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Teverson, Andrew (2013) Fairy Tale. New Critical Idiom . Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 9780415616065
Reifova, Irena and Pavlíčková, Tereza (2013) Invisible Audiences: Structure and Agency in Post-socialist Media Studies. Medialni Studia, 13 (1). pp. 130-136. ISSN 2464-4846
Raphael, Jackie (2013) Pamela Anderson and Web 2.0: Adapting to change and changing the world, one tweet at a time. In: Changing Facts, Changing Minds, Changing Worlds. Black Swan Press, pp. 62-78. ISBN 9780980631395
Pybus, Jennifer (2013) Social networks and cultural workers: towards an archive for the prosumer. Journal of Cultural Economy, 6 (2). pp. 137-152.
Pavlíčková, Tereza and Nyre, Lars and Jurišić, Jelena (2013) What does it mean to trust the media? In: Audience Transformations: Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity. Routledge, London, pp. 228-244. ISBN 9781138100961
Pavlíčková, Tereza (2013) Bringing the Author Back Into the Audience Research: A Hermeneutical Perspective on the Audience’s Understanding of the Author. The Communication Review, 16 (1-2). pp. 31-39. ISSN 1547-7487
Pavlíčková, Tereza (2013) Dynamics of dialogue: connecting the past, present and future. In: 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, 17-21 June 2013, London, UK.
Pavlíčková, Tereza (2013) (Re)imagining the author’s role in interpretation: A perspective from philosophical hermeneutics. In: Conditions of Mediation: Phenomenological Perspectives on Media, 17 June 2013, Birkbeck College, London, UK.
Pavlíčková, Tereza (2013) (Re)imagining the author’s role in interpretation: Audiences’ interpretation of authors as a paratext. In: Reception Study Society Conference, 26-29 September 2013, Milwaukee, USA.
Pavlíčková, Tereza (2013) Trust in the author: Identity, expertise and reputation. Communication Management Quarterly, 26 (8). pp. 33-50. ISSN 2466-5452
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Bramall, Rebecca (2013) The Cultural Politics of Austerity: Past and Present in Austere Times. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137162748
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October, Dene (2014) Doctor Who? What's He Talking About? Performativity and the First Doctor. In: The Language of Doctor Who: From Shakespeare to Alien Tongues. Science Fiction Television . Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland / London, pp. 1-20. ISBN 978-1-4422-3480-2
Ntalla, Irida (2014) Engaging Audiences on Ongoing Social Debates through Interactive and Immersive Exhibits. The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 6 (2). pp. 105-116. ISSN 1835- 2014
McDowell, Felice (2014) Clarks ‘star’ advertisements of the 1940s: Classificatory terms and practices of historical interpretation. Film, Fashion and Consumption, 3 (3). pp. 241-258. ISSN 2044-2823
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Hardy, Jonathan (2014) Critical Political Economy of the Media: An Introduction. Communication and Society . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9780415544849
Hague, Ian (2014) Comics and the Senses: A Multisensory Approach to Comics and Graphic Novels. Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies . Routledge, New York & London. ISBN 9780415713979
Hague, Ian (2014) A Defining Problem. In: Comics & Politik - Comics & Politics. Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag, Berlin, pp. 73-88. ISBN 978-3-941030-29-9
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Goh, Annie (2014) The Dimension of Sound in Flusser. Flusser Studies, 17. ISSN 1661-5719
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Emre Cetin, Berfin (2014) The "Politicization" of Turkish Television Dramas. International Journal of Communication, 8. pp. 2462-2483. ISSN 1932-8036
Das, Ranjana and Pavlíčková, Tereza (2014) Is there an author behind this text? A literary aesthetic driven approach to interactive media. New Media and Society, 16 (3). pp. 381-397. ISSN 1461-4448
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Cefai, Sarah (2014) Cartographies of Belonging: The Marketisation of Desire through Media, Practice and Place. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 21 (5). pp. 582-588. ISSN 1360-0524
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Bramall, Rebecca (2014) Austerity pasts, austerity futures? In: Lectures on the Post-Carbon Society: Better with less? De-growth, Austerity and Wellbeing, 6-8th October 2014, University of Valencia.
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Pybus, Jennifer (2015) Accumulating Affect: Social Networks and their Archives of Feelings. In: Networked Affect. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 234-249. ISBN 978-0-262-02864-6
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Pavlíčková, Tereza (2015) Audiences’ Perceptions of Author: Is the Author Reborn or Did She Ever Die? In: Active Audiences and Journalism. Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, pp. 47-63. ISBN 978-84-9082-100-8
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Emre Cetin, Berfin (2015) The Paramilitary Hero on Turkish Television. Cambridge Scholars. ISBN 978-1443870825
Bramall, Rebecca (2015) Culture and economy after austerity. In: 2015 Durham Geography Distinguished International Visitor Conference: Geographies of Austerity, 14-15th May 2015, Durham University.
Bramall, Rebecca (2015) Sing while you work: the 'rise of the choir' in austerity. In: Singing from the Same Hymn Sheet? The role of Choirs and Collective Belonging, 30 January 2015, London South Bank University.
Bramall, Rebecca (2015) Sing while you work: the ‘rise of the choir’ in austerity. In: 5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies, 10-12 June 2015, University of Edinburgh.
Bramall, Rebecca (2015) The austerity larder: Mapping food systems in a new age of austerity. Journal of Consumer Culture, 15 (2). pp. 183-201. ISSN 1469-5405
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Raphael, Jackie and Lam, Celia (2016) Marvel media convergence: Cult following and buddy banter. Northern Lights: Film & Media Studies Yearbook, 14 (1). pp. 159-178. ISSN 2040-0586
Raphael, Jackie (2016) Building Bridges in Celebrity Studies. Waterhill Publishing. ISBN 978-0993993848
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Pirolli, Bryan (2016) Travel information online: navigating correspondents, consensus, and conversation. Current Issues in Tourism. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1747-7603
Pavlíčková, Tereza and Mathieu, David (2016) Reading Facebook Newsfeed as Cross-Media: Implications for Journalism. In: ECREA 2016 6th European Communication Conference, 12-15 November 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
Pavlíčková, Tereza and Kleut, Jelena (2016) Produsage as experience and interpretation. Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 13 (1). pp. 349-359.
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Hardy, Jonathan (2016) Money, (Co)Production and Power. Digital Journalism, 5 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2167 082X
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Goh, Annie (2016) The Dimension of Sound in Flusser: Implications for a Sonic Media Archaeology. MAP – Media | Archive | Performance Research on media, art and performance, 7. ISSN 2191-0901
Flynn, Susan (2016) Migration, Transnationalism and the Cultural Logic of Global Identity. American, British and Canadian Studies, 27 (1). pp. 5-14. ISSN 1841-1487 (Print) 1841-964X (online)
Findlay, Rosie (2016) You Can’t Lose Something You Never Had: Longing and the fashion photograph. In: Crossroads in Cultural Studies, 14-17 December 2016, Sydney, Australia.
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Emre Cetin, Berfin (2016) Pushing the Limits of the Family on Turkish Television: Lost City, an alternative voice? European Journal of Communication, 31 (6). ISSN 1460-3705
Emre Cetin, Berfin (2016) Religious Broadcasting and the "Fantastic" Tele-Universe of Adnan Oktar's A9 TV. Hacettepe University Cultural Studies Journal Moment, 3 (1). pp. 116-132. ISSN 2148-970X
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Coté, Mark and Gerbaudo, Paolo and Pybus, Jennifer (2016) Introduction. Politics of Big Data. Digital Culture and Society, 2 (2). pp. 5-18. ISSN 2364-2122
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Bramall, Rebecca (2016) Tax justice in austerity: logics, residues and attachments. In: Berlin-British Research Network Conference: Agency and Austerity, 6-8th April 2016, Humboldt University, Berlin.
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Raphael, Jackie and Lam, Celia (2017) True bromance: the authenticity behind the Stewart/McKellen relationship. Celebrity Studies, 10 (2). pp. 153-173. ISSN 1939-2400
Raphael, Jackie and Lam, Celia (2017) The function of hosts: enabling fan-celebrity interactions at pop culture conventions. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 32 (2). pp. 173-183. ISSN 1469-3666
October, Dene (2017) Journeys through Cathay: Remediation and Televisuality in “Marco Polo”. In: Doctor Who and History. McFarland, North Carolina, pp. 13-34. ISBN 978-1-4766-6656-3
McDowell, Felice (2017) Gazing into her space: the mediatization of fashionable lives in ‘The Top Shelf’. In: Revisiting the Gaze: Feminism, Fashion & the Female Body, 28-29 June 2017, Chelsea College of Arts, UAL.
McDowell, Felice (2017) Inside the Wardrobe: the mediatization of personal narratives and fashionable personae. In: IABA Europe 2017: Life Writing, Europe and New Media, 07-09 June 2017, King's College London.
Mathieu, David and Pavlíčková, Tereza (2017) Cross-media within the Facebook newsfeed: The role of the reader in cross-media uses. Convergence, 23 (4). pp. 425-438. ISSN 1748-7382
Mackinnon, Lee, eflux (2017) Love Machines and the Tinder-Bot Bildungsroman. In: What's Love (or Care, Intimacy, Warmth, Affection) Got to Do With It? e-flux journal . Sternberg Press, Berlin, pp. 44-64. ISBN 978-3-95679-267-0
Laing, Morna (2017) Between Image and Spectator: Reception Studies as Visual Methodology. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, TBC. ISSN 1362-704X
Hardy, Jonathan (2017) Commentary: Branded Content and Media-Marketing Convergence. The Political Economy of Communication, 5 (1). pp. 81-87. ISSN 2357-1705
Hague, Ian (2017) Sidebar: Materiality. In: The Secret Origins of Comics Studies. Routledge, New York & London, pp. 159-161. ISBN 9781138884519
Good, Jennifer (2017) 9/11: Street photography and terror. In: Engaging in Urban Image Making, 28th April 2017, Goldsmiths, University of London.
Good, Jennifer (2017) Photography of 9/11: Remembering, Repeating and Working Through. In: Why Remember? Memory and Forgetting in Times of War and Its Aftermath, June 30th-July 2nd 2017, Sarajevo, Bosnia.
Goh, Annie (2017) Sounding Cyber*feminist Futures. Speculations on Sonic Unknowns. In: The Future Sound of Pop Music, 30 November - 3 December 2017, HKB, Bern, Germany.
Findlay, Rosie and Jana, Rosalind and Rocamora, Agnès (2017) Strangers in Style: Digital Intimacy and the Self Becoming on the Style Blogosphere. In: Strangers in Style: Digital Intimacy and the Self Becoming on the Style Blogosphere, Wednesday 22 November 2017, LCF John Prince's Street.
Findlay, Rosie (2017) "Inspired by real life": Examining 'aspirational realness' on the websites of Glossier and Maryam Nassir Zadeh. In: Revisiting the Gaze: Feminism, Fashion & the Female Body, 28-29 June 2017, Chelsea College of Arts, UAL.
Findlay, Rosie (2017) "Things to be seen": Spectacle and the performance of brand in contemporary fashion shows. About Performance (14-15). pp. 105-119. ISSN 1324-6089
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Soares, Felipe Bonow and Bonoto, Carolina and Viegas, Paula and Salgueiro, Igor and Recuero, Raquel (2021) Infodemia e Instagram: como a plataforma é apropriada para a produção de desinformação sobre a hidroxicloroquina? revista Fronteiras – estudos midiáticos, 23 (12). pp. 89-103. ISSN 1984-8226
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Soncul, Yiğit (2022) ASMR: A Digital Remedy. In: Digital Exhaustion, 27 May 2022, University of Exeter.
Soncul, Yiğit (2022) A Media Pharmacology of Face Masks: Between Asbestos and Plastic. Media Theory, 6 (2). pp. 111-134. ISSN 2557-826X
Soares, Felipe Bonow and Salgueiro, Igor and Bonoto, Carolina and Vinhas, Otavio (2022) YouTube as a source of information about unproven drugs for Covid-19: the role of the mainstream media and recommendation algorithms in promoting misinformation. Brazilian Journalism Research, 18 (3). pp. 462-491.
Soares, Felipe Bonow (2022) Systematic disinformation: the spread of misleading information as a collective dynamic on Twitter. Brazilian Creative Industries Journal, 2 (1). pp. 5-26.
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Ross, Rebecca (2022) Making Academic Publishing More Public. In: Transverse Disciplines: Queer-Feminist, Anti-racist, and Decolonial Approaches to the University. University of Toronto Press, pp. 229-239. ISBN 9781487538262
Recuero, Raquel and Volcan, Taiane and Soares, Felipe Bonow and Vinhas, Otavio and Huttner, Luiz Ricardo (2022) Framing Covid-19: how fact-checking circulate on the Facebook far-right. In: Disinformation Studies: Perspectives to An Emerging Research Field. LabCom, Covilha, Portugal, pp. 265-287. ISBN 978-989-654-863-6
Recuero, Raquel and Soares, Felipe Bonow and Vinhas, Otavio and Volcan, Taiane and Huttner, Luiz Ricardo Goulart and Silva, Victoria (2022) Bolsonaro and the Far Right: How Disinformation About COVID-19 Circulates on Facebook in Brazil. International Journal of Communication, 16. pp. 148-171. ISSN 1932-8036
Recuero, Raquel and Soares, Felipe Bonow (2022) #VACHINA: How Politicians Help to Spread Disinformation About COVID-19 Vaccines. Journal of Digital Social Research, 4 (1). pp. 73-97. ISSN 2003-1998
Raphael, Jackie and Lam, Celia (2022) Celebrity Bromance: Constructing, Interpreting and Utilising Personas. Routledge. ISBN 9781003093329
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Minestrelli, Chiara (2022) ‘Digital Dreaming’: Connecting to Country and Reclaiming Land through Digital Platforms. Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia, 12 (1-2). pp. 54-71.
Mai, Philip and Saiphoo, Alyssa and Soares, Felipe Bonow and Gruzd, Anatoliy (2022) The Influence of Influencers: A Census-balanced Survey About Social Media Influencers in Canada. Project Report. Social Media Lab.
Lam, Celia and Raphael, Jackie and Middlemost, Renee and Balanzategui, Jessica (2022) Fame and Fandom: Functioning On and Offline. University of Iowa Press. ISBN 9781609388553
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Hague, Ian (2022) Ludology. In: Key Terms in Comics Studies. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels . Palgrave Macmillan, p. 183. ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6
Hague, Ian (2022) Remediation. In: Key Terms in Comics Studies. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 272-273. ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6
Hague, Ian (2022) Senses. In: Key Terms in Comics Studies. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels . Palgrave Macmillan, p. 288. ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6
Hague, Ian (2022) Taste Adjudication. In: Key Terms in Comics Studies. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels . Palgrave Macmillan, p. 319. ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6
Gruzd, Anatoliy and Mai, Philip and Soares, Felipe Bonow and Saiphoo, Alyssa (2022) The Reach of Russian Propaganda & Disinformation in Canada. Project Report. Social Media Lab.
Gruzd, Anatoliy and Mai, Philip and Soares, Felipe Bonow (2022) How coordinated link sharing behavior and partisans’ narrative framing fan the spread of COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12. ISSN 1869-5469
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Stumpf, Elisa and Volcan, Taiane and Soares, Felipe Bonow (2023) “Made in China”: disinformation and Sinophobia on Facebook during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. Revista (Con)Textos Linguísticos, 17 (37). ISSN 1982-291X
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Soncul, Yiğit (2023) Violence(s) of Contemporary Video Gaming: From Phenomenological to Geological Time. In: Video Games: Time and Nostalgia, 12 May 2023, University of Exeter.
Soares, Felipe Bonow and Volcan, Taiane (2023) Political Memes, Humor and Elections: Memes Usages as Propagation Strategy on Twitter. Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada, 23 (2). ISSN 1984-6398
Soares, Felipe Bonow and Gruzd, Anatoliy and Mai, Philip (2023) Falling for Russian Propaganda: Understanding the Factors that Contribute to Belief in Pro-Kremlin Disinformation on Social Media. Social Media + Society. ISSN 2056-3051
Soares, Felipe Bonow and Gruzd, Anatoliy and Jacobson, Jenna and Hodson, Jaigris (2023) To troll or not to troll: Young adults’ anti-social behaviour on social media. PLoS ONE, 18 (5). ISSN 1932-6203
Soares, Felipe Bonow (2023) From sharing misinformation to debunking it: How Coordinated Image Text Sharing Behaviour is used in political campaigns on Facebook. In: Disinformation in Open Online Media. Springer, pp. 45-59. ISBN 978-3-031-47896-3
Scalvini, Marco (2023) Making Sense of Responsibility: A Semio-Ethic Perspective on TikTok’s Algorithmic Pluralism. Social Media + Society, 9 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 20563051
Ross, Rebecca (2023) Situating Google’s Alphabet. In: Articulating Media: Genealogy, Interface, Situation. Technographies . Open Humanities Press, pp. 153-167. ISBN 978-1-78542-112-9
Rocamora, Agnès (2023) Deep Mediatisation and the Datafication of Fashion. In: Contemporary Challenges in Mediatisation Research. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781003324591
Raphael, Jackie and Lam, Celia (2023) The on- and off-screen bromances of Fast & Furious. In: Full-Throttle Franchise: The Culture, Business and Politics of Fast & Furious. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781501378904
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Pavlíčková, Tereza (2023) It matters who is talking: Exploration of young people's understanding of authors as a paratext. In: ARS 2023: Disrupted or disruptive audiences? From reception to participation in a post-truth era, 12-14 September 2023, Porto, Portugal.
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Holdsworth, Claire (2023) Intermedial Voices: Intersections in Feminist Sound and Moving Image. In: The Moving Form of Film: Historicizing the Medium through Other Media. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197621714
Hardy, Jonathan (2023) Marketing communications and media: Commercial Speech, Censorship and Control. In: The Routledge Companion to Freedom of Expression and Censorship. Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon and New York, pp. 358-367. ISBN 9780429262067
Hardy, Jonathan (2023) Sponsored Editorial Content in Digital Journalism. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9781032453545
Hardy, Jonathan (2023) Promotional Convergence and Political Economic Critique: Assessing Integrations Across Media and Advertising Industries. In: The Routledge Companion to Advertising and Promotional Culture. Routledge, New York, pp. 74-87. ISBN 9780367645106
Hague, Ian (2023) Shapereader and the Limits of Touch. In: Ilan Manouach in Review: Critical Approaches to his Conceptual Comics. Routledge, London & New York, pp. 130-144. ISBN 978-1-032-39971-3
Gruzd, Anatoliy and Soares, Felipe Bonow and Mai, Philip (2023) Trust and Safety on Social Media: Understanding the Impact of Anti-Social Behavior and Misinformation on Content Moderation and Platform Governance. Social Media + Society, 9 (3). ISSN 2056 3051
Gruzd, Anatoliy and Mai, Philip and Soares, Felipe Bonow (2023) From Trolling to Cyberbullying: Using Machine Learning and Network Analysis to Study Anti-Social Behavior on Social Media. In: ACM Hypertext 2023, 4-8 September 2023, Rome, Italy.
Gruzd, Anatoliy and Hodson, Jaigris and Jacobson, Jenna and Mai, Philip and O'Meara, Victoria and Soares, Felipe Bonow (2023) The State of Anti-Social Behaviour on Social Media: A Census-balanced Survey About Anti-Social Behaviour on Social Media. Project Report. Social Media Lab.
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Good, Jennifer (2023) The Burden of the Screen: Virtual presence and death during Covid-19. In: Handbook of Research on the Relationship Between Autobiographical Memory and Photography. IGI Global. ISBN 9781668453377
Emre Cetin, Berfin (2023) Media, Religion, Citizenship: Transnational Alevi Media and Its Audience. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780197267424
Emre Cetin, Berfin (2023) Televizyon Kurmacasında Alevilik: Zülfikarlar Zülfü Yare Dokunurken... In: Sosyal Bilimler Perspektifinden Aleviler ve Alevilik I. Utopya, Ankara, pp. 342-365. ISBN 9786057219657
Cumming, David Jian-Jia (2023) “What They Love About Sports Is What I Love About Esports”: How Esports Factors into Australian National Identity. In: Esports in the Asia-Pacific: Ecosystem, Communities, and Identities. Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 159-184. ISBN 978-981-99-3796-7
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Bramall, Rebecca (2023) What are we going to do about the rich? Anti-elitism, neo-liberal common sense and the politics of taxation. In: The Cultural Politics of Anti-Elitism. Routledge, London, pp. 99-119. ISBN 9780367692605
Bramall, Rebecca and Oliva, Mercè (2023) Working Paper 1: Researching redistributive imaginaries: emerging methodological reflections. Working Paper. ReDigIm. (Unpublished)
Wohl, Bea (2024) Discriminating Data: Correlation, Neighborhoods, and a New Politics of Recognition by Wendy Hui Kyong Chun (review). Information & Culture, 59 (3). pp. 311-313. ISSN 2166-3033
Weiner, Nathaniel (2024) Locating Menswear in an Old Country: Craft, Place and Nostalgia in British Heritage Menswear Instagram. In: Locating Menswear, 4 July 2024, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Weiner, Nathaniel (2024) Transpacific Translations of the Aloha Shirt: From American Holiday Wardrobe to Japanese Reproduction. In: Dress Devolution 2: The Beach and Beyond, 9-11 July 2024, Falmouth University.
Volcan, Taiane and Soares, Felipe Bonow and Recuero, Raquel (2024) Memes como estratégia discursiva política noTwitter durante a pandemia da covid-19. In: A Cultura dos Memes no Brasil: agendas e desafios de pesquisa sobre uma das únicas instituições que se mantêm de pé no país. EDUFBA, pp. 189-218. ISBN 978-65-5630-584-4
Valiati, Vanessa and Lupinacci, Ludmila and Soares, Felipe Bonow (2024) Wrap Your Head Around It: Brazilian Users' Algorithmic Imaginaries of Spotify Wrapped. In: AoIR2024: The 25th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, 30 October - 2 November 2024, Sheffield, UK.
Topinka, Robert and Osborne-Carey, Cassian and Finlayson, Alan (2024) Playing with the News on Reddit: The Politics Game on r/The_Donald. International Political Sociology, 18 (2). ISSN 1749-5687
Smith, Tim and Bedford, Rachael and Essex, Claire and Pickard, Hannah (2024) Paying Attention: Is Toddler Attention Shaped By Early Media Exposure? In: The Children's Media Yearbook 2024. The Children's Media Foundation. ISBN 978-1-9161353-6-9
Scalvini, Marco (2024) Empathy and ethics in brand activism: Balancing engagement and responsibility. New Media and Society. ISSN 1461-4448
Rodgers, Scott and Ross, Rebecca (2024) Voices Episode 5: Rebecca Ross on Postcodes, Communication Design and Urban Media.
Ntalla, Irida and Giagkoglou, Thomas (2024) Gen Z Reimagines Engagement with Archives. The Journal of The Association of Heritage Interpretation, 29 (2). pp. 36-39. ISSN 1357-9401
Ntalla, Irida (2024) Single Motherhood, Sexuality, and Mediated Intimacies on Dating Apps. Ethnoscripts, 26 (1). ISSN 2199-7942
Minestrelli, Chiara and Power, Mau and Kamara, Alim and Zachariadou, Despoina (2024) ‘Virtual Reconnections’: Using VR storytelling to reconnect to Indigenous cultural Artefacts. Transmotion, 9 (1&2). pp. 179-204. ISSN 2059-0911
Marino, Sara (2024) Refugees’ Storytelling Strategies on Digital Media Platforms: How the Russia–Ukraine War Unfolded on TikTok. Social Media + Society, 10 (3). ISSN 2056 3051
Marco Scalvini, Marco (2024) Brand Activism: Advertising and Ethics of Visibility. Critical Advertising Studies . Routledge. ISBN 9780367616618
Jackson, Joe (2024) Kahlil Joseph and the Audiovisual Atlantic: Music, Modernity, Transmedia Art. Bloomsbury. ISBN 979-8-7651-0315-9
Hibbett, Mark (2024) Doom's Data: Tracking a Transmedia Supervillain Through Data. In: Superheroes and Digital Perspectives: Super Data. Lexington Books, Maryland, USA, pp. 121-137. ISBN 9781666952193
Hardy, Jonathan (2024) Political economy and critical studies of advertising and media industries. In: Political Economy of Media and Communication: Methodological Approaches. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. and New York, pp. 180-200. ISBN 9781032473079
Hardy, Jonathan and MacRury, Iain and Nuñez-Gomez, Patricia and Rangel, Celia and Kubicka, Hanna and Rodriguez, Lucia and Estables, Maria and Valiente, Clara, Branded Content Governance Project (2024) Mapping the Media-Marketing Ecology. Project Report. Branded Content Governance Project, London.
Gruzd, Anatoliy and Mai, Philip and Soares, Felipe Bonow (2024) To Share or Not to Share: Randomized Controlled Study of Misinformation Warning Labels on Social Media. In: Disinformation in Open Online Media. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, pp. 46-69. ISBN 978-3-031-71209-8
Good, Jennifer (2024) Unfixing Violence: Photography and Oblivion. Archivo Photofile.
Good, Jennifer (2024) Grieving the ‘poor image’: Screen-mediated loss during Covid-19. In: ICPT2024 Deathscapes: Histories of Photography and Contemporary Photographic Practices, 7-9 November 2024, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Good, Jennifer (2024) Unfixing the Shadows: Temporality in Social Media Photography of the War in Ukraine. In: International Conference on Social Media and Society, 16-18 July 2024, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London.
Ferrini, Alessandra (2024) Gaddafi in Rome: Dissecting a Neocolonial Spectacle Crafting a genealogical strategy for an accountability-based framework. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Bruns, Axel and Bastos, Marco and Vinhas, Otavio and Recuero, Raquel and Soares, Felipe Bonow and Iannelli, Laura and Marino, Giada and Serani, Danilo and Valeriani, Augusto and Choucair, Tariq and Svegaard, Sebastian and Vodden, Laura and Whelan-Shamy, Daniel and Azmi, Alia and Stromer-Galley, Jennifer (2024) Controversies, Problematic Information, and Polarisation: Case Studies Across Six Continents. In: AoIR2024: The 25th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, 30 October - 2 November 2024, Sheffield, UK.
Brookes, Gareth (2024) Embodied Responses to Materiality in the Making and Reading of Comics. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.
Sujon, Zoetanya and Iqani, Mehita and Jonathan, Schroeder (2025) The Invisible Lives of Selfies. In: The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Visual Culture: Digitisations, Transformations, and Futures. Bloomsbury. (In Press)
Recuero, Raquel and Soares, Felipe Bonow (2025) “How Does the Other Half Tweet?”: Analyzing the Construction of “Otherness” During the 2022 Brazilian Presidential Campaign. In: The Palgrave Handbook on Right-Wing Populism and Otherness in Global Perspective. Global Political Sociology . Springer Nature, pp. 103-124. ISBN 978-3-031-77868-1