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UAL Research Online

Items where Subject is "Marketing"

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Number of items at this level: 63.


Omar, Ogenyi and Kent, Anthony (2001) International airport influences on impulsive shopping: trait and normative approach. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 29 (5). pp. 226-235. ISSN 0959-0552


Hayes, Debie and Slater, Alix (2002) 'Rethinking the missionary position' - the quest for sustainable audience development strategies. Managing Leisure, 7 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1466-450X


Hayes, Debie and Booth, Elizabeth (2005) Authoring the Brand: Literary Licensing. Young Consumers, volume (number). pp. 43-53. ISSN 17473616


Kent, Anthony and Brown, Reva Berman (2006) Erotic retailing in the UK (1963-2003): The view from the marketing mix. Journal of Management History, 12 (2). pp. 199-211. ISSN 1751-1348


Kent, Anthony and Stone, Dominic (2007) The Body Shop and the role of design in retail branding. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35 (7). pp. 531-543. ISSN 09590552

Kent, Anthony and Stone, Dominic (2007) The Body Shop design: an evolving retail brand identity. Strategic Direction, 23 (11). pp. 9-11. ISSN 02580543

Kent, Anthony (2007) Creative space: design and the retail environment. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35 (9). pp. 734-745. ISSN 0959-0552


Schaefer, Anja and Kerrigan, Finola (2008) Trade Associations and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from the UK Water and Film Industries. Business Ethics: A European Review, 17 (2). pp. 171-195. ISSN 0962-8770


Kerrigan, Finola and Yalkin, Cagri (2009) Revisiting the Role of Critical Reviews in Film Marketing. In: COUNTER workshop Mashing-up Culture, 13-14 May 2009, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Kent, Anthony and Warnaby, Gary and Kirby, Audrey (2009) Architecture and the Marketing of Urban Shopping Destinations. In: Academy of Marketing conference, 7-9 July 2009, Leeds Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)

Kent, Anthony and Kirby, Audrey (2009) The design of the store environment and its implications for retail image. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 19 (4). pp. 457-468. ISSN 0959-3969

Kent, Anthony (2009) The role of the museum shop in extending the visitor experience. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 15 (1). pp. 67-77. ISSN 1465-4520

De Silva, Jorge (2009) Supply chain - Putting theory into practice. In: Design for Tomorrow's Customer Today, Bejing, Shanghai, London.


Kirby, Audrey and Kent, Anthony (2010) The local icon: Reuse of buildings in place marketing. Journal of Town and City Management, 1 (1). pp. 80-91. ISSN 1756-9538

Kerrigan, Finola and Graham, Gary (2010) Interaction of religonal news-media production and consumption through the social space. Journal of Marketing Management, 26 (3-4). pp. 302-320. ISSN 1472-1376


Kent, Anthony (2011) Heritage and innovation in luxury brands' flagship stores. In: Fashion and Luxury: Between Heritage and Innovation, 11-14th April 2011, Institute Francais de la Mode.


Roncha, Ana and Montecchi, Matteo (2013) The Dimensions of Luxury. In: International Workshop on Luxury Retail, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Milan.

Kontu, Hanna and Vecchi, Alessandra (2013) The Strategic Use of Social Media in the Fashion Industry. In: Transcultural Marketing for Incremental and Radical Innovation. IGI Global. ISBN 9781466647497

Kent, Anthony (2013) An interdisciplinary approach to the conceptualisation of retail environments. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.

Dada, Olufunmilola and Watson, Anna (2013) Entrepreneurial orientation and the franchise system: organisational antecedents and performance outcomes. European Journal of Marketing, 47 (5/6). pp. 790-812.


Vecchi, Alessandra and Peng, Fanke and Al-Sayegh, Mouhannad (2014) Assessing the applicability of a sizing framework into online fashion retail. International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology, 29 (1). pp. 102-108. ISSN 2319 - 2682

Radclyffe-Thomas, Natascha (2014) Weaving Fashion Stories in Shanghai: Heritage, Retro and Vintage Fashion in Modern Shanghai. In: Fashion in Fiction Conference: Style Stories and Transglobal Narratives, 12th - 15th June 2014, City University Hong Kong.

Kontu, Hanna and Vecchi, Alessandra (2014) Why all that noise – assessing the strategic value of social media for fashion brands. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 5 (3). pp. 235-250. ISSN 2093-2685

Alexander, Bethan and Heyd, Benjamin (2014) Sound branding within fashion retail and its effects on consumer based brand equity. In: Reflections – International Conference on Fashion, Retail and Management, 9-11 January 2014, Hyderabad, India.

Alexander, Bethan and Alburquerque, Orquidea (2014) Theatricality .v. simplicity: The impact of Fashion Window Displays on Consumers’ Affective response. In: 2nd International Colloquium on Design, Branding and Marketing, 9-10 December 2014, Nottingham Trent University, UK.


Dobele, Angela and Steel, Marion and Cooper, Tony (2015) Sailing the Seven C's of Blog Marketing: Understanding Social Media and Business Impact. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33 (7). pp. 1087-1102. ISSN 0263-4503

Cooper, Tony and Stavros, Constantino and Dobele, Angela (2015) Shut Up and Take My Money: Engaging Facebook Communities to Build the Brand Narrative. In: ANZMAC 2015, 30 November - 2 December 2015, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.


Vecchi, Alessandra and Peng, Fanke and Al-Sayegh, Mouhannad and Hamilton, Susan (2016) Enhancing online fashion retail: The quest for the perfect fit. In: Technological Challenges and Management: Matching Human and Business Needs. Manufacturing Design and Technology . CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 9781482261011

Radclyffe-Thomas, Natascha (2016) Intangible cultural heritage in fashion marketing: From number 1 Savile Row to the world. IFFTI 2016 conference proceedings. pp. 126-135.

Peng, Fanke and Vecchi, Alessandra and Al-Sayegh, Mouhannad and Hamilton, Susan (2016) How to Use Sizing Technology and Fashion Metadata to Improve the User Experience for Online Fashion Retail. In: Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 261-279. ISBN 9781522501107

Kontu, Hanna and Vecchi, Alessandra (2016) Fashion and Social Media: Some Illustrative Evidence from Italian Luxury Brands. In: Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 649-669. ISBN 9781522501107

Cooper, Tony and Stavros, Constantino and Dobele, Angela (2016) Managing the Paradox of Growth in Brand Communities Through Social Media. In: ANZMAC 2016, 5 - 7 December, 2016, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Alexander, Bethan and Bain, Jessie (2016) Small store design and marketing effects: Experiential developments in SME fashion pop-up store strategies. In: Multi-Channel Marketing, Branding and Retail Design: New Challenges and Opportunities. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, UK, pp. 163-192. ISBN 9781786354563


Radclyffe-Thomas, Natascha and Roncha, Ana (2017) Toms Shoes: The Buy-one-give-one Social Enterprise Business Model. The Case Centre.

Montecchi, Matteo and Nobbs, Karinna (2017) Let it go - Consumer empowerment and user generated content: an exploratory study of contemporary fashion marketing practices in the digital age. In: Advanced Fashion Technology and Operations Management. IGI Global, pp. 294-317.

Hepple, Sarah J. and Dennison, Julie A. (2017) The Effects of National Culture on Social Commerce and Online Fashion Purchase Intention. In: Advanced Fashion Technology and Operations Management. IGI Global book series Advances in Business Information Systems and Analytics . IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 250-276. ISBN 9781522518662

Hardy, Jonathan (2017) Commentary: Branded Content and Media-Marketing Convergence. The Political Economy of Communication, 5 (1). pp. 81-87. ISSN 2357-1705

Dennison, Julie A. and Montecchi, Matteo (2017) The Effects of Online Consumer Reviews on Fashion Clothing Purchase Intention. In: Advanced Fashion Technology and Operations Management. IGI Global, pp. 318-347.

Cooper, Tony and Stavros, Constantino and Dobele, Angela (2017) Brand Response to Consumer Backlash in Social Media: A Typology. In: ANZMAC 2017, 4 - 6 December 2017, RMIT University, Melbourne.

Alexander, Bethan and Kent, Anthony (2017) Retail Environments. In: Retail Design: Theoretical Perspectives. Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 62-86. ISBN 9781472467836


Varley, Rosemary and Roncha, Ana and Radclyffe-Thomas, Natascha and Gee, Liz (2018) Fashion Management: A Strategic Approach. Macmillan, London. ISBN 978-1137508188

Rodner, Victoria and Kerrigan, Finola (2018) From Modernism to Populism – art as a discursive mirror of the nation brand. European Journal of Marketing, 52 (3/4). pp. 882-906. ISSN 0309-0566

Radclyffe-Thomas, Natascha and Roncha, Ana and Peirson-Smith, Anne and Huang, Adrian and Lacouture, Anais (2018) Developing global citizenship: Co-creating employability attributes in an international community of practice. In: Enhancing Employability in Higher Education through Work Based Learning. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-75166-5

Bunting, Liz (2018) Creative Brief Writing: The Launchpad for Great Creative Work. In: Creative Brief Writing: The Launchpad for Great Creative Work, 24/04/2018, Kings College.

Bosher, Hayleigh and Yesiloglu, Sevil (2018) An analysis of the fundamental tensions between copyright and social media: the legal implications of sharing images on Instagram. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 33 (2). pp. 164-186. ISSN 1364-6885


Radclyffe-Thomas, Natascha and McDermott, Catherine and Forsyth, Rachel (2019) Expanding the cross-cultural space: providing international experiences in the digital global classroom. In: Reframing Space for Learning: Empowering Excellence and Innovation in University Teaching and Learning. UCL Institute of Education, London. ISBN 9781782772460

Preece, Chloe and Kerrigan, Finola and O’Reilly, Daragh (2019) License to assemble: Theorizing brand longevity. Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (2). pp. 330-350. ISSN 1537-5277

Lu, Liang and Deller, David and Hviid, Morten (2019) Price and Behavioural Signals to Encourage Household Water Conservation: Implications for the UK. Water Resources Management, 33 (2). pp. 475-491. ISSN 1573-1650

Forbes-Bell, Shakaila and Bardey, Aurore and Fagan, Patrick (2019) Testing the Effect of Consumer-Model Racial Congruency on Consumer Behaviour. International Journal of Market Research. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1470-7853

Cooper, Tony and Stavros, Constantino and Dobele, Angela (2019) The Levers of Engagement: An Exploration of Governance in an Online Brand Community. Journal of Brand Management, 26 (3). pp. 240-254. ISSN 1350-231X


Yesiloglu, Sevil and Waskiw, Veronica (2020) Can you make the world more sustainable with Influencers? Exploring consumers’ motivations to engage with and Influencers’ sustainable content on Instagram. In: Influencer Marketing: Building Brand Communities and Engagement. Routledge. ISBN 9780429322501

Yesiloglu, Sevil and Gill, Simrit (2020) Post Millennials and Their Motivation to Engage with Influencers Brand-related Content on Instagram. In: Influencer Marketing: Building Brand Communities and Engagement. Routledge. ISBN 9780429322501

Yesiloglu, Sevil and Costello, Joyce (2020) Influencer Marketing: Brand Communities and Engagement. Routledge. ISBN 9780367338688

Vecchi, Alessandra and Silva, E.S. and Angel, L.M.J. (2020) Nation Branding, Cultural Identity and Political Polarization – An Exploratory Framework. International Marketing Review. ISSN 0265-1335

Donnelly, Shannon and Gee, Liz and Silva, E.S. (2020) UK mid-market department stores: Is fashion product assortment one key to regaining competitive advantage? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54. ISSN 0969-6989


Jewell, Jonathan D.A. and Cauchi, Marcus (2021) Plus Ça Change Plus La Même Chose, Exploring Change and Innovation.


Bonetti, Francesca and Montecchi, Matteo and Plangger, Kirk and Schau, Hope (2022) Practice co‑evolution: Collaboratively embedding artificial intelligence in retail practices. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. ISSN 1552-7824


Alexander, Bethan and Warnaby, Gary (2023) Territorialising Retail: Towards an Alternative Spatiality? In: Colloquium on European Research in Retailing, 22-23 June 2023, Portsmouth University.


Ma, Rui and Mao, Di and Cao, Dongmei and Luo, Shuai and Gupta, Suraksha and Wang, Yichuan (2024) From vineyard to table: Uncovering wine quality for sales management through machine learning. Journal of Business Research, 176. ISSN 1873-7978

Gupta, Suraksha and Verma, Prikshat and Patel, Parth (2024) Role of Socio-Cultural Capital and Country-Level Affluence in Ethical Consumerism. Journal of Business Ethics, 191. pp. 697-711. ISSN 1573-0697

Alexander, Bethan and Varley, Rosemary (2024) Managing Fashion Retail Space and Place chapter in Fashion Management A Strategic Approach. In: Fashion Management: A Strategic Approach (Second Edition). Bloomsbury, UK, pp. 233-254. ISBN 978135034054-1

Alexander, Bethan and Varley, Rosemary (2024) Managing Routes to Fashion Markets chapter, In Fashion Management A strategic Approach. In: Fashion Management: A Strategic Approach (Second Edition). Bloomsbury, UK, pp. 217-233. ISBN 978135034054-1

Alexander, Bethan and Blazquez, Marta and Chrimes, Courtney and Boardman, Rosie (2024) The Role of Immersive Spaces on the Customer Experience: An Exploration of Fashion Metaverses. Psychology and Marketing. ISSN 1520-6793

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