Leister, Wiebke (2008) 'Lovers, Liars and Laughter', performance. [Performance]
Ingham, Mark (2008) Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae (120 Days and Nights of Staggering and Stammering). [Show/Exhibition]
Hamann, Sigune (2008) Very Short Space of Time Through Very Short Times of Space. [Show/Exhibition]
Ball, Steven and Elwes, Catherine (2008) Figuring Landscapes: Artists’ Moving Image from Australia and the UK. [Show/Exhibition]
Clark, Edmund (2009) Solo Show: Guantanamo: If The Light Goes Out, British Journal of Photography International Photography Award. [Show/Exhibition]
Doron, Itai and Perry, Martin (2010) Spotlight: Itai Doron, photographer, London UK. Out There, 2. pp. 12-17. ISSN 20439210
Dobai, Sarah (2010) Recalling the shots: Nettlecombe. [Show/Exhibition]
Clark, Edmund (2010) Solo Exhibition: Guantanamo: If The Light Goes Out. [Show/Exhibition]
Stevenson, Caroline and Charalambous, Tony and Finnigan, Terry and Rose, Winston and Scrivener, Chloe and Hamilton Butler, James and Fernandes, Gavin (2011) Disruption: A Fashion Performance. [Performance]
Rickett, Sophy (2011) To The River. [Art/Design Item]
Ingham, Mark and Baseman, Jordan and Newth, Martin and Wainwright, Chris (2011) SCOPE New Photographic Practices. [Show/Exhibition]
Hamann, Sigune (2011) Seamlessness in the analogue and digital. In: ISEA 17th International Symposium on Electronic Arts, 14-21 September 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
Hamann, Sigune (2011) film-strip (Whitehall 9.12.10). [Art/Design Item]
Doron, Itai and Beard, Jason (2011) Chokras' Mahal. Other Criteria, London. ISBN 9781904212478
de Selincourt, Chris (2012) The Frame of Attention. In: 2nd WIRAD Symposium for Emerging Art & Design Researchers, 29-30 March 2012, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff.
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2012) Estate: a critical inquiry in 3 parts. In: ARTEFACT, 4 June 2012, Stour Place.
Tynan, Jane and Biernoff, Suzannah (2012) Making and Remaking the Civilian Soldier: The World War I Photographs of Horace Nicholls. Journal of War & Culture Studies, 5 (3). pp. 277-293. ISSN 1752-6272
O'Kane, Paul (2012) Only a Game? Abbas Kiarostami's Certified Copy. Wasafiri, 27 (1). pp. 53-61. ISSN 0269-0055
Newth, Martin and Heron, Fergus (2012) Capital. [Show/Exhibition]
Hamann, Sigune (2012) Wave. [Show/Exhibition]
Elwes, Catherine (2012) Editorial. The Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 1 (1). pp. 3-9. ISSN 2045-6298, 2045-6301
Elwes, Catherine (2012) Phases, ruptures and continuities. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 1 (2). pp. 147-151. ISSN 20456298
Elwes, Catherine (2012) Pipilotti Rist. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 1 (2). pp. 271-276. ISSN 20456298
Donkor, Kimathi (2012) Happening To Be. [Show/Exhibition]
Caston, Emily (2012) ‘Kick, Bollocks and Scramble’: An Examination of Power and Creative Decision-Making in the Production Process During the Golden Era of British Music Videos 1995–2001. Journal of British Cinema and Television.
Walsh, Maria (2013) Oscillations Between Disciplinary and Productive Subjectivity in James Coupe’s Auto-Generative Online Film Project Today, too, I experienced something I hope to understand in a few days (2010). In: On the Verge of Photography: Imaging Beyond Representation. Article Press, Birmingham, pp. 171-190. ISBN 9781873352021
Rubinstein, Daniel and Sluis, Katrina (2013) The Digital Image in Photographic Culture; Algorithmic Photography and the Crisis of Representation. In: The Photographic Image in Digital Culture. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 22-40. ISBN 9780415535298
Rubinstein, Daniel and Golding, Johnny and Fisher, Andy (2013) On The Verge of Photography: Imaging Beyond Representation. ARTicle Press, Birmingham. ISBN 9781873352021
Rubinstein, Daniel (2013) The Grin of Schrödinger's Cat; Quantum Photography and the limits of Representation. In: On the Verge of Photography: Imaging Beyond Representation. ARTicle Press, Birmingham, pp. 33-48. ISBN 9781873352021
McGowan, David (2013) Some of This Happened to the Other Fellow: Remaking GoldenEye 007 with Daniel Craig. In: Game on, Hollywood! Essays on the Intersection of Video Games and Cinema. McFarland, pp. 115-128. ISBN 978-0786471140
Akomfrah, John and Rughani, Pratap (2013) Interview. John Akomfrah in Conversation with Pratap Rughani at the AHRC Artists’ Moving Image Research Network. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 2 (2). pp. 214-226. ISSN 20456298
Uhlirova, Marketa (2014) The Fashion Film and the Photographic. Aperture, Fall (216). ISSN 9781597112826
Shepherdson, Karen (2014) Aftermath I & II. [Art/Design Item]
Patel, Shreepali and Toulson, Rob (2014) Educating and Enhancing Compassion, Emotion and Reflective Professional Practice through Contemporary Digital Filmmaking. In: Smart Digital Futures. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications . IOS Press, pp. 582-591. ISBN 978-1-61499-404-6
Patel, Shreepali (2014) The Golden Window. [Art/Design Item]
Mey, Adeena (2014) Mobility and Event: Fragments towards an Archaeology of the Ambulant Spectator. In: SCMS (Society for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference 2014, 19–23 March 2014, Sheraton Seattle Hotel.
Kuc, Kamila (2014) ‘The inexpressible unearthly beauty of the cinematograph’: The Impact of Polish Futurism on the First Polish Avant-Garde Films. In: The Struggle for Form: Perspectives on Polish Avant-Garde Film 1916-1989. Columbia University Press/Wallflower Press, London/New York, pp. 31-57. ISBN 978-0231169820
Green, Alison (2014) Lorna Simpson Interviewed by Alison Green. Art Monthly (377). pp. 2-8. ISSN 01426702
Doron, Itai (2014) Tinker, Soldier, Sailor, Thief: Identity, Discourse, Narrative and Representation of the Male Sexual Outlaw as a Gay Fantasy Figure and its Appropriation from Art and Literature into Fashion Imagery. In: Fashion in Fiction: Style Stories and Transglobal Narratives Conference, 12-14 June 2014, City University of Hong Kong.
Behr, Bernd (2014) Akeley Inside the Elephant. [Show/Exhibition]
Williams, Val (2015) Moose on the Loose Biennale of Research 2015: Archives in Time and Space.
Tlalim, Tom and Schuppli, Susan and Hoare, Natasha (2015) Susan Schuppli, Tom Tlalim and Natasha Hoare In Conversation. In: Art in the Age Of... Witte de With Centre for Contemporary Art, pp. 150-155. ISBN 978-94-91435-43-0
Sliwinska, Basia and Bohr, Marco (2015) Edge Effect: Politics of Identity across Physical and Virtual Spheres. In: Sixth International Conference On the Image - Media Materiality: Towards Critical Economies of "New" Media, 29-30 October 2015, Clark Kerr Conference Center, University of California at Berkeley, USA.
Rae, Nicola and Rae, Douglas (2015) 'Re-Focus' at PERDUTO PADRE/LOST FATHER. [Show/Exhibition]
Mey, Adeena and Bovier, François (2015) Exhibited Cinema/Cinéma Exposé. Les presses du réel and ECAL, Dijon and Lausanne. ISBN 978-2-8399-1404-8
Mey, Adeena and Bovier, François (2015) Exhibiting the Moving Image. Documents . JRP|Editions, Zurich. ISBN 978-3-03764-388-4
Mey, Adeena (2015) By Other Means or not at All: Experimental Moving Image Practices in Switzerland 1960 – 1970. In: EXIS-Experimental Film & Video Festival in Seoul, 19-26 August 2015, Audio Visual Pavilion - 시청각.
Mey, Adeena (2015) E.A.T. and the Moving Image. A conversation with Barbara Rose. OEI (69-70). pp. 339-341.
Mey, Adeena (2015) Expanded Cinema, by Other Means. In: The Audiovisual Breakthrough. fluctuating images. contemporary media art e.V., Berlin, pp. 42-61. ISBN 978-3-00-051072-4
Mey, Adeena (2015) Institutional Critique and Experimental Cinema: Historiographical Revisions. In: SCMS 2015, 25-29 March 2015, Fairmont Queen Elizabeth, Montreal.
Hunter, Tom, Local artist in Jordan (2015) a side show of a side show. [Show/Exhibition]
Finch, Mick and Harland, Beth (2015) Editorial. Journal of Contemporary Painting, 1 (1). pp. 5-9. ISSN 2052-6695
Doron, Itai (2015) Queering Foreign Bodies: Discourse and Identity in Visual Representations of Straight Migrant Men. In: Ways of Queering, Ways of Seeing. Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Oxford, UK, pp. 115-147. ISBN 978-1-84888-298-0
Creamer, Anne-Marie and Sullivan, Lesley G. (2015) Pirandello’s Unrealized Film, Treatment for Six Characters: An Interview with Film Director and Artist Anne-Marie Creamer. Pirandello Society Annual journal (PSA), 27. pp. 101-115. ISSN 1042-4823
Uhlirova, Marketa and Elcott, Noam (2016) Considering Pop Culture's Fascination with Invisibility (an interview with Noam Elcott). AnOther.
Uhlirova, Marketa (2016) Artists' Moving Image and Fashion. In: Fashion on the Move, 1 December 2016, London College of Fashion.
Sliwinska, Basia (2016) The ‘aesthetics of pedestrianism’ and the politics of belonging in contemporary women’s art. In: Flâneur New Urban Narratives. Procur.arte, Lisbon, pp. 26-47. ISBN 9789899538733
Richards, Paul Simon (2016) L*a*b. [Art/Design Item]
Noce, Kim (2016) Nest of Stone. [Art/Design Item]
Mey, Adeena and Thorel, Benjamin (2016) Tell'n'Talk 02. In: Labor Zero Labor, 26-28 August 2016, Triangle France, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille.
Mey, Adeena (2016) “The Entire Country as Field of Operation”: Sonsbeek 71, Communication and the Film/Exhibition Apparatus. In: NECS Conference 2016, 28-30 July 2016, University of Potsdam.
Mey, Adeena (2016) The milieu of poetry: Yuri An’s ‘The Unharvested Sea’ and ‘Sailing Words’. NECSUS.EuropeanJournalof Media Studies, 5.
Marino, Sara (2016) Power, command and violence in von Trier’s Manderlay. A political and philosophical analysis of pseudo-democracies. CineJ Cinema Journal, 5 (2). pp. 4-27. ISSN 2158-8724
Layzell, Richard (2016) It's Time for Da. [Art/Design Item]
Behr, Bernd (2016) Solar Regime (Maxwell Fry and Jane Drew, Tropical Architecture, 1964). [Art/Design Item]
Baddeley, Oriana and Mahurter, Sarah and Rughani, Pratap and Coldwell, Paul and Collins, Jane and Putnam, James and Kim, Jihoo (2016) Into the Archive. Re-Viewing Kubrick. In: Into the Archive- Reviewing Kubrick. Kim Hong-hee Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea, pp. 1-116.
Williams, Val and Davidmann, Sara (2017) Moose on the Loose 2017 Biennale of Research: Collaborations Transformations. [Show/Exhibition]
White, Duncan (2017) An 'Automatic Escape' or A Beautiful Question'? Cinema and Experimental Film after Michael Fried's 'Art and Objecthood'. Journal of Visual Culture, 16 (1). pp. 103-117. ISSN 1470-4129
Trangmar, Susan (2017) Wandering Shards: Image as Meeting Place. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 15 (2-3). ISSN 1470-2029
Sliwinska, Basia and Bohr, Marco (2017) Edge Effect: New Image Formations and Politics of Identity. In: Mediated Intimacies: connectivities, relationalities and proximities. Routledge, London, New York, pp. 73-85. ISBN 9781138631878
Mey, Adeena (2017) On New Forms in Film and Other Exhibitions. A conversation with Annette Michelson. In: Early Video Art and Experimental Films Networks. ECAL and Les presses du réel, Lausanne and Dijon, pp. 217-220. ISBN 978-2-9701157-0-0
Melvin, Jo and Weir, Grace (2017) Grace Weir Unfolded. [Show/Exhibition]
Hunter, Tom (2017) Searching for Ghosts. [Show/Exhibition]
Ebersole, P David and Hughes, Todd and Anderson, Larra (2017) Mansfield 66/67. [Art/Design Item]
Cusack, Peter and Poznanska, Martyna (2017) There Will Be No Other Forest. [Show/Exhibition]
Barnett, Heather (2017) Nonhuman Networks. [Show/Exhibition]
Wilson, Stephen (2018) Beside Bourdieu: Japan, Contemporary Art, Weeds and a Fox. In: The Persistence of Taste: Art, Museums and Everyday Life After Bourdieu. Culture, economy, and the social . Routledge, pp. 187-205. ISBN 9781315617299
Williams, Dilys (2018) Fashion Now and Fashion Futures 2030 part of V&A's Fashioned from Nature exhibition. [Show/Exhibition]
Rubinstein, Daniel (2018) Keeping up with the Cartesians: on the culture of the selfie with continual reference to Kim Kardashian. In: Public, Private, Secret: On Photography & the Configuration of Self. Aperture, USA. ISBN 978-1-59711-438-7
Mey, Adeena and Bovier, François (2018) Film Implosion! [Show/Exhibition]
Mey, Adeena (2018) Hylétique/Helvétique/Cinématique. [Show/Exhibition]
Maloney, Peter (2018) Film as Form: Deconstructed + Preconstructed 2018. [Art/Design Item]
Maloney, Peter (2018) Film as Form: Kubricks Colour Space 2018. [Art/Design Item]
Kutesko, Elizabeth (2018) Fashioning Brazil: globalization and the representation of Brazilian Dress in National Geographic. Dress and Fashion Research . Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350026605
Clark, Edmund and Black, Crofton (2018) Group Exhibition: [Control] No Control. [Show/Exhibition]
Behr, Bernd (2018) An Archaeology of Virtual Light. In: Exploring Design, Arup, 13 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 4BQ.
Behr, Bernd (2018) The Esper Syndrome. In: Neretva Recollections Lab, 17-18 September 2018, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft, Netherlands.
Behr, Bernd (2018) Learning from Renningen: On the Perceptual Architectures of Self-driving Cars. In: Research Fellowship Lecture, 26 January 2018, Bosch Research Campus, Renningen, Germany.
Behr, Bernd (2018) The Unknown Known: Prehistories of Machine Vision. In: Associate Forum, 25 September 2017, Bosch Research Campus, Renningen, Germany.
Sharma, Ashwani (2019) Zietgeist. In: The Place is Here: A Montage of Black Art in 1980s Britain. Sternberg Press, London, pp. 323-347. ISBN 978-3-95679-466-7
Potter, Cher and Candy, Stuart (2019) Design and Futures. Design and Futures . Tamking University Press,. ISBN 978-1709990083
Patel, Shreepali and Toulson, Rob and Azuaje, Luis (2019) The beginning of a beautiful friendship: A case study on an immersive filmmaking process. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Screen Production. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 257-268.
Patel, Shreepali (2019) Drone Filming: Creativity versus Regulations in Autonomous Art Systems. A Case Study. Media-N, 15 (1).
Mey, Adeena and Bovier, François (2019) 무빙 이미지 전시하기:다시 본 역사. Mediabus, Seoul. ISBN 979-11-966934-3-5
Mey, Adeena and Bovier, François (2019) VideoArt Festival Locarno: A Prospective. [Show/Exhibition]
Mey, Adeena (2019) Textures of In/visibility. Maya Schweizer's Exhibitionary Cinematism. In: Maya Schweizer, Where Ivy Cracks the Wall. Naima and Les presses du réel, Berlin, pp. 73-89. ISBN 978-2-37440-086-0
Lowe, Paul (2019) Framing the Perpetrators: Lee Miller's Photography of the Liberation of Dachau. Journal of Perpetrator Research, 2 (2). pp. 216-223. ISSN 2514-7897
Leister, Wiebke (2019) Echoes and Callings. [Show/Exhibition]
Leister, Wiebke (2019) Pro-Photographic Gestures. Photography and Culture. ISSN 17514517
Leister, Wiebke (2019) Ultimate Questions of Life, the Universe, and Everything. [Show/Exhibition]
Kuc, Kamila (2019) Aesthetic Violence in the Anarchival Turn: On the Infinite Visions of History. Found Footage Magazine, 5. ISSN 2462-2885
Holdsworth, Claire (2019) Schizophonic states: the ventriloquial voice in British artists’ film and video of the 1970s and 1980s. In: RE:SOUND 8th International Conference on the Histories of Media Arts 2019, 20–23 August 2019, Aalborg University.
Holdsworth, Claire (2019) The ventriloquial voice: Remediating narrative and structuring the archive in artists’ film and video. In: NECS 2019 Conference: Structures and Voices: Storytelling in Post-Digital Times, 13-15 June 2019, University of Gdańsk.
Behr, Bernd (2019) Constellation (Reading Maryon Park). [Art/Design Item]
Adami, Elisa (2019) Akram Zaatari: History and Photographic Memory. Journal of Visual Culture, 18 (2). pp. 169-186. ISSN 1470-4129
Sliwinska, Basia (2020) Feminist Visual Activism and the Body. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London, New York. ISBN 9780367278991
Rubinstein, Daniel (2020) Fotografie nach der Philosophie. Merve, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3-96273-022-2
Palma Stade, Tobias (2020) Hands-off Interactive Storytelling; Intuitive Agency in an Immersive Cinematic Film. In: ACM IMX2020 International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, 17-19 June 2020, Barcelona, Spain.
Mey, Adeena and Bovier, François and Schärer, Thomas and Truniger, Fred (2020) Minor Cinema. Experimental Film in Switzerland. Documents . JRP|Editions, Zurich. ISBN 978-3-03764-550-5
Mey, Adeena (2020) Aldo Tambellini's 'Black Film Series'. In: Black Film Series Les films d'Aldo Tambellini en 16 mm et en présence d'Adeena Mey, 17 January 2020, Oblo Cinema, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Mey, Adeena (2020) Ecart, Film et Intermédia. Notes sur Re-Constructing the Missing Photograph d'Anthony McCall. In: Almanach Ecart. Une archive collective, 1969–2019, nouvelle édition. art&fiction, Geneva, pp. 406-412. ISBN 978-2-88964-010-2
Mey, Adeena (2020) Exhibiting Structural Film? Annette Michelson, Between Criticism and Curating. In: Minor Cinema: Experimental Film in Switzerland. JRP|Editions, Zurich, pp. 228-245. ISBN 978-3-03764-550-5
Holdsworth, Claire (2020) New Nonfiction Film: Art, Poetics, and Documentary Theory, Dara Waldron. The Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 9 (2). pp. 288-293. ISSN 2045-6301
Holdsworth, Claire (2020) Ventriloquial bodies: Re-framing ephemerality in artists’ film & video. In: CTM Festival 2020, 26 January 2020, Berlin.
Brown, Lucy (2020) Sound and Cinema: Past, Present and Future. [Show/Exhibition]
Voelcker, Becca (2021) Field Work: Ogawa Productions as Farmer-Filmmakers. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 10 (1/2). pp. 50-71. ISSN 2045-6298
Voelcker, Becca (2021) Landscape Theory in Post-War Japanese Cinema: Fūkeiron in Adachi Masao’s A.K.A. Serial Killer. In: Penser l’espace avec le cinéma et la littérature. Film Cultures, 10 . Peter Lang, New York. ISBN 9781433176289
Sajovic, Eva (2021) Hanging By A Thread. [Art/Design Item]
Růžička, Vít (2021) Latent Rider. [Art/Design Item]
Patel, Shreepali and Horvath, Meghan and Hardin, Marques, The Frontline Team (2021) How Have Healthcare Workers Used Creative Expression to Make Meaning of Their Worlds? In: CPM7: Covid Through A Creative Lens, 9 March 2021, Online.
Patel, Shreepali and Hardin, Marques and Horvath, Meghan (2021) Communicating Emotions Through Creative Data: Voices of Healthcare Practitioners during Covid-19. In: ART/DATA/HEALTH Seminar Series: Communicating Public Health Data Creatively During The Pandemic, 14 April 2021, Online.
McGowan, David (2021) No Longer “As Crappy as Possible”?: Cult Sensibilities and the High-Definition Revisioning and “Unbleeping” of Early Seasons of South Park. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 19 (4). pp. 560-586. ISSN 1740-7923
McGowan, David (2021) “There’s Just No Point in Doing a Commentary Where Everyone’s Just Going to Sit and Criticize the Movie”: Auteurism and the Creation of Hoax “Unruly” Extra Features in the DVD Era. Quarterly Review of Film and Video. ISSN 1543-5326
Kuc, Kamila (2021) What We Shared. [Art/Design Item]
Dobai, Sarah (2021) The Donkey Field & Hidden in Plain Sight. [Show/Exhibition]
Alamouti, David and Granese, Marco (2021) La Rabbia. [Art/Design Item]
Adami, Elisa (2021) Decolonial Dovetailing: Potential Encounters and Archival Elisions in Thorold Dickinson’s Archive. Discussion Paper. University of the Arts London.
fitzPatrick, Edwina (2022) Artists Kicking Back: Brief metaphors for the birds and bees. In: Moving Image Review and Art Journal. MIRAJ, 10 . Intellect Press, Bristol England, pp. 127-139. ISBN 9772045629003
Voelcker, Becca (2022) Filming-gardening in the neoliberal age: ambivalences in the life and work of Anne Charlotte Robertson. Screen, 63 (1). pp. 68-91. ISSN 0036-9543
Schlimm, Anna (2022) Love Underground. [Art/Design Item]
Ramirez, Gracia (2022) Abigail Child: We Cannot Control the Pacing of this Movie. Found Footage Magazine, 8. ISSN 2462-2885
Palma Stade, Tobias (2022) Instinct-Based Decision-Making in Interactive Narratives. In: XR Salento 2022, 6-8 July, Lecce, Salento, Italy.
Naldi, Pat, Wendy Kirkup (2022) The Horror Show! A Twisted Tale of Modern Britain. [Show/Exhibition]
Mey, Adeena (2022) mubing imiji jeonsihagi. [Show/Exhibition]
Kuc, Kamila (2022) What We Shared: Towards the Politics of Empowerment. In: Visible Evidence: Images of History, 5-11 August, Gdansk, Poland.
Holdsworth, Claire (2022) Ventriloquial Bodies. Reframing Ephemerality in Artists’ Film and Video. In: Retuning the Screen: Sound Methods and the Aural Dimension of Film and Media History. University of Udine / Mimesis International, pp. 181-186. ISBN 978-88-6977-331
Behr, Bernd (2022) A Camera on Wheels: Situating the Self-driving Car within a Photographic Teleology. In: Camera-Centered Histories of Photography, 2 December 2022, California Museum of Photography, UCR Arts, University of California Riverside, USA & Online.
Behr, Bernd (2022) The Paranoiac-Critical Method of Reflectance Transformation Imaging. In: Diffracting Digital Images: Archaeology, Art Practice and Cultural Heritage. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon / New York, pp. 65-74. ISBN 9780367486556
Behr, Bernd (2022) The Unknown Knowns of Machine Vision, or, How to Explain Pictures to a Self-driving Car. In: Aesthetics of Machine Vision, 15-16 September 2022, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
Barnett, Heather (2022) The Physarum Experiments. Antennae, The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, 59. pp. 223-233. ISSN 1756-9575
Barnett, Heather (2022) The Politics of Attention. [Art/Design Item]
Al-Ani, Jananne (2022) Timelines. [Art/Design Item]
White, Darcy and Peck, Julia and Goldie, Chris (2023) Introduction. In: Disturbed Ecologies: Photography, Geopolitics, and the Northern Landscape in the Era of Environmental Crisis. Art and Visual Studies . Transcript, Bielefeld, pp. 9-24. ISBN 978-3-8376-6026-5
Thornton, Vicki and Walker, Adam (2023) I Put Their Eyes to Mine and Saw the Sea of War. [Show/Exhibition]
Peck, Julia (2023) Imperial and geopolitical relationships in Iñupiaq climate change narratives: extinction and cultural survival in The Last Days of Shishmaref. In: Disturbed Ecologies: Photography, Geopolitics, and the Northern Landscape in the Era of Environmental Crisis. Art and Visual Studies . Transcript, Bielefeld, pp. 231-256. ISBN 978-3-8376-6026-5
Palma Stade, Tobias and Schofield, Guy and Moore, Grace (2023) Narrative Perspectives and Embodiment in Cinematic Virtual Reality. In: XR Salento 2023, 6-9 September, Lecce, Salento, Italy.
Mey, Adeena (2023) Exposer le film structurel? Annette Michelson: entre critique et pratique curatoriale. In: L'histoire d'une histoire du cinéma. Paris Expérimental – Éditions du Centre Pompidou, Paris, pp. 31-41. ISBN 978-2-912539-57-1
Mey, Adeena (2023) Media Pluralism. Kim Woong Yong's Post-Cinema. In: 2022 NANJI. seMA NANJI RESIDENCY . Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, pp. 52-66. ISBN 979-11-88619-98-6
Kuc, Kamila (2023) Her Plot of Blue Sky. [Art/Design Item]
Kollectiv, Galia and Kollectiv, Pil (2023) Fossils. [Show/Exhibition]
Cole, Adam and Grierson, Mick (2023) Kiss/Crash: Using Diffusion Models to Explore Real Desire in the Shadow of Artificial Representations. ACM SIGGRAPH 2023.
Bhat, Mahesh and Biró, Eszter and Dare, Eleanor and Dover, Annabel and Flockhart, Gail and Fontoura, Catarina and Good, Jennifer and Hill, Phil and Hillman, John and Hudson, Carol and Janeiro, Ana and Kangelaris, Fotis and Karlsson, Elin and Krapivina, Ksenija and Llop, Mireia Ludevid and Martin, Jessie and Martin, Rosy and Martinez Estrada, Judith and Molloy, Caroline and Neely, Sarah and Papadimitropoulos, Panayotis and Payne, Natalie and Pearl, Alex and Rickett, Sophy and Sawdon Smith, Richard and Stephens, Tim and Waterman, Sally and Leister, Wiebke and Ingham, Mark and Milic, Nela and Lowe, Paul and Andersdotter, Sara and Kantas, Vasileios (2023) Handbook of Research on the Relationship Between Autobiographical Memory and Photography. IGI Global Publising, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781668453377
Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2024) Wayfaring Stranger + in conversation on practice with Larry Achiampong.
Thornton, Vicki (2024) Confinement: Motherhood & the Pandemic. In: Being Human Festival, 9-16 November 2024, Shoreditch Town Hall.
Patel, Shreepali and Flavin, Susan (2024) Weaving Complex Historical Narratives Through Sonic & Visual Artistic Practice. In: Shaping Gastronomy: Regenerating Food Systems & Societies, 26-28 September 2024, Pollenzo & Turin, Italy.
Mey, Adeena (2024) 침묵시키지 않기: 임흥순의 캄보디아 [Not Silencing. Im Heung-soon’s Cambodia]. In: 임흥순 콤플렉스-IM Heung-soon Complex. Arts Council Korea: Artist Survey, Research, and Criticism . Downlight Artbooks, Seoul, pp. 149-158. ISBN 979-11-987973-4-6
Mey, Adeena (2025) Choreography Against Cartography: Three Movements on Nam Hwayeon. CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel