Number of items: 2208.
Begiato, Joanne
Love in Families.
A Cultural History of Love: Age of Enlightenment.
The Cultural Histories Series, 4
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 9781350119833
Item availability restricted.
Ford, Corey and
Noel-Hirst, Ashley and
Cardinale, Sara and
Loth, Jackson and
Sarmento, Pedro and
Wilson, Elizabeth and
Wolstanholme, Lewis and
Worrall, Kyle and
Bryan-Kinns, Nick
Reflection Across AI-based Music Composition.
C&C '24: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Creativity & Cognition.
Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 398-412.
ISBN 979-8-4007-0485-7
Lewis, Makayla and
Sturdee, Miriam and
Lengyel, Denise and
Toselli, Mauro and
Miers, John and
Owen, Violet and
Urban Davis, Josh and
Gaudl, Swen E and
Xiao, Lanxi and
Priego, Ernesto and
Snooks, Kim and
Turmo Vidal, Laia and
Blevis, Eli and
Privato, Nicola and
Piedade, Patricia and
Ford, Corey and
Bryan-Kinns, Nick and
Severes, Beatriz and
Kaipainen, Kirsikka and
Claisse, Caroline and
Mehnaz Huq, Raksanda and
Palosaari Eladhari, Mirjam and
Troisi, Anna and
Henriques, Ana O and
Grek, Ar and
Mcmurchy, Gareth and
Lc, Ray and
Nabil, Sara and
Jardine, Jacinta and
Collins, Robert and
Vlasov, Andrey and
Knight, Yana and
Cremaschi, Michele and
Carderelli-Gronau, Silvia and
Núñez-Pacheco, Claudia and
Reyes-Cruz, Gisela and
Riviere, Jean-Philippe
Traveling Arts x HCI Sketchbook: Exploring the Intersection Between Artistic Expression and Human-Computer Interaction.
CHI EA '24: Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 979-8-4007-0331-7
Francke, Andrea and
Dhillon, Kim
Shapes 2014-2017.
How We Hold: Rehearsals in Art and Social Change.
Serpentine Education and Civic Projects
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, London, pp. 205-210.
Item availability restricted.
Roberts, Cheryl
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-7945-1
(In Press)
Item not available online.
Roberts, Cheryl
Erin Brockovitch.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-7945-1
(In Press)
Item not available online.
Roberts, Cheryl
Great Gatsby.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-7945-1
(In Press)
Item not available online.
Roberts, Cheryl
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-7945-1
(In Press)
Item not available online.
Roberts, Cheryl
Prince's Purple Suit.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-7945-1
(In Press)
Item not available online.
Roberts, Cheryl
The Royal Tenenbaums.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-7945-1
(In Press)
Item not available online.
Black, Sandy and
Burcikova, Mila and
Williams, Dilys and
Rocamora, Agnès and
Lyon, Fergus and
Werner, Andrea and
Vickers, Ian and
Elf, Patrick and
Eckert, Claudia and
Crommentuijn-Marsh, Philippa
Fostering sustainable practices: The case of micro and small
designer fashion enterprises.
Accelerating Sustainability in Fashion, Clothing and Textiles.
Routledge, Abingdon UK and New York USA, pp. 128-140.
ISBN 978-1-032-22517-3
Soon, Winnie
Unerasable Images.
Screen Images: In-Game Photography, Screenshot, Screencast.
Kulturverlag Kadmos Berlin. Wolfram Burckhardt, Berlin, pp. 43-50.
ISBN 978-3-86599-535-3
White, Darcy and
Peck, Julia and
Goldie, Chris
Disturbed Ecologies: Photography, Geopolitics, and the Northern Landscape in the Era of Environmental Crisis.
Art and Visual Studies
Transcript, Bielefeld, pp. 9-24.
ISBN 978-3-8376-6026-5
Item availability restricted.
Namazi, Mohammad
Process As Work.
Transacting as Art, Design and Architecture: A Non-Commercial Market.
Intellect Books, pp. 135-136.
ISBN 978-1-78938-443-7
Stephens, Tim
Photographic Non-Self.
Handbook of Research on the Relationship Between Autobiographical Memory and Photography.
Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts (AMEA)
IGI Global, Pennsylvania, pp. 485-509.
ISBN 9781668453377
Cole, Adam
Rejected By My Own Robot: Studying the Potential for Artists to Subvert Technological Expectations Using Critical Design.
TEI ’23: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’23), February 26-March 1, 2023, Warsaw, Poland.
ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Roberts, Cheryl
Anna Terrazas.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-0787-4
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Roberts, Cheryl
Bob Ringwood.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-0787-4
Item not available online.
Roberts, Cheryl
Elizabeth McBride.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-0787-4
Item not available online.
Komporaly, Jozefina
The Routledge Companion to Contemporary European Theatre and Performance.
Routledge, London, pp. 109-115.
ISBN 9781350214316
Roberts, Cheryl
Joan Bergin.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-0787-4
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Roberts, Cheryl
John Mollo.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-0787-4
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Roberts, Cheryl
Madeline Fontaine.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-0787-4
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Roberts, Cheryl
Michael O'Connor.
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 978-1-4742-0787-4
Item not available online.
Komporaly, Jozefina
The Routledge Companion to Contemporary European Theatre and Performance.
Routledge, London, pp. 209-215.
ISBN 9780367535919
Mason, Andrea
Broken Sleep Books Anthology 2022.
Broken Sleep Books, UK, pp. 299-304.
ISBN 978-1-915079-77-0
Tulloch, Carol
T-Shirt Matters.
Fashion Knowledge: Theories, Methods, Practices and Politics.
Intellect, Bristol, Chicago, pp. 113-135.
ISBN 9781789387681
Thornett, Lucy
Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9781000537963
Cross, David
Do you Read Me?
Contagious Tales.
There was a knock at the door
The Real Press / New Weather Institute, Pulborough, pp. 14-23.
ISBN 9781739845407
Hague, Ian
Key Terms in Comics Studies.
Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels
Palgrave Macmillan, p. 183.
ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6
Hague, Ian
Key Terms in Comics Studies.
Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 272-273.
ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6
Hague, Ian
Key Terms in Comics Studies.
Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels
Palgrave Macmillan, p. 288.
ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6
Hague, Ian
Taste Adjudication.
Key Terms in Comics Studies.
Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels
Palgrave Macmillan, p. 319.
ISBN 978-3-030-74973-6
Schlimm, Anna
An Ambiguous Utopia.
Critical Meme Reader: Global Mutations of the Viral Image.
INC Reader
Institute of Network Cultures, Netherlands, pp. 271-290.
ISBN 9789492302762
Cook, Siân
Semen Kit.
Up Against the Wall: Art, Activism and the AIDS Poster.
Rochester Institute of Technology Press, Rochester, USA, pp. 156-157.
ISBN 978-1-939125-78-1
Raz, Daniela and
Bintz, Corinne and
Guetler, Vivian and
Tam, Aaron and
Katell, Michael and
Dailey, Dharma and
Herman, Bernease and
Krafft, P M and
Young, Meg
Face Mis-ID: An Interactive Pedagogical Tool Demonstrating Disparate Accuracy Rates in Facial Recognition.
AIES '21: Proceedings of the 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society.
Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 895-904.
ISBN 978-1-4503-8473-5
Kirkland, Teleica
To Just Be.
Still Breathing: 100 Black Voices on Racism – 100 Ways to Change the Narrative.
Harper Collins, pp. 138-139.
ISBN 9780310126737
Krafft, P M and
Young, Meg and
Katell, Michael and
Lee, Jennifer and
Narayan, Shankar and
Epstein, Micah and
Dailey, Dharma and
Herman, Bernease and
Tam, Aaron and
Guetler, Vivian and
Bintz, Corinne and
Raz, Daniella and
Jobe, Pa Ousman and
Putz, Franziska and
Robick, Brian and
Barghouti, Bissan
An Action-Oriented AI Policy Toolkit for Technology Audits by
Community Advocates and Activists.
FAccT '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency.
Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 772-781.
ISBN 978-1-4503-8309-7
Plant, Nicola and
Hilton, Clarice and
GIllies, Marco and
Fiebrink, Rebecca and
Perry, Phoenix and
Gonzalez Diaz, Carlos and
GIbson, Ruth and
Martelli, Bruno and
Zbyszynski, Michael
Interactive Machine Learning for Embodied Interaction Design: A tool and methodology.
TEI '21: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction.
Association for Computing Machinery.
ISBN 978-1-4503-8213-7
Baines, Jess
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media.
Critical Perspectives on Citizen Media
Routledge, Abingdon & New York, pp. 18-23.
ISBN 978-1-138-66556-9
Morra, Joanne
Her Time.
About Her: Teresy Gierzynska.
Zacheta - National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, pp. 180-226.
ISBN 9788366979086
de la Haye, Amy
Le Mode et Les Fleurs.
Gabrielle Chanel: Manifeste de Mode.
Paris Musées (French version) / Thames & Hudson (English version), Paris, London, pp. 64-70.
ISBN 978-2-7596-0452-4
Adami, Elisa
The Underlying.
Pause. Fervour. Reflections on a Pandemic.
Harun Farocki Institut and Journal of Visual Culture, pp. 132-137.
ISBN 978-1-5272-9544-5
Stephens, Tim
What Is Secular Buddhism.
Buddhism in Five Minutes.
Religion in Five Minutes
Equinox Publishing Limited, Sheffield, pp. 366-369.
ISBN 9781800500891
Item not available online.
Brassett, Jamie
Designing in Dark Times: An Arendtian Lexicon.
Designing in Dark Times
Bloomsbury Visual Arts, New York.
ISBN 9781350070257
Mickwitz, Nina
Comics Telling Refugee Stories.
Documenting Trauma in Comics: Traumatic Pasts, Embodied Histories and Graphic Reportage.
Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 277-296.
ISBN 978-3-030-37997-1
Undy, Claire
Sluice magazine: The common good.
ISBN 9772398839005
Abdulla, Danah
Imagining Otherwise.
Decolonizing: The Curriculum, the Museum, and the Mind.
Vilnius Academy of Arts Press, Vilnius, pp. 84-97.
ISBN 9786094473432
Rubinstein, Daniel
The New Paradigm.
Fragmentation of the Photographic Image in Digital Age.
Routledge History of Photography
Routledge / Taylor Francis, UK, pp. 1-11.
ISBN 113849349X
Fletcher, Kate
Folding in.
Design and Nature: A Partnership.
Earthscan from Routledge, London, pp. 193-197.
ISBN 9780815362746
Mendelson, Zoë
Loose Canon.
Fully Awake 4.6.
Teaching Painting at Manchester School of Art, Edinburgh College of Art, pp. 5-8.
Sharma, Ashwani
The Place is Here: A Montage of Black Art in 1980s Britain.
Sternberg Press, London, pp. 323-347.
ISBN 978-3-95679-466-7
Minkin, Louisa
Terminal Hut.
Making a Mark: Image and Process in Neolithic Britain and Ireland.
Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK.
ISBN 978-1789251883
Hough, Alex and
Lippa, Dominic and
Bateson, John and
Geiger, Val and
Sloper, Louise and
Theodosiou, Sallyanne and
St John, Oliver and
Dye, Alan and
Long, Antony
An Anatomy Lesson.
Typocircle, London, pp. 86-93.
Dovey, Max
Improvising Blockchains.
State Machines Ref ections and Actions at the Edge of Digital Citizenship, Finance, and Art.
Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam.
ISBN 978-94-92302-33-5
Palomino, Elisa and
Káradóttir, Katrín and
Rhame, Lotta and
Boon, Joseph
Indigenous Arctic Fish skin clothing traditions: Cultural and ecological impacts on Fashion Higher Education.
Around the Campfire - Resilience and Intelligence, Cumulus Conference Proceedings Rovaniemi 2019.
Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media. Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Rovaniemi, Finland, pp. 125-137.
ISBN 978-952-337-158-3
Lin, Mingjing and
Li, Yingjun
The Integration of Art and Science in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. 5th Art and Science International Exhibition and Symposium.
Tsinghua University, Beijing.
lok, susan pui san
We Will Be.
The Place Is Here: The Work of Black Artists in 1980s Britain.
Sternberg Press, Berlin, pp. 14-19.
ISBN 9783956794667
Loschky, Lester and
Hutson, John. P and
Smith, Maverick. E and
Smith, Tim and
Magliano, Joseph. P
Viewing static visual narratives through the lens of the Scene Perception and Event Comprehension Theory (SPECT).
Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Multimodal, and Cognitive Methods.
Routledge Advances In Comics Studies
Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 217-238.
ISBN 9781138737440
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Quinn, Malcolm
The Tastemaker and the Algorithm.
The Persistence of Taste: Art, Museums and Everyday Life After Bourdieu.
Routledge, London, pp. 345-350.
ISBN ISBN-10: 9781138670983 ISBN-13: 978-1138670983
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Sliwinska, Basia and
Bohr, Marco
The Evolution of the Image Political Action and the Digital Self.
Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies
Routledge, New York, pp. 1-11.
ISBN 97811382160372
Item not available online.
Morris, David
Artists in the City: SPACE in ’68 and beyond.
SPACE, London.
ISBN 9781999927806
Cross, David
A Placement for Everyone.
Transformative Pedagogies and the Environment: Creative Agency Through Contemporary Art.
Common Ground, New South Wales, Australia.
ISBN 978-1-86335-010-5
Dodd, Melanie
SPACE and the City.
Artists in the City 2018: SPACE in '68 and beyond.
Cornerhouse, London.
ISBN 9781999927806
Item not available online.
McDowell, Felice
Fashioning Professionals: Identity and Representation at Work in the Creative Industries.
Bloomsbury, London, pp. 1-25.
ISBN 978-1-350-00184-8
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Finch, Mick
Recherche: un mode d'emploi.
Passeur:enseignants & médiateurs. Exposer/Démontrer. Les écarts de la recherche en art.
Art, enseignement & médiation, 3
Opemap, Art, enseignement & médiation, Bruxelles, pp. 124-137.
ISBN 978-2-9601926-1-2
Parry, Owen G.
진짜 Ah...Jinjja!
예술가들의 놀이터 / Artists' Playground: International Performing Arts Residency.
Tutbat Arts Farm / Performance Group Tuida, Hwacheon, South Korea, pp. 118-123.
Dovey, Max
Love on the Block.
MoneyLab Reader 2: Overcoming the Hype.
Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, pp. 64-73.
ISBN 978-94-92302-19-9
Rubinstein, Daniel
Posthuman Photography.
The Evolution of The Image; Political Action and the Digital Self.
Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies
Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 100-112.
ISBN 978-1-138-21603-7
Dovey, Max
Love on the Block.
Artists Re:Thinking the Blockchain.
Liverpool University Press, Torque Editions & Furtherfield, pp. 251-261.
ISBN 978-0-9932487-4-0
Lewis, Reina
Modest Fashion and Anti-fashion.
The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling.
Routledge International Handbooks
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 139-151.
ISBN 978-1472455369
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Rogaten, Jekaterina and
Whitelock, Denise and
Rienties, Bart
Assessing Learning Gains.
Technology Enhanced Assessment: 19th International Conference, TEA 2016, Tallinn, Estonia, October 5-6, 2016, Revised Selected Papers.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 653
Springer, pp. 117-132.
ISBN 978-3-319-57743-2
Vecchi, Alessandra
Advanced Fashion Technology and Operations Management.
IGI Global.
ISBN 9781522518655
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Morra, Joanne
Evocative Objects.
Paul Coldwell, Temporarily Accessioned, Freud's Coat Revisited.
Freud Museum London, London, pp. 12-33.
ISBN 978-0-94868738-9
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Minkin, Louisa and
Dawson, Ian
Grave Goods / Objetos funerarios.
Más allá del texto. Cultura digital y nuevas epistemologías.
Editorial Itaca, Universidad de las Américas Puebla Ex hacienda Santa Catarina Mártir, 72810 San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, México, pp. 205-221.
ISBN 978-607-97448-6-1
Chesher, Andrew
Grey Snow and Google Jobs.
Parallax 2015-2017.
Chelsea College of Arts/ Katowice Academy of Fine Arts, London and Katowice, pp. 101-123.
ISBN 978-1-5272-1680-8
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Tynan, Jane
A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion in the Modern Age.
A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion, 6
Bloomsbury, London, pp. 131-150.
ISBN 978-0-85785-602-9
Carlyle, Angus
"Radio Not".
Reception: The Radio-Works of Robert Rauschenberg and John Cage.
Smith + Brown, London, xi-xv.
ISBN 99780986038334
Frei, Regina
Reverse supply chains.
A Circular Economy Handbook for Business and Supply Chains: Repair, Remake, Redesign, Rethink.
Kogan Page, United Kingdom, 323 - 329.
ISBN 9780749476755
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Sturgis, Daniel
Condensed Knowledge.
Teaching Painting: How Can Painting Be Taught in Art Schools?
Black Dog, London.
ISBN 978-1911164104
Item not available online.
Bowles, Melanie and
Kelly, Anne
Slow Grow.
Textile Nature.
Textile Nature: Textile Techniques and Inspiration from the Natural World, 1
Batsford Ltd, England.
ISBN 1849943435
Li, Beibin and
Wang, Quan and
Barney, Erin and
Hart, Logan and
Wall, Carla and
Chawarska, Katarzyna and
de Urabain, Irati Saez and
Smith, Tim and
Shic, Frederick
Modified DBSCAN algorithm on oculomotor fixation identification.
ETRA '16: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications.
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, U.S., pp. 337-338.
ISBN 9781450341257
Item not available online.
Cook, Siân
Food for Good.
Developing Citizen Designers.
Bloomsbury Academic, New York / London, pp. 115-119.
ISBN 9780857856562
Baddeley, Oriana and
Mahurter, Sarah and
Rughani, Pratap and
Coldwell, Paul and
Collins, Jane and
Putnam, James and
Kim, Jihoo
Into the Archive. Re-Viewing Kubrick.
Into the Archive- Reviewing Kubrick.
Kim Hong-hee Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea, pp. 1-116.
Kirk, Pedro and
Grierson, Mick and
Bodak, Rebeka and
Ward, Nick and
Brander, Fran and
Kelly, Kate and
Newman, Nicholas and
Stewart, Lauren
Motivating Stroke Rehabilitation Through Music: A Feasibility Study Using Digital Musical Instruments in the Homes.
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Association for Computing Machinery, San Jose, USA, pp. 1781-1785.
ISBN 978-1-4503-3362-7
Abdulla, Danah
Only Icons.
Being Palestinian Personal Reflections on Palestinian Identity in the Diaspora.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 22-24.
Item not available online.
Behr, Bernd
Mining Images.
What is Photographic Research?
London: Camberwell Press, pp. 17-22.
ISBN 978-1-908971-54-8
Behr, Bernd
Phantom Limbs.
Sprachen des Sammelns: Literatur als Medium und Reflexionsform des Sammelns.
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Paderborn, pp. 124-129.
ISBN 978-3-7705-6097-4
de la Haye, Amy
Bianca Mosca.
London Couture 1923-1975: British Luxury.
V&A Publishing, London, pp. 150-153.
ISBN 9781851778508
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de la Haye, Amy
Worth (London) Ltd.
London Couture 1923-1975: British Luxury.
V&A Publishing, London, pp. 110-114.
ISBN 9781851778508
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Al-Ani, Jananne
Disembodied Perspective.
Documents of Contemporary Art: Moving Image.
Documents of Contemporary Art
Whitechapel Gallery & MIT Press.
ISBN 978-085488-238-0
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Walsh, Maria and
Throp, Mo
Twenty Years of MAKE Magazine: Back to the Future of Women's Art.
International Library of Modern and Contemporary Art
I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd, London.
ISBN 9781780767574
Pickwoad, Nicholas
The Binding.
The St Cuthbert Gospel: Studies on the Insular Manuscript of the Gospel of John.
The British Library, London, pp. 41-63.
ISBN 9780712357654
Toop, David
FLAT TIME/sounding.
Artistic Practice as Research in Music: Theory, Criticism, Practice.
Sempre Studies in the Psychology of Music
Ashgate, Farnham/Burlington, pp. 237-254.
ISBN 9781409445456
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Smithard, Paula and
Burrows, David
Enjoy your Alienation!
Twenty Years of MAKE Magazine: Back to the Future of Women's Art.
International Library of Modern and Contemporary Art
I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, London.
ISBN ISBN: 9781780767574
Item not available online.
Miller, Janice
Making Up.
Alexander McQueen.
V&A Publishing, pp. 235-242.
ISBN 1851778276
Item not available online.
Sullivan, Anthony
Encyclopaedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies.
Wiley-Blackwell, London.
ISBN 9780470672846
Item not available online.
Fletcher, Kate
Other Fashion Systems.
Routledge Handbook of Sustainability and Fashion.
Routledge International Handbooks
Routledge, London, pp. 15-24.
ISBN 9780415828598
Williams, Dilys
Fashion Design.
Routledge Handbook of Sustainability and Fashion.
Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 234-242.
ISBN 0415828597
Item not available online.
Mullender, Rob
The Haptic Optic.
Moving Image.
Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art
MIT press, Massachussetts, pp. 120-123.
ISBN 978-0262528108
Kear, Adrian
Vocabulary for the Study of Religion.
Brill, Leiden.
ISBN 978-9004290433
Smithard, Paula
Snow Lights.
The Place of Dead Rhoades.
IMT Press, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
ISBN 978-0-9551449-7-4
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Melvin, Jo
Some opening words.
Jason File: An Ornament and a Safeguard.
Aleph, London, pp. 2-10.
ISBN 978-0-9933051-0-8
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Dovey, Max
Who is it for?
Real Projects for Real People.
The Patching Zone, Rotterdam, pp. 47-53.
ISBN 978-90-817051-3-4
Kenny, Polly
Crafting the Digital.
Book of Proceedings: 6th International Textile Conference.
Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Textile and Fashion Department, Tirana, Albania, pp. 172-185.
ISBN 978-9928-171-14-6
Salinas, Lara
Open Planning.
Creative Citizens’ Variety Pack: Inspiring digital ideas from community projects.
Royal College of Art, London.
ISBN 978-1-907342-97-4
Albano, Caterina
Encyclopedia of Aesthetics.
Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, pp. 533-538.
ISBN 978-0-19974710-8; 978-0-19-937031-3
Swinson, James
SE11 [Re] Generations.
Consuming Architecture: On the Occupation Appropriation and Interpretation of Buildings.
Routledge, London & New York, pp. 260-275.
ISBN 978-0-415-82499-9
Atman, Cindy and
Borgford-Parnell, Jim and
McDonnell, Janet and
Eris, Ozgur and
Cardella, Monica
Engineering Design Education: Research, Practice, and Examples
that Link the Two.
Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 201-228.
ISBN 9781107014107
Ekblom, Paul
Designing Products Against Crime.
Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Springer Science+Business Media, New York, pp. 948-957.
ISBN 978-1-4614-5689-6 (print) 978-1-4614-5690-2 (online)
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Asbury, Michael
Abstract Impulses.
Impulse, Reason, Sense, Conflict: Abstract Art from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneiros Collection.
Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO), Miami, Florida, US.
Item not available online.
Watanabe, Toshio
The Art Historical Canon and the Transnational.
The Challenge of the Object = Die Herausforderung des Objekts.
Wissenschaftliche Beibände zum Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums
Verlag des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 1505-1507.
ISBN 978-3-936688-66-5
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Hague, Ian
A Defining Problem.
Comics & Politik - Comics & Politics.
Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag, Berlin, pp. 73-88.
ISBN 978-3-941030-29-9
King, Ian
Expression and the Body.
The Power of the Image: Emotion, Expression, Explanation.
Visual Learning
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, pp. 215-230.
ISBN 978-3-631-64713-4
Wynne, John
Outside In: Re-framing urban noise.
Urban Traces – Wahrnehmung im öffentlichen Raum Künstlerische Transformationen im urbanen Kontext [Perception in Public Space: Artistic transformations in the urban context].
Kunst und Kulturwissenschaft in der Gegenwart [Contemporary Art and Cultural Studies]
Athena Verlag, Oberhausen, pp. 59-72.
ISBN 978-3-89896-598-9
Silverthorne, Diane
'Wagner's Gesamtkunstwerk'.
The Routledge Companion to Music and Visual Culture.
Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group), New York, NY and Abingdon, Oxford, pp. 246-254.
ISBN 978-0-415-6295-6
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O'Kane, Paul
The Scene of the Self.
This ‘Me’ of Mine: Self, Time & Context in the Digital Age.
Xlibris, pp. 12-19.
ISBN 9781483670065
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Cole, Shaun
The Finer Detail.
Where Have All the Bootboys Gone? Skinhead Style and Graphic Subcultures.
University of the Arts London, London College of Communication.
Kear, Adrian
Traces of Presence.
International Politics and Performance: Critical Aesthetics and Creative Practice.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 19-39.
ISBN 9780415706230
Cross, David
Bonjour tristesse.
Relational Architectural Ecologies: Architecture, Nature and Subjectivity.
Routledge, pp. 109-126.
ISBN 9780415508582
O'Kane, Paul
The Secret Carnival.
VAULT: Camberwell College of Arts 2nd Year Fine Art Show 2013.
Camberwell Press, London, pp. 3-4.
ISBN 9781908971180
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Delice, Serkan
Taner Ceylan: The Lost Paintings Series.
Standard Press; Paul Kasmin Gallery; Damiani.
ISBN 9788862083126
Wynne, John
Hlysnan: The Notion and Politics of Listening.
Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg, pp. 62-67.
ISBN 978-99959-30-23-3
Porayska-Pomsta, Kaska and
Anderson, Keith and
Bernardini, Sara and
Guldberg, Karen and
Smith, Tim and
Kossivaki, Lila and
Hodgins, Scott and
Lowe, Ian
Building an Intelligent, Authorable Serious Game for Autistic Children and Their Carers.
Advances in Computer Entertainment.
Lecture Notes In Computer Science
Springer, New York, U.S., pp. 456-475.
ISBN 9783319031613
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Delice, Serkan
Fake World.
Taner Ceylan: The Lost Paintings Series.
Standard Press; Paul Kasmin Gallery; Damiani.
ISBN 9788862083126
Watanabe, Toshio
Rinpa and Japonisme.
Reconsidering Early Modern Yamato-e: Perspectives from Japan, the UK, and the USA.
Brücke, Tokyo.
ISBN 9784434183836
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Rae, Nicola
Personal Structures: Culture-Mind-Becoming. La Biennale di Venezia 2013.
Global Art Affairs Publishing, Venice, Italy, pp. 166-167.
ISBN 978-94-90784-12-6
Atkinson, Douglas and
Orzechowski, Pawel and
Petreca, Bruna and
Bianchi-Berthouze, Nadia and
Watkins, Penelope and
Baurley, Sharon and
Padilla, Stefano and
Chantler, Mike
Tactile Perceptions of Digital Textiles: A Design Research Methodology.
CHI '13 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
ACM, New York, pp. 1669-1678.
ISBN 9781450318990
Dixon, Catherine
‘To touch: beyond nostalgia’.
touch : the vista sans wood type project book.
Pointed Press Studio & Design is good for you, Swarthmore (PA), United States of America, pp. 65-71.
ISBN 978-0-615-79646-8
Toop, David
Trap Set.
Haroon Mirza. A User's Manual.
Spike Island, Bristol, pp. 34-35.
ISBN 978-0-9574490-0-8
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Wilson, Stephen
Unpainting Collodi's Fireplace.
Pinocchio, Puppets and Modernity: The Mechanical Body.
Children's literature and culture
Routledge, New York; London, pp. 109-134.
ISBN 9780415890960
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de la Haye, Amy
Object analysis.
Handbags: the making of a museum.
Yale University Press in association with Simone Handbag Museum, New Haven, CT, pp. 34-207.
ISBN 9780300186185
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Velios, Athanasios and
Pickwoad, Nicholas
The digitisation of bookbindings.
Digitizing Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture.
New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance; ACMRS (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), Toronto, Ontario; Tempe, Arizona, pp. 201-229.
ISBN 9780866984744
Bryan-Kinns, Nick
Mutual Engagement in Social Music Making.
Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. INTETAIN 2011. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.
Springer, pp. 260-266.
ISBN 978-3-642-30214-5
Ryan, Nicky
Gramercy Park Hotel.
Hotel Lobbies and Lounges: The Architecture of Professional Hospitality.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 0415496527
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Ekblom, Paul and
Bowers, Kate J. and
Gamman, Lorraine and
Sidebottom, Aiden and
Thomas, Chris and
Thorpe, Adam and
Willcocks, Marcus
Reducing bag theft in bars.
Design Against Crime: Crime Proofing Everyday Objects.
Crime Prevention Studies, 27
Lynne Rienner, Boulder, Col..
ISBN 9781588268136
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McNeil, Paul
Design for Page 1.
Page 1: great expectations: seventy graphic solutions.
GraphicDesign&, London, pp. 178-181.
ISBN 9780957238107
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Horvat, Vlatka
Exit Taxonomy.
Good Life: Physical Narratives and Spatial Imaginations.
Belgrade Cultural Centre, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 244-253.
ISBN 978-86-7996-101-3
Watanabe, Toshio
Forgotten Japonisme.
La creación artistica como puente entre Oriente y Occidente.
Grupo de Investigación Completense Arte de Asia, Grupo de Investigación ASIA, Madrid.
ISBN 978-84-608-1263-0
Till, Jeremy and
Schneider, Tatjana
Invisible Agency.
Scarcity: architecture in the age of depleting resources.
Architectural design profile
John Wiley & Sons, London, pp. 38-43.
ISBN 9781119973621
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Bestley, Russ
Punk and New Wave.
Classic rock posters: sixty years of posters, flyers & handbills, 1952-2012.
Omnibus Press, London, pp. 130-163.
ISBN 9781780384528
Watanabe, Toshio
Modern Japanese gardens.
Since Meiji: Perspectives on the Japanese Visual Arts, 1868-2000.
University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu.
ISBN 9780824834418
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O'Riley, Tim
Accidental Journey.
Intersections and Counterpoints: Proceedings of Impact 7,
an International Multi-Disciplinary Printmaking Conference.
Melbourne: Monash University Press.
ISBN 978-1-921867-56-9
Dunn, Stuart and
Taylor, j Milo and
Woolford, Kirk and
Barker, Leon and
Norman, Sally Jane and
White, Martin and
Hedges, Mark and
Bailey, Helen and
Fulford, Michael and
Clarke, Amanda
Motion in Place: a Case Study of Archaeological Reconstruction Using Motion Capture.
Revive the Past. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA). Proceedings of the 39th International Conference.
Pallas Publications, Beijing, pp. 98-106.
Naldi, Pat
Search: An Artist Project for Television.
Regenerating Culture and Society: Architecture, Art and Urban Style Within the Global Politics of City-Branding.
Tate Liverpool Critical Forum
Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 259-269.
ISBN 9781846316401
Bartlett, Djurdja
Fashion and life-style.
Art Deco and Art in Croatia between the Two Wars.
Zagreb: Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 61-92.
ISBN 9789537641146
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Withers, Rachel
Addressing the Words in Penalva.
Joao Penalva: Works with Texts and Images (trabalhos com texto e imagem = værker med tekst og billeder).
Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian; Kunsthallen Brandts, Lisbon; Odense, pp. 37-45.
ISBN 9789726352440
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Asbury, Michael
Antonio Manuel: Occupations / Discoveries.
(Des)locações: Exílio, Topologia, Deslocalização, (Dis)Locations: Exile, Topology, Relocation.
Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Belas Artes. Gabinete Editorial, Porto, Portugal, pp. 58-68.
ISBN 978-972-98517-5-9
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Fortnum, Rebecca
Research Group for Artists Publications.
ISBN 9780955827396
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Till, Jeremy
The Intimate Inner.
Around and About Stock Orchard Street.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon., pp. 171-176.
ISBN 978-0415575294
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Melvin, Jo
No thing to say.
Barry Flanagan: Early Works 1965-1982.
Tate Publishing, London, pp. 53-65.
ISBN 9781854379979
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Alcorn, Alyssa and
Pain, Helen and
Rajendran, Gnanathusharan and
Smith, Tim and
Lemon, Oliver and
Porayska-Pomsta, Kaska and
Foster, Mary Ellen and
Avramides, Katerina and
Frauenberger, Christopher and
Bernardini, Sara
Social Communication Between Virtual Characters and Children with Autism.
Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 7-14.
ISBN 9783642218682
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Gronlund, Melissa
Rotterdam dialogues: the critics, the curators, the artists.
Post Editions, Utrecht, pp. 48-49.
ISBN 9789460830174
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Fletcher, Kate
Local Wisdom: Post-Growth Fashion.
Sustainability in Design: Now! Challenges and Opportunities for Design Research, Education and Practice in the XXI Century.
Greenleaf Publishing Ltd, London, pp. 1410-1415.
ISBN 9781906093549
Evans, Caroline
British Fashion.
The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 208-224.
ISBN 9780521864978
Smith, Donald and
Davy, Mark and
Murray, Peter and
Mirza, Munira and
Davis, Robert and
Wainwright, Jean and
Johnson, Alan and
Thompson, John
Chelsea Futurespace Gallery.
Grosvenor Waterside, Cultural Placemaking.
Future City, London, UK.
ISBN 9780956569004
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Marenko, Betti
Now I can feel myself!
Networks of Design: Proceedings of the 2008 Annual International Conference of the Design History Society.
Design History Society, Falmouth.
ISBN 9781599429069
Bartlett, Djurdja
Totalitarian dress.
The Fashion History Reader: Global Perspectives.
Routledge, London UK and New York USA, pp. 498-502.
ISBN 9780415493246, 9780415493239
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Throp, Mo
Cosey Complex Reader.
Cosey Complex Reader.
Institute for Contemporary Arts (ICA), London., London, UK, pp. 20-27.
ISBN 9781900300636
Austin, Patricia
Scales of narrativity.
Museum Making: Narratives, Architectures, Exhibitions.
Museum Meanings
Routledge, Oxford, UK.
ISBN 9780415676038, 9780415676021
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Swinson, James
At the nerve end of our dreams.
Scent of invisible footprints: the sculpture of Pitika Ntuli.
University of South Africa Press, Pretoria, South Africa.
ISBN 9781868886234, 1868886239
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Bartlett, Djurdja
Fashion under socialism.
Berg encyclopedia of world dress and fashion. Volume 9: East Europe, Russia, and the Caucasus.
Berg Publishers, pp. 76-82.
ISBN 9781847883988
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Smith, Dan
Reading the Albert Memorial.
Cultural Memory: Reformations of the Past in the Present, and the Present in the Past.
University of Plymouth Press, Plymouth, pp. 10-25.
ISBN 9781841022536
Thorogood, Simon
גרג דוגן, ג'ינג'ר. ג'ינג'ר גרג דוגן וג'ודית הוס פוקס (Mechanical couture: fashioning a new order).
Design Museum Holon, Holon, Israel.
ISBN 9789659153329
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Till, Jeremy
Urban weaving.
6(0) ways: artistic practice in culturally diverse times.
NAI Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 52-57.
ISBN 9789056626846
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O'Riley, Tim
Acts of seeing.
Acts of Seeing: Artists, scientists and the history of the visual, a volume dedicated to Martin Kemp.
Zidane Press, London, UK.
ISBN 9780955485084
Araujo, Ana
Drawing space.
Drawing Out the Interior.
Basics Interior Architecture, 03
AVA Publishing, pp. 112-113.
ISBN 9782940373888
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Palmer, Val
City and art forum.
City and Art Forum.
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 158-160.
ISBN 9789756264324
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Araujo, Ana
Crafting a(s) conversation.
Context Narratives and Boundaries: Summer Workshop.
Toh Shimazaki Architecture Forum, 3
Toh Shimazaki Architecture, London.
ISBN 9780955488122
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Sabin, Roger
Introduction to Media Studies.
ISBN 9781405840361
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Tulloch, Carol
Prêt–`a–partager: A Transcultural Exchange in Art, Fashion and Sports.
Verlag fur moderne Kunst Nurnberg, Stuttgart, pp. 7-9.
ISBN ISBN 9783869840031
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Cummings, Neil
Lapdogs of the Bourgeoisie: Class Hegemony in Contemporary Art.
Sternberg Press, Berlin, Germany, pp. 105-124.
ISBN 9781933128887
Quinn, Malcolm
Lapdogs of the Bourgeoisie.
Lapdogs of the Bourgeoisie: Class Hegemony in Contemporary Art.
Sternberg Press, Berlin, Germany, pp. 125-127.
ISBN 978-1933128887
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Till, Jeremy
The Selfless Plan.
Pattern, Purpose, Place: The Work of Proctor and Matthews.
Black Dog Publishing, London, pp. 209-217.
ISBN 9781906155605
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Green, Phil
A smoothness metric for colour transforms.
Proceedings of SPIE 6807 Color Imaging XIII: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications.
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers and Society for Imaging Science and Technology, USA, pp. 1-5.
ISBN 9780819469793
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Savić, Snezana and
Tamburic, Slobodanka and
Jancic, Bijana and
Milic, Jela and
Vuleta, Gordana
The Impact of Urea on the Colloidal Structure of Alkylpolyglucoside-Based Emulsions: Physicochemical and In Vitro/In Vivo Characterization.
Colloids in cosmetics and personal care.
Colloids and interface science series, v. 4.
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp. 259-273.
ISBN 9783527314645, 3527314644
Wells, Thereza
Notebooks / Leonardo da Vinci.
Oxford World's Classics
Oxford University Press, Oxford, xiii-xxxiii.
ISBN 9780199299027
Austerlitz, Noam and
Blythman, Margo and
Grove-White, Annie and
Jones, Barbara Anne and
Jones, Carol An and
Morgan, Sally and
Orr, Susan and
Shreeve, Alison and
Vaughan, Suzi
Mind the gap: expectations, ambiguity and pedagogy within art and design higher education.
The Student Experience in Art and Design Higher Education: Drivers for Change.
Jill Rogers Associates Limited, Cambridge, pp. 124-148.
ISBN 9780954711177
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Voegelin, Salomé
Night Train.
Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Gegenwartskünste, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, 3
Edition Fink, Zurich.
ISBN 9783037461280
Green, Alison
What Remains.
Trevor Appleson: los loss. Photographs made in Mexico.
Booth-Clibborn, London, i-xvi.
ISBN 9781861543066
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Black, Sandy
Trends in Smart Medical Textiles.
Smart Textiles for Medicine and Healthcare - Materials, systems and applications.
Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, pp. 3-26.
ISBN 1845690273
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Jenkins, Gareth and
Manz, Andreas and
Tillotson, Jenny
Scent whisper.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology Seminar on MEMS Sensors and Actuators : 27-28 April 2006, Savoy Place, London, UK.
IET conference publication
Institution of Engineering Technology, London, UK, pp. 97-104.
ISBN 0863416276
Coughlan, Paul and
Brennan, Louis and
O'Riordain, Sean and
Steward, John and
Vecchi, Alessandra and
Fynes, Brian and
Ledwith, Anne and
Keegan, Richard and
Roche, Elisabeth
Made in Ireland II - Benchmarking Irish SME practice and performance.
Proceedings of the European Operations Management Association Annual Conference.
European Operations Management Association, Glasgow, UK.
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Coughlan, Paul and
Brennan, Louis and
O'Riordain, Sean and
Vecchi, Alessandra and
Fynes, Brian and
Ledwith, Anne and
Keegan, Richard and
Roche, Elisabeth
Made in Ireland II - Benchmarking Irish SME practice and performance.
Proceedings of the 17th International Annual Conference of the Production and Operation Management Society (POMS).
Production and Operation Management Society (POMS), Boston, US.
Item not available online.
Orr, Susan
Studio based mark agreement practices; the said and the unsaid.
Enhancing Curricula: contributing to the future, meeting the challenges of the 21st century in the disciplines of art, design and communication: 3rd International conference.
Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design, London, pp. 293-308.
ISBN 9780954143954
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Rennie, Paul
London squares.
Wearing propaganda.
Yale University Press, pp. 229-239.
ISBN 0-300-10924-5
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Tan, Erika
Respects des Fonds (essay).
Ghosting: The Role of the Archive within Contemporary Artists’ Film and Video.
Picture This Moving Image, Bristol, UK.
ISBN 0-9539872-8-0
Skelton, Pam
Restretching the Canvas.
Unframed: Practices and Politics of Women's Contemporary Painting.
I.B. Tauris, London, pp. 162-183.
ISBN 1860647723
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Taylor, j Milo
Network Book for Urban (P)arts.
City Mine(d).
ISBN 0-9547260-0-6
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Lewis, Reina
Veil: Veiling, Representation and Contemporary Art.
inIVA (Institute of International Visual Arts) and MIT Press, London, pp. 8-15.
ISBN 978-0262523486
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Fortnum, Rebecca
Seeing and Feeling.
Unframed: Practices and Politics of Women’s Contemporary Painting.
IB Tauris, pp139-162.
ISBN 1 86064 771 5
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Davies, Allan
Enhancing the design curriculum through pedagogic research.
Proceedings of 1st International conference. London: Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art & Design : Enhancing Curricula; exploring effective curriculum practices in design and communication in Higher Education.
CLTAD, University of the Arts London, London.
ISBN 0954143922
Carlyle, Angus
I See A Darkness.
Black Holes and Other Inconsistencies.
The Moth House Press, pp. 112-118.
ISBN 0954395700
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Love, Kate
Experience and the Expectancy of Speech.
Making a Scene: Performing Culture into Politics (Performativity and Peerformance in Contemporary Politics and Art Practice).
Art-dialogue-education series
ARTicle Press, University of Central England, Birmingham, UK, pp. 21-33.
ISBN 1873352972, 9781873352977
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Till, Jeremy
Thick Time.
Intersections: Architectural Histories and Critical Theories.
Routledge, London, pp. 156-183.
ISBN 978-0415231794
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Brassett, Jamie
Just Postmodernism.
Postmodern Studies
Rodopi, Amsterdam; Atlanta, GA, pp. 279-300.
ISBN 978-90-420-0233-3
Maloney, Peter
Pebes World.
The Cyberspace Lexicon: An illustrated Dictionary of Terms from Multimedia to Virtual Reality.
Phaidon Press, London UK, p. 31.
ISBN 0 7148 2826 2
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