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UAL Research Online

Items where Subject is "Archive studies"

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Number of items at this level: 108.


Faiers, Jonathan (2002) Dissolves/Thawing. In: Potential: Ongoing Archive. Artimo/John Hansard Gallery, pp. 70-75. ISBN 9075380488


McMillan, Michael (2003) The 'West Indian" Front Room in the African Diaspora. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, 7 (3/4). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1362-704X


Pickwoad, Nicholas and Velios, Athanasios (2004) The Conservation of the Library of the St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai. In: 6th European Commission Conference on Sustaining Europe's Cultural Heritage: From Research to Policy, 1-3 September 2004, London.

Cummings, Neil and Lewandowska, Marysia, Enthusiasts Archive (2004) Enthusiasts Archive. [Art/Design Item]


Mahurter, Sarah (2007) Creating the new university archives and special collections centre at University of the Arts London. Art Libraries Journal, 32 (4). pp. 29-34. ISSN 03074722


Melvin, Jo and Lefeuvre, Lisa (2008) Ping Pong Slippage. In: Bill Beckley: ping-pong dialogues. Chelsea Space, London. ISBN 9781906203191

Melvin, Jo and Gunning, Lucy and Worsley, Victoria (2008) Tangentially: The Archive and the Bathroom. Tate Papers (9). ISSN 1753-9854

Melvin, Jo (2008) Ping Pong Dialogues: Bill Beckley. [Show/Exhibition]

Melvin, Jo (2008) Tales from Studio International. [Show/Exhibition]

Ingham, Mark (2008) Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae (120 Days and Nights of Staggering and Stammering). [Show/Exhibition]


Stuckey, Karyn (2009) 'Lolita': a journey with Nabokov and Kubrick from the page to the screen. In: Archives and Auteurs, 2nd-4th September 2009, University of Stirling.

McMillan, Michael (2009) The Front Room: Migrant Aesthetics in the Front Room. Black Dog Publishing, London. ISBN 978-1-906155-85-8


Tulloch, Carol (2010) A riot of our own. [Show/Exhibition]

Hunter, Tom and Pickering, Sarah and Shafran, Nigel and Chandler, David (2010) Panel Discussion: Theatres of the Real. In: Panel Discussion: Theatres of the Real, 2 June 2011, Host Gallery, London.


Sandino, Linda (2011) Curatorial narratives at the V&A: "but there’s another invisible level only you see". In: Voices in (and around) the Museum, 25th May 2011, UCL. (Unpublished)

Hogan, Eileen and Collins, Jane (2011) Geographies of Collections: re:SEARCHING: playing in the archive. In: RGS - IGB International Conference, 31 Aug - 02 September 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Baddeley, Oriana and Collins, Jane and Farthing, Stephen and Green, Becky and Hogan, Eileen (2011) The Currency of Art: a collaboration between the Baring Archive and the Graduate School of CCW. CCW Graduate School, London. ISBN 978-0-9558628-5-4


Velios, Athanasios and Pickwoad, Nicholas (2012) The digitisation of bookbindings. In: Digitizing Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture. New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies (3). Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance; ACMRS (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), Toronto, Ontario; Tempe, Arizona, pp. 201-229. ISBN 9780866984744

Melvin, Jo (2012) Transforming Artist Books: Is the Term ‘Digital Artist Books’ a Misnomer? Tate

Carvalho de Almeida, Pedro Alexandre Santos (2012) Brand Archives: The rescuing of locally specific brand imagery as a graphic design response to the globalization of visual identity. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.


fitzPatrick, Edwina (2013) Into the Unknown: Navigating Spaces, Terra Incognita and the Art Archive. eSharp, 20 (Spring).

Velios, Athanasios (2013) Archive as Event: Creative Archiving for John Latham. In: All This Stuff: Archiving the Artist. Libri, London, pp. 109-121. ISBN 9781907471766

Smith, Dan (2013) Reading Folk Archive: on the Utopian Dimension of the Artists’ Book. In: Libraries, Literatures, and Archives. Routledge Studies in Library and Information Science . Routledge, London, pp. 224-238. ISBN 9780415843874

Melvin, Jo and Jump, Meri (2013) Barry Flanagan's archive: interconnectivities. In: All this stuff: archiving the artist. Libri, Oxfordshire, pp. 123-138. ISBN 9781907471766

Melvin, Jo (2013) John Latham and Peter Townsend. NOIT, 1 (1). pp. 36-41. ISSN 9781908971289


Mendelson, Zoë (2014) Psychologies and Spaces of Accumulation: The hoard as collagist methodology (and other stories). PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.

Melvin, Jo (2014) Dennis Oppenheim: Danger and the Domain of Procedural Risk. NOIT (2). ISSN 9781908971289

Melvin, Jo (2014) Peter Townsend, Studio International and Phillip Leider, Art Forum: Tactics to Define New Critical Paradigms in Editorial Strategies. In: Art-Information: Editorial Strategies, Text-based Formats, Publishing Contexts, 26 April 2014, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London.

Melvin, Jo (2014) When actions speak louder than words: productive exchanges between Peter Townsend and Seth Siegelaub in Studio International. In: Siegelaub et caetera, archive, art conceptuel, textile, 26 May 2014, Institute nationale De L'historie de l'art de France, Paris.

Cook, Siân (2014) Graphic Communication: the design of HIV/AIDS health promotion ephemera. In: HIV/AIDS: Controlling and Eradicating A Modern Epidemic, Monday 20 October 2014 to Wednesday 30 December 2015, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Manson Lecture Theatre.


Rughani, Pratap (2015) Kubrick's Lens: Dispatches from the Edge. In: Stanley Kubrick: New Perspectives. Black Dog Publishing, London, pp. 310-327. ISBN 9781908966421

Melvin, Jo (2015) Barry Flanagan, black holes and the digital dot: barryflanagan.com. Art Libraries Journal, 40 (2). pp. 31-41. ISSN 03074722

Melvin, Jo (2015) Holes in the Archive - to fill or to leave, that is the question... Bright Light (2). pp. 65-74. ISSN 2055-1606

Melvin, Jo (2015) Palindromes: Exchanges between Barry Flanagan and John Latham. [Show/Exhibition]

Melvin, Jo (2015) Some opening words. In: Jason File: An Ornament and a Safeguard. Aleph, London, pp. 2-10. ISBN 978-0-9933051-0-8

McMillan, Michael, Dubmorphology (2015) Rockers, Soulheads & Lovers: Sound Systems back in da Day. [Show/Exhibition]

McDowell, Felice (2015) “Old” Glossies and “New” Histories: Fashion, Dress and Historical Space. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture. ISSN 1362-704X


Melvin, Jo (2016) The Alchemical Landscape II: Screen Media, Occulture and the Geographic Turn. In: Alchemical Landscapes II, 7 July 2016, Girton College, Cambridge.

Melvin, Jo (2016) Animal, Vegetable, Mineral. [Show/Exhibition]

Melvin, Jo (2016) Barry Flanagan: Animal, Vegetable, Mineral Works 1964 - 1983. Waddington Custot, London. ISBN 978-0-9576612-7-1

Melvin, Jo (2016) The New Climate 1969-72. In: Conceptual Art in Britain 1964-1979. Tate, London, pp. 116-123. ISBN 978-1-84976-368-4

McDowell, Felice (2016) 'Photographed at the Royal Festival Hall'...discursive constructions of dress, time and space in post-war British fashion media. Clothing Cultures, 3 (1). pp. 7-22. ISSN 2050-0742

Lane, Cathy (2016) Sound::Gender::Feminism::Activism: Research and Challenges to the Orthodoxies of Sound Arts. Contemporary Music Review, 35 (1). pp. 32-39. ISSN 0749-4467

Branagan, Ben (2016) Wild Things. [Show/Exhibition]

Banks, Annabel (2016) Poetry and the Archive. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London and Falmouth University.


Scott-Cumming, Patricia (2017) Socialising The Archive: Art and Archival Encounters. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.

Melvin, Jo (2017) Barry Flanagan: Light pieces and other works. [Show/Exhibition]

Melvin, Jo (2017) From soft to hard and back again...Barry Flanagan and his contemporaries. In: Supporting Contemporary Japanese Art Future and Legacy: Contemporary/ Art/ Archives: Deposit, Output, Activation, January 14 - 15, 2017, National Art Center and Keio University, Tokyo.

Klamet, Anna (2017) William A. Kelly and Giulia Trentacosti (eds): The Book in the Low Countries. Publishing Research Quarterly, 33. pp. 202-203. ISSN 1936-4792

Glavey, Paul (2017) Slide collection and presentation. [Art/Design Item]

Duncan, Alexandra (2017) Digitization after a fashion: The art of compromise. Art Libraries Journal, 42 (1). pp. 55-60. ISSN 0307-4722

Crilly, Jessica and Grandal Montero, Gustavo and Mahurter, Sarah (2017) Inspirational encounters: the management and use of archives and special collections in the art and design library. In: The Handbook of Art and Design Librarianship. Facet Publishing, London, pp. 75-88. ISBN 978-1-78330-200-0

Baines, Jess (2017) Caught between the ethical and the instrumental: the value, challenges and contradictions of instigating the open wiki: radicalprintshops.org. In: 67th Annual ICA Conference. Interventions: Communication Research and Practice, 25-29 May 2017, San Diego, USA.


de la Haye, Amy (2018) A Critical Analysis of Practices of Collecting Fashionable Dress. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, 22. ISSN 1362-704X

Wyeld, Mike (2018) The Face It Attracts: Prince in London: 3121, Psychogeography, and Urbanism. In: Prince from Minneapolis, 16-18 April 2018, University of Minnesota.

Veal, Philip and Forsyth, Steven and Brennan, Richard and Acosta, Mike and Davis, Lesley Ann and Procter, Natalie and Wyeld, Mike (2018) Cambridge International AS & A Level Digital Media and Design Student’s Book (1st Edition). Harper Collins, London. ISBN 978-0-00-825100-0

Melvin, Jo (2018) Installation paradigms: constructivism and light. In: The Order of Things. The Everyday Press. ISBN 9781912458004

Maloney, Peter (2018) Film as Form: Kubricks Colour Space 2018. [Art/Design Item]

Mackinnon, Lee and Bonde-Thylstrup, Nanna and Veel, Kristin (2018) The Techniques and Aesthetics of Love in the Age of Big Data. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 10 (3). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2000-4214

Dixon, Catherine (2018) Using historic collections in current teaching. In: Be Open: The International Association of Printing Museums Conference 2018, 1 – 2 October 2018, Cheongju Arts Centre, Korea.

Cook, Siân (2018) GMFA 25. [Art/Design Item]

Anoche, Jessica and Collingwood, Ruth and Sajeva, Monica-carmela (2018) Practice: special collections and decolonisation.


Urquhart, Robert and Horton, Ian (2019) Rooms 2084. Organizational Aesthetics, 8 (1). pp. 8-31. ISSN 2168-8575

Troisi, Anna and Sigthorsson, Gauti (2019) How Will This Help Me Catch More Fish? In: DRHA 2019, 8-10 September 2019, London.

Slatter, Andrew (2019) Rooms 2084. [Art/Design Item]

Orgill, Georgina (2019) ‘Into/Out of the Box’: deconstructing the archival catalogue. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 4 (1). pp. 33-38. ISSN 2397-6594

Green, Alison and Willcocks, Judy (2019) Exploring the archive: live projects in a postgraduate learning setting. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 4 (1). pp. 45-50. ISSN 2397-6594

Galimberti, Luigi (2019) Open Access Repository: Enhancing Research in Cultural Organisations. Tate

Cook, Siân (2019) Graphic Ephemera Lasting Impact: Building an Online UK HIV/AIDS Design Archive. On Curating (42). pp. 48-56.

Baines, Jess (2019) Community Activism, Papers and Printshops. In: Art of the Mimeograph, International Conference, 6-7 February 2019, University of Westminster.


Thurlow, Elisabeth (2020) Preserving an emerging digital arts landscape: digital preservation at University of the Arts London. Art Libraries Journal, 45 (2). pp. 78-82. ISSN 0307-4722

Thompson, Gareth (2020) The propaganda of universal fascism: Peace, empire and international co-operation in British Union of Fascists’ publicity from 1932-1939. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 25 (4). pp. 577-592. ISSN 1356-3289

Melvin, Jo and Bloem, Marja and van Haaften-Schick, Lauren and Martinetti, Sara and Siegelaub, Seth (2020) Seth Siegelaub: Better Read Than Dead Writings and Interviews 1964–2013. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig. ISBN 978-3863357849

Jewell, Jonathan D.A. and Norcross, Troy (2020) Decentralisation, Blockchain and the 'Future of History'. In: Business Strategy Surgery (BSS), 10 May 2020, Online.

Cook, Siân (2020) Realising the Potential of a UK HIV/AIDS Graphic Ephemera Archive. The Polyphony: Conversations across the medical humanities. web platform.

Burzynska, Justyna (2020) UAL Research Online Ten Years.


Vickress, Abbie and Finn, Paul and Cain, Benjamin (2021) NOVA X. [Show/Exhibition]

Namazi, Mohammad (2021) Decolonising Archives: Listening Back to the Archives. Discussion Paper. University of the Arts London.

Namazi, Mohammad (2021) Listening Back to the Archives. Art Monthly (444). pp. 40-42. ISSN 0142-6702

Morris, David (2021) Exhibiting A Collective Thinking: Schizo-Culture For Now. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.

Melvin, Jo and Campbell, Duncan and Greenan, Althea and Gupta, Sunil (2021) Archives and Identities, New Contemporaries & South London Gallery.

Melvin, Jo (2021) The Feuilleton: I will bear witness, Edicola, MACRO, Rome, Italy. [Show/Exhibition]

Melvin, Jo (2021) Seth Siegelaub: Better Read Than Dead Writings and Interviews 1964–2013. In: Seth Siegelaub: Better Read Than Dead Writings and Interviews 1964–2013, 29 September 2021, Commerce, Milan, Italy.

McManus, Esther (2021) Constructing Inclusive Histories: Reflections on the temporality of comics and activist archives. In: Transitions 9: New directions in comic studies, 8-10 April 2021, Birkbeck College, London.

Maloney, Peter (2021) The Domestic Imaginary. [Show/Exhibition]

Maloney, Peter (2021) In-Heritage Group. In: Remote Sensing 2021, 30 April 2021, Online.

Baines, Jess (2021) Archiving. In: The Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media. Critical Perspectives on Citizen Media . Routledge, Abingdon & New York, pp. 18-23. ISBN 978-1-138-66556-9


Tariq, Syma (2022) Partitioned listening: sonic methodology and the archive after 1947. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.

Milic, Nela (2022) Belgrade’s Protest Museum: Digital Memorialisation as Continuing the Event. In: The Memorial Museum in the Digital Age. Reframe Books, UK, pp. 246-282. ISBN 978-1-7395820-0-5

McManus, Esther (2022) Comics and Archive Stories. In: Colouring In: The Past, 9 December 2022, Chelsea College of Arts.

McManus, Esther (2022) Comics and Temporality. In: Light and Memory: Palimpsest Progressive Tendencies, 25 June 2022, Online.

Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel and Atta, Pansee and Tiampo, Ming and Van Hoeve, Janneke (2022) Mobile Subjects, Contrapuntal Modernisms. In: Mass Data Methodologies, 9 December 2022, London, Online.

Eve, Martin Paul and Gadie, Robert and Odeniyi, Victoria and Parvin, Shahina (2022) Reviewing the Reviewers: Training Neural Networks to Read Peer Review Reports. In: Archives, Access and Artificial Intelligence: Working with Born-Digital and Digitized Archival Collections. Bielefeld University Press, Germany, pp. 131-156. ISBN 978-3-8376-5584-1

Dalal-Clayton, Anjalie and Rutherford, Ananda (2022) Making the Case for Slow Cataloguing. In: Collections Trust 2022 Annual Conference: Rethinking Cataloguing, 6 October 2022, Millennium Gallery, Sheffield.

Bosward, Marc (2022) Realist Collage: Non-fiction Film Practice Addressing the History and Identity of 'Welsh Wales' through Critical Realism, Found Footage and Animation. PhD thesis, Arts University Bournemouth.

Boonstra, Anna Ruth (2022) The Material Language of Protest: Textile Art and Clothing Craftivism, Britain 1970-2018. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.


Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2023) Erase and Forget + Andrea Luka Zimmerman and James Mackay in conversation with BFI National Archive curator William Fowler. In: Experimenta, 25 October 2023, British Film Institute.

Patel, Shreepali and Hardin, Marques (2023) Memory and the Value of Life. In: Visible Evidence XXIX, 6-9 September 2023, University of Udine, Italy.

Minkin, Louisa (2023) Prisoners of Love: Affect, containment and alternative futures. [Show/Exhibition]

Milic, Nela (2023) Materializing Site. In: Performance Making and the Archive. Routledge, India, pp. 63-71. ISBN 9780367195601

Holdsworth, Claire (2023) Intermedial Voices: Intersections in Feminist Sound and Moving Image. In: The Moving Form of Film: Historicizing the Medium through Other Media. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197621714

Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel and Jaillant, Lise (2023) Artificial intelligence as a decolonisation tool: Lessons from libraries, archives and museums. In: Many Worlds of AI, 26-28 April 2023, Cambridge, England.

Hidalgo Urbaneja, Maribel and Atta, Pansee and Tiampo, Ming and Van Hoeve, Janneke (2023) Porous Borders: Ambiguities, Uncertainties, and Gaps in Urban History, Identities, and Data. In: DH Benelux 2023, 31 May - 2 June 2023, Brussels.

Cook, Siân (2023) The New York Crimes. In: Left Cultures. Left Cultures, pp. 110-111. ISBN 978-1-7396285-1-2


Ntalla, Irida and Giagkoglou, Thomas (2024) Gen Z Reimagines Engagement with Archives. The Journal of The Association of Heritage Interpretation, 29 (2). pp. 36-39. ISSN 1357-9401

Minkin, Louisa and Eshun, Esi and Mhishi, Lennon and Yusoff, Kathryn (2024) Agents of Deterioration. In: Imagining Futures Collected Works. Un/Archival Conversations and Practices. Imagining Futures Collected Works . Open Book Publishers.

Dalal-Clayton, Anjalie and Rutherford, Ananda (2024) Provisional Semantics: Addressing the Challenges of Representing Multiple Perspectives Within Public Collections. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, 20 (1). ISSN 15501906

Cook, Siân (2024) Inside Out: A Visual Design Archive. In: HIV and AIDS Archives: collections, research and responses, 3 December 2024, Online.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 12:09:57 2025 GMT.