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UAL Research Online

Items where Author is "Vecchi:Alessandra::"

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Number of items: 97.


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Vecchi, Alessandra and Colucci, Mariachiara (2023) The Italian fashion industry and its quest for the green transition. In: Sustainability in Business Management. Shaker Verlag, pp. 39-69.


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Bonetti, Francesca and Vecchi, Alessandra (2022) Turning a Crisis Into an Opportunity: Innovation During the Pandemic. In: Handbook of Research on Digital Innovation and Networking in Post-COVID-19 Organizations. IGI Global. ISBN 9781668467626


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Vecchi, Alessandra (2020) The Circular Fashion Framework-The Implementation of the Circular Economy by the Fashion Industry. Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering, 6 (2). pp. 31-35.


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Vecchi, Alessandra (2019) Digital Innovation in Luxury Heritage Firms. Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering, 5 (3). pp. 86-89.

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Black, Sandy and Williams, Dilys and Burcikova, Mila and Vecchi, Alessandra and Norton, Zoe and Brennan, Geraldine and Lyon, Fergus and Colombi, Chiara and D'Itria, Erminia and Clutier-Léauté, Danielle and Ruelle-Akl, Natalie (2019) Support Report Mapping Sustainable Fashion Opportunities for SMES. Project Report. European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Luxembourg.

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Vecchi, Alessandra (2019) Global work arrangements and talent management in the born-virtual organization: The case of Automattic. In: Research Handbook of International Talent Management. Edward Elgar. ISBN 978 1 78643 709 9


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Della Piana, Bice and Vecchi, Alessandra and Jimenez, Alfredo (2018) Embracing a new perspective on the governance of family business groups: A cross-cultural perspective. European Journal of International Management, 12 (3). pp. 223-254. ISSN 1751-6765


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Vecchi, Alessandra (2017) Advanced Fashion Technology and Operations Management. IGI GLOBAL. ISBN 9781522518655 Item availability restricted.

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Della Piana, Bice and Vecchi, Alessandra (2017) The Internationalization of a Family Business Group: The Ownership, the Leadership and the importance of the Socio-Emotional Wealth Dimensions. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 15 (4). pp. 380-404. ISSN 1536-5433

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Peng, Fanke and An, Ni and Vecchi, Alessandra (2017) Cross-Cultural Study of Online User Behavior in Fashion E-Commerce: A Comparison of Britain and China. In: Advanced Fashion Technology and Operations Management. IGI Global, pp. 277-293. ISBN 9781522518655

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Vecchi, Alessandra (2017) Preface. In: Advanced Fashion Technology and Operations Management. IGI Global. ISBN 9781522518655 Item availability restricted.

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Vecchi, Alessandra and Peng, Fanke and Al-Sayegh, Mouhannad (2017) Size Recommendations in Online Fashion Retail - Opportunities and Challenges. In: Advanced Fashion Technology and Operations Management. IGI Global, pp. 348-362. ISBN 9781522518655

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Vecchi, Alessandra (2016) An analysis of Chinese acquisitions of Italian firms in the manufacturing sector. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 8 (3). pp. 276-306. ISSN 1753-6219

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Vallisi, Valentina and Vecchi, Alessandra (2016) Benetton’s Response to the Increasing Global Competition. In: Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 718-737. ISBN 9781522501107

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Kontu, Hanna and Vecchi, Alessandra (2016) Fashion and Social Media: Some Illustrative Evidence from Italian Luxury Brands. In: Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 649-669. ISBN 9781522501107

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Peng, Fanke and Vecchi, Alessandra and Al-Sayegh, Mouhannad and Hamilton, Susan (2016) How to Use Sizing Technology and Fashion Metadata to Improve the User Experience for Online Fashion Retail. In: Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 261-279. ISBN 9781522501107

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Vecchi, Alessandra and Buckley, Chitra (2016) Preface and Introduction. In: Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, xxv-xxxv. ISBN 9781522501107

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Vecchi, Alessandra and Peng, Fanke and Al-Sayegh, Mouhannad and Hamilton, Susan (2016) Enhancing online fashion retail: The quest for the perfect fit. In: Technological Challenges and Management: Matching Human and Business Needs. Manufacturing Design and Technology . CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 9781482261011

Vecchi, Alessandra and Ricci, Francesco (2016) The Internationalization of the Space Industry: Anecdotal Evidence from an Italian SME. In: Handbook of Research on Comparative Economic Perspectives on Europe and the MENA Region. IGI Global, pp. 378-405. ISBN 9781466695481 Item not available online.

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Brennan, Louis and Vecchi, Alessandra (2016) Manufacturing in Time of Great Flux. Measuring Operations Performance . Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-25350-3


Vecchi, Alessandra (2015) The Chinese acquisition of a traditional Made in Italy firm. In: 41st Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), 1-3 December 2015, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Della Piana, Bice and Vivacqua, Enrica (2015) An institutional-based view of innovation. An explorative comparison between business groups in China and in India. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19 (5). ISSN 1363-9196 Item not available online.

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Vecchi, Alessandra and Peng, Fanke and Al-Sayegh, Mouhannad (2015) Looking for the perfect fit? Online fashion retail - opportunities and challenges. Conference Proceedings: The Business & Management Review, 6 (3). pp. 134-146. ISSN 2047-2854

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Vecchi, Alessandra and Peng, Fanke and Al-Sayegh, Mouhannad (2014) The e-Size project – Intelligent integration of a sizing framework into online fashion retail. In: Oxford Retail Futures Conference: Innovation in Retail and Distribution, 8-9 December 2014, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2014) Leveraging Business Model Innovation in the International Space Industry. In: Handbook of Research on Global Business Opportunities. IGI Global, pp. 131-149. ISBN 9781466665514 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Peng, Fanke and Al-Sayegh, Mouhannad (2014) Assessing the applicability of a sizing framework into online fashion retail. International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology, 29 (1). pp. 102-108. ISSN 2319 - 2682 Item not available online.

Kontu, Hanna and Vecchi, Alessandra (2014) Why all that noise – assessing the strategic value of social media for fashion brands. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 5 (3). pp. 235-250. ISSN 2093-2685 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Della Piana, Bice and Cacia, Claudia (2014) The internationalisation of Family Business Groups from a Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: Academy of International Business (AIB) 2014 Annual Meeting. AIB. Item not available online.

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Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2014) An Analysis of Chinese acquisitions of Made in Italy firms in the luxury sector. Chinese Business Review, 13 (3). pp. 192-208. ISSN 1537-1506

Vecchi, Alessandra (2014) The allure of brand heritage – The Chinese acquisition of an Italian luxury pen maker. Journal of International Business and Economics, 14 (1). pp. 97-108. ISSN 1544-8037 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra (2014) Evidence from Chinese acquisitions of Made in Italy firms in the luxury sector – The acquisition of a traditional luxury firm. European Journal of Management, 14 (1). pp. 113-124. ISSN 1555-4015 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Della Piana, Bice and Cacia, Claudia (2014) Mapping Family Business Groups from a Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: Enacting Globalization: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on International Integration. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 194-204. ISBN 9781137361936 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Della Piana, Bice and Vivacqua, Enrica (2014) Towards a systematic mapping of innovative firms in Europe. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Academy of Management Conference. EURAM/University of Valencia, Spain. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra (2014) The allure of brand heritage – The Chinese acquisition of an Italian luxury pen maker. Journal of International Business and Economics, 14 (1). pp. 97-108. ISSN 1544-8037 Item not available online.


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Kontu, Hanna and Vecchi, Alessandra (2013) Branding and the Strategic Use of Social Media: Some Illustrative Evidence from the Fashion Industry. In: 1st International Conference on Digital Fashion, 16-17 May 2013, London College of Fashion, 20 John Prince's St, London W1G 0BJ.

Vecchi, Alessandra (2013) Chinese acquisitions and their impact on the Made in Italy Luxury Sector. In: Confronting Contemporary Business Challenges through Management Innovation: Proceedings of the 6th EuroMed Conference of the Academy of Business (EMAB). EMAB, pp. 2445-2459. ISBN 9789963711161 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra (2013) The Impact of Chinese Acquisitions on the Made in Italy Luxury Sector. Journal of International Finance and Economics, 3 (2). pp. 75-82. ISSN 1555-6336 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2013) Quality Management: An Evolutionary Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: Cultural and Technological Influences on Global Business. IGI Global. ISBN 9781466639669 Item not available online.

Kontu, Hanna and Vecchi, Alessandra (2013) The Strategic Use of Social Media in the Fashion Industry. In: Transcultural Marketing for Incremental and Radical Innovation. IGI Global. ISBN 9781466647497 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Della Piana, Bice and Cacia, Claudia (2013) A cross-cultural perspective of family business groups. Journal of International Business and Economics, 3 (2). pp. 93-108. ISSN 1544-8037 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra (2013) The impact of Chinese Acquisitions on the Made in Italy Luxury Sector: A systematic review of the literature. California Business Review, 1 (2). pp. 39-52. ISSN 1650-1820 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra (2013) The impact of Chinese Acquisitions on the Made in Italy Luxury Sector: A systematic review of the literature. In: International Academy of Business and Economics. Item not available online.


Kontu, Hanna and Vecchi, Alessandra (2012) Social media and their use in fashion retail – some illustrative evidence from luxury firms. In: Proceedings of the International workshop on Luxury Retail, Operations and Supply Chain Management. Polytechnic of Milan. Item not available online.

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Della Piana, Bice and Vecchi, Alessandra and Cacia, Claudia (2012) Towards a better understanding of family business groups from a cross-cultural perspective. In: 5th Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, October 4th-5th, 2012, Glion-Montreux, Switzerland.


Brennan, Louis and Vecchi, Alessandra (2011) The Business of Space – The Next Frontier of International Competition. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN ISBN-10: 023023173X ISBN-13: 978-0230231733 Item not available online.

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Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2011) Quality management: A cross-cultural perspective based on GLOBE. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 31 (5). pp. 527-553. ISSN 0144-3577

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis and Theotokis, Aristeidis (2011) RFID acceptance amongst customers: A cross-cultural framework based on Hofstede. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relations Management, 4 (3). pp. 228-251. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2011) RFID supply chain implementation challenges for short life products. International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, 2 (2). pp. 117-134. ISSN 1754-5730 (Print) 1754-5749 (Online Item not available online.


Della Piana, Bice and Vecchi, Alessandra and Cacia, Claudia (2010) The Relational Architecture of the Business Group: A distinctive form of governance structure for strategic alliances. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business. Item not available online.

Della Piana, Bice and Cacia, Claudia and Vecchi, Alessandra (2010) Equity alliances informal ways of connection: An empirical study based on MaxMaraFashion Group. In: Proceedings of the 10th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference. European Academy of Management, Rome. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2010) Conceptualising the business of space: A globalisation perspective. In: Proceedings of the Academy of International Business 37th Conference (UK – Ireland). Proceedings of the Academy of International Business 37th Conference (UK – Ireland). . Academy of Internation Business, Dublin. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis and Wickham, James (2010) Customers’ acceptance of new service technologies: The case of RFID. In: Handbook on Business Information Systems. World Scientific Publishing Co, Hackensack, New Jersey, pp. 431-455. ISBN 9789812836052 Item not available online.

Wickham, James and Vecchi, Alessandra (2010) Hierarchies in the air: Varieties of business travel. In: International Business Travel in the Global Economy. Ashgate. Item not available online.


Coughlan, Paul and Fynes, Brian and Vecchi, Alessandra (2009) Emphasising today over tomorrow: not a strategic option in operations. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association. European Operations Management Association, Gotenberg. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2009) Quality Management: A cross-cultural perspective based on the GLOBE framework. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM. International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2009) Quality management: A cross-cultural perspective. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 16 (2). pp. 149-164. ISSN 1352-7606 Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2009) Quality priorities, practice and performance: A cultural perspective. In: The International Manufacturing Strategy Survey – A Global Report. CINet Research Series. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2009) Supply chain innovation for short life products: A preventive assessment of RFID deployment and implementation. Journal of International Business Innovation and Research,, 3 (5). pp. 535-554. Item not available online.

Wickham, James and Vecchi, Alessandra (2009) The importance of business travel for industrial clusters? Making sense of nomadic workers. Geografiska Annaler Series B: Human Geography, 91 (3). pp. 245-255. Item not available online.


Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2008) RFID Acceptance amongst customers: A cross-cultural framework. In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management. Academy of Management. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2008) Supply chain for short life products: Issues in RFID implementation. In: Book of Abstracts of the International Conference on Flexible Supply Chains in a Global Economy. Norwegian School of Management and Logistics, University of Molde, Molde, Norway. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2008) Supply chain innovation for short life products: RFID deployment and implementation. In: Proceedings of the EUROMA Annual Conference. EUROMA, Groningen, The Netherlands. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra (2008) Globalisation and the Viability of Industrial Districts. VDM Verlag, Saarbrcken, Germany. ISBN 9783639041651 Item not available online.

Wickham, James and Vecchi, Alessandra (2008) Local firms and global reach: Business air travel and the Irish software cluster. European Planning Studies, 16 (5). pp. 693-710. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2008) A cultural perspective of innovation. Research in International Business and Finance, 23 (2). pp. 181-192. Item not available online.


Vecchi, Alessandra and O'Riordain, Sean and Brennan, Louis (2007) The SMART project: Intelligent integration of supply chain processes and consumer services – A retail perspective. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Production, Logistics, and International Operations (SIMPOI) at the Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Wickham, James (2007) Clusters and pipelines, commuters and nomads: Business travel in the Irish software industry. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Association of Geographers. American Association of Geographers. Item not available online.

Crowe, Deirdre and Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis and Coughlan, Paul (2007) Manufacturing strategy and innovation in indigenous and foreign firms: an International Study. International Journal of Manufacturing and Technology Management, 11 (1). pp. 3-27. Item not available online.


Brady, Mairead and Brennan, Louis and Wickham, James and Vecchi, Alessandra (2006) Business as a conduit for globalisation. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management. British Academy of Management, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Wickham, James (2006) Clusters and pipelines, commuters and nomads: Business travel in the Irish software industry. In: Proceedings of the 5th Proximity Conference. Proximity Conference, Bordieaux. Item not available online.

Collins, Grainne and Vecchi, Alessandra (2006) Lack of coordination among contract cleaning companies: Too close for comfort. In: Proceedings of the 5th Proximity Conference. Proximity Conference, Bordieaux. Item not available online.

Coughlan, Paul and Brennan, Louis and O'Riordain, Sean and Steward, John and Vecchi, Alessandra and Fynes, Brian and Ledwith, Anne and Keegan, Richard and Roche, Elisabeth (2006) Made in Ireland II - Benchmarking Irish SME practice and performance. In: Proceedings of the European Operations Management Association Annual Conference. European Operations Management Association, Glasgow, UK. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Wickham, James (2006) Travelling and connecting, messaging and meeting: Business travel, information technology and the virtual organisation. In: Proceedings of the 22nd EGOS Colloquium. EGOS, Bergen, Norway. Item not available online.

Coughlan, Paul and Brennan, Louis and O'Riordain, Sean and Vecchi, Alessandra and Fynes, Brian and Ledwith, Anne and Keegan, Richard and Roche, Elisabeth (2006) Made in Ireland II - Benchmarking Irish SME practice and performance. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Annual Conference of the Production and Operation Management Society (POMS). Production and Operation Management Society (POMS), Boston, US. Item not available online.

Vecchi, Alessandra and Brennan, Louis (2006) A Multi-country comparison of quality practices, priorities and performance in indigenous and foreign firms. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM. International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM, Hong Kong. Item not available online.


Haynes, Paul and Vecchi, Alessandra and Wickham, James (2005) Flying around the globe and bringing business back home. In: Proceedings of the European Sociological Association Annual Conference. European Sociological Association Annual Conference, Torun, Poland. Item not available online.

Collins, Grainne and Vecchi, Alessandra (2005) Goldilocks and the cleaning companies: Collective coordination among contract cleaning companies. In: Proceedings of The Regional Studies Association Annual Conference. Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, Aalborg, Norway. Item not available online.

Brennan, Louis and Vecchi, Alessandra and Crowe, Deirdre (2005) Quality practices, priorities and performance: An international study. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM. International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM, Shangai, China. Item not available online.

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