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UAL Research Online

Items where Subject is "Others in Creative Arts and Design"

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Number of items at this level: 129.


Mahurter, Sarah and Johanknecht, Susan (2000) The birth of an exhibition. Art Libraries Journal, 25 (1). pp. 33-36. ISSN 0307 4722

Love, Kate (2000) Experience and the Expectancy of Speech. In: Making a Scene: Performing Culture into Politics (Performativity and Peerformance in Contemporary Politics and Art Practice). Art-dialogue-education series . ARTicle Press, University of Central England, Birmingham, UK, pp. 21-33. ISBN 1873352972, 9781873352977

Bury, Stephen and Scott, Helen (2000) The artist speaks: the interview as documentation. Art Libraries Journal, 25 (1). pp. 4-9. ISSN 0307 4722


Mahurter, Sarah (2001) BOOKHAD – an emerging RSLP project. Art Libraries Journal, 26 (3). pp. 18-22. ISSN 0307 4722


Lawes, Elizabeth and Crilly, Jessica (2002) The London Institute’s i page: creating and maintaining an academic gateway website. Art Libraries Journal, 27 (1). pp. 31-35. ISSN 03074722


Lawes, Elizabeth and Webb, Vicky (2003) Ephemera in the art library. Art Libraries Journal, 28 (2). pp. 35-39. ISSN 03074722


Kaplish, Lalita and Lawes, Elizabeth (2004) In edition: artists’ multiples in an academic library. Art Libraries Journal, 29 (3). pp. 37-42. ISSN 03074722


McMillan, Michael (2005) The West Indian Front Room: Memories and Impressions of Black British Homes. [Show/Exhibition]

Love, Kate (2005) The Experience of art as a living through of language. In: After criticism new responses to art and performance. New interventions in art history, 4 . Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA, pp. 156-176. ISBN 0631232834, 9780631232834, 0631232842, 9780631232841

Cannon, Catríona and Christie, Pat (2005) Stock editing: creating guidelines for University of the Arts London. Art Libraries Journal, 30 (2). pp. 31-35. ISSN 03074722


McMillan, Michael (2006) The West Indian Front Room: migrant aesthetics in the home. In: Imagined Interiors: Representing the Domestic Interior since the Renaissance. V&A Publishing, pp. 242-243. ISBN 9781851774937

Lawes, Elizabeth and Webb, Vicky (2006) Ephemera: an undervalued resource in the art library. Art Libraries Journal, 31 (4). pp. 3-4. ISSN 03074722


Stephens, Tim (2007) Sensory Illiteracy: The Influence of Special Education on Arts Practice. In: Desirelines: International Art and Ecology Conference, September 2007, Dartington Hall, Devon.

McGowan, Mark (2007) Artist eats a corgi. [Art/Design Item]

McGowan, Mark (2007) Artist to set fire to himself. [Art/Design Item]

McGowan, Mark (2007) Big toe sofa chair pull. [Art/Design Item]

Mahurter, Sarah (2007) Creating the new university archives and special collections centre at University of the Arts London. Art Libraries Journal, 32 (4). pp. 29-34. ISSN 03074722


Williams, Dilys (2008) Talk: Poison and Antidote. In: Poison and Antidote Cornelia Parker exhibition, 13 Feb - 30 March 2008, Whitechapel Gallery.

McGowan, Mark (2008) Ancient curse invoked on Boris Johnson. [Performance]

McGowan, Mark (2008) Are all Spanish racists? [Art/Design Item]

McGowan, Mark (2008) Man buried in sand on Margate Beach for 48 hours. [Show/Exhibition]

McGowan, Mark (2008) World record attempt at musical chairs. [Art/Design Item]

McGowan, Mark (2008) The crying human christmas tree. [Art/Design Item]

Grandal Montero, Gustavo and Glancy, Emily (2008) Chelsea College of Art & Design Library: Special Collections Guide. Chelsea College of Art & Design, University of the Arts London, London. ISBN 978-0-902612-08-2

Child, Lottie, Furtherfield (2008) Peckham Street Training. [Art/Design Item]


Spencer, Michael (2009) Vindication. [Show/Exhibition]

Nichols, Claire and Garner, David (2009) Encouraging Reflexive Practice: Alternative Ways of Embedding Personal & Professional Development Inside the University. The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 4 (4). pp. 99-108. ISSN 2473-5809

McGowan, Mark (2009) Ballerina Pig outside Scotland Yard. [Art/Design Item]

Grandal Montero, Gustavo and Glancy, Emily (2009) Chelsea College of Art & Design Library: Special Collections Guide. Chelsea College of Art & Design, University of the Arts London, London. ISBN 978-0-902612-13-6


Walsh, Maria (2010) Eija-Liisa Ahtila: Parasol Unit, London. Art Monthly (335). pp. 26-27. ISSN 01426702

Walsh, Maria (2010) Hannah Sawtell. Art Monthly (336). p. 38. ISSN 0142-6702

Walsh, Maria (2010) Haptic visuality in Jane and Louise Wilson and Salla Tykkä. In: Association of Art Historians Annual Conference, 15-17 April 2010, Glasgow, Scotland. (Unpublished)

Walsh, Maria (2010) James Coupe: today, too, I experienced something I hope to understand in a few days. Art Monthly (340). p. 37. ISSN 0142-6702

Walsh, Maria (2010) Melanie Gilligan: popular unrest, Chisenhale Gallery, London. Art Monthly (337). ISSN 0142-6702

Walsh, Maria (2010) Peepshow: in memory of you. [Show/Exhibition]

Plessner, Daphne (2010) The citizen artist: an expanded discussion. In: Photography Forum: Photographic Portraiture – Transgressive and Transformative Potentials, 5 November 2010, London, UK.

Horton, Ian (2010) Wilhelm Sandberg’s experimenta typographica: domestic origins and post-war impact. In: Association of Art Historians Annual Conference, University of Glasgow (Conference Session - Supplementary Conflicts: Domesticities and Life Histories in Wartime), 15 - 17 April 2010, Glasgow, Scotland.

Hernández Velázquez, Yaiza María (2010) Living, Working, Playing. In: Piensa Madrid 3, 22 September 2010, Casa Encendida, Madrid.

Gamman, Lorraine and Raein, Maziar (2010) Reviewing the art of crime - what, if anything, do criminals and artists/designers have in common? In: The Dark Side of Creativity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 155-177. ISBN 9780521139601

Cussans, John and Trayner, Jon and Cooper, Andrew and Kenning, Dean and Wilson-Perkin, Phillip (2010) The Free School in a New Dark Age.

Bond, Peter (2010) Lord and lady and masterplan. [Show/Exhibition]

Bannerman, Margot (2010) Bee-Stop. [Show/Exhibition]

Asbury, Michael (2010) Anna Maria Maiolino. [Show/Exhibition]

Asbury, Michael (2010) Anna Maria Maiolino: continuous. [Show/Exhibition]

Asbury, Michael (2010) Antonio Manuel: a instalação como pintura: pintura como instalação (painting and installation in the work of Manuel Antonio). In: The Contemporary Painting and (m) of their fields, 2010, Porto Alegre, Brazil. (Unpublished)

Asbury, Michael (2010) Barbarella: Cravo e Canela. Ernesto Neto: Intimacy.


Walsh, Maria (2011) Adrian Piper: race, gender, and embodiment. Art Monthly (348). ISSN 01426702

Walsh, Maria (2011) Corpus: Mary Kelly interviewed by Maria Walsh. Art Monthly (346). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0142-6702

Walsh, Maria (2011) Diane Thater. Art Monthly (344). ISSN 0142-6702

Walsh, Maria (2011) Douglas Gordon: k.364. Art Monthly (345). ISSN 0142-6702

Walsh, Maria (2011) Film space: invisible sculpture: Jane and Louise Wilson’s haptic visuality. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 28 (2). pp. 155-161. ISSN 10509208/15435326

Plessner, Daphne (2011) Citizen artist press: independent publishing and the status of the self. In: To be confirmed, Autumn 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Plessner, Daphne, Citizen Artists Team (2011) The citizen artist mobile armband. [Show/Exhibition]

Hernández Velázquez, Yaiza María (2011) Inter/Multi/Cross/Trans. The Uncertain Territory of Art Theory in the Age of Academic Capitalism. In: Inter-Multi-Cross-Trans. The Uncertain Territory of Art Theory in the Age of Academic Capitalism. Montehermoso, Vitoria Gasteiz, pp. 187-191. ISBN 978-84-96845-44-3

Grandal Montero, Gustavo (2011) Cataloguing art ephemera and artefacts in libraries. In: Cataloguing art materials, 15 December 2011, Christie’s Education, London.

Gilmour, Sarah (2011) Regeneration King's Cross: the Central Saint Martin's College of Art relocation project. Art Libraries Journal, 36 (1). pp. 22-27. ISSN 03074722

Cummings, Neil (2011) Parade: public modes of assembly and forms of address. BRIGHT . CCW Graduate School, London, UK. ISBN 9780955862830

Cummings, Neil (2011) Self portrait: Arnolfini. [Show/Exhibition]

Cummings, Neil (2011) Self portrait: Arnolfini [publication]. Arnolfini, Bristol, UK. ISBN 9780956888617

Asbury, Michael (2011) Antonio Manuel: Ocupações / Descobrimentos. (des)locações / (dis)locations.

Asbury, Michael (2011) Dislocations and transitions in the work of Antonio Manuel. In: Antonio Manuel Symposium, October 2011, New York, USA. (Unpublished)

Asbury, Michael (2011) Flans and urnas quentes by Antonio Manuel. In: Antonio Manuel: Art Catalogue. Americas Society, New York, USA.


Walsh, Maria (2012) Re-enacting cinema at the crossroads: Nicky Coutts’ passing place. The Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 1 (1). pp. 69-77. ISSN 2045-6298, 2045-6301

Grandal Montero, Gustavo (2012) Artists’ books in HE teaching and learning. The Blue Notebook, 7 (1). pp. 36-43. ISSN 17511712

Grandal Montero, Gustavo (2012) Biennalization? What biennalization?: the documentation of biennials and other recurrent exhibitions. Art Libraries Journal, 37 (1). pp. 13-23. ISSN 03074722

Asbury, Michael (2012) Hélio Oiticica: what I do is music, América Latina, extranjería y la pertenencia cultural: Artes visuales y música en los años sesenta. In: LASA2012 / Toward a Third Century of Independence in Latin America, 23rd - 26th May 2012, San Francisco, USA. (Unpublished)


Williams, Dilys and Mair, Carolyn (2013) Experiencing Fashion - Better Lives Lecture Series. In: Experiencing Fashion - Better Lives Lecture Series, 29 May 2013, London College of Fashion.

Williams, Dilys (2013) Sustainability in Fashion. In: Sustainability in Fashion, 8 July 2013, National Portrait Gallery, London.

Trangmar, Susan and White, Duncan and Ball, Steven (2013) sensingsite 2. In: sensingsite 2, 16-17 April 2013, Parasol unit, London.

Rhodes, Sarah (2013) Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective: Southern Africa. In: Contemporary Jewelry In Perspective. Lark, USA, pp. 172-186. ISBN 145470277X

Mayer, Hansjörg and Brown, Eleanor Vonne and Grandal Montero, Gustavo (2013) Art as collaboration: 50 years of Edition Hansjörg Mayer. Artist’s Book Yearbook 2014 - 2015. pp. 64-75. ISSN 978-1-906501-07-5

Grandal Montero, Gustavo and Hirata Tanaka, Ana Paula and Foden-Lenahan, Erica (2013) Defending the aesthetic: the conservation of an artist’s book. Art Libraries Journal, 38 (1). pp. 32-37. ISSN 03074722

Barnett, Heather (2013) The Liquidity of Knowledge: Learning across Disciplinary Divides. In: For the Love of Learning: Innovation from Outstanding University Teachers. Palgrave Teaching and Learning . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 11-20. ISBN 9781137334299

Ball, Ralph (2013) Very Light Box. [Art/Design Item]

Asbury, Michael (2013) Miguel Palma: man, machine and motion: night, night, Mr Tenjag. In: Miguel Palma, Jaguar Project. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. ISBN 978-0957040441


Zeilig, Hannah and Killick, John and Fox, Chris (2014) The participative arts for people living with a dementia: a critical review. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life. ISSN 1652-8670

Zeilig, Hannah (2014) Arts Projects as Community Networks for People with Dementia. In: 1st workshop on Medical Humanities and Ageing, 10 December 2014, King's College London. (Unpublished)

Zeilig, Hannah (2014) The role of the arts for the dementia care workforce. In: 8th International Conference on Cultural Gerontology, University of Ireland, Galway.

Willcocks, Marcus and Malpass, Matt and Toylan, Gamze (2014) Graffolution D2.1 - Graffiti vandalism in public areas and transport report and categorisation model. Technical Report. SYNYO Gmbh, Online.

Roth, Cara Lee and Beddoe, Stephen and Wells, Ismaril and Mills, Katie (2014) SEE Performance Report. Project Report. University of the Arts London, London. (Unpublished)

Finch, Mick (2014) Dead and Alive: Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas. In: Headstone to Hard Drive, Monument to Folly 1, 25 October 2014, CSM.

Dibosa, David (2014) Fugitive Direction: Reflections on the Troppen Museum. In: Amateur: Wendelien van Oldenborgh. Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 161-184. ISBN 9783956791918

Cummings, Neil (2014) More things can happen than will, or have. In: UAL Professorial Platform Series 2013-14, 19 June 2014, Chelsea College of Arts, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU.

Calvert, Sheena M. (2014) The Cruelty of the Classical Canon. [Art/Design Item]


Walsh, Maria (2015) From Critique to Resistance to Autonomy: Alex Bag Meets Ann Hirsch. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 4 (1&2). pp. 13-41. ISSN 2045-6298

Tan, Erika (2015) Erika Tan, Halimah-the-Empire-Exhibition-weaver-who-died-whilst-performing-her-craft. [Show/Exhibition]

Stevenson, Caroline (2015) Identity, research and the arts curriculum: Counterstorytelling as academic practice. In: Towards an Inclusive Arts Education. Trentham Books, London. ISBN 978-1-85856-654-2

Spencer, Michael, Eight S1 & S2 students from the MA Performance Design & Practice (2015) p e r f o r m 2 4 1 1 1 5. [Performance]

Roth, Cara Lee and Hanceri, Ellen and Johnston, Amanda (2015) Postgraduate Project: Industry Engagement. Discussion Paper. University of the Arts London. (Unpublished)

McMillan, Michael, Dubmorphology (2015) Rockers, Soulheads & Lovers: Sound Systems back in da Day. [Show/Exhibition]

Hernández Velázquez, Yaiza María (2015) Archiving to Oblivion. In: A Story Within A Story...the 8th Goteborg International Biennial For Contemporary Art. Art And Theory Publishing, Gothenburg. ISBN 9789188031198

Hatton, Kate (2015) Towards an Inclusive Arts Education. Trentham @ IOE PRESS, London. ISBN 978-1-85856-654-2

Coupland, Geoffrey and Coupland, Orson (2015) PigWooL @ Yuri Suzuki's Imaginary Record Shop, Tate Modern Turbine Festival. [Art/Design Item]

Calvert, Sheena M. and Borstrock, Shaun and Bloomfield, Mark and Brownhill, Pete (2015) 3d Printed Book. Artist's experiment. 3rd edition. [Art/Design Item]


Walsh, Maria (2016) ‘Archiving Loss in The Green Backyard: Jessie Brennan’s Recollection-objects’. In: Re: development: Voices, Cyanotypes & Writings from The Green Backyard. Metal, Peterborough, pp. 88-90.

Thorpe, Adam and Prendiville, Alison and Rhodes, Sarah and Salinas, Lara (2016) Public Collaboration Lab. In: Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers, Interactive Exhibitions, Workshops. ACM Digital Library, New York, USA.

Stephens, Tim (2016) Hypo and Hyper Sensitivity in the Art Teaching Environment. In: Learning and Teaching Day, 13 January 2016, London College of Fashion, John Princes Street.

Sabin, Roger (2016) The Marie Duval Archive. [Art/Design Item]

Passera, Mark (2016) Tourism and Advertising as Creative Industry Sector. In: Tourism and Advertising as Creative Industry Sector: Theories, polices and practice. Routledge, UK, pp. 58-68. ISBN 978-1-138-83270-1

Molinari, Matteo (2016) Crocheting cultures: Contemporary craft practice in Italy and United Kingdom. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.

Hewett, Richard (2016) Essentially English: Sherlock Holmes at the BBC. The Journal of British Cinema and Television, 13 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1755-1714

Hernández Velázquez, Yaiza María (2016) The critique of labour and the work of critique. In: Subjects for sale: labour precariousness and professional practices in the art world, 25th November 2016, Centre d'Art Santa Mònica.

Deddens, Bernadette and Mukai, Tetsuo (2016) XYZ...ABC. [Show/Exhibition]


Willcocks, Judy (2017) Creative solutions: What can art and design pedagogy bring to social prescribing programmes? Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 3 (2). pp. 39-44. ISSN 2397-6594

Stephens, Tim (2017) Research through Practice: Creative Dialogue. In: Research_Alive Symposium RCA,, 9 June 2017, London.

Stephens, Tim (2017) Rewilding the Arts through Pedagogy. In: Learning and Teaching Day, 2017 Cultivating Curiosity: exploring the design of teaching and learning at UAL, 21 March 2017, Central Saint Martins.

Rakotoniaina, Sitraka and Friend, Andrew and Blasco, Jasmin (2017) Very Very Far Away (VVFA) - ‘From Dissemination to Anticipation’: Democratising the future using public co-enquiries and serialised fiction podcasts. In: 68th International Astronautical Congress, 25-29 Spetember 2017, Adelaide, Australia.

Hernández Velázquez, Yaiza María (2017) "La vida sigue igual". In: Historia de un Incidente, 22nd August 2017, Lanzarote.

Hernández Velázquez, Yaiza María (2017) Nuevos Modelos de Trabajo y Sectores. In: Gabinete de Cultura, Nuevas Perspectivas del Sector Cultural, 24-25 May 2017, Goethe Institut, Madrid.

Asbury, Michael (2017) Purity is a Myth: the monochrome in contemporary art. [Show/Exhibition]


Hernández Velázquez, Yaiza María (2018) A constituent education. In: The Constituent Museum. Valiz, Amsterdam, pp. 128-131. ISBN 9789492095428

Cairns, Jon (2018) Critical Closeness, Intimate Distance: Encounters in the Love Art Laboratory. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 16 (3). ISSN 1470-2029


Salinas, Lara (2019) Understanding Knowledge Exchange at University of the Arts London. Other. University of the Arts London, London.

Revell, Tobias (2019) 5 Reasons Why Speculative Design Won't Save The World. In: Speculative Futures London, 19 February 2019, London, UK.

Orr, Susan (2019) Demoncratizing Knowledge in Art and Design Education. Art Design and Communication in Higher Education, 18 (2). pp. 131-133. ISSN 1474-273X

Hibbett, Mark (2019) Dr Doom: The Transmedia Supervillain. In: Joint International Conference of Graphic Novels, Comics and Bande Dessinées, 24 - 28 June 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Hibbett, Mark (2019) You will clearly understand why fans everywhere are calling this “The Marvel Age Of Comics”: Using a Production Of Culture approach to periodise superhero comics. In: Comics Forum 2019, 7 - 8 November 2019, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Hernández Velázquez, Yaiza María (2019) Cortocircuitos del museo y la autonomía. In: ¡Autonomía! ¡Autonomización! TEA, Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, pp. 126-142. ISBN 978-84-947065-9-2

Eysler, Adriana, Precarious Workers Brigade (2019) Ausbildung zur Ausbeutung? Einleitung zur Materialsammlung Training for Exploitation. In: Kritische Kreativität - Perspektiven auf Arbeit, Bildung, Lifestyle und Kunst. [transcript], Bielefeld, pp. 219-236. ISBN 978-3-8376-4619-1

Bond, Peter and Lee, Adrian and Brown, Kate and Keay, Steve (2019) Performance in the Expanded Field. [Show/Exhibition]


Hibbett, Mark (2020) How do readers understand character identities when they appear in both the text and paratext of a comic?

Hibbett, Mark (2020) Toward A Tool For Measuring Transmedia Character Coherence. In: 15th Annual Conference of the German Society for Comic Studies, 8-10 October 2020, Tuebingen, Germany (and online).

Crowley, Matthew (2020) The Causeway. In: Beyond: An Anthology. Hyperidean Press, Edinburgh, pp. 85-101. ISBN 978 1 9163767 2 4


Sherman, Stephanie (2021) Radio EE. In: Open* tools for collective organizing, 27 November 2021, AHK Culture Club, Amsterdam.

Milic, Nela (2021) Assemblages of Design Social Design is Responsive Design.

Chicau, Joana (2021) Expositions. In: Live Coding: A User's Manual. MIT Press, pp. 62-63. ISBN 9780262372633


Hibbett, Mark (2022) What's wrong with Doctor Doom winning? In: The 2022 International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference, 29 June - 1 July, Lexicon Library and Cultural Centre, Dún Laoghaire, Ireland.

Chun, Wendy Hui Kyong and Soon, Winnie and Wardrip-Fruin, Noah and Zhu, Jichen (2022) Software Studies, Revisited. A Roundtable on the Software Studies Series at MIT Press. Computational Culture, 9.


Lange, Silke and Klišius, Markas and Marcelionytė-Paliukė, Marija (2023) Connecting the Margins. [Show/Exhibition]

This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 10:02:56 2025 GMT.