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UAL Research Online

Items where Subject is "Research skills"

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Number of items at this level: 51.


Lloyd, Peter and McDonnell, Janet and Cross, Nigel (2007) Analysing Design Behaviour: The Design Thinking Research Symposia Series. In: Emerging Trends in Design Research: Conference of the International Associating of Societies of Design Research, November 12-15, 2007, Hong Kong. (Unpublished)


Drew, Linda (2009) Open Space Technology: Co-creation, research and writing. In: Art: Media: Design Writing Intersections. Swinburne University, Australia, pp. 213-225. ISBN 9780646524832


Ingham, Mark (2010) "Never judge a book by its movie.". In: Inspiring Learners: Equipping the Next Generation of Graduates, 06.07.2010, University of Greenwich.

Hogan, Eileen (2010) Use and Interpretation of archives – theatre: Jocelyn Herbert archive.

Buckley, Chitra (2010) In-season Fashion Trend Information: implications for decision-making in own brand fashion retailers operating in the UK. In: Finding Our fashion Footing, 19th March 2010, London College of Fashion. (Unpublished)


Triggs, Teal and McAndrew, Claire and Akama, Yoko and Choukeir, Joanna (2011) Telling your story: people and the Aylesbury Estate. Include 2011: Online Proceedings. pp. 1-10. ISSN 9781907342295

Triggs, Teal (2011) Facing the future: postgraduate research in communication design.

Triggs, Teal (2011) Iridescent: icograda journal of design research. Iridescent: ICOGRADA Journal of Design Research. ISSN 19235003

Plessner, Daphne (2011) The citizen artist asks: is the idea of artistic transgression only a conceit? protest, subversion and resistance in contemporary artistic discourse. In: Art & Education and ArtForum Conference, 2011. (Submitted)

Plessner, Daphne (2011) The citizen artist asks: what is a University? [Show/Exhibition]

Davidmann, Sara and Lowe, Paul and Hunter, Tom and Moore, David and Skelton, Pam and Sutherland, Patrick (2011) Photography and the archive research centre core members exhibition. [Show/Exhibition]


Ingham, Mark (2012) From Wish You Where Here? to GAMSWEN and onto Designed Dissertations: Connecting the design studio with writing in design. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 5 (2). pp. 301-318. ISSN 17535190

Antonopoulou, Alexandra (2012) Story-Making in Designing and Learning: Ways to Establish Partnership between Children and Designers. In: Creative Engagements with Children: International Perspectives. Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 121-132. ISBN 978-1-84888-127-3


Ingham, Mark and Edwards, Harriet (2014) “eRTFs” (Enriched Text Formats) Online, continuous and present writing in Art and Design. In: Screen Writes, 27/06/2014, London College of Communication.


fitzPatrick, Edwina and Ackroyd, Heather and Harvey, Dan (2016) Getting Real: Interactive Fieldwork. In: Getting Real: Interactive fieldwork, 5 July 2016, Wimbledon.

Odeniyi, Victoria (2016) Reflections on the road to becoming a critical interculturalist. In: UCL Centre for Applied Linguistics Seminar Series, December 2016, UCL Institute of Education, London.

Louis, Rachel and Vormittag, Luise (2016) Devising bespoke art and design interventions for a dialysis community. In: Cultural Policy, Innovation and the Creative Economy: Creative Collaborations in Arts and Humanities Research. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 115-131. ISBN ISBN 978-1-349-95112-3

Ingham, Mark (2016) "Mark, How did you know any thing before the Internet existed?". In: Designs on eLearning conference: Anxiety and Security, 21-22 September 2016, The New School, New York City.

Anne, Marr and Rebecca, Hoyes (2016) Material Boundaries. Association of Fashion and Textiles Courses, Loughborough, pp. 21-33. ISBN 9781911217084


Behr, Bernd (2017) Digging Horizontally. In: NEARCHING Factory: New Scenarios for Archaeology, 30 January – 1 February 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.


Shechter, Shibboleth and Marsha, Bradfield (2018) The Millbank Atlas (2016-2017). [Show/Exhibition]

McCauley Bowstead, Jay and Golmohammadi, Lili (2018) Trend Forecasting, Taste and Fashion Production. In: Teaching Fashion Studies. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 33-42. ISBN 9781350022881

Antonopoulou, Alexandra and Dare, Eleanor (2018) The Life of a Book: Agency, Autonomy and VR Fictions. In: Movement: Animation, VR, AR, CGI and Creative Media, 16 Feb 2018, University of Greenwich, London.

Antonopoulou, Alexandra and Dare, Eleanor (2018) Phi_VR_books: Collaborative documentation of our recent digital past. In: 22nd Annual Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts.


Follows, Chris (2019) Beta Society. [Show/Exhibition]

Earley, Rebecca and Goldsworthy, Kate (2019) Circular Design Researchers in Residence: a workshops report for the circular design speeds project with Filippa K (2016-2018). Project Report. Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Stockholm, Sweden.


Marino, Sara (2020) Multi-Sited Ethnography and Digital Migration Research: Methods and challenges. In: Routledge International Handbook of Research Methods in Digital Humanities. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780429777028

Ingham, Mark (2020) Assembling Agency: Learning in Liminal Spaces. In: Leap into Action: Critical Performative Pedagogies in Art and Design Education. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 43-56. ISBN 978-1-4331-6642-6

Burzynska, Justyna (2020) UAL Research Online Ten Years.

Antonopoulou, Alexandra (2020) Enchanted Environments as an identity rhizome; Story-making and its relation the the creators’ self. In: Enchanted Environments: Eco-critisism and Folklore Studies, 6 March 2020, University of Worcester.


Maloney, Peter (2021) The Domestic Imaginary. [Show/Exhibition]

Ingham, Mark and Martin, Jonathan and Ortolani, Sara and Vincente Richards, Ana, Experimental Pedagogies Research Group (2021) Bodies without Organs: Experimenting in the Gaps and Fissures of our Actively Blended Pedagogically World. In: UAL Education Conference 2021, 6-7 July 2021, Online.

Ingham, Mark (2021) Becoming Blended: Dissections of Assembling Active Learning Lectures. In: Cases on Active Blended Learning in Higher Education. Education, 1 (1). IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA,, pp. 231-252. ISBN 9781799878568

Farnan, Neil (2021) Utopoly - A Utopian Research Method. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.

Eve, Martin Paul and Neylon, Cameron and O'Donnell, Daniel Paul and Moore, Samuel and Gadie, Robert and Odeniyi, Victoria and Parvin, Shahina (2021) Reading Peer Review: PLOS ONE and Institutional Change in Academia. Elements in Publishing and Book Culture . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9781108742702

Antonopoulou, Alexandra and Dare, Eleanor (2021) Virtual Places for Critical Immersion and Collaborative Knowledge. In: Museum Without Walls, 28 May 2021, Online.


Marenko, Betti (2022) Design In Times of Crisis. Inquiring the role, agency, and responsibility of Design for decolonising, (un)knowing, and world-building. In: Design PhD 2022 Summer School, 15-21 June 2022, Politecnico di Milano.

Lin, Yu Lun (2022) Ethics in Autoethnography research. In: ExEd 2022, 11-12 July 2022, Online.

Ingham, Mark (2022) Micro Paranormal Treasure Hunting. In: LCC Staff Conference 2022: Making Connections, July 13 2022, Royal Institution 21 Albemarle Street, London.

Giorgis, Paola and Odeniyi, Victoria and Mavrodieva, Ivanka and Todorova, Bilyana and Valebten, Andrea and Ioanna, Vovou and Semenets, Olena (2022) In Other Words. Coming to grips with critical, creative, inter-/crosscultural dialogue across space and time. A methodological workshop to explore the role of keywords in (re)producing or problematizing Otherness. In: 6th ESTIDIA Conference, 15-17 June 2022, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain.

Dare, Eleanor and Antonopoulou, Alexandra (2022) The Image of Collaboration: Mediation and Enervation under Lockdown. Visual Resources, 36 (3). pp. 298-309. ISSN 0197-3762


Zimmerman, Andrea Luka and Roberts, David (2023) Art Class: a performance lecture film. [Show/Exhibition]

Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2023) Unlearning, learning, learner: a provocation for super vision. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 6 (1). pp. 37-46. ISSN 2397-6594

Quinn, Malcolm (2023) Supervising PhDs in the arts in an age of ‘global challenges’: a question of permissions. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 6 (1). pp. 33-36. ISSN 2397-6594

Odeniyi, Victoria (2023) Slow institutional change and the practice of resisting discomfort. In: 9th Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication Conference, 3-4 April 2023, Institute of Education, London, UK.

Lin, Yu Lun (2023) Navigating the autoethnography study toolkit. In: ExEd 2023, 3-4 July 2023, London College of Communication.

Lin, Yu Lun (2023) Revision: An autoethnography study toolkit 2023.

Kirkland, Teleica (2023) Methodologies for the Creolization of Fashion Studies. Fashion Studies, Special Issue: State of the Field, 1 (1). ISSN 2371-3453

Bradfield, Marsha (2023) Partial Self-Portrait of Critical Practice. In: Transacting as Art, Design and Architecture: A Non-Commercial Market. Intellect, Bristol and Chicago, pp. 19-61. ISBN 978-1-78938-444-4


Hornbuckle, Rosie (2024) An autoethnography of quasi-autoethnographies: seeding animpact-oriented complex collaborative research ecosystem. CoDesign. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1571 0882

Bradfield, Marsha (2024) Future (Re)view - Re-ing and (Re)reading “Future (Re)vision: A Few Reflections on Recollection, Reception and Response in Practice-Based Art Research or: Hindsight isn’t always 20/20”. Research in Art and Education, 2024 (1). pp. 167-177. ISSN 2670-2142

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