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UAL Research Online

Items where Subject is "Academic studies in Education"

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Number of items at this level: 89.


Hill, Vikki and Bunting, Liz and Currant, Neil and Salines, Emily (2002) Grading, Care and Ethics: A Timely/ Timeless Provocation. In: Educational Developers Thinking Allowed Speakeasy, 25 May 2022, St Andrews University, Online.

Corner, Frances (2002) What to teach? Qualitative Research into Fine Art Undergraduate Programmes. In: 1st International conference.


James, Alison (2004) Autobiography and Narrative in Personal Development Planning in the Creative Arts. Art Design and Communication in Higher Education, 3 (2). pp. 103-118. ISSN 1474273X

Farthing, Stephen and Bonaventura, Paul (2004) A Curriculum for Artists. The Laboratory at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, and the New York Academy of Art. ISBN 0-9538525-3-9


Houghton, Nicholas and MacIntosh, Steve (2005) Disengagement from secondary education: a story retold. Project Report. Learning and Skills Development Agency, London.

Corner, Frances (2005) Identifying the Core in the Subject of Fine Art. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 24 (3). pp. 334-341. ISSN 14768070


Bamford, Anne (2006) Art education in Australia. Revue Internationale d’Education Sèvres, 42.


Bamford, Anne and Qvortrup, Matt (2007) European Arts Education: Three commisioned reports - 'The Ildsjael in the Classroom: A Review of Danish Arts Education in the Folkeskole'; 'Kwaliteit en Consistentie: Arts and Education in Flanders'and 'Netwerkan en Verbindingan: Arts and Cultural Education in the Netherlands'. Project Report. Danish Ministry of Education; Ministry of Education, Flanders; Netherlands Ministry for Education,.


Radclyffe-Thomas, Natascha (2008) White Heat or Blue Screen? Digital Technology in Art & Design Education. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 27 (2). pp. 158-167.

Drew, Linda (2008) Student Experience in Art and Design Higher Education: Drivers for Change. Jill Rogers Associates, Cambridge. ISBN 0954711173


Shreeve, Alison and Wareing, Shan and Drew, Linda (2009) Key Aspects of Teaching and Learning in the Visual Arts. In: A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice. Routledge, London. ISBN 0415434637


Rowland, D and Porter, D and Gibson, M and Walker, Kevin (2010) Sequential art for science and computer-human interaction. In: 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems, 10-15 Apr 2010, Atlanta, US.

Orr, Susan (2010) Collaborating or fighting for the marks? Students' experiences of group work assessment in the creative arts. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 35 (3). pp. 301-313. ISSN 0260-2938


Tulloch, Carol (2011) A reflection on the inclusion of black studies in design and art education. In: Black Studies in Art and Design Education: Past Gains, Present Resistance, Future Challenges,, 26-27 March 2011, Parson the New School for Design, New York. (Unpublished)


Sabri, Duna (2012) Students' Engagement with Industry Projects at the University of the Arts London. Project Report. University of the Arts London, London. (Unpublished)

Ntalla, Irida and Stamatiou, Alexandros (2012) The museum as a transitional learning space for children with special needs. In: The Quality in Education: Trends and Perspectives Conference, 11-13 May 2012, Athens, Greece.


Hernández Velázquez, Yaiza María (2013) Artistic education and exceptionality. In: The Education of the Artist: Research and Academic Capitalism, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid.


White, David (2014) Visitors and Residents: Introducing the Visitors and Residents Idea. In: Jisc Netskills, 9 January 2014.

Salmon, Maureen (2014) Convention ISM Alumni: The School of Tomorrow - Dakar 2014. In: Convention ISM Alumni: The School of Tomorrow - Dakar 2014, 7 June 2014, Dakar, Senegal , Africa.


Walsh, Maria and Throp, Mo (2015) Introduction. In: Twenty Years of MAKE Magazine: Back to the Future of Women's Art. International Library of Modern and Contemporary Art . I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd, London. ISBN 9781780767574

Troisi, Anna (2015) Teaching Computer Music to academically Engage At-risk Students. International Journal of Arts Education, 10 (4). pp. 25-36. ISSN 2326-9944

Roth, Cara Lee and Caldwell, Cath and Hanceri, Ellen and Johnston, Amanda (2015) What's the point of employability in art and design? In: What is the Point of Employability in Art and Design? (CHEAD Symposium), 15 May 2015, Chelsea College of Art, University of the Arts London.

Odeniyi, Victoria (2015) The politics of remediation – cultural disbelief and non-traditional students. In: (En)Countering Native-speakerism: Global perspectives. Palgrave Advances in Language and Linguistics . Palgrave McMillan, pp. 161-176. ISBN 978-1-137-46350-0

McVeigh, Whitney (2015) Rocking History. [Performance]

Hatton, Kate (2015) Towards an Inclusive Arts Education. Trentham @ IOE PRESS, London. ISBN 978-1-85856-654-2

Fryer, Nic (2015) The ‘Third Thing’: Rancière, Process Drama And Experimental Performance. Research in Drama Education, 20 (3). pp. 331-336. ISSN 1356-9783

Desvoignes, Olivier (2015) Blackboards were turned into tables...Questioning ‘horizontality’ in collaborative pedagogical art projects. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London.


Williams, Dilys (2016) Transition and Transformation in Fashion Education for Sustainability. In: Engaging Stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development at University Level. Springer.

Orr, Susan (2016) Editorial. Art Design and Communication in Higher Education, 15 (2). ISSN 1474273X

October, Dene (2016) "That's Not Right": Television, History and Education in Doctor Who During the Hartnell Era. In: New Worlds, Terrifying Monsters, Impossible Things: Exploring the Contents and Contexts of Doctor Who. PopMatters. ISBN 978-1-4835652-0-0

Ingham, Mark, London College of Communication (2016) Becoming Rhizomatic. [Art/Design Item]

Ingham, Mark (2016) Chez L'enquête: a conversational tasting menu. [Art/Design Item]

Deakin, Fred and Webb, Charlotte (2016) Discovering The Post-Digital Art School. Project Report. University of the Arts London, London.

Bond, Peter (2016) What Colour Would You Choose. [Performance]


Williams, Dilys and Toth-Fejel, Katelyn (2017) The Will and the Skill in Education for Sustainability. In: Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Springer, pp. 79-94. ISBN 978-3-319-47876-0

Orta, Lucy and Orta, Jorge (2017) Kids Creative Lab 5th Edition - Sustainability. In: Kids Creative Lab 5th Edition - Sustainability, 15 November 2016 to 17 April 2017, Italian Primary Schools, Peggy Guggenheim Collection Venice.

Meller, Fred and Campbell, Lee (2017) Spoiling the Game: Anarchy or Normality. In: Scenario Forum Conference, 25-28 May 2017, University of Cork. (Unpublished)

Meller, Fred (2017) Performing Teaching. In: Provocative Pedagogies: Performative Teaching and Learning in the Arts., 14 October 2017, Lincoln University.

Ingham, Mark (2017) 'When the Wasp Mets the Orchid' The Deterritorialization of the relationships between practice and theory. In: The Theory and Practice of 'Theory and Practice' in Art and Design HE, 17 May 2017, Red Room Chelsea College of Arts John Islip Street SW1P 4JU.

Cross, Simon and Rogaten, Jekaterina and Bektik, Duygu and Whitelock, Denise and Rienties, Bart (2017) How do students understand and interpret learning gains? Perspectives from in-depth interviews of UK distance learners. In: SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education, 6-8 December 2017, Newport, Wales, UK.

Bestley, Russ (2017) Art Attacks: Punk Methods and Design Education. In: Punk Pedagogies in Practice. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 13-29. ISBN 978-1-1382-7988-9


Rizvi, Saman and Rienties, Bart and Rogaten, Jekaterina (2018) Temporal dynamics of MOOC learning trajectories. In: International Conference on Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems, 1-2 October 2018, Madrid, Spain.

Revell, Tobias and Verhoeven, Eva (2018) Interact Global Design Networks. Exploring Post-Disciplinary Design in a Global Context. In: Cumulus Paris 2018: To Get There, 11-13 April 2018, Paris, France.

Revell, Tobias (2018) MA Interaction Design Communication. In: Electronic Visual Arts 2018, 13 June 2018, London, UK.

Macdonald, Sarah (2018) Citizens of somewhere: how a cross-cultural discussion group offers opportunities for intercultural understanding. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 3 (1). pp. 26-32. ISSN 2397-6594

Eden, Michael (2018) Decolonising Higher Education, But What Does it Mean? Trebuchet Magazine.

Bunting, Liz and Finnigan, Terry (2018) Attainment at UAL. In: London College of Fashion Conference, 28th June 2018, London College of Fashion.


Sujon, Zoetanya (2019) Disruptive Play or Platform Colonialism? The Contradictory Dynamics of Google Expeditions and Educational Virtual Reality. Digital Culture and Education, 11 (1). ISSN 1836-8301

Odeniyi, Victoria (2019) Class Teacher Report Writing in an East London School. In: The Professional, Academic and Work-based literacies (PAWBL) SIG, Symposium: Work, life, study: literacies in and out of institutions, 6 December 2019, Milton Keynes, UK.

Mazé, Ramia (2019) Design Educational Practice: Reflections on feminist modes and politics. In: Bauhaus Futures. MIT Press, Boston, pp. 3-23. ISBN 9780262042918

Ingham, Mark (2019) Rhizomatic Collaborative Assemblages (Swirling the Atmosphere). In: LCC Teaching and Learning Conference, Collaborative Learning Practices, 1 May 2019, London College of Communication.

Fass, John and Groves, Emily (2019) Global HCI Curricula: The Case for Creativity. In: EduCHI 2019, 4 May 2019, Glasgow, UK.


White, David (2020) Desituated Art School (a provocation). In: Digitally Engaged Learning conference 2020, 25-26 September 2020, Online.

Rogaten, Jekaterina and Clow, Doug and Edwards, Chris and Gaved, Mark and Rienties, Bart (2020) Are Assessment Practices Well Aligned Over Time? A Big Data Exploration. In: Re-imagining University Assessment in a Digital World. The Enabling Power of Assessment, 7 . Springer, Cham, pp. 147-164. ISBN 978-3-030-41956-1

Rizvi, Saman and Rienties, Bart and Rogaten, Jekaterina and Kizilcec, René F. (2020) Investigating Variation in Learning Processes in a FutureLearn MOOC. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 32. pp. 162-181. ISSN 1042-1726

Meller, Fred (2020) Tricks and Erasers: Disruption as Performance Pedagogy. In: Leap into Action: Critical Performative Pedagogies in Art and Design Education. Peter Laing, New York. ISBN 978-1433166402

Ingham, Mark (2020) Assembling Agency: Learning in Liminal Spaces. In: Leap into Action: Critical Performative Pedagogies in Art and Design Education. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 43-56. ISBN 978-1-4331-6642-6

Hauck, Mirjam and Müller-Hartmann, Andreas and Rienties, Bart and Rogaten, Jekaterina (2020) Approaches to researching digital-pedagogical competence development in VE-based teacher education. Journal of Virtual Exchange, 3. pp. 5-35. ISSN 2647-4832

Greyling, Linda and Huntley, Belinda and Reedy, Katharine and Rogaten, Jekaterina (2020) Improving distance learning mathematics modules in South Africa: A learning design perspective. South African Journal of Higher Education, 34 (3). pp. 89-111. ISSN 1753-5913


Stevenson, Nina and Bonnelame, Natasha (2021) Utilising digital pedagogies for Fashion Design for Sustainability teaching & learning – a conversation between Centre for Sustainable Fashion and LCF Digital Learning. In: UAL Education Conference 2021, 6-7 July 2021, Online.

Ingham, Mark (2021) Agents, Agency, & Agencies in Assembling Liminal Learning Spaces. In: Media Education Summit 2021, 30 March - 1 April 2021, Online, Leeds and Bournemouth.

Ingham, Mark (2021) Becoming-Blended-Becoming-Hybrid-Becoming-Multiple-Becoming. In: Hybrid Spaces Re-imagining pedagogy, practice and research - International Journal of Art and Design Education(iJADE) Online Conference, 26-28 March 2021, Glasgow School of Art.

Hill, Vikki and Bunting, Liz (2021) How do we create belonging in creative educational spaces? Presence and Belonging in Digital Education. In: Presence and Belonging in Digital Education, 15 December 2021, UAL Online.

Hill, Vikki (2021) Belonging through assessment: Pipelines of compassion. In: QAA Annual Conference 2021: Quality: Resilience, Innovation and Enhancement, 11-13 May 2021, Online.

Forst, Laetitia and Hall, Cathryn (2021) Bridging Practice: Design lessons for knowledge exchange between students and research in circular design. In: Safe Harbours for Design Research, 14th EAD Conference, 12-16 October 2021, Online.

Fass, John and Rutgers, Job (2021) Digital tools that support students to reflect on their design competency growth paths. In: Design Culture(s): International Conference for Design Cumulus 2021, 8-11 June 2021, Rome.


McKie, Annamarie (2022) Teacher reflectivity in art and design. In: Teacher reflectivity in art and design, 16 February 2022, Online.

Hill, Vikki and Bunting, Liz (2022) Belonging Through Compassion. In: Spark! Live, 14 December 2022, UAL Online.

Hill, Vikki (2022) Belonging through Assessment: Pipelines of compassion. In: Educational Research Seminar Series Lancaster University, 9 February 2022, Lancaster University, Online.

Hill, Vikki (2022) Enabling Compassionate Assessment – Do No Harm. In: QAA Quality Insights Conference, 24 -25 February 2022, Online.

Hall, Frania (2022) Research Report: Developing Evaluative Cultures. Other. University of the Arts London. (Unpublished)

Fitzpatrick, Damian and Costley, Tracey and Tavakoli, Parvaneh (2022) Exploring EAP teachers’ expertise: Reflections on practice, pedagogy and professional development. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 59. ISSN 1475-1585

Antonopoulou, Alexandra and Dare, Eleanor (2022) The Riverine Archive: Nausea and information loss on the neoliberal ship of fools. Visual Communication, 21 (3). pp. 418-436. ISSN 1741-3214


Zimmerman, Andrea Luka (2023) Unlearning, learning, learner: a provocation for super vision. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 6 (1). pp. 37-46. ISSN 2397-6594

Stevenson, Nina and Bonnelame, Natasha (2023) The use of digital pedagogies for accessible and equitable teaching and learning of fashion design for sustainability: a case study. In: Accelerating Sustainability in Fashion, Clothing and Textiles. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 349-360. ISBN 978-1-032-22517-3

Stephens, Tim (2023) Photographic Non-Self. In: Handbook of Research on the Relationship Between Autobiographical Memory and Photography. Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts (AMEA) . IGI Global, Pennsylvania, pp. 485-509. ISBN 9781668453377

Shechter, Shibboleth (2023) Developing and exploring critical thinking with maps: towards a critical cartosemiotic pedagogy. In: Artful maps: exploring the visual culture of cartography, 25-26 September 2023, Oxford, UK.

Lacković, Nataša and Shechter, Shibboleth (2023) Mapping and Counter-Mapping Pedagogies: In Conversation with Shibboleth Shechter. In: Relational and Multimodal Higher Education: Digital, Social and Environmental Perspectives. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367725365

Ingham, Mark and Sadowska, Noemi (2023) Becoming Learners in Laboratories of Learning: A Rhizomatic Assemblage of Nomadic Pedagogies. In: Rhizome Metaphor: The Legacy of Deleuze and Guattari in Education and Learning. Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore, pp. 93-110. ISBN 978-981-19-9056-4

Gee, Liz (2023) Using Feedback Dialogue in Personal Tutorials to Support International Student Attainment. PhD thesis, Anglia Ruskin University.

Dubé-Rushby, Laurence Elizabeth Jeanne (2023) Art as Education: Redefining a Live Art Practice as a Pedagogical Tool, and its Perception and Place in the Learning Environment. PhD thesis, Arts University Bournemouth.

Brazant, Kevin (2023) Disrupt the Discourse: An eLearning Course and Digital Toolkit to Aid the Development of an Anti-Racist Pedagogy. Decolonial Subversions.


Vicente Richards, Ana and Ingham, Mark and Bunting, Liz and Hill, Vikki (2024) Love Letters as Ways of Thinking About Relational Pedagogies of Assessment. In: Towards Posthumanism in Education: Theoretical Entanglements and Pedagogical Mappings. Routledge. ISBN 9781032430973

Shechter, Shibboleth (2024) Developing and exploring critical thinking with maps: towards a critical cartosemiotic pedagogy. In: Semiofest 2024: Liminality, 22-24 May 2024, Porto, Portugal.

Shechter, Shibboleth (2024) Developing and exploring critical thinking with maps: towards a critical cartosemiotic pedagogy. In: 16th World Congress of the IASS/AIS: Signs and Realities, 2-6 September 2024, Warsaw, Poland.

Rowell, Chris (2024) Towards AI Literacy: 101+ Creative and Critical Practices, Perspectives and Purposes. #creativeHE.

Noce, Kim and Martinez, Alejandro and Vega, Vida and Xu, Tong and Taylor, j Milo and Raphael, Gabrielli (2024) En Plein Air. In: ExEd24, 9 July 2024, Central St Martin College.

Holtham, Clive and Biagioli, Monica (2024) In search of indisciplinary artistry: teachers collaborating across disciplinary chasms. In: The Artistry of Teaching in Higher Education: Practical Ideas for Developing Creative Academic Practice. SEDA Series . Routledge, Milton Park, pp. 24-27. ISBN 9781032569536

Davey, Rachel (2024) Academic Year 2023 - 2024. Exploring Illustration Pedagogy Through Illustration Practice. Project Report. Illustration Educators Network.

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