos and Caprini, Aldo (2019) Digi Grotesk AI. [Art/Design Item]
Pritchard, Tony (2019) King's Hill: A Place of Landings. Typographic 71 (71). pp. 24-27. ISSN 0143-7623
Pritchard, Tony (2019) No. [Show/Exhibition]
Pritchard, Tony (2019) Type in Space: Experiments in Mixed Reality. Typographic 71 (71). pp. 30-31. ISSN 0143-7623
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander, Cooper + Hutchinson Research (2019) Atomic / Im-Pressed series issue #3. Im-Pressed, 1 (3). Cooper + Hutchinson Research, London. ISBN 978-0-9566799-2-5
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander (2019) C+H_ATOMIC. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander (2019) C+H_BASE. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2019) Beyond 2001: New Horizons. In: Type for Type. Custom Type Solutions for Identity Design. Victionary, Hong Kong, pp. 218-223. ISBN 978-988-79034-2-0
Hutchinson, Tim (2019) Reel Lives. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2019) THD_EXO. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2019) THD_Logic. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2019) THD_Nu.Servo. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2019) Visible Justice / Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Hough, Alex and Lippa, Dominic and Bateson, John and Geiger, Val and Sloper, Louise and Theodosiou, Sallyanne and St John, Oliver and Dye, Alan and Long, Antony (2019) An Anatomy Lesson. In: Circular. Typocircle, London, pp. 86-93.
Dixon, Catherine (2019) Revisiting the problem of the platypus: how to find a common language of form for type in an era of descriptive individualism. In: Le forme della tipografia, storie, processi e linguaggi,, 18 February 2019, Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice.
Dixon, Catherine (2019) Technologies of Romance: On the choice of typeface for a book and the possibilities for technological Romance. Science Museum Group Journal (12). ISSN 2054-5770
Calvert, Sheena M. (2019) The Language of Luxury, the Luxury of Language. Journal of Design, Business & Society, 5 (2). pp. 223-231. ISSN 2055-2106
Calvert, Sheena M. (2019) Punctuating Philosophy. In: Face Forward: International Conference of Typography. Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin.
Caldwell, Cath (2019) Graphic Design for Everyone. A world of Ideas . Penguin Random House, United Kingdom and United States. ISBN 978-0-2413-0438-1-4
Melvin, Jo and Bloem, Marja and van Haaften-Schick, Lauren and Martinetti, Sara and Siegelaub, Seth (2020) Seth Siegelaub: Better Read Than Dead Writings and Interviews 1964–2013. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig. ISBN 978-3863357849
Hutchinson, Tim (2020) The National Student Survey Campaign 2020. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2020) Origins Creatives / Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2020) Short Courses / Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2020) THD_ARK. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2020) THD_Christie. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2020) THD_Luxe. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2020) THD_Ultra. [Art/Design Item]
Baines, Phil (2020) Behold the blessed light; behold the everlasting goodness. [Art/Design Item]
da Gandra, Maria, SAUDADE Associação (2021) Lisbon, capital of the Fifth Empire, in light of its sacred numbers (Lisboa, capital do Quinto Império, à luz dos seus números sagrados). Cartography for a Portuguese Mindset Series (2). Mais Portuguesia, London. ISBN 9780956706942
da Gandra, Maria, SAUDADE Associação (2021) The Royal Building of Mafra and 17, the number of Portugal (A Real Obra de Mafra e 17, o número de Portugal). Cartography for a Portuguese Mindset Series (1). Mais Portuguesia, London. ISBN 9780956706935
da Gandra, Maria (2021) The wanderings and tribulations of King Sebastian of Portugal after Alcácer Quibir (As andanças e tribulações de Dom Sebastião após Alcácer Quibir). Cartography for a Portuguese Mindset Series (3). Mais Portuguesia, London. ISBN 9780956706959
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander (2021) Atomic. In: PALETTE Mini Series No. 4 NEON. PALETTE Mini Series, 4 . Viction:ary, Hong Kong, pp. 288-295. ISBN 978-98879034-5-1
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander (2021) MODUS TYPE. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2021) Ring 14. In: Fedrigoni 365. Fedrigoni UK, London.
Hutchinson, Tim (2021) System Hacker. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2021) THD_Liberty. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2021) THD_Punch. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2021) THD_Razor. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2021) Teach Inspire Create / Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Gridneff, Rose and Cooper, Alexander and Haslam, Andrew (2021) Letterpress: A Survey of Print Culture or an Immersive Learning Experience. In: Design Culture(s) Cumulus Roma 2021, 8-11 June 2021, Sapienza University of Rome.
Cain, Benjamin (2021) UNINVITED. [Art/Design Item]
Ravishankar, Anushka and Scanziani, Emanuele and Ramanathan, Rathna (2022) A Rooster for a Pet? Tara Books, Chennai, India. ISBN 978-81-953173-9-4
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander (2022) MODUS. C+H Research (Cooper+Hutchinson Research), London. ISBN 978-1-00-635586-8
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander (2022) 'OPUS' in Slanted 40 Experimental Type. Slanted Magazine Experimental Type, 40. ISSN 1867-6510
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander, Cooper + Hutchinson Research (2022) Type / Lab: Counter-form / Type DNA / OPUS. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2022) Japan Four / Brand + Identity. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2022) Practice Research in Social Design: Definitions Contexts Futures / Identity Design. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2022) Ravensbourne Degree Show. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2022) THD_Exilir. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2022) THD_Lab. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2022) THD_Memo. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2022) Transition 03. In: Fedrigoni 365. Fedrigoni UK, London.
Cook, Siân (2022) REconsidering. [Art/Design Item]
Christian, Toby (2022) 1 litre semi-skimmed evening primrose hello my name is amy. [Art/Design Item]
Ross, Rebecca (2023) Situating Google’s Alphabet. In: Articulating Media: Genealogy, Interface, Situation. Technographies . Open Humanities Press, pp. 153-167. ISBN 978-1-78542-112-9
Janet, Julie (2023) typefaces beyond words: a framework for the multimodal analysis of typeface design as typographetic resource. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Hutchinson, Tim and Cooper, Alexander (2023) TYPE/LAB 22—23 (Form & Space | Molecular Type). [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2023) 10xTYPES Vol 2. THD 10XTYPES . Tim Hutchinson Design (THD), London. ISBN 979-8-21-152889-5
Hutchinson, Tim (2023) Six Ravens. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2023) THD_Mondo.X. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2023) THD_Nevada. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2023) THD_Senus. [Art/Design Item]
Cooper, Alexander and Haslam, Andrew and Gridneff, Rose (2023) An Education in Letterpress: Charting the History of Letterpress Education in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In: Letterpress Printing: Past, Present, Future. Printing History and Culture, 4 . Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 75-103. ISBN 9781800794214
Hutchinson, Tim (2024) THD_MOD. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2024) THD_Praxim. [Art/Design Item]
Hutchinson, Tim (2024) 10XTYPES Vol.3. 10XTYPES, 3 . Tim Hutchinson Design, London. ISBN 979-8-34-761541-4
Hutchinson, Tim (2024) THD_MAXIS. [Art/Design Item]
Christian, Toby (2024) After Mallarmé. [Show/Exhibition]
Caldwell, Cath (2024) Editorial Design: Print and Digital Third Edition. Laurence King Publishing. ISBN 978-1529419825