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Velios, Athanasios and Pickwoad, Nicholas and Honey, Andrew (2011) Manuscript boxing: a technique for objective spatial arrangement. Journal of Paper Conservation - IADA Reports, 12 (4). pp. 16-25. ISSN 1868-0860
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Kidd, Jenny and Ntalla, Irida and Lyons, Williams (2011) Multi-touch interfaces in museum spaces: reporting preliminary findings on the nature of interaction. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Re-thinking Technology in Museums, Emerging Experiences. University of Limerick. ISBN 978-1-905952-31-1
Hernández Velázquez, Yaiza María (2011) Otra Institucionalidad. De la Crítica Institucional a la Institución en Crisis. In: "Artefactos de Acción Directa", 30-11-2011 to 1-12-2011, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid.
Froes, Isabel and Walker, Kevin (2011) The art of play: exploring the roles of technology and social play in museums. In: Museums at Play: Games, Interaction and Learning. Museums Etc, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781907697135
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Stylianou, Nicola Stella (2012) Producing and Collecting for Empire: African Textiles in the V&A 1852-2000. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Sandino, Linda (2012) A Curatocracy: Who and What is a V&A curator? In: Museums and Biographies: Stories Objects Identities. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Sandino, Linda (2012) For the Record: [Un]Official Voices at the V&A. Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies, 10 (1). ISSN 1364-0429
Ross, Michaela Louise (2012) The artist-as-educator: dialogue, community and the institutional site. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Ntalla, Irida and Stamatiou, Alexandros (2012) The museum as a transitional learning space for children with special needs. In: The Quality in Education: Trends and Perspectives Conference, 11-13 May 2012, Athens, Greece.
Horsley, Jeffrey (2012) Embedding the personal: the construction of a 'fashion autobiography' as a museum exhibition, informed by innovative practice at ModeMuseum, Antwerp. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Dibosa, David and Walsh, Victoria and Dewdney, Andrew (2012) Post-critical museology: theory and practice in the art museum. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 978-0-415-60601-1, 978-0-415-60600-4
Dibosa, David and Dewdney, Andrew and Walsh, Victoria (2012) Cultural diversity: politics, policy and practices. The case of Tate Encounters. In: Museums, Equality and Social Justice. Museum Meanings . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, pp. 114-124. ISBN 9780415504683
Ntalla, Irida (2013) Haptic Interactions through Touch-Screen Interfaces. In: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2013), 29-31 July 2013, London.
Morra, Joanne (2013) Seemingly empty: Freud at Berggasse 19, a conceptual museum in Vienna. Journal of Visual Culture, 12 (1). pp. 89-127. ISSN 14704129
Antoniou, Alexander-Stamatios and Ntalla, Irida and Woollard, Vicky (2013) Discussing Museum Learning Opportunities For Children With Disabilities. In: Education, Family and Child & Adolescent Health. DIADRASSI Publications, Athens, pp. 277-292. ISBN 978-960-9541-94-7
Voegelin, Salomé (2014) Soundwalking the Museum: A Sonic Journey through the Visual Display. In: The Multisensory Museum Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Touch, Sound, Smell, Memory, and Space. AltaMira, Walnut Creek, CA. ISBN 9780759123540
Tan, Erika (2014) Come Cannibalise Us, Why Don’t You? / Sila Mengkanibalkan kami mahu tak? [Book]. National University of Singapore, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-07-9128-5
Tan, Bridget Tracy (2014) Gestures and Acclamations: some assembly required Contextualising curating and exhibtion practices in Southeast Asia for Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Ntalla, Irida (2014) Engaging Audiences on Ongoing Social Debates through Interactive and Immersive Exhibits. The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 6 (2). pp. 105-116. ISSN 1835- 2014
Mendelson, Zoë (2014) Psychologies and Spaces of Accumulation: The hoard as collagist methodology (and other stories). PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Austin, Patricia (2014) TyPA Workshop. In: TyPA Lab on Museum Management, 1 - 3 October 2014, Buenos Aries.
Willcocks, Judy (2015) The Power of Concrete Experience: museum collections, touch and meaning-making in art and design pedagogy. In: Engaging the Senses: Object-Based Learning in Higher Education. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 43-56. ISBN 9781472446152
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Piehl, Jona (2015) Reframing Exhibition Graphic Design: An exploration of the multiple roles of graphic design and its impact on storytelling in museum exhibitions. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Markowski, Marianne and Ntalla, Irida and Kamposiori, Christina and Routsis, Vasileios (2015) Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Affective Experiences. In: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2015), 7-9 July 2015, London.
Velios, Athanasios (2016) Online event-based conservation documentation: A case study from the IIC website. Studies in Conservation, 61 (1). pp. 13-25. ISSN 0039-3630
Georgaki, Maria (2016) Pedagogies of ‘Good Design’ and Handling in Relation to the I.L.E.A./Camberwell Collection. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Dent, Katie and Willcocks, Judy (2016) The impact of strategic agencies on university partnerships with cultural heritage organisations in England. Project Report. National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement.
Bonacchi, Chiara and Willcocks, Judy (2016) Realities and impacts of museum-university partnerships in England. Project Report. National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement.
Leister, Wiebke (2017) Photographic Installation Strategies En-bloc and In-the-round. In: A Companion to Modern Art. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 187-207. ISBN 978-1-118-63987-0
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de la Haye, Amy (2018) A Critical Analysis of Practices of Collecting Fashionable Dress. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, 22. ISSN 1362-704X
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Eden, Michael (2018) Sonia Boyce and a Meta Criticism of the Critics. Trebuchet Magazine.
Dixon, Catherine and Baines, Phil (2018) Back to the classroom: the Central Saint Martins Museum & Study Collection & Central Lettering Record (CLR). Communication Design: Interdiciplinary and Graphic Design Research, 5. pp. 258-264. ISSN 2055-7140
Burzynska, Justyna (2018) Curating Sound Art: A London Perspective. Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 22 (3). ISSN 1071-4391
Baker, Daniel Alexander (2018) Technologies of Encounter: Exhibition-Making and the 18th Century South Pacific. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Thurlow, Elisabeth (2020) Preserving an emerging digital arts landscape: digital preservation at University of the Arts London. Art Libraries Journal, 45 (2). pp. 78-82. ISSN 0307-4722
Rathnayake, Chamil and Ntalla, Irida (2020) “Visual Affluence” in Social Photography: Applicability of Image Segmentation as a Visually Oriented Approach to Study Instagram Hashtags. Social Media + Society, 6 (2). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2056 3051
Morris, David (2020) Дэвид Моррис. Музеи в андеграунде: отчет об исследовании. In: Альманах ЦЭМ: номер 1. CEM, V–A–C Press.
Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel (2020) Defining online resources typologies in art museums: online exhibitions and publications. International Journal for Digital Art History.
Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel (2020) Towards a Definition of Digital Narratives in Art Museums. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Francke, Andrea and Cisneros, Teresa (2020) Afterword: Nobody Wants to Deal with this Shit Internally. In: Decolonizing: The Curriculum, the Museum and the Mind. Vilnus Academy of Arts Press, Vilnus, pp. 196-224. ISBN 978-609-447-343-2
Yu-Kiener, Tobias (2021) European Biographical Graphic Novels about Canonical Painters: An Analysis of Form and Function in the Context of Art Museums. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Ntalla, Irida (2021) Play and manifestations of playfulness in interactive and immersive museum spaces. Culture, Theory and Critique, 62 (3). pp. 266-286. ISSN 1473-5776
Minkin, Louisa and Dawson, Ian and Allison, Thomas and Clark, Christine and Shouting, Melissa and Mills, Josephine and Heavy Head, Danielle and Reilly, Paul (2021) Concepts That Bite Through Time: Blackfoot Objects as Curriculum. In: Indigenous Mobilities: Travellers through the Heart(s) of Empire, 15-18 June 2021, Online.
Minkin, Louisa (2021) Isttoán – Knife. In: Diffracting Digital Images, 26 March 2021, Online.
Maloney, Peter (2021) The Domestic Imaginary. [Show/Exhibition]
Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel (2021) Global Digital Museum Narratives: Representation, authorship and audiences. In: Association for Art History 2021 Annual Conference, 14-17 April 2021, Birmingham, Online.
Crawford, Richard (2021) Re-Presenting Taxidermy: Contemporary Art Interventions in Natural History Museums. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Minkin, Louisa and Clark, Christine and Shouting, Melissa and Heavy Head, Danielle and Clark, Alison and Allison, Thomas and Brown, Alison K. and Meirion Jones, Andrew and Dawson, Ian (2022) Mootookakio’ssin Distant Awareness: Digital Imaging, Remote Viewing and Blackfoot items in the collections of Marischal Museum and National Museums Scotland. In: MEG Conference 2022: Rethinking Practice, Reimagining the Future, 28-29 April 2022, National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh.
Milic, Nela (2022) Belgrade’s Protest Museum: Digital Memorialisation as Continuing the Event. In: The Memorial Museum in the Digital Age. Reframe Books, UK, pp. 246-282. ISBN 978-1-7395820-0-5
Jin, Yunshui (2022) Realism, Storytelling and User Experience in HMD-based eXtended Reality for Holocaust Museum. PhD thesis, Falmouth University.
Horsley, Jeffrey and Lambert, Miles and Gnatiuk, Rosie (2022) Unpicking Couture. [Show/Exhibition]
Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel and Velios, Athanasios and Goodwin, Paul (2022) Worlding databases: A decolonising approach to the structuring and representation of data about global arts. In: DH2022, 25-29 July 2022, Tokyo, Japan, Online.
Dalal-Clayton, Anjalie and Rutherford, Ananda (2022) Making the Case for Slow Cataloguing. In: Collections Trust 2022 Annual Conference: Rethinking Cataloguing, 6 October 2022, Millennium Gallery, Sheffield.
Dalal-Clayton, Anjalie and Puri Purini, Ilaria (2022) Doing the Work: Embedding Anti-Racism and Decolonisation in Museum Practice. Contemporary Art Society and UAL Decolonising Arts Institute, London, UK. ISBN 978-1-7397065-0-0
Burkhanova, Aleksandra Sasha (2022) A manifesto of an (un)ethical Curator: from a curator as a person - to a curator as a process. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Rose, Adam and Daniels, Gabriela and Burrows, Kimberly (2023) Enriching exhibitions through inclusive digital access. In: Museum Next: Digital Exhibition Summit, 11-12 December 2023, Online.
Minkin, Louisa and Mills, Josephine and Solis, Migueltzinta (2023) Mootookakio'ssin: Creating in Space Time. [Show/Exhibition]
Minkin, Louisa and Eshun, Esi (2023) OST. [Show/Exhibition]
Minkin, Louisa (2023) Shifts and Expedients. [Art/Design Item]
Hill, Colleen Rachel (2023) Wearing the Wunderkammer: A practice-led analysis of cabinets of curiosities, examining the quality of curiosity and applying it to a fashion exhibition. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel and Velios, Athanasios and Goodwin, Paul (2023) Worlding ontologies. Towards more ethical museum databases. In: Museum Analytics: New Directions, 18 May 2023, Kings College London.
Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel and Jaillant, Lise (2023) Artificial intelligence as a decolonisation tool: Lessons from libraries, archives and museums. In: Many Worlds of AI, 26-28 April 2023, Cambridge, England.
Dalal-Clayton, Anjalie and Rutherford, Ananda (2023) Provisional Inclusion: Can collections research projects ever be genuinely ethical and equitable? In: Towards a National Collection Conference, 26 April 2023, British Museum.
Daikos, Antonis (2023) UNSEX: Exhibition-Making as a Methodological Approach to Interpret Contemporary Gender-Neutral Fashion in Museums and Gallery Spaces. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Cherry, Deborah and DeVere Brody, Jennifer (2023) 2.1 Resonance and Reverberation in Maud Sulter’s MUSEUM. In: Approaching Race and Empire in collections of nineteenth-century art and design: A resource pack for museums and galleries. Race, Empire & the Pre-Raphaelites research group.
Brambilla, Gabriella and Cleverly, Jason and Coupland, Geoff and Priest, Colin and Sukthana, Jar and Taylor, Rachel Emily and Maloney, Peter (2023) Talking Toys. [Show/Exhibition]
Walsh, Maria (2024) A few provocations on trauma in the artwork versus in the museum collection: could the museum be like an artwork? In: Workshop, 28 May 2024, GRASSI Museum for Ethnology, Leipzig, Germany.
Rutherford, Ananda (2024) Letting people in, letting objects out: countering the dislocations of collections management practice. In: Collections Management as Critical Museum Practice. UCL Press, London, pp. 419-424. ISBN 9781800087040
Ntalla, Irida and Giagkoglou, Thomas (2024) Gen Z Reimagines Engagement with Archives. The Journal of The Association of Heritage Interpretation, 29 (2). pp. 36-39. ISSN 1357-9401
Minkin, Louisa and Shouting, Melissa and Heavy Head, Danielle and Clark, Christine and Mills, Josephine (2024) Reconnecting Blackfoot items through technology. In: Worlding Northern Art (WONA), 15 February 2024, Online.
Minkin, Louisa and Eshun, Esi (2024) Prisoners of Love: Affect, Containment and Alternative Futures. In: RAI 2024: Anthropology & Education, 25-28 June 2024, Senate House, UCL.
Minkin, Louisa (2024) Agents of Deterioration. [Show/Exhibition]
Minkin, Louisa and Eshun, Esi and Mhishi, Lennon and Yusoff, Kathryn (2024) Agents of Deterioration. In: Imagining Futures Collected Works. Un/Archival Conversations and Practices. Imagining Futures Collected Works . Open Book Publishers.
Minestrelli, Chiara and Power, Mau and Kamara, Alim and Zachariadou, Despoina (2024) ‘Virtual Reconnections’: Using VR storytelling to reconnect to Indigenous cultural Artefacts. Transmotion, 9 (1&2). pp. 179-204. ISSN 2059-0911
Mey, Adeena (2024) The Hollow Man: Adeena Mey on Hu Yun. In: Lecture, 15 June 2024, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai.
Meirion Jones, Andrew and Minkin, Louisa (2024) Objects as Curricula - learning with museum artefacts through art/archaeology practice. In: RAI 2024: Anthropology & Education, 25-28 June 2024, Senate House, UCL.
Madsen, Cyana (2024) Curatorial Interruption: Decision-making bias and an ethics of interpretation when analysing worn fashion objects. In: Codes of Conduct: EFHA2024, 21-22 November 2024, Lisbon, Portugal.
Madsen, Cyana (2024) Curatorial Interruption: The impact of working environment on dress and fashion curatorial practice. In: DATS 2024: Power and Representation, 10-11 October 2024, Dundee, Scotland.
Horsley, Jeffrey and Piccini, Angela (2024) Exhibiting Fashion. [Show/Exhibition]
Horsley, Jeffrey and Piccini, Angela (2024) Exhibiting Fashion. In: Toolkit Draft Workshop, 3 October 2024, London College of Fashion.
Horsley, Jeffrey and Phipps, Ciara and Ricchetti, Vittorio (2024) The Drag Show. [Show/Exhibition]
Horsley, Jeffrey and Macfarlane, Richard and Camille-Wood, Elinor (2024) Inspired: The Art of Making Historical Fashion. [Show/Exhibition]
Horsley, Jeffrey (2024) Exhibiting Fashion. In: LCF Sampled, 26 September 2024, London College of Fashion.
Horsley, Jeffrey (2024) Exhibiting Fashion: exhibition-making and curation as a catalyst for advancing museum practices. In: Beyond the Blockbuster: Exhibiting Fashion Now, 30-31 May 2024, Museum of London Docklands and London College of Fashion.
Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel (2024) Global Digital Museum Narratives: Representation, Authorship, and Audiences. In: Critical Digital Art: History Interface and Data Politics in the Post-Digital Era. Intellect, pp. 37-55. ISBN 9781789389746
Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel (2024) Worlding Museums’ Data. In: #Legacy150 The Museum will not be Decolonised, 18-20 April 2024, Edinburgh and Blantyre.
Dalal-Clayton, Anjalie and Rutherford, Ananda (2024) Provisional Semantics: Addressing the Challenges of Representing Multiple Perspectives Within Public Collections. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, 20 (1). ISSN 15501906