Number of items at this level: 474.
Feng, Yifan and
Li, Shengyuehui and
Zhang, Hanlin and
Tang, Weihong and
McCaffrey, Josephine E. and
Rode, Jennifer A. and
Wohl, Bea
SewSimple: An E-textile Prototyping Kit for Computational Making with BBC micro:bit.
In: CHI 2025, 26 April - 1 May 2025, Yokohama, Japan.
Item availability restricted.
Bryan-Kinns, Nick and
Zheng, Shuoyang and
Castro, Francisco and
Lewis, Makayla and
Chang, Jia-Rey and
Vigliensoni, Gabriel and
Broad, Terence and
Clemens, Michael and
Wilson, Elizabeth
XAIxArts Manifesto: Explainable AI for the Arts.
In: CHI 2025, 26 April - 1 May 2025, Yokohama, Japan.
Ford, Corey and
Noel-Hirst, Ashley and
Cardinale, Sara and
Loth, Jackson and
Sarmento, Pedro and
Wilson, Elizabeth and
Wolstanholme, Lewis and
Worrall, Kyle and
Bryan-Kinns, Nick
Reflection Across AI-based Music Composition.
C&C '24: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Creativity & Cognition.
Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 398-412.
ISBN 979-8-4007-0485-7
Lewis, Makayla and
Sturdee, Miriam and
Lengyel, Denise and
Toselli, Mauro and
Miers, John and
Owen, Violet and
Urban Davis, Josh and
Gaudl, Swen E and
Xiao, Lanxi and
Priego, Ernesto and
Snooks, Kim and
Turmo Vidal, Laia and
Blevis, Eli and
Privato, Nicola and
Piedade, Patricia and
Ford, Corey and
Bryan-Kinns, Nick and
Severes, Beatriz and
Kaipainen, Kirsikka and
Claisse, Caroline and
Mehnaz Huq, Raksanda and
Palosaari Eladhari, Mirjam and
Troisi, Anna and
Henriques, Ana O and
Grek, Ar and
Mcmurchy, Gareth and
Lc, Ray and
Nabil, Sara and
Jardine, Jacinta and
Collins, Robert and
Vlasov, Andrey and
Knight, Yana and
Cremaschi, Michele and
Carderelli-Gronau, Silvia and
Núñez-Pacheco, Claudia and
Reyes-Cruz, Gisela and
Riviere, Jean-Philippe
Traveling Arts x HCI Sketchbook: Exploring the Intersection Between Artistic Expression and Human-Computer Interaction.
CHI EA '24: Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 979-8-4007-0331-7
Samani, Hooman and
Lalioti, Vali and
Serbanescu, Diana and
Chicau, Joana and
Polydorou, Doros and
Rodosthenous, George and
Knowlson, Amelia and
Bakalos, Yorgos and
Neale, Michael and
Indurkhya, Bipin
Creative Robotics Theatre: Designing Creative Interactions with Tangible and Embodied Interfaces.
In: DIS2024, 1-5 July 2024, IT University, Copenhagen.
Ford, Corey and
Noel-Hirst, Ashley and
Cardinale, Sara and
Loth, Jackson and
Sarmento, Pedro and
Wilson, Elizabeth and
Wolstanholme, Lewis and
Worrall, Kyle and
Bryan-Kinns, Nick
Reflection Across AI-based Music Composition.
In: ACM Creativity and Cognition 2024, 23-26 June 2024, Chicago.
Plate, Rista and
Powell, Tralucia and
Bedford, Rachael and
Smith, Tim and
Bamezai, Ankur and
Wedderburn, Quentin and
Broussard, Alexis and
Soesanto, Natasha and
Swelitz, Caroline and
Waller, Rebecca and
Wagner, Nicholas
Social threat processing in adults and children: Faster orienting to, but shorter dwell time on, angry faces during visual search.
Developmental Science, 27 (3).
ISSN 1467-7687
Bryan-Kinns, Nick and
Ford, Corey and
Chamberlain, Alan and
Benford, Steve and
Kennedy, Helen and
Li, Zijin and
Qiong, Wu and
Xia, Gus and
Rezwana, Jeba
Explainable AI for the Arts: XAIxArts.
In: C&C '23: Creativity and Cognition, 19-21 June 2023, Online.
Soon, Winnie
Unerasable Images.
Screen Images: In-Game Photography, Screenshot, Screencast.
Kulturverlag Kadmos Berlin. Wolfram Burckhardt, Berlin, pp. 43-50.
ISBN 978-3-86599-535-3
Champlin, Alicia and
Chicau, Joana and
Corfiel, Miki and
Knotts, Shelly and
Marie, Mynah and
Saladino, Iris and
Xambó, Anna
Community Report: Livecodera.
In: International Conference on Live Coding 2023, 19-23 April 2023, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Cole, Adam
Rejected By My Own Robot: Studying the Potential for Artists to Subvert Technological Expectations Using Critical Design.
TEI ’23: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’23), February 26-March 1, 2023, Warsaw, Poland.
ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Hoogland, Timo and
Chicau, Joana and
Rafaele, Andrade and
Corvi, Francesco and
Reus, Jonathan and
van Sluijs, Fabian and
Noriega, Felipe Ignacio and
van de Zandschulp, Klasien and
Freeke, Saskia and
Verhage, Sabrina and
Paz, Iván
The Netherlands Coding Live - Community Report.
In: International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC 2023), 19-23 April 2023, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Griffiths, Dave and
Wilson, Elizabeth and
Paz, Iván and
McLean, Alex and
Chicau, Joana and
de Fuego, Flor and
Hoogland, Timo and
Isern, Eloi and
Mizra, Michael-Jon and
Pibernat, Robert
Patterns in Deep Time.
In: xCoAx 2020: 8th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, 8–10 July 2020, Graz, Austria.
Pelniski Ramos, Teresa and
Shepardson, Victor and
Symons, Steve and
Santiago Caspe, Franco and
Benito, Adan L and
Armitage, Jack and
Kiefer, Chris and
Fiebrink, Rebecca and
Magnusson, Thor and
McPherson, Andrew
Embedded AI for NIME: Challenges and Opportunities.
In: International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 28 June - 1 July 2022, Waipapa Taumata Rau, Aotearoa.
Ppali, Sophia and
Lalioti, Vali and
Branch, Boyd and
Ang, Chee Siang and
Thomas, Andrew and
Wohl, Bea and
Covaci, Alexandra
Keep the VRhythm going: A musician-centred study investigating how Virtual Reality can support creative musical practice.
In: CHI 2022, 29 April - 5 May 2022, New Orleans, USA.
Perry, Phoenix and
Fiebrink, Rebecca and
Grierson, Mick and
Brueggemann, M J Hunter and
Doukianou, Stella and
Plummer-Fernandez, Matthew and
Troisi, Anna
Art in HCI: A View from the UAL Creative Computing Institute.
In: The State of the (CHI)Art - ACM CHI '22 Workshop, New Orleans, USA, Online.
Goodwin, Amy and
Jones, Emily. J H and
Salomone, Simona and
Mason, Luke and
Holman, Rebecca and
Begum Ali, Jannath and
Hunt, Anna and
Ruddock, Martin and
Vamvakas, George and
Robinson, Emily and
Holden, Catherine and
Taylor, Chloe and
Smith, Tim and
Sonuga-Barke, Edmund and
Bolton, Patrick and
Charman, Tony and
Pickles, Andrew and
Wass, Sam and
Johnson, Mark. H
INTERSTAARS: Attention training for infants with elevated likelihood of developing ADHD: a proof-of-concept randomised controlled trial.
Translational Psychiatry, 11 (1).
ISSN 2158-3188
Hilton, Clarice and
Plant, Nicola and
Gonzalez Diaz, Carlos and
Perry, Phoenix and
Gibson, Ruth and
Martelli, Bruno and
Zbyszynski, Michael and
Fiebrink, Rebecca and
Gillies, Marco
InteractML: Making machine learning accessible for creative practitioners working with movement interaction in immersive media.
In: VRST 2021: ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 8-10 December 2021, Osaka, Japan.
Lalioti, Vali and
Ppali, Sophia and
Thomas, Andrew and
Hrafnkelsson, Ragnar and
Grierson, Mick and
Ang, Chee Siang and
Wohl, Bea and
Covaci, Alexandra
VR Rehearse & Perform - A platform for rehearsing in Virtual Reality.
In: VRST '21: 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 8-10 December 2021, Osaka, Japan.
Bedford, Rachael and
Carter Leno, Virginia and
Wright, Nicola and
Bluette-Duncan, Matthew and
Smith, Tim and
Anzures, Gizelle and
Pickles, Andrew and
Sharp, Helen and
Hill, Jonathan
Emotion Recognition Performance in Children with Callous Unemotional Traits is Modulated by Co-occurring Autistic Traits.
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 50 (6).
pp. 811-827.
ISSN 1537-4416
Raz, Daniela and
Bintz, Corinne and
Guetler, Vivian and
Tam, Aaron and
Katell, Michael and
Dailey, Dharma and
Herman, Bernease and
Krafft, P M and
Young, Meg
Face Mis-ID: An Interactive Pedagogical Tool Demonstrating Disparate Accuracy Rates in Facial Recognition.
AIES '21: Proceedings of the 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society.
Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 895-904.
ISBN 978-1-4503-8473-5
Chapko, Dorota and
Frumiento, Pino and
Emeh, Lizzie and
Rothstein, Pedro and
Kennedy, Donald and
McNicholas, David and
Orjiekwe, Ifeoma and
Overton, Michaela and
Snead, Mark and
Steward, Robyn and
Sutton, Jenny M and
Bradshaw, Mellisa and
Jeffreys, Evie and
Gallia, Will and
Ewans, Sarah and
Williams, Mark and
Grierson, Mick
Supporting Remote Survey Data Analysis by Co-researchers with Learning Disabilities through Inclusive and Creative Practices and Data Science Approaches.
In: 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) conference, 28 June - 2 July 2021, Virtual (USA).
Krafft, P M and
Young, Meg and
Katell, Michael and
Lee, Jennifer and
Narayan, Shankar and
Epstein, Micah and
Dailey, Dharma and
Herman, Bernease and
Tam, Aaron and
Guetler, Vivian and
Bintz, Corinne and
Raz, Daniella and
Jobe, Pa Ousman and
Putz, Franziska and
Robick, Brian and
Barghouti, Bissan
An Action-Oriented AI Policy Toolkit for Technology Audits by
Community Advocates and Activists.
FAccT '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency.
Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 772-781.
ISBN 978-1-4503-8309-7
Plant, Nicola and
Hilton, Clarice and
GIllies, Marco and
Fiebrink, Rebecca and
Perry, Phoenix and
Gonzalez Diaz, Carlos and
GIbson, Ruth and
Martelli, Bruno and
Zbyszynski, Michael
Interactive Machine Learning for Embodied Interaction Design: A tool and methodology.
TEI '21: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction.
Association for Computing Machinery.
ISBN 978-1-4503-8213-7
Plant, Nicola and
Zbyszynski, Michael and
Gonzalez Diaz, Carlos and
Hilton, Clarice and
Fiebrink, Rebecca and
Gibson, Ruth and
Gillies, Marco and
Perry, Phoenix and
Martelli, Bruno
Programming by Moving: Interactive Machine Learning for Embodied Interaction Design.
In: NordiCHI'20 Workshop on Programming for Working Bodies, 26 October 2020, Online.
Hilton, Clarice and
Gonzalez Diaz, Carlos and
Gibson, Ruth and
Perry, Phoenix and
Fiebrink, Rebecca and
Zbyszynski, Michael and
Plant, Nicola and
Martelli, Bruno and
Gillies, Marco
InteractML: Node Based Tool to Empower Artists and Dancers in using Interactive Machine Learning for Designing Movement Interaction.
In: NordiCHI '20 The UX of Interactive Machine Learning, 25 October 2020, Online.
Plant, Nicola and
Gibson, Ruth and
Gonzalez Diaz, Carlos and
Martelli, Bruno and
Zbyszynski, Michael and
Fiebrink, Rebecca and
Gillies, Marco and
Hilton, Clarice and
Perry, Phoenix
Movement interaction design for immersive media using interactive machine learning.
In: 7th International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO '20), 15-17 July 2020, Online.
Chapko, Dorota and
Frumiento, Pino and
Edwards, Nalini and
Emeh, Lizzie and
Kennedy, Donald and
McNicholas, David and
Overton, Michaela and
Snead, Mark and
Steward, Robyn and
Sutton, Jenny M and
Jeffreys, Evie and
Long, Catherine and
Croll-Knight, Jess and
Connors, Ben and
Castell-Ward, Sam and
Coke, David and
McPeake, Bethany and
Renel, William and
McGinley, Chris and
Remington, Anna and
Whittuck, Dora and
Kieffer, John and
Ewans, Sarah and
Williams, Mark and
Grierson, Mick
“We have been magnified for years - now you are under the microscope!": Co-researchers with learning disabilities created an online survey to challenge public understanding of learning disabilities.
In: The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 25-30 April 2020, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Ramos, Gonzalo and
Suh, Jina and
Ghorashi, Soroush and
Meek, Christopher and
Banks, Richard and
Amershi, Saleema and
Fiebrink, Rebecca and
Smith-Renner, Alison and
Bansal, Gagan
Emerging Perspectives in Human-Centered Machine Learning.
In: CHI '19: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4-9 May 2019, Glasgow, Scotland.
Porayska-Pomsta, Kaska and
Alcorn, Alyssa and
Avramides, Katerina and
Beale, Sandra and
Bernardini, Sara and
Foster, Mary Ellen and
Frauenberger, Christopher and
Pain, Helen and
Good, Judith and
Guldberg, Karen and
Kea-Bright, Wendy and
Kossyvaki, Lila and
Lemon, Oliver and
Mademtzi, Marilena and
Menzies, Rachel and
Rajendran, Gnanathusharan and
Waller, Annalu and
Wass, Sam and
Smith, Tim
Blending Human and Artificial Intelligence to Support Autistic Children’s Social Communication Skills.
ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 25 (6).
pp. 1-35.
ISSN 1073-0516
Loschky, Lester and
Hutson, John. P and
Smith, Maverick. E and
Smith, Tim and
Magliano, Joseph. P
Viewing static visual narratives through the lens of the Scene Perception and Event Comprehension Theory (SPECT).
Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Multimodal, and Cognitive Methods.
Routledge Advances In Comics Studies
Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 217-238.
ISBN 9781138737440
Item not available online.
Bates, Ellie and
Evers, Kristy and
Leewis, Lee and
Zhou, Jenny and
Vasalou, Asimina and
Lalioti, Vali and
Augustin, Kandase
The Bits & Atoms of Play: Critical Engagements with Intercultural Meaning Making.
In: IDC '18: 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 19-22 June 2018, Trondheim, Norway.
Thomas, V and
Brueggemann, M J Hunter and
Wang, Ding and
Darby, Andy and
Wohl, Bea and
Vermeulen, Lindsay MacDonald and
Bates, Oliver
In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet, for just a moment,-.
In: CHI EA '18, 21-26 April 2018, Montreal QC Canada.
Bryan-Kinns, Nick and
Baker, Camille and
Greinke, Berit and
Ranaivoson, Heritiana and
Lasebikan, Rachel and
Wu, Yongmeng and
Liu, Sankun
WEAR Sustain Network: Wearable Technology Innovation.
In: Global Fashion Conference 2018, 31 October - 1 November 2018, London, England.
Goodwin, Amy and
Salomone, Simona and
Bolton, Patrick and
Charman, Tony and
Jones, Emily J.H and
Pickles, Andrew and
Robinson, Emily and
Smith, Tim and
Sonuga-Barke, Edmund and
Wass, Sam and
Johnson, Mark. H
Attention training for infants at familial risk of ADHD (INTERSTAARS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Trials, 17 (1).
ISSN 1745-6215
Li, Beibin and
Wang, Quan and
Barney, Erin and
Hart, Logan and
Wall, Carla and
Chawarska, Katarzyna and
de Urabain, Irati Saez and
Smith, Tim and
Shic, Frederick
Modified DBSCAN algorithm on oculomotor fixation identification.
ETRA '16: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications.
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, U.S., pp. 337-338.
ISBN 9781450341257
Item not available online.
Kirk, Pedro and
Grierson, Mick and
Bodak, Rebeka and
Ward, Nick and
Brander, Fran and
Kelly, Kate and
Newman, Nicholas and
Stewart, Lauren
Motivating Stroke Rehabilitation Through Music: A Feasibility Study Using Digital Musical Instruments in the Homes.
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Association for Computing Machinery, San Jose, USA, pp. 1781-1785.
ISBN 978-1-4503-3362-7
Wass, Sam and
Jones, Emily J.H and
Gliga, Teodora and
Smith, Tim and
Charman, Tony and
Johnson, Mark. H and
Baron-Cohen, Simon and
Bedford, Rachael and
Bolton, Patrick and
Chandler, Susie and
Davies, Kim and
Fernandes, Janice and
Garwood, Holly and
Hudry, Kristelle and
Maris, Helen and
Pasco, Greg and
Pickles, Andrew and
Ribiero, Helena and
Tucker, Leslie and
Volein, Agnes
Shorter spontaneous fixation durations in infants with later emerging autism.
Scientific Reports, 5.
ISSN 2045-2322
Porayska-Pomsta, Kaska and
Anderson, Keith and
Bernardini, Sara and
Guldberg, Karen and
Smith, Tim and
Kossivaki, Lila and
Hodgins, Scott and
Lowe, Ian
Building an Intelligent, Authorable Serious Game for Autistic Children and Their Carers.
Advances in Computer Entertainment.
Lecture Notes In Computer Science
Springer, New York, U.S., pp. 456-475.
ISBN 9783319031613
Item not available online.
Barden, Pollie and
Comber, Rob and
Green, David and
Jackson, Daniel and
Ladha, Cassim and
Bartindale, Tom and
Bryan-Kinns, Nick and
Stockman, Tony and
Olivier, Patrick
Telematic dinner party: designing for togetherness through play and performance.
In: DIS '12, 11-15 June 2012, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
Item not available online.
Bryan-Kinns, Nick
Mutual Engagement in Social Music Making.
Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. INTETAIN 2011. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.
Springer, pp. 260-266.
ISBN 978-3-642-30214-5
Porayska-Pomsta, Kaska and
Frauenberger, Christopher and
Pain, Helen and
Rajendran, Gnanathusharan and
Smith, Tim and
Menzies, R and
Foster, M.E. and
Alcorn, Alyssa and
Wass, Sam and
Bernardini, Sara and
Avramides, Katerina and
Keay-Bright, W and
Chen, J and
Waller, A and
Guldberg, Karen and
Good, J and
Lemon, Oliver
Developing technology for autism: an interdisciplinary approach.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 16.
pp. 117-127.
ISSN 1617-4909
Item not available online.
Alcorn, Alyssa and
Pain, Helen and
Rajendran, Gnanathusharan and
Smith, Tim and
Lemon, Oliver and
Porayska-Pomsta, Kaska and
Foster, Mary Ellen and
Avramides, Katerina and
Frauenberger, Christopher and
Bernardini, Sara
Social Communication Between Virtual Characters and Children with Autism.
Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 7-14.
ISBN 9783642218682
Item not available online.
Marshall, Joe and
Airantzis, Demetrios and
Angus, Alice and
Bryan-Kinns, Nick and
Fencott, Robin and
Lane, Giles and
Lesage, Frederik and
Martin, Karen and
Roussos, George and
Taylor, Jenson and
Warren, Lorraine and
Woods, Orlagh
Sensory Threads.
Leonardo, 43 (2).
pp. 196-197.
ISSN 0024-094X
Item availability restricted.
Bryan-Kinns, Nick and
Airantzis, Demetrios and
Angus, Alice and
Fencott, Robin and
Lane, Giles and
Lesage, Frederik and
Marshall, Joe and
Martin, Karen and
Roussos, George and
Taylor, Jenson and
Warren, Lorraine and
Woods, Orlagh
Sensory Threads: Perceiving the Imperceptible.
In: IE09: 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 20-21 July 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
Item not available online.
British Broadcast Corporation (BBC) and Lalioti, Vali
MixTV: Video Production.
Item not available online.
Dai, Ping and
Eckel, Gerhard and
Göbel, Martin and
Hasenbrink, Frank and
Lalioti, Vali and
Lechner, Ulrike and
Strassner, Johannes and
Tramberend, Henrik and
Wesche, Gerold
Virtual Spaces - VR Projection System Technologies and Applications.
In: 18th Eurographics 1997, 4-8 September 1997, Budapest, Hungary.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 02:51:11 2025 BST.